[Wien] Studying the oxidation of metal chlorides by other metal oxides

2015-07-08 Thread GHOSH Suddhasattwa
Hello Wien2k users, 


If we take Li2O or CaO and react it with any rare earth chloride/actinide
chloride, say CeCl3/UCl3 at high temperature in argon in a chloride
environment (halide melt at 800 K), Li2O/CaO chemically reacts with UCl3 to
subsequently form UO2. This has been observed experimentally in molten salt
medium like halide melts at high temperature. 


I wish to do a DFT study for the reaction of Li2O with UCl3 to form UO2.
What will be the kinetics of oxidation of bulk UCl3 with small amounts of
Li2O. I would like to extend it to the interaction of O2 molecules with UCl3
and do a relative comparison. 


Can anybody suggest how to approach this problem in Wien2k.


Thank you 


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Wien mailing list

[Wien] Constructing supecells for mixed valencies metal ions

2015-04-07 Thread GHOSH Suddhasattwa
Hello Wien2k users, 


Consider a solid solution of KCl-CeCl3 system. KCl is fcc (Fm3m_225) whereas
CeCl3 is hexagonal (P63/m_176). In CeCl3, Ce occupies (1/3,2/3,1/4) and Cl
occupies (0.3866, 0.085,1/4). In KCl, K occupies (0,0,0) and Cl occupies


Now, we envisage a solid solution of KCl-CeCl3 with x(KCl)=0.75, how can we
make a supercell of this system for this composition. What should be the
starting point for generating such supercells, in general where the cations
have different valencies. 


I thought of the following 

1.  Generate a P lattice with the lattice parameters of either KCl or

2.  Put Cl at (1/2,1/2,1/2) and (0.3866,0.085,1/4)

3.  Put K at (0,0,0) and Ce at (1/3,2/3,1/4)

4.  Generate a 64-atom supercell 

5.  Change the composition based on requirements by either replacing K
by Ce and/or Ce by K. 

6.  Go ahead with Wien2k init_lapw,  min_lapw .


Is the procedure ok? 





Suddhasattwa Ghosh



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Wien mailing list

[Wien] Projected DOS for f5/2 and f7/2 states

2014-09-16 Thread GHOSH Suddhasattwa
Dear Wien2k users, 


I am trying to get DOS for the following structure (already optimized wrt
volume, c/a, b/a and atomic positions) 


P3 51 Pmma


  9.411209  5.762730 16.626706 90.00 90.00 90.00

ATOM  -1: X=0.7500 Y=0. Z=0.25252548

  MULT= 2  ISPLIT= 8

  -1: X=0.2500 Y=0. Z=0.74747452

Zr1NPT=  781  R0=0.1000 RMT=   2.5   Z:  40.0

LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000

 0.000 1.000 0.000

 0.000 0.000 1.000

ATOM  -2: X=0.2500 Y=0.5000 Z=0.07157794

  MULT= 2  ISPLIT= 8

  -2: X=0.7500 Y=0.5000 Z=0.92842206

U 1NPT=  781  R0=0.0500 RMT=   2.5   Z:  92.0

LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000

 0.000 1.000 0.000

 0.000 0.000 1.000

ATOM  -3: X=0.7502 Y=0.5000 Z=0.59371330

  MULT= 2  ISPLIT= 8

  -3: X=0.2498 Y=0.5000 Z=0.40628670

Zr2NPT=  781  R0=0.0500 RMT=   2.5   Z:  40.0

LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000

 0.000 1.000 0.000

 0.000 0.000 1.000


 1 0 0 0.

 0 1 0 0.

 0 0 1 0.


-1 0 0 0.5000

 0-1 0 0.

 0 0 1 0.


-1 0 0 0.

 0 1 0 0.

 0 0-1 0.


 1 0 0 0.5000

 0-1 0 0.

 0 0-1 0.


-1 0 0 0.

 0-1 0 0.

 0 0-1 0.


 1 0 0 0.5000

 0 1 0 0.

 0 0-1 0.


 1 0 0 0.

 0-1 0 0.

 0 0 1 0.


-1 0 0 0.5000

 0 1 0 0.

 0 0 1 0.



The system has been run with both non-spin-spin-orbit and spin-polarized
spin-orbit cases. 

It has been run with RK_max=8.00 k-points=2 with -cc 0.1 -ec
0.0001 convergence criteria

The DOS commands 


x lapw1 

x qtl 


x tetra 


works perfect.I get the DOS 


Spin-polarized case 

x lapw1 -up 

x lapw1 -dn 

x qtl -up 

x qtl -dn 


x tetra -up 

x tetra -dn 


works perfect..I get the DOS 


However, when I want to get the DOS for the projected f-states, I have my
case.inso file as 


4  0  0 llmax,ipr,kpot

-10  5.0Emin, Emax

0 0 1   h,k,l (direction of magnetization)

 3   number of atoms with RLO

1 -2.07 0.002 CONT atom-number, E-param for RLO

2 -1.27 0.002 CONT atom-number, E-param for RLO

3 -2.07 0.002 CONT atom-number, E-param for RLO

0 0  number of atoms without SO, atomnumbers


The case.in1 file is 



  8.00   104 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT

 .64996   5  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global

 0   .64996 0.000 CONT 1

 0   -3.72  0.001 STOP 1

 1   -2.07  0.002 CONT 1

 1   .64996 0.000 CONT 1

 2   .64996 0.005 CONT 1

 .64996   6  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global

 0   .64996 0.000 CONT 1

 0   -3.23  0.001 STOP 1

 1   -1.27  0.002 CONT 1

 1   .64996 0.000 CONT 1

 3   .64996 0.005 CONT 1

 2   .64996 0.005 CONT 1

 .64996   5  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global

 0   .64996 0.000 CONT 1

 0   -3.72  0.001 STOP 1

 1   -2.07  0.002 CONT 1

 1   .64996 0.000 CONT 1

 2   .64996 0.005 CONT 1

K-VECTORS FROM UNIT:4   -9.0   5.0   157   emin / de (emax=Ef+de) /



The case.inq file is 

-9.0   3.0   Emin  Emax

   3 number of atoms

   1  -2  0  0   iatom,qsplit,symmetrize,locrot

3   0  1  2  nL, l-values

   2  -2  0  0   iatom,qsplit,symmetrize,locrot

4   0  1  2  3   nL, l-values

   3  -2  0  0   iatom,qsplit,symmetrize,locrot

3   0  1  2  nL, l-values




Now, if QSPLIT is changed to 0 or -1, and assuming I copy case.cf_drel from
templates to case.cf1 and case.cf3 and case.cf_f_rel to case.cf2, please
suggest on the last line of the case.inq file for new axis z Should it be
same as the 3rd line of case.inso ? 


My second question is

As a test case, if I wish to get the projected DOS of 6d-U and 5f-U both,
how should the case.cf* file be changed for U.   






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Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] space group help

2013-11-11 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Please import the cif file in VESTA and see how many atoms you have in 1
primitive cell. You will get the answer..


There are three inequivalent atoms in your lattice, by the way...


From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Mamta Chauhan
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 12:56 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] space group help


Respected Dr. Ghosh

In my structure file I gave following parameters:

Title: TaN

Space group: 189_ P-62m

Lattice parameters: a=5.196, b=5.196, c=2.911

Angles: 90,90,120

Inequivalent Atoms:2

Atom 1: Ta , Z=73, RMT=1.95

Pos1: x= 0.0, y=0.0, z =0.0

Pos2: x=.33, y=.67, z=0.5

Atom 2: N, Z=7, RMT=1.73

Pos1: x=.3982, y=0.0, z-0.0

and save the structure.

But after  saving the structure, the position of atoms changed to

Atom 1: Ta

Pos1: x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0

Atom2: N

Pos1: x=0.3982, y=0.0, z=0.0

Pos2: x=0.6072, y=0.6092, z=0.0

Pos3: x=0.0, y=0.3982, z=0.0

Please suggest me what is wrong with my structure file. How many atoms
should I take.

With thanks and regards,



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Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] space group help

2013-11-10 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
The cif file is attached 



_chemical_formula_sum 'N Ta'

_symmetry_cell_setting hexagonal

_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P-62m'

_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 189

_cell_length_a 5.196

_cell_length_b 5.196

_cell_length_c 2.911

_cell_angle_alpha 90

_cell_angle_beta 90

_cell_angle_gamma 120

_cell_volume 68.1

_cell_formula_units_Z 3








Ta1 0 0 0 Ta 1.0

Ta2 0.3334 0.667 0.5 Ta 1.0

N 0.3928 0 0 N 1.0



Suddhasattwa Ghosh 



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Mamta Chauhan
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 11:45 AM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] space group help


Dear Users

I want to do calculations for the unit cell of two atom  for Space group
P-62m (No. 189). But I am not aware of the atomic positions for this space

The material of my calculation is TaN with two atoms Ta and N.

If anyone know the positions. Then please help me.

With thanks and regards,



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Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation

2013-05-29 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr. Blaha, Dr. Cottenier, 
In my cases with regard to heavy elements, my calculations invariably fails
at the SAME error (whatever ERROR started this thread of posts !!!) if I do
not use the -in1ef switch. (RMT=2.5 Rk_max=8.0, kpoints about 3000) 
The -in1ef switch VERY NICELY changes the linearization energies and I don't
get any warnings during the SCF. A typical in1c file (generated using
-in1ef) I paste below for a 32 atom P1 cell. 

  8.00   104 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT
 .12261   6  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 0   -3.23  0.001 STOP 1
 1   -1.27  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 3   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 2   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 .12261   6  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 0   -3.23  0.001 STOP 1
 1   -1.27  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 3   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 2   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 .12261   6  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 0   -3.09  0.001 STOP 1
 1   -1.16  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 3   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 2   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 .12261   6  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 0   -3.09  0.001 STOP 1
 1   -1.16  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 3   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 2   .12261 0.005 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   4  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -2.30  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   -1.08  0.002 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 .12261   3  0  (GLOBAL E-PARAMETER WITH n OTHER CHOICES, global
 0   -1.22  0.002 CONT 1
 0   .12261 0.000 CONT 1
 1   .12261 0.000 CONT 1

Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation

2013-05-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
use the command 

run(sp)_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.0001 -i 500 -in1ef -p for running the SCF.
After initializing case.inso, 


run(sp)_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.0001 -so -i 500 -p for SO 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peram
sreenivasa reddy
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:15 PM
To: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation


Dear users,
I got error like below while running SO calculation. Can i
know how to rectify it.

L2main - QTL-B Error

Thank you in advance...

Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation

2013-05-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Please attach your case.in1(c) and case.inso files 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peram
sreenivasa reddy
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:33 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation


Dear Ghosh and Stefaan,

Thank you very much for your replay. I completed SO for non magnetic case.
Now i want to run SO in magnetic case. This error came while running in
Magnetic case. 

Dear Ghosh sir, I tried your commands. Still same error is coming.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Stefaan Cottenier
stefaan.cotten...@ugent.be wrote:

See the FAQ: http://www.wien2k.at/reg_user/faq/qtlb.html


 I got error like below while running SO calculation.
Can i  know how to rectify it.

L2main - QTL-B Error


Wien mailing list

Research Scholar 

Indian Institute of Technology


Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation

2013-05-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
The default value 0.30 has to be changed. Use the -in1ef switch in




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peram
sreenivasa reddy
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:46 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation


Dear Ghosh,

These are my case.in1 and case.inso files


  9.00   104 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT
 00.30  0.000 CONT 1
 0   -3.72  0.001 STOP 1
 1   -2.07  0.002 CONT 1
 10.30  0.000 CONT 1
 20.30  0.005 CONT 1
 00.30  0.000 CONT 1
 0   -4.35  0.001 STOP 1
 1   -2.58  0.002 CONT 1
 10.30  0.000 CONT 1
 20.30  0.005 CONT 1
 10.30  0.000 CONT 1
 1   -4.80  0.001 STOP 1
 00.30  0.000 CONT 1
K-VECTORS FROM UNIT:4   -9.0   5.095   emin/emax/nband


4  0  0 llmax,ipr,kpot
-10  1.5Emin, Emax
0 0 1   h,k,l (direction of magnetization)
 3   number of atoms with RLO
1 -2.07 0.002 CONT atom-number, E-param for RLO
2 -2.58 0.002 CONT atom-number, E-param for RLO
3 -4.80 0.001 STOP atom-number, E-param for RLO
0  0 number of atoms without SO, atomnumbers

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA ssgh...@igcar.gov.in

Please attach your case.in1(c) and case.inso files 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peram
sreenivasa reddy
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:33 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problem in SO calculation


Dear Ghosh and Stefaan,

Thank you very much for your replay. I completed SO for non magnetic case.
Now i want to run SO in magnetic case. This error came while running in
Magnetic case. 

Dear Ghosh sir, I tried your commands. Still same error is coming.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Stefaan Cottenier
stefaan.cotten...@ugent.be wrote:

See the FAQ: http://www.wien2k.at/reg_user/faq/qtlb.html



 I got error like below while running SO calculation.
Can i  know how to rectify it.

L2main - QTL-B Error


Wien mailing list

Wien mailing list

Wien mailing list

[Wien] Spin-Orbit Initialization through w2web

2013-04-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 
This is not a querie actually but an observation. I usually initialize
initso_lapw through command line, but this time I did the initialization
(spin-orbit) for a P1 lattice with spin-polarized case through w2web just as
an exercise. I had already completed a successful run for a non-spin orbit
spin polarized case in the same directory. 
Now, during the initialization of initso_lapw 

The first button which asks to edit the *.inso file went well. 
The second button though which asks for setting higher emax in in1 file gave
File not found/read. 
The file in1 for a P1 cell with spin polarized case does not exist though,
it is actually *.in1c. 
Now, I wish to know if this could be changed/modified in w2web for
initializing such cases. I am not sure if it has already been changed in
12.1. I am using 11.1 version though. 
Though this might be a minor issue, I guess it may be useful to modify the
w2web for such cases (at least for beginners) 


Wien mailing list

[Wien] Different local magnetic moments in x- and y-directions

2013-04-18 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

In an AFM configuration, can we introduce different local magnetic moments
in x- and y-directions (z- being zero). As per, Phys. Rev. B 51, 2881-2890
(1995), the authors says, that the local magnetic moments for K2UX5 type of
compounds are U 2.32 mu_B and 2.27 mu_B which are within the error limits.
For the second U, the values of magnetic moments in x- and y- are -2.32 and
+2.27 respectively. Similarly, we have two more inequivalent U atoms. There
are 32 atoms per primitive cell, and 4 U inequivalent atoms. The magnetic
moment disappears because there is an AFM intrachain coupling. 

