Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-05 Thread David Gerard
On 05/03/2008, Greg Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I really didn't mean to shift the emphasis to SVG at all. I don't
  think anyone is going to try running a Gaussian blur of a
 dynamically generated mouse-driven turbulence displacement of a bitmap
 [via] JavaScript on a canvas image.

*cough* I think history demonstrates that people will try to do
anything they possibly can if the results promise to be cool enough
eventually. If something can be done at all with promising results on
the highest-end available PC, it would be safe enough to assume it
will be common a couple of years later.

Fortunately, Hixie is highly aware of the history of the benighted X11
Image extension - which to implement properly would have required the
equivalent of an embedded copy of ImageMagick :-)

- d.

Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-05 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Greg Houston wrote:

I would like to request that the canvas element get the same usemap
and ismap properties that the img element has.

One way this effect could be simulated is by overlaying a transparent 
img over the top of the canvas, and appling the imagemap to that 
instead.  Given that it's so trivial to work around it now, are there 
sites that are actually doing that, or anything else that would indicate 
some level of demand for this feature?  I'm not saying it's a bad idea, 
I'm just trying to find out how much incentive there is for browser 
vendors to implement a feature like this.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-05 Thread Greg Houston
Hi Lachlan,

I am currently implementing the method you describe here:

Generally, the use of a blank transparent gif seems to me to be the
indication of a hack required due to some inadequacy of HTML and/or
CSS, e.g. old school table shims which are still often found in HTML

Though you can use image files with canvas, part of the appeal of the
canvas tag is not having to, and thus not having to make http server
requests for images. After making a graphic with the canvas tag, it's
a bit disappointing to have to place a gif on top of it. It's sort of
like buying a new economy size car only to find out that in order to
go anywhere with it you have to tow it with a truck.

As far as demand goes, most developers are still unaware of the
existence of the canvas tag, and then a large portion of those that
have heard of it do not realize there is a semi-functional way to get
it to work with Internet Explorer via ExCanvas or Moocanvas (minus
several gradient features). A lot of developers like myself will not
implement something if it is not supported by at least Firefox, Opera,
Safari, and Internet Explorer. There hasn't been a truly cross-browser
supported HTML graphics yet. VML, SVG, and Canvas have partial
coverage over the various browsers, but once SVG and Canvas are
supported without plugins or javascript bridges I think you will see
their use increase greatly. General developers don't want to jump
through hoops with javascript bridges and they don't want to make
their end users jump through hoops with plugins.

As the use of the canvas tag increases people are going to want to
interact with it. In our Web 2.0 world, if you cannot interact with
your dynamic content there is a feeling that something is missing. We
like gadgets, widgets, little things with interactive features. We
want to unfold layers of information. Charts, graphs, and data
visualizations of all sorts are becoming increasingly common on the
web. The YUI javascript framework actually uses Flash to make graphs
with tooltips, but some of us would like to avoid the use of Flash as
much as possible.

Giving the canvas tag usemap and ismap properties gives the canvas
some small degree of interaction without requiring developers to jump
through quite so many hoops. Also, If a new developer starts reading
the documentation on the canvas tag and sees the usemap and ismap
properties listed it will help clarify somewhat the nature of the
canvas tag, that it is flat object, but that you can interact with its
parts using an overlay.

Here is one last personal example of the canvas tag with some basic
interactivity. I wanted to create a cross-browser method to create
rounded corners and drop shadows without images, again in order to not
have to load so many images. Usemap would have greatly simplified
giving functionality to my simple window controls.

On a side note, I was just glancing over the newly released, Internet
Explorer8 Readiness Toolkit, and it says: Internet Explorer 8 offers
Web developers the opportunity to write standards-compliant HTML-based
Web pages that support features (such as SVG, XUL, and MathML) in
namespaces, provided that the client has installed appropriate
handlers for those namespaces via binary behaviors. (A binary behavior
is a type of ActiveX control.)

I am not entirely sure what that means, but it looks like users will
still have to install something in order to view SVG with Internet
Explorer. There is no mention of canvas.



On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Lachlan Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greg Houston wrote:
   I would like to request that the canvas element get the same usemap
   and ismap properties that the img element has.

  One way this effect could be simulated is by overlaying a transparent
  img over the top of the canvas, and appling the imagemap to that
  instead.  Given that it's so trivial to work around it now, are there
  sites that are actually doing that, or anything else that would indicate
  some level of demand for this feature?  I'm not saying it's a bad idea,
  I'm just trying to find out how much incentive there is for browser
  vendors to implement a feature like this.

  Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-05 Thread Krzysztof Żelechowski

Dnia 05-03-2008, Śr o godzinie 09:39 -0600, Greg Houston pisze:

 On a side note, I was just glancing over the newly released, Internet
 Explorer8 Readiness Toolkit, and it says: Internet Explorer 8 offers
 Web developers the opportunity to write standards-compliant HTML-based
 Web pages that support features (such as SVG, XUL, and MathML) in
 namespaces, provided that the client has installed appropriate
 handlers for those namespaces via binary behaviors. (A binary behavior
 is a type of ActiveX control.)
 I am not entirely sure what that means, but it looks like users will
 still have to install something in order to view SVG with Internet
 Explorer. There is no mention of canvas.