Now, how can we introduce this info in Wien2k and do a spin-polarized
calculation with an -orb switch. I wish to get the enthalpy of formation by
constraining the local magnetic moments to the exp. value. 





Wien mailing list

[Wien] Supercell calculations

2013-03-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
You have to copy the super.struct file to the *.struct file and run
init_lapw. The initialization will change the symmetry of your supercell
accordingly due to indium doping. 

Remember, you may also have to minimize the forces when you do supercell



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of AJAY SINGH
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 11:28 AM
To: wien zeus
Subject: [Wien] Supercell calculations


hello all,

can any one tell me how to use supercell calculations for bulk.

I tried it, for ZnS for which i have 2 atom in unit cell, made 2X1X1
supercell, the super.struct contains 16 atoms..How??not understanding

Moreover, I had to make changes in it..Let one Zn is replaced by Indium..The
calculation proceeds in a strange way..calculations give struct file in
between init_lapw.. which shows one atom number less than the atoms in the

1)Is that net considering Indium ?

2)If i had to change the name of the file to ZnSIn after doping one Indium


Please help..I am not been able to do calculations..moreover i dont get a
proper tutorial for this?

waiting for the response


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[Wien] Problem with wien2k 11

2012-06-29 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
You can see the OPTIONS file. It works very well for me. 


current:FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:FPOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/mkl/lib/em64t


current:R_LIBS:-lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread

re -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -openmp -lpthread

current:RP_LIBS:-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/em64t -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64

kl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -openmp -lpthread

glibs/fftw-2.1.5/lib -lfftw_mpi -lfftw $(R_LIBS)

current:MPIRUN:mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_

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[Wien] FW: Suggestions on min_lapw

2012-05-21 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Dear Dr. Marks, 

Thanks for the mail. This is what I am not able to accept this argument. The
default value of RMT=2.5 (for a d-block and an f-element) is chosen by
Wien2k itself. Even if I reduce to 2.00, it takes 2.50 only. Using RMT=2.50,
I have got a very smooth variation of energy-volume (from -10% to +10%) and
c/a vs energy (-10% to +10%). I cannot reduce the RMT as it has a problem in
x lstart. 

How can I reduce the RMT below 2.50? 


Can you please suggest Sir





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[Wien] Suggestions on min_lapw

2012-05-18 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I am trying to do a structure optimization of a supercell with 12 atoms with
RMT=2.50. The test.inM is 


PORT 2.00 0.35  # PORT/NEWT;  tolf, Initial Trust Radius

1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0   #Atom1 Generated by pairhess

1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0   #Atom2 Generated by pairhess

1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0   #Atom3 Generated by pairhess

1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0   #Atom4 Generated by pairhess

1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0   #Atom5 Generated by pairhess

1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0   #Atom6 Generated by pairhess


I use the command min -j 'run_lapw -I -i 60 -fc 1.0 -p'


When I do grep -e:ENE *mini 

[sghosh at hn1 test]$ grep :ENE *mini

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.38280985

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.41040108

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.41943015

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.42006970

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.42011457

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.42012436

:ENE  : ** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry =  -288687.42012600


[sghosh at hn1 test]$ grep -e:FGL001 *mini

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-2.100400279 8.650799860
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-3.539157150-2.589578575
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-2.975663287-7.408831644
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-2.989519694-7.864759847
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-2.789756501-7.632878250
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-2.884441945-7.466220972
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL001:   1.ATOM-2.867121437-7.465560718
0.0 to

tal forces

[sghosh at hn1 test]$ 


When I do grep -e:FGL 002 *mini, I get 

[sghosh at hn1 test]$ grep -e:FGL002 *mini

:FGL002:   2.ATOM 7.298862103 1.263431052
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-0.719378435-3.922689218
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-1.617735454-3.306867727
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-0.443405007-2.853702503
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-1.278253496-2.806126748
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-1.547298721-3.142649361
0.0 to

tal forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-1.563464529-3.132732264
0.0 to

tal forces

[sghosh at hn1 test]$


At the end, I get the following message 

   Summary of lapw2para:

   icn24 user=538.545wallclock=37914.4

   icn25 user=559.584wallclock=37303

3.805u 3.444s 1:29.85 8.0%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

   lcore   (21:51:57) 0.064u 0.028s 0:00.23 34.7%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

   mixer   (21:51:57) 0.189u 0.299s 0:00.52 90.3%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

:ENERGY convergence:  0 0 .0015

:CHARGE convergence:  0 0. .0002126

ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1



   mini(21:51:58) 0.037u 0.011s 0:00.05 80.0%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

 :WARNING: Step size reduced due to overlapping spheres -- check RMT


*  stop error

Can anybody suggest what the problem is and how it can be sorted out? 



Thanks and regards 




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[Wien] Fixed Spin Moment Calculations (Heavy Elements)

2012-05-03 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I was keen to know if somebody has experience in doing FSM calculations for
heavy elements (runsfm_lapw) 

Since it is mentioned in UG, -so interaction is not supported, how do we
carry out a total energy calculation (-so contribution around 1.2-1.5 Ry per
atom in heavy elements) for heavy elements at various volume changes for a
fixed spin moment. 


Thanks and regards 



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[Wien] Smooth variation of energy-volume curve in AFM configuration

2012-05-01 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

An 8-atom supercell is used in AFM configuration (case.inst changed
accordingly) for total energy with 12000 k-points. The following commands


Runsp_lapw -cc 0.001 -ec 0.1 -in1ef -i 400 -p 

Runsp_lapw -cc 0.001 -ec 0.1 -so -i 400 -p



were completed. The atomic volume very well matches with the experimentally
known value; the variation of energy vs volume is not very smooth. 

Can anybody suggest ways for making the energy-volume curve smooth. 






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[Wien] L2main - QTL-B Error with spin-orbit caluclation

2012-02-18 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Grep -e:WARN case.scf


Try to use the -in1ef switch before you use -so switch in your scf cycle 





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of sufyan
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 11:14 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] L2main - QTL-B Error with spin-orbit caluclation


Dears developers and users, 

I did my calculation for my case peroveskite with the RMT of the wien2k i
used the same steps like in the user guide :
   ( run[sp]_lapw  , save_lapw case_nrel , initso_lapw and then
run[sp]_lapw -so ) and it work very well.
when i want calculate for another RMT of (3d atom) , the calculation has
done very well up to (( run[sp]_lapw  , save_lapw case_nrel , initso_lapw )
but  I have this problem when i run runsp_lapw -so :

L2main - QTL-B Error

   stop error

Thank you for helps.
   sufyan Naji 

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[Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1

2012-02-17 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Since the space group is 166, have you converted the lattice parameters to
hexagonal setting

My limited experience with w2web is that it automatically sets the RMT. It
should be around 2.50 for Bi. 


If you do not want to use the graphical interface, you must have the cif
file and use the cif2struct command. 





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Madhav Ghimire
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 11:33 AM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script
and overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Jose,
 For the generation of structure file, Can I generate a case. struct
file without using the graphical interface. In wien2k userguide, it ask us
to use w2web to generate the structure file. I want to generate a structure
file without using w2web (graphical interface). 
In the meantime, as you mentioned in your last mail, I have checked the
RmtKmax ranging between 3 to 8. But then also I observe the error as:
Error in LAPW1
 'INILPW' - can't open unit: 18

 'INILPW' -filename: bise.vsp

 'INILPW' -  status: old  form: formatted

 'LAPW1' - INILPW aborted unsuccessfully.
Hope someone might have resolved this. If still there is any possibility,
please kindly inform. Thanks for your kind suggestion.
M. P. Ghimire

2012/2/17 Jose Alfredo Camargo Martinez sork8686 at yahoo.es

Us also appeared this error (CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere) in
earlier versions of the code (wien2k_09), was very rare, as its solution.
The solution: In the construction of  the case.struct  using  the graphical
environment (w2web) do NOT enter the atomic number (Z) corresponding, simply
enter only the atomic symbol. This removed the error in  lstart!!!

 For what  used old versions, if  you already have new version wien2k_11.

Now, the error in LAPW1, could be solved by adjusting the value of * RMT
Kmax, considering (RMT * Kmax) / (RMTmin) = approximately 3.5 ( check

(excuse my bad english)

Jos? A. Camargo Mart?nez
Estudiante Doctorado en Ciencias - F?sica


De: Madhav Ghimire ghimire.mpg at gmail.com

Para: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Enviado: Jueves 16 de febrero de 2012 22:54
Asunto: Re: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and
overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Jose,
   I have tried all those also. when you give that then you will observe
error in nn distances. Its not possible.

2012/2/17 Jose Alfredo Camargo Martinez sork8686 at yahoo.es

One solution would be to increase the radii of MT


Jos? A. Camargo Mart?nez
Estudiante Doctorado en Ciencias - F?sica


De: Madhav Ghimire ghimire.mpg at gmail.com
Para: wien Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Enviado: Jueves 16 de febrero de 2012 22:24
Asunto: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and
overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Peter Blaha and wien users,
 I am trying to run a very simple compound Bi2Se3 with the given lattice
parameters and atomic positions for space group R3m (166).
The atomic positions along (x, y, z) are as follows:
Bi = 0, 0. 0.40046
Se (1) = 0, 0, 0.2097
Se (2) = 0, 0, 0
With the above given parameters, I initiated the calculations, but when I
select l start =-6 or -9 or any value between -1 to -9.9 for energy to
separate core and valence states, it shows that core charge leaks out of the
spheres. Then the calculations stuck there itself. The error to this is as
listed below:
Commandline: x lstart 
Program input is: 13 -6.0  

  recommended: 13: GGA (Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof 96)
   11: GGA (Wu-Cohen 2006)
  SELECT ENERGY to separate core and valence states:
  recommended: -6.0 Ry (check how much core charge leaks out of MT-sphere)
 WARNING:  0.328380476966373   CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere 
 WARNING:   1.30946564796119   CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere 
 WARNING:   1.30946564796119   CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere 
0.537u 0.023s 0:00.59 93.2%0+0k 8+0io 0pf+0w

 When I perform for other compounds complexer than Bi2Se3, I resolve the
problem easily by changing its RMT value or lattice parameters or the energy
to separate core/valence states. Here I do not understand why this case
arises. This case occurs especially for wien2k 05 to 09 version. I did the
same calculation using wien2k 11 version, here I got through this problem by
selecting 1.0 as the alternative option given as ALTERNATIVELY: specify
charge localization (between 0.97 and 1.0) to select core state. Then once I
complete initialization part and give a run scf cycles, I observe error in
show dayfile as:

start   (Fri Feb 17 12:32:41 JST 

[Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1

2012-02-17 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
I guess this problem is with R0 which has been discussed before in the
mailing list. When you enter the atomic positions through w2web, do not
mention Z for the atom. Leave it blank. 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Madhav Ghimire
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 12:14 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script
and overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Ghosh,
 Yes, for the space group 166, I have the converted lattice parameters
to hexagonal setting. If you are giving Rmt value approx. between 1.4 to 3.0
for Be, then you observe an error in NN distances. So, for this, you must
allow for Set automatically Rmt and continue editing. This will take care of
your Rmt but the question is on initialization part and error in lapw1.
Please have a try on this sample (of course if you find time).
Now regarding the use of w2web, yes I want to use the shell script for
generating the case. struct file. Thanks for your information. But could I
know where the cif file use to be (or do we need to download separately). If
so, please guide. 
Thanks in advance
M. P. Ghimire 

2012/2/17 Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA ssghosh at igcar.gov.in

Since the space group is 166, have you converted the lattice parameters to
hexagonal setting

My limited experience with w2web is that it automatically sets the RMT. It
should be around 2.50 for Bi. 


If you do not want to use the graphical interface, you must have the cif
file and use the cif2struct command. 





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Madhav Ghimire
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 11:33 AM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script
and overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Jose,
 For the generation of structure file, Can I generate a case. struct
file without using the graphical interface. In wien2k userguide, it ask us
to use w2web to generate the structure file. I want to generate a structure
file without using w2web (graphical interface). 
In the meantime, as you mentioned in your last mail, I have checked the
RmtKmax ranging between 3 to 8. But then also I observe the error as:
Error in LAPW1
 'INILPW' - can't open unit: 18

 'INILPW' -filename: bise.vsp

 'INILPW' -  status: old  form: formatted

 'LAPW1' - INILPW aborted unsuccessfully.
Hope someone might have resolved this. If still there is any possibility,
please kindly inform. Thanks for your kind suggestion.
M. P. Ghimire

2012/2/17 Jose Alfredo Camargo Martinez sork8686 at yahoo.es

Us also appeared this error (CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere) in
earlier versions of the code (wien2k_09), was very rare, as its solution.
The solution: In the construction of  the case.struct  using  the graphical
environment (w2web) do NOT enter the atomic number (Z) corresponding, simply
enter only the atomic symbol. This removed the error in  lstart!!!

 For what  used old versions, if  you already have new version wien2k_11.

Now, the error in LAPW1, could be solved by adjusting the value of * RMT
Kmax, considering (RMT * Kmax) / (RMTmin) = approximately 3.5 ( check

(excuse my bad english)

Jos? A. Camargo Mart?nez
Estudiante Doctorado en Ciencias - F?sica


De: Madhav Ghimire ghimire.mpg at gmail.com

Para: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Enviado: Jueves 16 de febrero de 2012 22:54
Asunto: Re: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and
overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Jose,
   I have tried all those also. when you give that then you will observe
error in nn distances. Its not possible.

2012/2/17 Jose Alfredo Camargo Martinez sork8686 at yahoo.es

One solution would be to increase the radii of MT


Jos? A. Camargo Mart?nez
Estudiante Doctorado en Ciencias - F?sica


De: Madhav Ghimire ghimire.mpg at gmail.com
Para: wien Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Enviado: Jueves 16 de febrero de 2012 22:24
Asunto: [Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and
overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1


Dear Peter Blaha and wien users,
 I am trying to run a very simple compound Bi2Se3 with the given lattice
parameters and atomic positions for space group R3m (166).
The atomic positions along (x, y, z) are as follows:
Bi = 0, 0. 0.40046
Se (1) = 0, 0, 0.2097
Se (2) = 0, 0, 0
With the above given parameters, I initiated the calculations, but when I
select l start =-6 or -9 or any value between -1 to -9.9 for energy to
separate core and valence states, it shows that core charge leaks out of the
spheres. Then the calculations

[Wien] Problems in generating case.struct using shell script and overlapping of spheres with error in lapw1

2012-02-17 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Try this out 


_chemical_formula_sum 'Bi2 Se3'

_symmetry_cell_setting trigonal

_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R-3m'

_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 166

_cell_length_a 4.15

_cell_length_b 4.15

_cell_length_c 29

_cell_angle_alpha 90

_cell_angle_beta 90

_cell_angle_gamma 120

_cell_volume 432.54

_cell_formula_units_Z 3








Se1 0 0 0 Se 1.0

Bi 0 0 0.399 Bi 1.0

Se2 0 0 0.206 Se 1.0


Taken from AtomWork NIMS 


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[Wien] Full potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave calculations Article by Blaha et al.

2012-02-14 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I would appreciate if the Wien2k users could share the pdf version of Dr.
Blaha's article in Advances in Quantum Chemistry

Full potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave calculations for 5d
transition metals using the relativistic generalized gradient approximation

Can this paper be shared in this forum? 


Suddhasattwa Ghosh 





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[Wien] help required

2012-02-08 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Change the equivalent atoms to inequivalent by changing it as Cr1 and Cr2 in
the supercell struct file. Copy the supercell struct file into the struct
file. Then define the spins of atoms in instgen_lapw. 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of arqum hashmi
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:16 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] help required


Dear users
i am new user of wien2k.i want to calculate AFM calculation.i read already
about BCC Cr but that is very simple case. But i dn't know how to find the
proper symetry operation matrices for any case?

My structure is Rohmbohedral and when i made supercell now it is hexagonal
then now how can i give proper symmetry operation which converts spin up
into dn
Please guide me about this or tell me about any literature which explains
symmetry operation (rotation + translation vector) which transforms the
spin-up into the spin-dn atom.

i will be very thankful to you.
Best Regards
Arqum Hashmi


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[Wien] Error in det_lat_NSM(): the special conditions not satisfied

2012-01-31 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have been working on a monoclinic system. I tried to find equivalent
structures using the Bilbao Crystallographic Server. One of the structures
generated gives the following error when I do init_lapw from command line (
not from w2web) (latest version of Wien2k is being used). 


   sgroup  (19:25:19) Error in det_lat_NSM(): the special conditions
not sa


Try to change TOL parameter defined in type_sg.h,or it may be a bug in the

am :-(

Accuracy problem. Please run with different tolerance (x sgroup -settol


Error in det_lat_NSM(): the special conditions not satisfied.

Try to change TOL parameter defined in type_sg.h,or it may be a bug in the

am :-(

0.000u 0.001s 0:00.00 0.0%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

error: command   /home/appl/wien2k/sgroup -wi test.struct -wo

  -set-TOL=0.1   failed



Another structure gives error during x symmetry

   symmetry(19:28:51)  alpha(3) .lt. 89.8; reset to 90.1

ERROR: negative position in rstruc. Please report


Moreover, the unusual thing about this rstruc error is that it always comes
when I work with a monoclinic system with a composition AB2 type. 

I am not sure if the problem is related to the rstruc problem I discussed
before after which Dr. Blaha had posted a revised subroutine. 



Any suggestions please 





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[Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And RMT Sums Greater than NN-DIST

2011-12-05 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Do the following 
1. Import the cif into struct file by using cif2struct 

2. use w2web to enter the atomic positions (do not enter Z) 

Check R0 in the struct file after initialization. 

Moreover, see the UG for entering data for rhombohedral systems. 

Convert the R-3m:r to R-3m:h using Bilbao server (alternative settings
program) and use the atomic positions accordingly


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Qiwen YAO
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 3:55 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And RMT
Sums Greater than NN-DIST

Dear all,
I have been facing a few compounds that I am unable to do the initialization
(using w2web) for the calculation.

The problem is:
I was facing both core leak out of sphere, and  RMT Sums Greater than
NN-DIST at the same time.

A recent example: I am trying to do an calculation initialization on the
LuFe2O4  (R-3m group) crystal (cell parameters are from the Pearson's
Crystal Data sheet 382676, a=b=0.3435nm, c=2.525nm, Alpha=Beta=90 degree,
Theta=120 degree. Atomic positions:
O1: 0  0  0.1295 
Fe:  0  0  0.2141 
O2: 0  0  0.2914 
Lu:  0  0  0 

Using the WIEN default RMT values and the default ENERGY to separate core
and valence states (-6) , I was facing core electrons leak out of MT-sphere
message for all four atoms. So I go back to the x start step and change
the separation energy to the lowest possible value (-10 in this case) - if
going any lower than -10, I will be seeing the error message after running
x start, like these:

forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit -4, file stdin
error: command   /home/wen/WIEN2K11/wien2k11install/lstart lstart.def

So, the natural step I took next is to increase the RMT values for the atoms
correspondingly (according to each atom's core leak value). Then I am facing
an another problem:  If I am to increase the RMT values too large, then in
the x nn step I will be seeing errors like 

 RMT(  1)=0.53000 AND RMT(  1)=0.53000
 SUMS TO 1.06000 GT NNN-DIST= 0.84061

But if the RMT value is not increased enough then the core leaking message
will still be there.

So how would I solve such problems? I have been facing these for a few
compounds - for example, the other compound I tried was BiAlO3 which would
lead me to the same bottle-neck problem.

Is there an automatic approaching way that I can take to get rid of both
error message at the same time? For cases like these, if there is no
practical solution to the initialization would that means the unit cell
parameters were out of touch (reality)?

Thank you for reading. I have been searching the archive for a solution but
no luck.

Kind regards,


Dr QiWen YAO
JSPS Fellow
Multifunctional Materials Group
Optical and Electronic Materials Unit
Environment and Energy Materials Research Division

National Institute for Materials Science

1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan
Phone: +81-29-851-3354, ext. no. 6482, Fax: +81-29-859-2501


Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And RMT Sums Greater than NN-DIST

2011-12-05 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
As Dr. Blaha said, 
Since it is a rhombohedral system, you have to use the lattice parameters
for hexagonal setting and atomic positions in rhombohedral coordinates
Your cif file is in hexagonal setting (pl see it is R-3m:h) 
Convert it into R-3m:r using Bilbao server programs 


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Qiwen YAO
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 4:58 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And
RMT Sums Greater than NN-DIST

Dear Ghosh, Peter and Sharat ,

Thank for your responds, particularly Ghosh's detailed respond allows me to
go further.

Now, I put the lufe2o4.cif  file in the directory and deleted the old struct
file in the working directory, went to the StructGen in w2web, it indeed
sees a file lufe2o4.cif there, so I highlighted the cif file (by clicking on
the round circle next to the file name - the black dot stays there afterward
- means that the file has been selected. I then clicked on Use selected
CIF/TXT file - but nothing happened- except that the page was sort of
refreshed and the cif file has been dis-selected, so
 I repeated the operation again - by selected the file, and click on the
button Use selected CIF/TXT file - and the same thing happened - I was not
directed to a new (supposedly structural ) page. Does this mean that my
w2web isn't installed properly or, is there anything I didn't do correctly? 

Or is there something wrong with the cif file?

Thank you,

Here below is the cif file - in case you want to look at it:


# Fe-Lu-O  # LuFe2O4   # 1405830

#   Pearson's Crystal Data
#  Crystal Structure Database for Inorganic Compounds (on CD-ROM)
#  Release 2010/11
#  Editors: Pierre Villars and Karin Cenzual
#   Copyright (c) ASM International  Material Phases Data System (MPDS),
# Switzerland  National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, 2010
#  (Data generated pre-2002: Copyright (c) ASM International  MPDS  NIMS;
# post-2001: Copyright (c) ASM International  MPDS)
#   All rights reserved. Version 2010.06
#   This copy of Pearson's Crystal Data is licensed to:
#   Hiroko Nakajima, National Institute for Materials Science


_audit_creation_date 2011-12-05
Pearson's Crystal Data browser
#_database_code_PCD  1405830

# Entry summary

_chemical_formula_structural LuFe2O4
_chemical_name_mineral   ?
_chemical_formula_weight 350.7
_chemical_melting_point  ?

# Bibliographic data

_publ_section_title  'Structures of LuFeCoO4 and
_journal_coden_ASTM  ACSCEE
_journal_volume  46
_journal_page_first  1917
_journal_page_last   1918
'Isobe M.'
National Institute of Research in Inorganic Materials
Tsukuba / Ibaraki
'Kimizuka N.'
National Institute of Research in Inorganic Materials
Tsukuba / Ibaraki
'Ilda J.'
National Institute of Research in Inorganic Materials
Tsukuba / Ibaraki
'Takekawa S.'
National Institute of Research in Inorganic Materials
Tsukuba / Ibaraki

# Standardized crystallographic data

_cell_length_a   3.4406
_cell_length_b   3.4406
_cell_length_c   25.28
_cell_angle_beta 90
_cell_volume 259.2
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number  166
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M   'R-3m h'
 1 'x, y, z'
 2 '-x+y, -x, z'
 3 '-x+y, y, z'
 4 '-x, -x+y, -z'
 5 '-x, -y, -z'
 6 '-y, -x, z'
 7 '-y, x-y, z'
 8 'x, x-y, z'
 9 'x-y, -y, -z'
 10 'x-y, x, -z'
 11 'y, -x+y, -z'
 12 'y, x, -z'
 13 '0.7+x, 0.3+y, 0.3+z'
 14 '0.7-x+y, 0.3-x, 0.3+z'
 15 '0.7-x+y, 0.3+y, 0.3+z'

[Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And RMT Sums Greater than NN-DIST

2011-12-05 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Go to the SETSTRU program http://www.cryst.ehu.es/cryst/setstru.html

And choose 
Space Group 166
Non-standard setting 

Then choose 
R-3m:h as initial setting 
R-3m:r as final setting 

Enter the lattice parameters and the atomic positions

You are done !


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Qiwen YAO
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 5:50 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And
RMT Sums Greater than NN-DIST

OK thank you!
I now know what you and prof. Blaha said I about the coordinates
conversion... don't know how I didn't pick this up a few months earlier ...
oh well.

I was looking at the Bilbao server site (http://www.cryst.ehu.es/)  - trying
to figure out which/where to go for the coordinates conversion - but
couldn't figure it out. Would you mind to send me the steps in using this
web tool for converting this particular structure ? Thank you so much for
your time.

Maybe just send to my email so to save others' time - as this, I am sure
most users already know how to do this?

thank you again.

--Original Message--
From:Ghosh SUDDHASATTWAssghosh at igcar.gov.in
To:'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject:Re: [Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And RMT
Sums Greater than NN-DIST
Date:12/05/2011 05:29:13 PM(+0530)
As Dr. Blaha said, 
Since it is a rhombohedral system, you have to use the lattice parameters
for hexagonal setting and atomic positions in rhombohedral coordinates
Your cif file is in hexagonal setting (pl see it is R-3m:h) 
Convert it into R-3m:r using Bilbao server programs 


-Original Message-
From: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Qiwen YAO
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 4:58 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Initialization issue with core leak out of sphere And
RMT Sums Greater than NN-DIST

Dear Ghosh, Peter and Sharat ,

Thank for your responds, particularly Ghosh's detailed respond allows me to
go further.

Now, I put the lufe2o4.cif  file in the directory and deleted the old
file in the working directory, went to the StructGen in w2web, it indeed
sees a file lufe2o4.cif there, so I highlighted the cif file (by clicking
the round circle next to the file name - the black dot stays there
- means that the file has been selected. I then clicked on Use selected
CIF/TXT file - but nothing happened- except that the page was sort of
refreshed and the cif file has been dis-selected, so
 I repeated the operation again - by selected the file, and click on the
button Use selected CIF/TXT file - and the same thing happened - I was
directed to a new (supposedly structural ) page. Does this mean that my
w2web isn't installed properly or, is there anything I didn't do correctly?

Or is there something wrong with the cif file?

Thank you,

Here below is the cif file - in case you want to look at it:

# Fe-Lu-O  # LuFe2O4   #
#   Pearson's Crystal Data
#  Crystal Structure Database for Inorganic Compounds (on CD-ROM)
#  Release 2010/11
#  Editors: Pierre Villars and Karin Cenzual
#   Copyright (c) ASM International  Material Phases Data System (MPDS),
# Switzerland  National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan,
#  (Data generated pre-2002: Copyright (c) ASM International  MPDS  NIMS;
# post-2001: Copyright (c) ASM International  MPDS)
#   All rights reserved. Version 2010.06
#   This copy of Pearson's Crystal Data is licensed to:
#   Hiroko Nakajima, National Institute for Materials Science

_audit_creation_date 2011-12-05
Pearson's Crystal Data browser
#_database_code_PCD  1405830

# Entry summary

_chemical_formula_structural LuFe2O4
_chemical_name_mineral   ?
_chemical_formula_weight 350.7
_chemical_melting_point  ?

# Bibliographic data

_publ_section_title  'Structures of LuFeCoO4 and
_journal_coden_ASTM  ACSCEE

[Wien] Cana.t get the optimization graph

2011-12-02 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
See if you have gnuplot installed 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of bakhtiar ul
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 2:02 PM
To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] Cana.t get the optimization graph


 Here I am using fedora15 and just installed Wien2k 2011 version. I can
successfully generate the structure and initialize and optimize  it, but
after the optimiztion completed when i click on plot for volume optimization
graph, it doesn't  show the graph., where all the information about the
optimized volume, energy, bulk modulus and the pressure derivative of bulk
modulus are given.


With Best Regards

Bakhtiar Ul Haq
Ph.D Scholar:  
Department of Physics
University Technology Malaysia (UTM).
Cell # 0060107094270 


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[Wien] [SPAM?] Re: [SPAM?] how to set spin polarized calculation

2011-12-01 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Put Fe as Fe1 and Fe2 in the struct file. You can do the same using w2web.
It is easy. See the blank space (block) after the block where you write
Fe. Enter 1 and 2 there. Accept what x sgroup does. 


During lstart, give opposite spins to Fe1 and Fe2. 

Check case.inst after completing the initialization. 







From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of dingmingcui
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 7:09 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] [SPAM?] Re: [SPAM?] how to set spin polarized calculation



I am not sure how can I add a number in the label field.Do you mean in the
case.struct file or anywhere else? Can you tell me in detail?

Best regards.

Mingcui Ding


-- Original --

From:  Stefaan Cottenierstefaan.cotten...@ugent.be;

Date:  Thu, Dec 1, 2011 09:18 PM

To:  A Mailing list for WIEN2k userswien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at; 

Subject:  Re: [Wien] [SPAM?] how to set spin polarized calculation


 I want to set two equivalent Fe atoms in one unit cell with one spin-up
 the other spin-down.How can I do this? Should I first set the two
 equivalent Fe atoms to inequivalent ones?