FYI: It means you use a custom tag instead of OBJECT; 
the control to embed is determined by the tag name 
and the binary behaviour provides the associations.  
It is more convenient 
when you intend to use several embedded elements
or have the element data in-line.

The main objection is that such a document is nonconforming.  
There are two ways to embed foreign content in HTML: 
the SCRIPT element and a data URI.  
SCRIPT has its limitations (no decrement operator in JavaScript) 
and data URIs are cumbersome and unsupported by IE.

XHTML is somewhat more flexible 
but IE offers to save it to disk or displays it as a tree 
unless you cheat about the content type 
in which case you break everybody else.
(You have to explicitly forbid ASP to cheat if you do not want it to 
because ASP think and instruct the developer 
that XHTML is just like HTML, only better.) 

Looks like a dead end to me.

Keep smiling

Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-04 Thread ddailey

Greg, I remember seeing the quote here:

canvas is designed for creating images dynamically in scripts. SVG
focuses on pre-computed image documents, and is more complex and
slower to generate dynamically.

at some point in time and thinking to myself that it was basically 
inaccurate. I realize it is probably not you who wrote this delightful 
aphorism of guidance for the rest of us, so it is not with you that I would 
raise objection.

For me, SVG does not at all focus on pre-computed image documents, but 
rather it is because of its dynamic qualities that I use it.  It is more 
complex than canvas, that is for sure. I think in terms of speed, though, it 
all depends on what you are doing. Try running a Gaussian blur of a 
dynamically generated mouse-driven turbulence displacement of a bitmap 
through your own JavaScript on a canvas image -- then let's talk benchmarks. 
[references available upon request]

But certainly and absolutely I would have never shown SVG more than a 
passing glance if it had been focused on pre-computed image documents -- how 
boring! VML was perfectly interactive and canvas-like for most mundane 
purposes, it just didn't have bitblits. If MS had had the foresight to put 
bitblits in VML we'd all be using Silverlight now and Microsoft would buy 
Google. /kidding

I think the aphoristic quote may have propagated from the relatively 
confined arena of WHATWG to the more noticeable archives of the W3C (am not 
sure about this) but it might be nice for whoever runs the canvas boat to 
steer the comparison a little more precisely.


- Original Message - 
From: Greg Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

Wouldn't it make more sense just to use SVG?

Dynamic interactive charts and graphs seem to fall into the gray area
between what is more appropriate for canvas or SVG.

canvas is designed for creating images dynamically in scripts. SVG
focuses on pre-computed image documents, and is more complex and
slower to generate dynamically.

So canvas is tuned more for creating dynamic charts and graphs whereas
SVG is better apt for static sprites and interface elements with the
bonus that it can automatically detect interaction.

WHATWG SVG and Canvas Comparison:

My second idea of being able to add canvas shapes directly to the DOM
may be too much. Though since canvas renders onto a fixed-resolution
bitmap and is basically a flat image, giving the canvas element the
usemap and ismap properties doesn't seem like it would be a big issue.
Browser agents could probably use pretty much the exact same code for
both the img and canvas tag where image maps are concerned. The
benefit would be being able to add hot spots for links and tooltips to
canvas drawings. It seems silly that something as dynamic as the
canvas element would have less interactivity than the img element.


Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-04 Thread Greg Houston

I really didn't mean to shift the emphasis to SVG at all. I don't
think anyone is going to try running a Gaussian blur of a
dynamically generated mouse-driven turbulence displacement of a bitmap
[via] JavaScript on a canvas image.

All I am doing here is making simple pie charts, and I would like
those pie charts to have simple hot spots, nothing fancy. With hot
spots these simple canvas graphics then have very basic interactivity
such as links and tooltips without increasing the overhead of the
canvas element. Also, implementing this in the browsers should be
trivial since the usemap and ismap functionality already exists for
the img tag.

This is just about very basic functionality and is aimed to benefit
simple-minded web developers like myself who are not necessarily
trying to perform graphic rocket science.

canvas id=myChart width=200 height=200 usemap=#myMap/canvas


On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 9:47 PM, ddailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greg, I remember seeing the quote here:

  canvas is designed for creating images dynamically in scripts. SVG
   focuses on pre-computed image documents, and is more complex and
   slower to generate dynamically.

  at some point in time and thinking to myself that it was basically
  inaccurate. I realize it is probably not you who wrote this delightful
  aphorism of guidance for the rest of us, so it is not with you that I would
  raise objection.

   For me, SVG does not at all focus on pre-computed image documents, but
  rather it is because of its dynamic qualities that I use it.  It is more
  complex than canvas, that is for sure. I think in terms of speed, though, it
  all depends on what you are doing. Try running a Gaussian blur of a
  dynamically generated mouse-driven turbulence displacement of a bitmap
  through your own JavaScript on a canvas image -- then let's talk benchmarks.
  [references available upon request]

  But certainly and absolutely I would have never shown SVG more than a
  passing glance if it had been focused on pre-computed image documents -- how
  boring! VML was perfectly interactive and canvas-like for most mundane
  purposes, it just didn't have bitblits. If MS had had the foresight to put
  bitblits in VML we'd all be using Silverlight now and Microsoft would buy
  Google. /kidding

  I think the aphoristic quote may have propagated from the relatively
  confined arena of WHATWG to the more noticeable archives of the W3C (am not
  sure about this) but it might be nice for whoever runs the canvas boat to
  steer the comparison a little more precisely.