Yes (by adding a number in the 'label' field).

 If so,the spacegroup of the
 system should be changed during the structure generation
 process,shouldn't it?

Yes (but sgroup will take care of that).

After this, specify opposite moments for both Fe atoms in lstart.

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

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[Wien] Regarding monoclinic space group (C2/m)

2011-11-30 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Use Bilbao server and the SETSTRU program to change your settings from C2/m
to B2/m. Export the cif file to Wien2k struct file. 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of yedu kondalu
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 11:07 AM
To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Cc: Ganapathy Vaitheeswaran
Subject: [Wien] Regarding monoclinic space group (C2/m)


Dear Wien2k users,
we are using wien2k_11 version, in which the monoclinic space
group 12 has only one space group i.e B2/m, but our crystal structure
belongs to C2/m (12) space group, which is not available in this version of
How to include the space group which we need ??   

Thank you very  in advance  


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[Wien] using wien2k for structures contain defects, voids, ...

2011-11-24 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Use supercells using 

x supercell 


Create defects, interstitials by replacing atoms by vacancies, other

Then initialize 

Do volume, c/a, b/a optimization 

Use the optimized lattice parameters to do min_lapw 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of ahmad
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 11:36 AM
To: Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] using wien2k for structures contain defects, voids, ...


Dear all wien2K Users,

I hope you are all happy.

My question backs to possibility of running Wien2k for structures contain
defects, voids or interstitial ions. 

Is it possible to make calculation for such structures?

As I do remember, at least in the old version of wien2k, it was not

Noteworthy, I have tried to find the answer among FAQ; but it was

I do appreciate for any detailed information.

Ahmad Gharleghi

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[Wien] change in default scf cycles

2011-11-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Use the -i option in run_lapw command 





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of AJAY SINGH
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 11:36 AM
To: wien zeus
Subject: [Wien] change in default scf cycles


Dear Blaha sir and users
Will anyone tell me to increase the number of scf cycles as my system does
not get converged in 40 scf steps (default)
a s verma

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[Wien] Phonon Package!!

2011-10-18 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Phonon package is available from Prof. Parlinski's website. You have to
contact him separately. It is a separate code altogether. 





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of ahmad
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:37 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] Phonon Package!!


Dear Professor Blaha,

Sorry for asking so many questions; believe me I could not understand it!

If you do not have Phonon Package separately, maybe you mean it is not
separate from Wien2k Package; is it true?

Else, what the following information may mean about phonon properties that
can be calculated using Wien2K?

Calculated properties

*http://www.wien2k.at/features/bandstructure.jpg Energy bands and
http://www.wien2k.at/features/img93.png density of states
*http://www.wien2k.at/features/img87.png electron densities and
spin densities, x-ray structure factors
*   Baders's atoms-in-molecule concept
*   total energy, forces,  http://www.wien2k.at/features/volume.jpg
equilibrium geometries, structure optimization, molecular dynamics
*   Phonons, with an interface to K.Parlinski's
http://wolf.ifj.edu.pl/phonon/ PHONON program
*   electric field gradients, isomer shifts, hyperfine fields
*   spin-polarization (ferro- or antiferromagnetic structures),
spin-orbit coupling
*   x-ray emission and absorption spectra, electron energy loss spectra
*   optical properties
*   fermi surfaces
*   LDA, GGA, meta-GGA, LDA+U, orbital polarization
*   centro- or non-centrosymmetric cells, all 230 spacegroups built in

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Peter Blaha pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at

About my third question about phonon package, as I have understood, there
are two methods to get it; we may purchase it from your center or offer it
from the other group who has
this code; is it true?


No, we do NOT distribute PHONON and you cannot obtain it through us.


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671 tel:%2B43-1-58801-15671  FAX:
+43-1-58801-15698 tel:%2B43-1-58801-15698 
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.atWWW:
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


-- next part --
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[Wien] Symmetry operation issue

2011-10-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
How will it have the symmetry operations when you have not run 

x sgroup

and then 

x symmetry 


After entering the structure in w2web, enter the %change in RMT, and then
run the initialization through w2web.






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Vargheese,
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 6:31 PM
To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Cc: Vargheese, Deenamma
Subject: [Wien] Symmetry operation issue




We have installed the Wine2k package recently and I am trying to run the
example on TiC given in the user guide. 

When I enter the space group provided in the example I get the following


Splitting of equivalent positions not available.
To split you must select a lattice type


I don't get this message if I provide the lattice type as F.  In both case
when I look at the structure file it does not contain any symmetry
operations.  Then I tried to create the structure file using cif2struct, I
have the same issue here too, it generates the structure file with no
symmetry operations.  


I would really appreciate any help or hint to solve this issue.









I did do a quick search on the archive, but could not locate anything
related to this. 






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[Wien] Elastic constants for Orthorhombic Case (128 atomSupercell)

2011-10-02 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Rostam, 

Thanks for the help. 

Shall I send you the structure file in your private email? 

Thanks for the support 







From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Rostam
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:31 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Elastic constants for Orthorhombic Case (128


Dear Ghosh,

My name is Rostam Golesorkhtabar. I am PhD student of Claudia
Ambrousch-Draxl, during my PhD we have developed a code, ElaStic, 

which is able calculate the elastic constants (ECs) for every space-group
number with exciting, WIEN2k, and Quantum espresso codes with energy and
stress method. As far as I know, stress calculation is not implemented yet
in WIEN2k code. But, we can still calculate ECs with energy method by
WIEN2k. At the moment, we are testing the ElaStic code to be sure everything
is working correctly. I mean

we need some months to release the ElaStic code. Nevertheless, if you give
me your structure I will help you to generate distorted structure and then
you calculate the energy of distorted structures and at the end, I will help
you again to analyse the energies for ECs calculations.


Best wishes



2011/10/1 Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA ssghosh at igcar.gov.in

Dear Wien2k users, 

I created a 128 atom supercell in wien2k subsequent to which the symmetry
reduced to Space Group 51. I would like to calculate the elastic constants
of this structure. Can anybody suggest the methodology in Wien2k? 


Any suggestions would be helpful





Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


-- next part --
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[Wien] Elastic constants for Orthorhombic Case (128 atom Supercell)

2011-10-01 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I created a 128 atom supercell in wien2k subsequent to which the symmetry
reduced to Space Group 51. I would like to calculate the elastic constants
of this structure. Can anybody suggest the methodology in Wien2k? 


Any suggestions would be helpful





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[Wien] phonon calculation

2011-09-27 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Yundi, 
If I understand your question correctly, then just by doing step 1, you
cannot get energy minimum but by doing the following 
1. Optimize lattice parameters
2. use optimized lattice parameters and then min_lapw 
3. Use optimized lattice parameters and optimized atomic positions and get
ENE (including -so or any other options) 

Only after step 3, can you say that you have energy minimum. 

-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Yundi Quan
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 9:25 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] phonon calculation

In the second step, what if the total energy changes with the internal
structure so that the so-called energy minimum found in step one is no
longer a energy minimum?


2011/9/26 Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA ssghosh at igcar.gov.in:
 Dear Yundi,
 What I follow is
 1. do volume or c/a, b/a relaxation depending on your structure
 2. Use the optimized lattice parameters to do min_lapw
 3. Use the optimized lattice parameters and atomic positions to define the
 supercell in Phonon software
 4. import the d45 file from phonon to wien2k
 5. run phonon.job in wien2k
 6. get the force file and export it to phonon
 7. get the phonon dispersion

 you can use -fc 1.0 in min_lapw as well as in phonon. you can then try -fc
 0.50 and then so on


 From: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 [mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Yundi Quan
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:41 PM
 To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
 Subject: [Wien] phonon calculation

 In order to get the correct input structure for phonon calculation, I need
 to first find the structure with minimal force. How much force is small
 enough? Is 1.0 mRy/bohr small enough? (I only want to calculate the phonon
 at gamma point to see whether the system is stable or not at gamma point)
 Should I first carry out internal structure minimization or crystal
 structure minimization?

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] phonon calculation

2011-09-26 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Yundi, 
What I follow is 
1. do volume or c/a, b/a relaxation depending on your structure
2. Use the optimized lattice parameters to do min_lapw 
3. Use the optimized lattice parameters and atomic positions to define the
supercell in Phonon software 
4. import the d45 file from phonon to wien2k
5. run phonon.job in wien2k
6. get the force file and export it to phonon 
7. get the phonon dispersion
you can use -fc 1.0 in min_lapw as well as in phonon. you can then try -fc
0.50 and then so on 


From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Yundi Quan
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:41 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: [Wien] phonon calculation

In order to get the correct input structure for phonon calculation, I need
to first find the structure with minimal force. How much force is small
enough? Is 1.0 mRy/bohr small enough? (I only want to calculate the phonon
at gamma point to see whether the system is stable or not at gamma point)
Should I first carry out internal structure minimization or crystal
structure minimization? 

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[Wien] ERROR: negative position in rstruc. Please report

2011-09-13 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have initialized the following structure with P1 symmetry through w2web


7.952767 7.952767 14.226180 116.561470 116.561470 53.132707


Fe 0.729167 0.395833 0.937500 

Fe 0.395833 0.729167 0.937500 

Fe 0.875000 0.875000 0.125000 

Co 0.604167 0.270833 0.062500 

Fe 0.270833 0.604167 0.062500 

Fe 0.75 0.75 0.25 

Fe 0.479167 0.145833 0.187500 

Fe 0.145833 0.479167 0.187500 

Fe 0.625000 0.625000 0.375000 

Fe 0.354167 0.020833 0.312500 

Co 0.020833 0.354167 0.312500 

Fe 0.50 0.50 0.50 

Fe 0.854167 0.520833 0.812500 

Co 0.520833 0.854167 0.812500

Fe 1.00 1.00 1.00 

Co 0.229167 0.895833 0.437500 

Co 0.895833 0.229167 0.437500 

Fe 0.375000 0.375000 0.625000 

Fe 0.104167 0.770833 0.562500 

Co 0.770833 0.104167 0.562500 

Fe 0.25 0.25 0.75 

Co 0.979167 0.645833 0.687500 

Co 0.645833 0.979167 0.687500 

Fe 0.125000 0.125000 0.875000 


However, during x symmetry, the following message comes 


Alpha(3) lt 89.8 rset to 90.1 

ERROR: negative position in rstruc. Please report 


Can anybody suggest how to resolve the issue 







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[Wien] ERROR: negative position in rstruc. Please report

2011-09-13 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 
Thanks for the mail. 
Do I have to make and compile SRC_symmetry again 


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:53 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] ERROR: negative position in rstruc. Please report

You can use the attached rstruct.f and put it into SRC_symmetry.

Am 13.09.2011 05:24, schrieb Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA:
 Dear Wien2k users,

 I have initialized the following structure with P1 symmetry through w2web

 7.952767 7.952767 14.226180 116.561470 116.561470 53.132707

 Fe 0.729167 0.395833 0.937500

 Fe 0.395833 0.729167 0.937500

 Fe 0.875000 0.875000 0.125000

 Co 0.604167 0.270833 0.062500

 Fe 0.270833 0.604167 0.062500

 Fe 0.75 0.75 0.25

 Fe 0.479167 0.145833 0.187500

 Fe 0.145833 0.479167 0.187500

 Fe 0.625000 0.625000 0.375000

 Fe 0.354167 0.020833 0.312500

 Co 0.020833 0.354167 0.312500

 Fe 0.50 0.50 0.50

 Fe 0.854167 0.520833 0.812500

 Co 0.520833 0.854167 0.812500

 Fe 1.00 1.00 1.00

 Co 0.229167 0.895833 0.437500

 Co 0.895833 0.229167 0.437500

 Fe 0.375000 0.375000 0.625000

 Fe 0.104167 0.770833 0.562500

 Co 0.770833 0.104167 0.562500

 Fe 0.25 0.25 0.75

 Co 0.979167 0.645833 0.687500

 Co 0.645833 0.979167 0.687500

 Fe 0.125000 0.125000 0.875000

 However, during x symmetry, the following message comes

 Alpha(3) lt 89.8 rset to 90.1

 ERROR: negative position in rstruc. Please report

 Can anybody suggest how to resolve the issue



 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671 FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.atWWW:

[Wien] ciftbx error: test.cif data_Wien2k_Data line : 22 (New Version of Wien2k)

2011-09-08 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

As suggested by Laurence Marks that the new version of Wien2k has a new way
to find out R0 for heavy elements, so the following commands are to be used
before the job is initialized. 

[sghosh at hn1 AB2_random] x struct2cif 

[sghosh at hn1 AB2_random] cif2struct AB2_random.cif


However, the first command works well, the second command gives the
following error


ciftbx error: AB2_random.cif data_Wien2k_Data line: 22

Illegal tag/value construction


The cif file generated is ok, but I am not sure why the error is coming. 

Any suggestions would be helpful 




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[Wien] Input of structure of random alloy in Wien2k

2011-09-08 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have generated a structure of a random alloy of Co-Fe of a fixed
composition. I want to input the structure of this alloy in Wien2k with the
same lattice vectors and the atomic positions given below 


Can in any way we can do it in Wien2k? 

It is suggested that VASP can do it but I want to make sure how it could be
possible in Wien2k.  


Lattice parameters 

4.53 0.00 0.00

0.00 4.53 0.00

0.00 0.00 4.53

-1.00 0.00 1.00 lattice vector

-1.00 1.00 -1.00 lattice vector

-1.00 -2.00 -1.00 lattice vector 


Atomic positions 


-1.50 0.50 -0.50 Co

-2.00 -1.00 -1.00 Fe

-1.50 -0.50 -0.50 Fe

-1.00 0.00 0.00 Co

-1.50 -1.50 -0.50 Co

-2.00 0.00 -1.00 Co

-2.50 -0.50 -0.50 Fe

-2.00 0.00 0.00 Co

-2.50 -1.50 -0.50 Co

-2.00 -1.00 0.00 Co

-1.50 -0.50 0.50 Co

-3.00 -1.00 -1.00 Co


Any suggestions would be very helpful.






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[Wien] Parallel Options

2011-09-07 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

We have compiled Wien2k_11.1 with the following parallel options 

setenv USE_REMOTE 1

setenv MPI_REMOTE 1


setenv WIEN_MPIRUN mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_


The k-point parallel start up script is given by 



# RJ: Startup for Wien2k-kpoint parallel conforming with Grid Engine

# parallel environment interface


# usage: start_kpoint.sh pe_hostfile




   cat $1 | while read line; do

  # echo $line

  host=`echo $line|cut -f1 -d |cut -f1 -d.`

  nslots=`echo $line|cut -f2 -d `

  # add here code to map regular hostnames into IB hostnames

  for ((i=0; i  $nslots; i=i+1)); do

  echo 1:i$host



   echo 'granularity:1'

   echo 'extrafine:1'



# useful to control parameters passed to us

echo $*





me=`basename $0`


# test number of args

if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then

   echo $me: got wrong number of arguments 2

   exit 1



# get arguments



# ensure pe_hostfile is readable

if [ ! -r $pe_hostfile ]; then

   echo $me: can't read $pe_hostfile 2

   exit 1


# create machine-file

# remove column with number of slots per queue

# mpi does not support them in this form



PeHostfile2Wien2kMachineFile $pe_hostfile  $machines

cat $machines


#scp $machines nx0:$pwdir/machines


The SGE job script is given by 



#$ -cwd

#$ -j y

#$ -S /bin/bash

#$ -V

#$ -pe kpoint 2-


# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE

# use kpoint PE


#echo Hostname: 



#echo No. of Slots

#echo $NSLOTS


# machines.wien2k-kpoint would be created by

# start_kpoint.sh PE script at $TMPDIR

echo Wien2k Machine file $TMPDIR/machines

mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`

echo $mf


cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines


# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run

runsp_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.1 -in1ef -i 200 -p

Now, we have 12 processors in 1 node. 

When we do 

Qsub -pe kpoint 12 kpoint.sh 

The script works 

But when we do 

Qsub -pe kpoint 16 kpoint.sh


It doesn't


Can anybody suggest what the problem is and if any changes in the job script
is required 


Thanks in advance 



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[Wien] phonon calculation

2011-09-02 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Use the following procedure 

1.  Optimize the lattice parameters (volume, c/a, b/a etc.) 
2.  Use x mini using the optimized lattice parameters to get the
optimized atomic positions 
3.  Use (i) and (ii) outputs in phonon initialization and use run_phonon





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Yundi Quan
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 5:19 AM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] phonon calculation


When doing structure minimization, I need to calculate a series of
structures. Is it fine to set different Muffin-Tin sphere for different
calculations. I believe it is fine because I am not comparing them with each
other. Is it?


On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Laurence Marks L-marks at northwestern.edu

Yes, much to large.

Read the FAQ on minimization, you are doing something wrong.

2011/9/1 Yundi Quan quanyundi at gmail.com:

 Thanks for you reply. My minimization stops with a message saying that the
 force is minimized and the force and energy are inconsistent. So I carried
 out another calculation by using the structure file that I got. However,
 force on one of the atoms is as large as 26. Is it too large to be used as
 equilibrium state?
 Thanks a lot.

 2011/8/31 ???  evgeniya at theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 I mean minimization of internal parameters (lattice coordinates) in your
 initial structure. This is a crucial point. You should not have forces on
 atoms, since it is a kind of reference state. The structure optimization
 (lattice parameters) itself is less crucial as long as you have the
 reasonable lattice parameters.

 Once you have a well relaxed structure, you can construct atomic
 displacements and calculate 'total forces' using force convergence
 (-fc) at fixed lattice constants.

 Total forces, which you need for phonon calculations, are the derivatives
 of total energies with respect to atomic displacements. Therefore, in
 to get more precise values of total forces one usually constructs big
 supercells. This means that a size of your supercell is also important.

 2011/8/31 Yundi Quan quanyundi at gmail.com

 By relaxing structure, do you mean internal structure or the crystal
 structure or both?


 2011/8/31 ???  evgeniya at theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Fisrt you have to relax your structure until you have no forces on all
 your atoms. Then you create the displacements and perform scf
 without minimization.

 2011/8/31 Yundi Quan quanyundi at gmail.com

 Hi, When doing phonon calculation, do I have to do structure
 minimization first?
 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Evgeniya Kabliman.
 Insitute of Materials Chemistry Vienna University of Technology
 Getreidemarkt 9/165-TC, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
 Tel: +43 1 58801 15674 tel:%2B43%201%2058801%2015674 Fax: +43
1 58801 15698 tel:%2B43%201%2058801%2015698 
 evgeniya at theochem.tuwien.ac.at  http://www.imc.tuwien.ac.at

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Evgeniya Kabliman.
 Insitute of Materials Chemistry Vienna University of Technology
 Getreidemarkt 9/165-TC, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
 Tel: +43 tel:%2B43%201%2058801%2015674  1 58801 15674Fax: +43 1
58801 15698 tel:%2B43%201%2058801%2015698 
 evgeniya at theochem.tuwien.ac.at  http://www.imc.tuwien.ac.at

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 tel:%28847%29%20491-3996  Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Web: www.numis.northwestern.edu
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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[Wien] WARNING: R0 for atom 1 Z= 92.00 too big Error

2011-07-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Users, 

I have not been able to trace the solution to our problem 

   lstart  (16:34:35)   SELECT XCPOT:

  recommended: 13: PBE-GGA (Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof 96)


   11: WC-GGA (Wu-Cohen 2006)

   19: PBEsol-GGA (Perdew etal. 2008)


  SELECT ENERGY to separate core and valence states:

  recommended: -6.0 Ry (check how much core charge leaks out of MT-sphere)

  ALTERNATIVELY: specify charge localization

  (between 0.97 and 1.0) to select core state



WARNING: R0 for atom1 Z= 92.00 too big



WARNING: R0 for atom   -2 Z= 40.00 too big



0.280u 0.060s 0:03.53 9.6%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

WARNING: R0 for atom1 Z= 92.00 too big

WARNING: R0 for atom   -2 Z= 40.00 too big


How can we remove the warning above 

My options file says 



current:FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:FPOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64 -pthread


current:R_LIBS:-lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64

el_thread -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -Wl,--end-group -openmp

current:RP_LIBS:-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64

-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64

nd-group -openmp -lpthread -L/opt/englibs/fftw-2.1.5/lib -lfftw_mpi -lfftw


current:MPIRUN:mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_



Can anybody suggest on this issue 





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[Wien] WARNING: R0 for atom 1 Z= 92.00 too big Error

2011-07-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Marks, 
It indeed works.
But I am amazed as to why a similar issue was raised some time back and the
solution was provided based on the optimization level (O1 and O2) and on the
compiler and linker options. 
Are these issues related? 
Thanks again. 


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Laurence Marks
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 7:00 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] WARNING: R0 for atom 1 Z= 92.00 too big Error

No, it is not compilation. The earlier versions did not check this
very carefully -- it was probably not fully known then that too large
an R0 for heavy atoms can lead to problems.

A slightly convoluted way to handle this is to do
x struct2cif
cif2struct *.cif

This first converts your case.struct to a cif file, then recreates the
struct with (I believe) correct R0 values. Note: you can probably do
this via w2web, at least the second part.

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
ssghosh at igcar.gov.in wrote:
 Dear Pascal,
 It indeed (I think so) is due to a compilation option. As the wien version
 (October 2010) was installed using different options but does not give the
 same error when I initialize the same structure.
 But I do not know where the problem is


 -Original Message-
 From: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 [mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of pascal
 Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:52 PM
 To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
 Subject: Re: [Wien] WARNING: R0 for atom 1 Z= 92.00 too big Error

 Dear Ghosh,

 I do not think that the warning is related to your compilation option.
 This issue is covered in the FAC of Wien2k website:

 Try first to decrease R0 in the CASE.struct file.

 Hope this help

 ? ?* Anglais - d?tect?
 ? ?* Anglais
 ? ?* Fran?ais

 ? ?* Anglais
 ? ?* Fran?ais

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
2220 N Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
Web: www.numis.northwestern.edu
Chair, Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCR
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Gyorgi
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] R0 for atom 1 Z=92.00 too big ....(New Version of Wien2k) Old Version works

2011-07-23 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, Prof. Marks, Prof Blaha and Prof. Gerhard 

I recently installed the new version of Wien2k (April 2011) in our cluster
and the following error came during lstart from w2web (though it has been
discussed before, I could not trace out the solution in the mailing
list..Sorry !!!) 

Warning R0 for atom 1 Z=92.00 too big 

Warning R0 for atom -2 Z=50.00 too big 


However, the version (October 2010) which I separately installed before does
not give the problem. 

May I kindly ask for suggestions to solve the problem. The OPTIONS file for
the old version (which did not give the problem) is as given 



current:FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:FPOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/mkl/ -lpthread


current:R_LIBS:-lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl_em64t -lguide -lvml -pthread

current:RP_LIBS:-lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_em64t

de -lvml -lmkl_scalapack -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lmkl_lapack64 -lpblas

st -ltools -lfblacs -lblacs -lmpi -L /opt/fftw-2.1.5/lib/ -lfftw_mpi -lfftw

current:MPIRUN:mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_


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[Wien] FW: R0 for atom 1 Z=92.00 too big ....(New Version of Wien2k)Old Version works

2011-07-23 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Users, 

Sorry I did not put the OPTIONS file for the new installation of WIEN2k
(April 2011 version) where I get the problem during x lstart 


current:FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:FPOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64 -pthread


current:R_LIBS:-lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_lp64

el_thread -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -Wl,--end-group -openmp

current:RP_LIBS:-L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64

-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64

nd-group -openmp -lpthread -L/opt/englibs/fftw-2.1.5/lib -lfftw_mpi -lfftw


current:MPIRUN:mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Ghosh
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 11:14 AM
To: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Subject: [Wien] R0 for atom 1 Z=92.00 too big (New Version of Wien2k)Old
Version works


Dear Wien2k users, Prof. Marks, Prof Blaha and Prof. Gerhard 

I recently installed the new version of Wien2k (April 2011) in our cluster
and the following error came during lstart from w2web (though it has been
discussed before, I could not trace out the solution in the mailing
list..Sorry !!!) 

Warning R0 for atom 1 Z=92.00 too big 

Warning R0 for atom -2 Z=50.00 too big 


However, the version (October 2010) which I separately installed before does
not give the problem. 

May I kindly ask for suggestions to solve the problem. The OPTIONS file for
the old version (which did not give the problem) is as given 



current:FOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:FPOPT:-FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback

current:LDFLAGS:$(FOPT) -L/opt/intel/mkl/ -lpthread


current:R_LIBS:-lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl_em64t -lguide -lvml -pthread

current:RP_LIBS:-lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_em64t

de -lvml -lmkl_scalapack -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lmkl_lapack64 -lpblas

st -ltools -lfblacs -lblacs -lmpi -L /opt/fftw-2.1.5/lib/ -lfftw_mpi -lfftw

current:MPIRUN:mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_


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[Wien] BFS Theory (Bozzolo-Ferrante-Smith) for Alloys and Wien2k

2011-07-22 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Users, 

May I kindly ask if anybody has ever tried implementing the Equivalent
Crystal Theory originating from Bozzolo-Ferrante-Smith theory of alloys for
enthalpy of calculations? I am wondering if this implementation is possible
in Wien2k? 

Obviously No, as BFS is semi-empirical. 

However, I kindly seek some suggestions on the Wien2k implementation





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[Wien] How do I set monoclinic angle beta to monoclinic angle gama

2011-06-27 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Please visit the Bilbao Crystallographic server and choose the Change
Settings program to change your lattice settings from C2/m symmetry to B2/m






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of bs bs
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 3:50 PM
To: Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] How do I set monoclinic angle beta to monoclinic angle gama



I work with wien2k_09

I work on beta Ga2O3.it is monoclinic and it's crystal data is


a=12.214 A

b=3.0371 A

c=5.7981 A


 x   y z

Ga   0.09050   0   0.7946

Ga   0.15866  0.5 0.31402

O 0.1645 0  0.1098

O0.1733  0  0.5632



Only settings with a monoclinic angle gamma (B-setting, or in WIEN-terms a
CXZ lattice) are allowed

BUT I dont how do I change monoclinic beta to monoclinic gama

must I replace only a,b,c or  a,b,c,and x,y,z?

must I change C2/M?

please guide me

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[Wien] mini error

2011-06-27 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I got the following error when using the command min -j 'run_lapw -I -i 200
-fc 1.0 -p'

'FUNC' -  stop_ifnc_gt_ipo   


The case.inM was 

NEW1 0.05 0.35  # PORT/NEWT;  tolf, Initial Trust Radius

0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0   #Atom1 Generated by pairhess

0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0   #Atom2 Generated by pairhess

0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0   #Atom3 Generated by pairhess


When I changed the case.inM file to 

NEW1 0.1 0.35  # PORT/NEWT;  tolf, Initial Trust Radius

0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0   #Atom1 Generated by pairhess

0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0   #Atom2 Generated by pairhess

0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0   #Atom3 Generated by pairhess


It works fine.


Can anybody suggest the meaning of the error. 








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[Wien] SuperCell Configuration_RHFS Error during lstart

2011-05-20 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I created a 2x2x2 supercell from a Pnma struct file with 6 inequivalent
atoms. The total number of atoms was 32 with U1, K, Cl1, Cl2, Cl3 and Cl4. 

A 48 atom supercell was created. 

After running through sgroup which converted the cell to monoclinic system,
during lstart the following error came

Invalid atomic configuration 


Specified Element U1, U1 U2RHFS 


Can anybody suggest what it means. 

I checked the RMT, Z and there wasn't any error during 

x nn




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2011-05-20 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof.Blaha and Wien2k users, 
The supercell for K2UCl5 is attached. During init_lapw and lstart 
The following error comes
Can you please suggest what I have to do for soling this problem
The idea is to have two inequivalent atoms of U (U1 and U2) so that I can
have different spins for U in case.inst 

Thanks and regards 
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2011-05-20 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Thanks Stefaan, 
The case.outputs says 
 Symmetry operation   1
So I shift all the atoms by the translation 0.25 0.25 0.25 

Thanks again 

-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Stefaan
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 12:29 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
K2UCl5_SC.outputs )

The mailing list should be your last resort to solve problems, not your 
first. In this case, you should do what the message suggests:


Because that answers your question:

 Can you please suggest what I have to do for soling this problem

So go to that file, read the relevant messages, and you will know by 
which translation you have to shift all atoms. (applying sgroup first 
might be a quick alternative).

And in case you really labelled your atoms as U1 and U2: consider U 1 
and U 2 (with spaces) instead. That might solve your earlier problem. 
(in case that were the problem: using w2web or consulting the UG would 
have solved it...)

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] AFM initialization

2011-05-19 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have a 32 atom cell with U, K and Cl (Space Group_Pnma). 