  - Original Message -
  From: Greg Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 11:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

   Wouldn't it make more sense just to use SVG?
   Dynamic interactive charts and graphs seem to fall into the gray area
   between what is more appropriate for canvas or SVG.
   canvas is designed for creating images dynamically in scripts. SVG
   focuses on pre-computed image documents, and is more complex and
   slower to generate dynamically.
   So canvas is tuned more for creating dynamic charts and graphs whereas
   SVG is better apt for static sprites and interface elements with the
   bonus that it can automatically detect interaction.
   WHATWG SVG and Canvas Comparison:
   My second idea of being able to add canvas shapes directly to the DOM
   may be too much. Though since canvas renders onto a fixed-resolution
   bitmap and is basically a flat image, giving the canvas element the
   usemap and ismap properties doesn't seem like it would be a big issue.
   Browser agents could probably use pretty much the exact same code for
   both the img and canvas tag where image maps are concerned. The
   benefit would be being able to add hot spots for links and tooltips to
   canvas drawings. It seems silly that something as dynamic as the
   canvas element would have less interactivity than the img element.

[whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-03 Thread Greg Houston
I would like to request that the canvas element get the same usemap
and ismap properties that the img element has.

It seems the canvas tag was designed primarily for fairly simple
dynamic data visualizations, but even so, having some basic, built-in,
intuitive methods for interacting with these graphics would be nice.
Beyond, the standard image map, it would also be nice if after closing
a path you could add the shape created to the dom and give it an ID,
though I a may be pushing it with this request. You don't necessarily
need to be able to directly modify the shape itself via the dom (that
might be difficult since I think the canvases are drawn flattened on
one layer), but merely be able to add event listeners to that shape
such as onclick and mouseover. Basically what I am proposing is not
much different than an image map, but one where this virtual canvas
image map can be created with canvas commands rather than having to
draw the shape a second time and add it to the image map separately.

... draw shape ...


... draw shape ...
... draw shape again as an image map area ...
... inject newly created area into map

So merely giving the canvas element the usemap and ismap properties
would be helpful, though better yet if canvas shapes/areas could be
added to the dom directly.

The following is an example of a canvas pie chart with a dynamically
generated image map overlayed on top of it. Since the canvas element
does not as of yet have a usemap property I had to use a blank
transparent gif for the overlay.

Also, again realizing I am pushing it, in the modern world it would
probably be nice if there was an image map shape type that supported
bezier curves. In the example above the circumference of each pie
slice is approximated with several vertices.



Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-03 Thread Robert O'Callahan
Wouldn't it make more sense just to use SVG?

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-03 Thread Greg Houston
 Wouldn't it make more sense just to use SVG?

Dynamic interactive charts and graphs seem to fall into the gray area
between what is more appropriate for canvas or SVG.

canvas is designed for creating images dynamically in scripts. SVG
focuses on pre-computed image documents, and is more complex and
slower to generate dynamically.

So canvas is tuned more for creating dynamic charts and graphs whereas
SVG is better apt for static sprites and interface elements with the
bonus that it can automatically detect interaction.

WHATWG SVG and Canvas Comparison:

My second idea of being able to add canvas shapes directly to the DOM
may be too much. Though since canvas renders onto a fixed-resolution
bitmap and is basically a flat image, giving the canvas element the
usemap and ismap properties doesn't seem like it would be a big issue.
Browser agents could probably use pretty much the exact same code for
both the img and canvas tag where image maps are concerned. The
benefit would be being able to add hot spots for links and tooltips to
canvas drawings. It seems silly that something as dynamic as the
canvas element would have less interactivity than the img element.


Re: [whatwg] Usemap and ismap for canvas tag

2008-03-03 Thread Charles McCathieNevile
On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 13:40:52 +0900, Greg Houston  

Wouldn't it make more sense just to use SVG?


So canvas is tuned more for creating dynamic charts and graphs whereas
SVG is better apt for static sprites and interface elements with the
bonus that it can automatically detect interaction.

WHATWG SVG and Canvas Comparison:

My second idea of being able to add canvas shapes directly to the DOM
may be too much. Though since canvas renders onto a fixed-resolution
bitmap and is basically a flat image, giving the canvas element the
usemap and ismap properties doesn't seem like it would be a big issue.

This seems to make sense to me.

Browser agents could probably use pretty much the exact same code for
both the img and canvas tag where image maps are concerned. The
benefit would be being able to add hot spots for links and tooltips to
canvas drawings. It seems silly that something as dynamic as the
canvas element would have less interactivity than the img element.

Right. On the other hand, loading it with a DOM would slow it down to the  
point that it loses its major benefit over SVG (at least as I see it) -  
the fact that it is relatively lightweight, ergo faster.



Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
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