The Cl atoms are inequivalent (4 different Cl atoms as per the cif) 

I flipped the spin of 2 Cl atoms ( 2 up and 2 down) in the instgen input. I
kept the spin of U and K as up. 

The command was 

runafm_lapw -in1ef -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.0001 -i 200 -p 

It runs fine. 

Now, my question is 

The number of equivalent atoms for U is only 1. 

Howevr, Structgen generates 4 equivalent positions for U during the
initialization as per the space group. I paste below 

ATOM  -1: X=0.5064 Y=0.2500 Z=0.0780

  MULT= 4  ISPLIT= 8

  -1: X=0.4936 Y=0.7500 Z=0.9220

  -1: X=0.0064 Y=0.2500 Z=0.4220

  -1: X=0.9936 Y=0.7500 Z=0.5780

U 1NPT=  781  R0=0.0001 RMT=2.5000   Z: 92.0

LOCAL ROT MATRIX:0.000 1.000 0.000

 0.000 0.000 1.000

 1.000 0.000 0.000

I would like to change the spins of these 4 atoms (2 up and 2 down)

Is their any way I can do it? 


My other question is sine U is an heavy element, I would like to use -so. It
is mentioned in the UG it is not possible, still I want to check the -so
contribution in the total energy. 

Can we do it? 





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2011-05-19 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Have you converted your structure to B2/m symmetry? 



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Rostam
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 2:07 PM
To: Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


Dear all WIEN2k user

I have a problem during the initialization of very simple structure. this is
my structure:





  7.636043  6.156375  7.636043 90.00 90.0 138.091152

ATOM   1: X=0. Y=0. Z=0.

  MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 8

Al1NPT=  781  R0=0.0001 RMT=2.5000   Z: 13.0

LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000

 0.000 1.000 0.000

 0.000 0.000 1.000


 1 0 0 0.

 0 1 0 0.

 0 0 1 0.


-1 0 0 0.

 0-1 0 0.

 0 0 1 0.


-1 0 0 0.

 0-1 0 0.

 0 0-1 0.


 1 0 0 0.

 0 1 0 0.

 0 0-1 0.



If you execute  x symmetry you will see this message at the END of case.
outputs file:


And suggested struct file of symmetry program is corrupted as well.

Please let me know how can solve this problem


Thank you very much in advance


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[Wien] Total Energy Calculations involving Chlorides

2011-05-18 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Dear Wien2k users, 

I have posted this question last week. Unfortunately, I could not get any
suggestions. I ask this again. 

Which functional LDA or GGA is good for total energy calculations for
compounds like NaCl, CsCl. I would like to estimate the enthalpies of some
mixed salts like (Na,Cs)Cl. If we see the enthalpy equation for NaCl, we

Enthalpy_NaCl= ENE (NaCl)-1/2*ENE (Na)-1/4*ENE(Cl2)


How do we estimate the third term on the right? Which functional? 


I did the following calculation 

I placed a chlorine atom in P4/mmm cell at (0,0,0.0606) with a sufficiently
large lattice parameters and did the SCF with a single gamma point. 

I got ENE=-1845.995 Ry

I then placed a Cl atom in a Fm3m cell at (0,0,0) and did the calculation
for a single gamma point. I got ENE=-922.872 

The dissociation energy comes to be -330 kJ/mol which actually is -242.602


So , how do we estimate E(Cl2) for getting accurate enthalpies of NaCl. 

Any suggestions please 





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[Wien] Error in Parallel LAPW1 with Fe2O3

2011-05-16 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Have you used the -in1ef switch during the scf run? 

Please check the RMT



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Xiao Ting
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011 7:00 PM
To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Cc: pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] Error in Parallel LAPW1 with Fe2O3


I am using the 2008 version of Wien2k. It always have errors when i conduct
the scf calculation of Alpha-Fe2O3.
It always has the error like:

Error file:

**  Error in Parallel LAPW1

**  LAPW1 STOPPED at Sat Apr 9 14:23:20 CST 2011

**  check ERROR FILES!

 'SELECT' - no energy limits found for L= 1

 'SELECT' - E-bottom   -4.27000   E-top -200.0

 'SELECT' - no energy limits found for L= 1

 'SELECT' - E-bottom   -4.27000   E-top -200.0

 'SELECT' - no energy limits found for L= 1

 'SELECT' - E-bottom   -4.27000   E-top -200.0

Firstly, I change the RMT, 

Fe:1.88 a.u.  O: 1.67 a.u.

And then, it has the error as follows,

Error File:

**  Error in Parallel LAPW1

**  LAPW1 STOPPED at Sat Apr 9 14:31:42 CST 2011

**  check ERROR FILES!

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=1.67000 AND RMT( 2)=1.88000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 3.55000 GT NNN-DIST= 2.28744   

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=1.67000 AND RMT( 2)=1.88000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 3.55000 GT NNN-DIST= 2.28744   

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=1.67000 AND RMT( 2)=1.88000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 3.55000 GT NNN-DIST= 2.28744  

The following is the structural data and  input files. Please tell me how to
solve the problem?


Lattic spacegroup: R3c

Lattic parameter: a=5.03590175   b=5.03590175  c=13.721253

alpha=belta=90, gama=120


Atomic position Fe:  x=0.3  y=0 z=0.25   O:   x=0  y=0 z=0.355

RMT  Fe: 1.21 a.u. O:  1.07 a.u.


The input files is listed here:



  6.50   104 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT


 0   -1.55  0.010 CONT 1

 00.30  0.000 CONT 1

 10.30  0.000 CONT 1


 00.30  0.000 CONT 1

 0   -6.50  0.005 STOP 1

 10.30  0.000 CONT 1

 1   -3.97  0.005 STOP 1

 20.30  0.010 CONT 1

K-VECTORS FROM UNIT:4   -9.8   2.5   154   emin/emax/nband #red




  -9.8 264.0 0.50 0.05EMIN, NE, ESEPERMIN, ESEPER0


  0 0  1 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 1 -2 1  2 2 -2 2  3 0  3 1 -3 1  3 2 -3 2  3 3
-3 3  4 0  4 1 -4 1  4 2 -4 2  4 3 -4 3  4 4 -4 4  5 0  5 1 -5 1  5 2 -5 2
5 3 -5 3  5 4 -5 4  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 1 -6 1  6 2 -6 2  6 3 -6 3  6 4 -6 4  6
5 -6 5  6 6 -6 6

  0 0  1 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 1 -2 1  2 2 -2 2  3 0  3 1 -3 1  3 2 -3 2  3 3
-3 3  4 0  4 1 -4 1  4 2 -4 2  4 3 -4 3  4 4 -4 4  5 0  5 1 -5 1  5 2 -5 2
5 3 -5 3  5 4 -5 4  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 1 -6 1  6 2 -6 2  6 3 -6 3  6 4 -6 4  6
5 -6 5  6 6 -6 6

 15.00  GMAX

NOFILEFILE/NOFILE  write recprlist



MSEC1  0.0   YES  (BROYD/PRATT, extra charge (+1 for additional e), norm)

0.05mixing FACTOR for BROYD/PRATT scheme

1.00  1.00  PW and CLM-scaling factors

  8 idum, HISTORY

Ting Xiao

College of Physical Science and Technology
Huazhong Normal University
Wuhan, P. R. China

E-Mail: tingx at mails.ccnu.edu.cn
Phone:  +86 136-1860-7970

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[Wien] Enthalpy of formation of chlorides

2011-05-15 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Dear Wien2k users,


Has anybody done enthalpy of formation of double chlorides like Na2MgCl4?
Anybody can suggest if GGA is good enough for these chlorides? How EVGGA is
implemented in Wien2k? 


Any suggestions please ?




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[Wien] Enthalpy of formation of chlorides

2011-05-15 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Thanks Gerhard, 
I have calculated the total energy of a few chlorides. For example,
For the enthalpy of formation of Na2MgCl4 with respect to NaCl and MgCl2, I
did the total energy calculations for these compounds. All parameters like
RKmax and k-points were sufficient for self-consistency. 
Still it is not matching with the exp. data. Do I have to use LDA (Option 5)
or what else is the solution?

Thanks Gerhard once again 

-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:31 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Enthalpy of formation of chlorides

Note that the Engel-Vosko GGA is not designed for total energies but
optimized for exact exchange only,
so do not use it for optimization or any total energy related quantities.

the following EXC switches should be ralated to EV:
15   : Engel-Vosko 93 GGA exchange with Perdew-Wang 91 GGA
correlation term
25   : Engel-Vosko 93 GGA exchange with LSDA correlation term
26   : Engel-Vosko 93 GGA exchange potential \cite{EVo93} with
LSDA potential correlation
   term combined with
Perdew-Wang 91 GGA exchange energy with Perdew-Wang 91 GGA correlation term.


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
Gesendet: Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011 12:41
Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Betreff: [Wien] Enthalpy of formation of chlorides

Dear Wien2k users,

Has anybody done enthalpy of formation of double chlorides like Na2MgCl4?
Anybody can suggest if GGA is good enough for these chlorides? How EVGGA is
implemented in Wien2k?

Any suggestions please ?

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] Problem with Volumen Optimization

2011-05-06 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Have you completed the optimize.job? 


W2weboptimize---Plot (ene vs volume) to see the plot 

Alternatively, use 

Grep ?e:ENE case___0.0.scf for getting energy for each percentage change in
volume and use any plotter program 



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Jose Alfredo
Camargo Martinez
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:01 AM
To: Wien2K
Subject: [Wien] Problem with Volumen Optimization 



To calculate Volume Optimization, I follow the procedure set out in page
28 of the user guide, but I get no graphics.

I use Wien2k_11.

What is correct procedure?



Jos? A. Camargo

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[Wien] Enthalpy of formation of K2UCl5

2011-04-15 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I was working on K2UCl5 compound with space group 62. It has 32 atoms per
primitive cell and is orthorhombic. I used the initso option for U. The
enthalpy of formation is given by 

Enthalpy =ENE(K2UCl5)-(2/8)ENE(K)-(1/8)ENE(U)-(5/8)ENE(Cl)


Enthalpy =ENE(K2UCl5, with so)-(2/8)ENE(K)-(1/8)ENE(U,with

Since , the total energy of Cl2 cannot be directly implemented, I used the

Exp_Enthalpy of KCl=ENE(KCl)-(1/2)ENE(K)-(1/4)ENE(Cl2)

Since the Exp_enthalpy of KCl is known, ENE(Cl2) was extracted. 

Rk_max was chosen as 8.00 for all ENE calculations with 1248 k-points for
K2UCl5. A smooth variation of energy vs c/a was obtained. 

The enthalpy of formation was found to be -472.3 kJ/mol which essentially
should be around -1200 kJ/mol seeing the trend in isostructural compounds. 

Can anybody suggest as to what the problem is? 


Is their any problem with the approach? 




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[Wien] Suggestions on Size of SuperCell for phonon Calculations

2011-04-06 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr. Blaha, 
I did not understand the hint...


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:25 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on Size of SuperCell for phonon Calculations

When I see:  partial forces  .

 Now, when I do

 grep -e:FGL case_1.scf, I get the following

 :FGL054: 54.ATOM -0.14400 -34.52000 -0.24400 pa

 rtial forces


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671 FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.atWWW:

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] Suggestions on Size of SuperCell for phonon Calculations

2011-04-06 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Thanks for the mail. My command is run_lapw -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -in1ef -fc 0.1
in the phonon script


-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Vojtech Chlan
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 5:17 PM
To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on Size of SuperCell for phonon Calculations

Dear Suddhasattwa,

since you want to get *total* forces, you should include criterium for 
the force convergence in your run_lapw script, e.g., -fc 1.0
(Which changes the switch in the 1st line of in2 file to FOR.)
Otherwise you only get the partial forces.


Dne 6.4.2011 13:47, Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA napsal(a):
 Dear Dr. Blaha,
 I did not understand the hint...


 -Original Message-
 From: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 [mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
 Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:25 PM
 To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
 Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on Size of SuperCell for phonon

 When I see:  partial forces  .

 Now, when I do

 grep -e:FGL case_1.scf, I get the following

 :FGL054: 54.ATOM -0.14400 -34.52000 -0.24400 pa

 rtial forces

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] Size of Supercell, Interaction Range---Coordination Shell in Phonon

2011-03-10 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have been getting all negative dispersion curves for an orthorhombic
supercell (12 atom, 18 atom both, 24 atom) 

Now I have taken a 3x2x1 supercell (36 atoms) {since the z lattice parameter
is 8.2 A)

Although, this question is not directly related to Wien2k, I request all
users who are doing phonon calculations 


In phonon software, we carry out the following for the creation of the d45

1.  Define the lattice parameters (optimized before by Wien2k) (I am
using Pnma_51 space group)
2.  Define the number of displacive particles(non-equivalent atoms etc.)
3.  Define the coordinates of the displacive particles 
4.  Then we have 

a.  Interaction Range--- Coordination Shell 
b.  Interaction Range--- Supercell Size (Restore symmetry or not, +/-
displacements or not etc.)


Now in (a), the default is 1. How do we choose this number. Does the d45
file change if we change this number

With Pnma as space group and three in-equivalent atoms, what should I put
for a 3x2x1 supercell 


Thanks in advance 






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[Wien] Suggestions on PHONON Calculation 4

2011-02-10 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 

I am sorry I have posted this question before. 

I guess my querie may be inappropriate in the Wien2k mailing list. Still,
first I would request Prof. Blaha to kindly give me permission and help me
in sorting the issue in PHONON which actually is not a Wien2k problem. 

After I imported the case.dsy file ( forces convergence obtained with 0.005
mRy) in phonon software and incorporated the lattice parameters of the
supercell and the number of atoms, I applied the translational and
rotational  invariances, I get the Do Report in PHONON. 

I get the plot of force constants and I subsequently get the phonon
dispersion. I get some imaginary frequencies which I am not sure if it is
because of the wrong choice of supercell size (12 atoms) or the force
convergence (0.005 mRy/atom) 

Can you please help me in this regard? 

Can I send you the case.dsy for your perusal? 


Thank you 




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[Wien] Suggestions on PHONON Calculation 4

2011-02-10 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 

Thank you 

That is exactly what I got when I plotted the force constants (far distance
f.c. are still not converged)

Thanks for the hint. 

I have now taken an 18 atom as well as 24 atom supercell. 

Let us see what happens 





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 6:30 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on PHONON Calculation 4


If your supercell contains only 12 atoms ?? it is a very small supercell.

Thus only on very few q-points the phonons will be correct, while using such
a small
cell the phonons on other q-points can be completely wrong.

When you plot the force constants, you should see that the far distance f.c.
are still not
converged (small).

No, I don't want you dsy file.

When the sum of forces during analyse_phonon are small for every
displacement, there
is no problem with the WIEN2k calculations.

Please read the phonon manual. It is clearly said there, that you need a
sizable supercell!

Am 10.02.2011 13:13, schrieb Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA:
 Dear Dr.Blaha,

 I am sorry I have posted this question before.

 I guess my querie may be inappropriate in the Wien2k mailing list. Still,
first I would request Prof. Blaha to kindly give me permission and help me
in sorting the issue in PHONON
 which actually is not a Wien2k problem.

 After I imported the case.dsy file ( forces convergence obtained with
0.005 mRy) in phonon software and incorporated the lattice parameters of the
supercell and the number of
 atoms, I applied the translational and rotational invariances, I get the
Do Report in PHONON.

 I get the plot of force constants and I subsequently get the phonon
dispersion. I get some imaginary frequencies which I am not sure if it is
because of the wrong choice of
 supercell size (12 atoms) or the force convergence (0.005 mRy/atom)

 Can you please help me in this regard?

 Can I send you the case.dsy for your perusal?

 Thank you


 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671 FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.atWWW:
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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[Wien] Suggestions on PHONON Calculations 3

2011-02-02 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof. Blaha, 

I guess my querie may be inappropriate in the Wien2k mailing list. Still,
first I would request Prof. Blaha to kindly give me permission and help me
in sorting the issue in PHONON which actually is not a Wien2k problem. 

After I imported the case.dsy file ( forces convergence obtained with 0.01
mRy) in phonon software and incorporated the lattice parameters of the
supercell and the number of atoms, I applied the translational and
rotational  invariances, I get the Do Report in PHONON. 


Then I am asked to restore symmetry and fit the frequencies and I get the
following in PHONON


First mark yes at restore symmetry. 

I am not sure at this point and I also do not get the force constants
although there are no errors in the  Do Report. 

The supercell is Pmma_51 with 12 atoms with 3 different inequivalent atoms. 

Can I send you the case.dsy file for your perusal. 


Thanks and regards 

Suddhasattwa Ghosh 



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[Wien] Identification of Non-Equivalent Atoms in Hellmann-Feynman Force File

2011-01-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof. Blaha and Wien2k users, 

If the supercell in PHONON is generated with for example, Co and Nb with
Co1, Co2 and Nb1 and Nb2 and is imported in Wien2k for the phonon
calculations, the final H-F file actually does not show Co and Nb atoms but
C and N. It may be changed in the editor to Co and Nb any way, but if it is
kept as such, it gives the error 


Inconsistent names of atoms in H-F file 


The H-F file should show Co1, Co2 and Nb1 and Nb2.

Can you please tell me what changes in the script we have to make for the
generation of HF file in Wien2k? 


Thank you 



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[Wien] Identification of Non-Equivalent Atoms in Hellmann-Feynman Force File

2011-01-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof.Blaha, 

I beg your pardon. 


PHONON 4.30 does accept A1 and A2. I myself created a 2x1x1 supercell with
different non-equivalent atoms. But the analyse_phonon_lapw does not
generate the case.dat file showing A1 nor A2 but only A. 

I guess we only have to change the H-F file in the editor and import it in


Thank you and beg your pardon again






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:34 AM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Identification of Non-Equivalent Atoms in
Hellmann-Feynman Force File


The new version of PHONON supports names like Co1,... ; while previous
(and the wien2phonon-interface) supported only a single letter (A, B, C,...)

In the meantime just rename your atoms in PHONON to A,B,C again. The next
release of
WIEN2k will support the new feature of PHONON.

Am 28.01.2011 03:42, schrieb Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA:
 Dear Prof. Blaha and Wien2k users,

 If the supercell in PHONON is generated with for example, Co and Nb with
Co1, Co2 and Nb1 and Nb2 and is imported in Wien2k for the phonon
calculations, the final H-F file
 actually does not show Co and Nb atoms but C and N. It may be changed in
the editor to Co and Nb any way, but if it is kept as such, it gives the

 Inconsistent names of atoms in H-F file

 The H-F file should show Co1, Co2 and Nb1 and Nb2.

 Can you please tell me what changes in the script we have to make for the
generation of HF file in Wien2k?

 Thank you


 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

Peter Blaha
Inst. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-5880115671
Fax: +43-1-5880115698
email: pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3407 - Release Date: 01/27/11

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[Wien] Suggestions on Hellmann-Feynman File: Forces (2)

2011-01-25 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users and Prof. Blaha, 

I repeated the calculation using -fc 0.03 and got the following result



Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   1:0.11900.   -0.0080

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   2:   -0.10800.   -0.0090

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   3:   -0.00500.0300   -0.0050

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   4:   -0.0020   -0.0240   -0.0030

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   5:0.00200.0.0790

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   6:0.01400.   -0.0970

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   7:   -0.00500.0.0180

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   8:0.01200.   -0.0080

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   9:   -0.0010   -0.0140   -0.0080

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  10:   -0.0060   -0.0020   -0.0020

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  11:

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  12:0.00200.   -0.0210

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  13:   -0.11000.   -0.0050

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  14:0.10700.0.0050

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  15:0.0080   -0.02500.0030

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  16:0.0.02600.0050

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  17:0.00500.   -0.1250

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  18:   -0.00400.0.1110

Sum of forces of all displacements:0.51000.12100.5370


The case.dat file shows the following 


! Phonon-file by phonon2wien2k from AB2_PHONON.d45

! :RKM : MATRIX SIZE 872LOs: 184 RKM= 7.00 WEIGHT= 4.00 PGR:


   9.997193   0.00   0.00

   0.00   3.068478   0.00

   0.00   0.00   8.830979

 0.375  0.000  0.250  0.0030010   0.000

  1 A   0.875 0.000 0.250   0.73900.   -2.4070

  2 A   0.375 0.000 0.250  -8.38200.   -2.3540

  3 A   0.625 0.000 0.750   0.09800.2.6420

  4 A   0.125 0.000 0.750   0.11200.2.1900

  5 A   0.875 0.500 0.583   0.01900.   19.1500

  6 A   0.375 0.500 0.583   0.48700.   19.1400

  7 A   0.625 0.500 0.417   1.54500.  -18.1250

  8 A   0.125 0.500 0.417   1.41100.  -20.0530

  9 B   0.625 0.500 0.083   1.95500.  -32.9730

 10 B   0.125 0.500 0.083   1.78700.  -30.8230

 11 B   0.875 0.500 0.917   0.36700.   31.8020

 12 B   0.375 0.500 0.917  -0.01900.   31.8030



Please note that the z-component (last column) has a significant force. Can
anybody suggest on how to attack this issue? The supercell taken was 2x1x1

RMT=2.50 for all atoms was taken. 


Thanks and regards 



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[Wien] How to get WIEN2PHON code?

2011-01-25 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Please visit the website 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Kiseok Chang
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:09 AM
To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] How to get WIEN2PHON code?


Dear WIEN2K users,

I am trying to fine WIEN2PHON code, but I can not find that code in WIEN2K
website and PHON homepage.
The link for the WIEN2PHON code in those websites has a problem.
Could you please tell me how I can get WIEN2PHON code?



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[Wien] Suggestions on the Hellmann-Feynman Force File : analyse_phonon_lapw

2011-01-20 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have carried out the phonon calculations on AB2 system and after
analyse_phonon_lapw, I get the following 

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   1:0.11400.0.

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   2:   -0.10000.   -0.0160

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   3:0.00100.0390   -0.0030

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   4:0.0010   -0.0270   -0.0080

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   5:0.00600.0.0810

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   6:0.01200.   -0.1070

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   7:   -0.01200.0.0070

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   8:0.01400.   -0.0060

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case   9:0.0040   -0.01600.0050

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  10:0.0090   -0.0060   -0.0100

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  11:0.01000.0.0260

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  12:0.00600.   -0.0230

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  13:   -0.10000.0.0010

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  14:0.10500.0.0110

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  15:0.0060   -0.01800.0100

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  16:   -0.00100.0310   -0.0070

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  17:0.00200.   -0.1310

Sum of forces (should be zero) for case  18:   -0.00600.0.1320

Sum of forces of all displacements:0.50900.13700.5840

displacements   1  and   2  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom   3 0.093 0.000 2.645

3-0.094 0.000 2.193

 displacements   3  and   4  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 displacements   5  and   6  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom   2-0.012 0.000-9.745

2-0.014 0.000 5.051

 atom   3 0.231 0.000 3.018

3-0.195 0.000 1.870

 atom   4-0.206 0.000 3.023

4 0.224 0.000 1.867

 displacements   7  and   8  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom   3 1.531 0.000 3.489

3-1.356 0.000 1.401

 displacements   9  and  10  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 displacements  11  and  12  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom   3 1.005 0.000 3.046

3-0.942 0.000 1.807

 atom   4-0.974 0.000 3.041

4 0.964 0.000 1.799

 displacements  13  and  14  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom   1 1.719 0.000-3.421

1-1.894 0.000-1.350

 atom  12 0.719 0.00031.755

   12-0.516 0.00031.834

 displacements  15  and  16  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 displacements  17  and  18  can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom   4 0.018 0.000 4.296

4 0.013 0.000 0.301

 atom  10 0.000 0.000   -37.751

   10 0.000 0.000   -25.822

Sum of forces of all symm.displ:   0.0.0.




I need the suggestion on if the forces are ok 

( The command in run_phonon was run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -in1ef -p -fc


Or it requires still more accurate forces (with fc 0.01 or lesser) 





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[Wien] Suggestions on the Hellmann-Feynman Force File: analyse_phonon_lapw

2011-01-20 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha,

Thank you very much for the detailed reply. The number of k-points was 1188
in the IBZ with RKmax=7.00; number of atoms being 12 with RMT=2.50 

I plan for increasing the RKmax to 8.00 and also running the scf with fc
0.05 as you suggested with number of atoms to 18.  



Thank you 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:33 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on the Hellmann-Feynman Force File:


In principle the sum of forces should be exactly zero, in practice they
never are.
This can be: lack of scf convergence, or too small RKmax, or K-points, or
numerics (spheres,)

Your forces look reasonable, but:

Test your results:

a) Calculate phonons with these forces.
b) continue the scf (eg. -fc 0.05) and recalculate phonons. How much did
they differ ?
c) increase (of if already large, decrease) RKMAX and check how much phonons
d) increase/decrease k-mesh --- how do phonons change.

Am 20.01.2011 07:36, schrieb Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA:
 Dear Wien2k users,

 I have carried out the phonon calculations on AB2 system and after
analyse_phonon_lapw, I get the following

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 1: 0.1140 0. 0.

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 2: -0.1000 0. -0.0160

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 3: 0.0010 0.0390 -0.0030

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 4: 0.0010 -0.0270 -0.0080

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 5: 0.0060 0. 0.0810

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 6: 0.0120 0. -0.1070

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 7: -0.0120 0. 0.0070

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 8: 0.0140 0. -0.0060

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 9: 0.0040 -0.0160 0.0050

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 10: 0.0090 -0.0060 -0.0100

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 11: 0.0100 0. 0.0260

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 12: 0.0060 0. -0.0230

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 13: -0.1000 0. 0.0010

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 14: 0.1050 0. 0.0110

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 15: 0.0060 -0.0180 0.0100

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 16: -0.0010 0.0310 -0.0070

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 17: 0.0020 0. -0.1310

 Sum of forces (should be zero) for case 18: -0.0060 0. 0.1320

 Sum of forces of all displacements: 0.5090 0.1370 0.5840

 displacements 1 and 2 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom 3 0.093 0.000 2.645

 3 -0.094 0.000 2.193

 displacements 3 and 4 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 displacements 5 and 6 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom 2 -0.012 0.000 -9.745

 2 -0.014 0.000 5.051

 atom 3 0.231 0.000 3.018

 3 -0.195 0.000 1.870

 atom 4 -0.206 0.000 3.023

 4 0.224 0.000 1.867

 displacements 7 and 8 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom 3 1.531 0.000 3.489

 3 -1.356 0.000 1.401

 displacements 9 and 10 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 displacements 11 and 12 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom 3 1.005 0.000 3.046

 3 -0.942 0.000 1.807

 atom 4 -0.974 0.000 3.041

 4 0.964 0.000 1.799

 displacements 13 and 14 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom 1 1.719 0.000 -3.421

 1 -1.894 0.000 -1.350

 atom 12 0.719 0.000 31.755

 12 -0.516 0.000 31.834

 displacements 15 and 16 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 displacements 17 and 18 can be symmetrized

 The following forces differ by more than 20 %:

 atom 4 0.018 0.000 4.296

 4 0.013 0.000 0.301

 atom 10 0.000 0.000 -37.751

 10 0.000 0.000 -25.822

 Sum of forces of all symm.displ: 0. 0. 0.

 I need the suggestion on if the forces are ok 

 ( The command in run_phonon was run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -in1ef -p
-fc 0.1)

 Or it requires still more accurate forces (with fc 0.01 or lesser)



 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-15671 FAX: +43-1-58801-15698
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.atWWW:

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] PHONON calculation

2011-01-11 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Do not accept the new structure file. 

It is also mentioned in the UG that

...sgroup might change the unit cell and then the collection of forces into
the original supercell is not possible





From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of
puday at iitk.ac.in
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:19 PM
To: Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] PHONON calculation


Dear Prof Blaha and WIEN user,
I am doing PHONON calculation of AlNi as given example in the manual.I
am making the supercell 2x2x2(16 atoms) of this cubic symmetry using
phonon and I get a file *.d45 and this file I am using the input structure
file in WIEN2K.
Now I am running init_phonon_lapw
I am putting nn=2
and this warning is coming.

ATOM 16  Ni ATOM  8  Al
 RMT( 16)=2.28000 AND RMT(  8)=2.02000
 SUMS TO 4.3  LT.  NN-DIST= 4.70099
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: Mult not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
 WARNING: ityp not equal. PLEASE CHECK outputnn-file
0.021u 0.001s 0:01.22 1.6%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
- check in  case_1.outputnn  for overlapping spheres,
   coordination and nearest neighbor distances
- DO YOU WANT TO USE THE NEW case_1.struct_nn file (y/n)

If I accept this new structure file and new space group 99 (P 4 m m) then
the program is running but while calculating Hellmann-Feynman forces and
dispersion curve I am not getting same as given in the example. Forces and
Dispersion curve going into negative!!

One thing is written in the WIEN2K user manual I am putting that line here.

Please use mainly nn to reduce equivalent atoms. sgroup might change the
unitcell and than the collection of forces into the original supercell is
not possible (or quite difficult).

I don't understand these lines.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Dept.of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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[Wien] Problems in phonon calculations (4)

2011-01-10 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof. Blaha, 

Thank you very much for the detailed reply 

I had taken a 48 atom supercell with Pnma as space group in the phonon

I had used a about 1400 k-points in the IBZ with rkmax 7.00 

However, I had used rkmax of 8.00 when I optimized the lattice parameters. 


After it took more than 40 hours to complete lapw1, I used a 12 atom
supercell and completed case_1. I need some help here. I copy here the

   TOTAL FORCE IN mRy/a.u. = |F| Fx Fy Fz

 with/without FOR in case.in2

:FOR001:   1.ATOM  7.217 -7.180  0.732
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR002:   2.ATOM 11.249 -7.074 -8.746
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR003:   3.ATOM  7.417  7.416  0.109
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR004:   4.ATOM  6.958  6.957  0.120
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR005:   5.ATOM 14.967 14.967  0.080
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR006:   6.ATOM 14.973 14.959  0.654
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR007:   7.ATOM 14.113-14.028  1.543
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR008:   8.ATOM 15.810-15.749  1.386
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR009:   9.ATOM 83.030 82.549  8.927
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR010:  10.ATOM 95.213 94.803  8.826
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR011:  11.ATOM 88.802-88.782  1.906
0.000 pa

rtial forces

:FOR012:  12.ATOM 88.672-88.672 -0.236
0.000 pa

rtial forces


:FGL001:   1.ATOM 0.73200 0.0
-7.18000 pa

rtial forces

:FGL002:   2.ATOM-8.74600 0.0
-7.07400 pa

rtial forces

:FGL003:   3.ATOM 0.10900 0.0
7.41600 pa

rtial forces

:FGL004:   4.ATOM 0.12000 0.0
6.95700 pa

rtial forces

:FGL005:   5.ATOM 0.08000 0.0
14.96700 pa

rtial forces

:FGL006:   6.ATOM 0.65400 0.0
14.95900 pa

rtial forces

:FGL007:   7.ATOM 1.54300 0.0
-14.02800 pa

rtial forces

:FGL008:   8.ATOM 1.38600 0.0
-15.74900 pa

rtial forces

:FGL009:   9.ATOM 8.92700 0.0
82.54900 pa

rtial forces

:FGL010:  10.ATOM 8.82600 0.0
94.80300 pa

rtial forces

:FGL011:  11.ATOM 1.90600 0.0
-88.78200 pa

rtial forces

:FGL012:  12.ATOM-0.23600 0.0
-88.67200 pa

rtial forces


May I kindly request you to suggest on the forces. Is it ok or do I have to
change -fc 0.1 to -fc 0.01? 

Thank you 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 7:18 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problems in phonon calculations (3)


You need to understand what you are doing:

I guess you submit your job in a directory   AB2_phonon.

The job creates a .machines file in THIS directory (look at it with some
editor and verify that it looks as expected (with 24 lines)).

Now understand the run_phonon job file.

Inside the loop over all 18 cases it has a:

cd case_$i   and inside this directory it makes a run_lapw ...

So change into case_1 and examine the .machines file.

It will of course NOT show the 24 lines, but is some dummy-default .machines
file with just 2 lines.

so before the cd case_$i insert a line:

cp .machines case_$i

into the run_phonon job.

PS: If your job is still running, you can also do this manually on the
commandline (for all case_1 ... case_18)
and the proper .machines file will be used for all new iterations.

PPS: If I look into your cpu-time (more than 40 h !! for lapw1) I doubt that
you want to wait
until this job has finished (even on 24 cpus). How large is your supercell -
this determines how you can
reduce the k-mesh!

PPS: You should learn on small examples how to make meaningful calculations.
You must examine for
YOUR system (nobody can help you here) and your properties, what a good
RKMAX or k-mesh is.
In other words: caclculate phonons with a low RKMAX and few k-points, and
increase the parameters
until the frequencies did not change significantly anymore.

Am 08.01.2011 07:42, schrieb Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA:
 Dear Wien2k users, and Prof. Blaha,

 Can you please help me out in the following querie. As suggested earlier,
I had initialized my phonon calculations with 48 atoms per lattice.

 I created and initialized case_1

 My phonon job file is

 #!/bin/csh -f


 set file=AB2_phonon


 foreach i ( \

 1 \
 17 \

 18 \


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i

[Wien] Problems in phonon calculations (3)

2011-01-08 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, and Prof. Blaha, 

Can you please help me out in the following querie. As suggested earlier, I
had initialized my phonon calculations with 48 atoms per lattice. 

I created and initialized case_1 

My phonon job file is 

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=AB2_phonon


foreach i ( \

1  \

2  \

3  \

4  \

5  \

6  \

7  \

8  \

9  \

10  \

11  \

12  \

13  \

14  \

15  \

16  \

17  \

18  \


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

  run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -in1ef -p -fc 0.1


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm7.00_3000k

  cd ..



I submitted the job by qsub -pe kpoint 24 kpoint.sh

My machine file is 




























For the last three days, the queuing shows the job is running

Surprisingly, there is no running mode in w2web.

I checked the case_1 directory

case_1.dayfile shows (surprisingly)

Calculating case_1 in

on nx70.igcar.gov.in with PID 10356


start   (Thu Jan  6 19:11:06 IST 2011) with lapw0 (-in1ef/99 to go)


cycle 1 (Thu Jan  6 19:11:06 IST 2011)  (-in1ef/99 to go)


   lapw0 -p(19:11:06) starting parallel lapw0 at Thu Jan  6 19:11:06
IST 20


 .machine0 : processors

running lapw0 in single mode

177.410u 5.691s 3:11.36 95.6%   0+0k 0+0io 17pf+0w

   lapw1  -c -p(19:14:17) starting parallel lapw1 at Thu Jan  6

8 IST 2011

-  starting parallel LAPW1 jobs at Thu Jan  6 19:14:19 IST 2011

running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)

2 number_of_parallel_jobs

 localhost(672) 90833.210u 359.642s 1+01:28:03.65 99.46%  0+0k 0+0io


105493.144u 437.929s 1+13:49:58.03 77.78%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

120959.238u 433.725s 1+09:50:20.14 99.65%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

 localhost(672) 90579.555u 334.655s 1+01:22:25.95 99.53%  0+0k 0+0io


105170.999u 500.369s 1+13:44:24.32 77.78%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

120363.259u 426.543s 1+09:40:41.44 99.63%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

   Summary of lapw1para:

   localhost k=1344  user=181413 wallclock=170

73.491u 124.896s 33:50:25.33 0.1%   0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

   lapw2 -c  -p(05:04:43) running LAPW2 in parallel mode

[1] 4250

[2] 4292


That is 2 number of parallel jobs. I thought it should be 24


Can you please why is this happening?


Thank you 





Scientific Officer (D)

Pyrochemical Process Studies Section 

Fuel Chemistry Division 

Chemistry Group 

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research 






Phone: 91-44-27480500 (Ext:24283)

Fax: 91-44-27480065



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[Wien] Error while running run_phonon

2011-01-06 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 

Can you please suggest any thing to the following problem on running phonon
in Wien2k. With regard to my previous mail, I sorted out all the problems.
The received the following error initially 

forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 8, file


Image  PCRoutineLineSource


lapw0  005159B2  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00514944  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004CBE96  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00495FEF  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004958CC  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AFECE  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AD519  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00432661  MAIN__428  lapw0.F

lapw0  00403782  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6  00347EC1D8A4  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004036A9  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown


   stop error


Then I revisited my initialization. I had done the following 

Init_lapw with run_lapw- cc 0.0001 -ec 0.1 -in1ef -i 200 -p 

Then I had done initso_lapw with run_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.01 -so -i 200


Then I assume that my spin orbit initialization might have created this
problem. So I created a new directory and did the same initialization again
but only with init_lapw 


Run_lapw -cc 0.1 -ec 0.1 -in1ef -i 200 -p

I initialized phonon 

Now my phonon job file looks like 

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=AB3_PHONON


foreach i ( \

 1  \

 2  \

 3  \

 4  \

 5  \

 6  \

 7  \

 8  \

 9  \

 10 \

 11 \

 12 \

 13 \

 14 \

 15 \

 16 \

 17 \

 18 \


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

  run_lapw -I -i 200 -in1ef -cc 0.0001 -p -fc 0.1


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_lda_rkm_k

  cd ..



I checked the case_1.dayfile and it gives 

[sghosh at nx0 case_1]$ cat case_1.dayfile



Calculating case_1 in /group5/cg/sghosh/WIEN2k/lapw/phonon/AB3_PHONON/case_1

on nx65.igcar.gov.in with PID 22002no case_1.clmsum(_old) file found, which
is n

ecessary for lapw0 !


   stop error

[sghosh at nx0 case_1]$



Can you please suggest what the problem is? 

Thank you 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Ghosh
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 2:12 PM
To: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Subject: [Wien] Error while running run_phonon


Dear Dr.Blaha, 

I changed the run_phonon job file as per your suggestions which is shown

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=UZr2_phonon


foreach i ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 )

 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

run_lapw -I -i 40 -cc 0.0001 -fc 0.1 -p


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

  cd ..



However, this is the output which I got 

   stop error

Fallback to compatibility mode with old save_lapw

broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
files s

aved under case_17_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

running case_18

forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 8, file


Image  PCRoutineLineSource


lapw0  005159B2  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00514944  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004CBE96  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00495FEF  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004958CC  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AFECE  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AD519  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00432661  MAIN__428  lapw0.F

lapw0  00403782  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6  00347EC1D8A4  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004036A9  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown


   stop error

Fallback to compatibility mode with old save_lapw

broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
files s

aved under case_18_gga_rkm8.00_12000k



It possibly suggests a typo error (I am not sure, just

[Wien] Error while running run_phonon PROBLEM SOLVED

2011-01-06 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Dear Wien2k users, 

The problem which I had asked in the mailing list is solved!!

I have but a simple querie Dr. Blaha and users, 

The case_1 directory is generated and lists all the files 

But there is no case_1.in1 file 

Can anybody tell me why it does not generate the case_1.in1 ?

Sorry for this simple querie !!!


Thanks again 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Ghosh
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 8:29 AM
To: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Subject: Re: [Wien] Error while running run_phonon


Dear Dr.Blaha, 

Can you please suggest any thing to the following problem on running phonon
in Wien2k. With regard to my previous mail, I sorted out all the problems.
The received the following error initially 

forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 8, file


Image  PCRoutineLineSource


lapw0  005159B2  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00514944  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004CBE96  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00495FEF  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004958CC  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AFECE  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AD519  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00432661  MAIN__428  lapw0.F

lapw0  00403782  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6  00347EC1D8A4  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004036A9  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown


   stop error


Then I revisited my initialization. I had done the following 

Init_lapw with run_lapw- cc 0.0001 -ec 0.1 -in1ef -i 200 -p 

Then I had done initso_lapw with run_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.01 -so -i 200


Then I assume that my spin orbit initialization might have created this
problem. So I created a new directory and did the same initialization again
but only with init_lapw 


Run_lapw -cc 0.1 -ec 0.1 -in1ef -i 200 -p

I initialized phonon 

Now my phonon job file looks like 

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=AB3_PHONON


foreach i ( \

 1  \

 2  \

 3  \

 4  \

 5  \

 6  \

 7  \

 8  \

 9  \

 10 \

 11 \

 12 \

 13 \

 14 \

 15 \

 16 \

 17 \

 18 \


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

  run_lapw -I -i 200 -in1ef -cc 0.0001 -p -fc 0.1


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_lda_rkm_k

  cd ..



I checked the case_1.dayfile and it gives 

[sghosh at nx0 case_1]$ cat case_1.dayfile



Calculating case_1 in /group5/cg/sghosh/WIEN2k/lapw/phonon/AB3_PHONON/case_1

on nx65.igcar.gov.in with PID 22002no case_1.clmsum(_old) file found, which
is n

ecessary for lapw0 !


   stop error

[sghosh at nx0 case_1]$



Can you please suggest what the problem is? 

Thank you 




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[Wien] Changing RKmax 7.00 to 8.00 during phonon calculations

2011-01-06 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

Each case_XX directory creates case_XX.in1c which shows rkmax with default
of 7.00 


I had initially optimized the lattice parameters with case.in1 having 8.00
as rkmax 

So, I have a trivial querie

Do we have to manually change the rkmax from 7.00 to 8.00 in each



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[Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

2011-01-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Gerhard, 

I had to wait for my turn in the queuing job submission to check if the same
error comes 


My job file now looks like (as per your suggestion)

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=ABr2_phonon


foreach i ( \

   1   \

   2   \

   3   \

   4   \

   5   \

   6   \

   7   \

   8   \

   9   \

   10   \

   11   \

   12   \

   13   \

   14   \

   15   \

   16   \

   17   \

   18   \


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

  run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -fc 0.1 -p


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

  cd ..





Surprisingly, the same error comes 

I am pasting the script file which was generated 

Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines

1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107

nx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx63 1:ibnx63 1:ibnx63 1:ibnx20

ity:1 extrafine:1

Too many ('s.


This time as well, it is ( rather than /


Thanks wand waiting for your suggestions 




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 1:13 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script


The error message is just wrong it is Too many \'s and not Too many ('s.
The problem is in the run_phonon  job file
for some reason the template creates \\ instead of \

foreach i ( \\
   1   \\
   2   \\

foreach i ( \
   1   \
   2   \


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
Gesendet: Montag, 3. Januar 2011 08:29
Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Betreff: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

Dear Dr. Blaha,
I am running k point parallel in Wien2k using the following job script

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V

# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE
# Use kpoint PE

#hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`
#echo -
#echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :
#echo $hc
#echo -
#echo Hostname: 
#echo No. of Slots
#echo $NSLOTS

echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines
mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`
echo $mf

cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines

# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run

The script works very well (some 50-80 jobs have been completed) when I use
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V

# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE
# Use kpoint PE

#hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`
#echo -
#echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :
#echo $hc
#echo -
#echo Hostname: 
#echo No. of Slots
#echo $NSLOTS

echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines
mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`
echo $mf

cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines

# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run
Run_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.0001 -in1ef -p

The job is submitted by
qsub -pe kpoint 6 kpoint.sh
Where kpoint.sh is the job script file

When I replace wih run_phonon, the job is submitted but suddenly

I checked the script files and noted the following

Wien2k machine file TMPDIR/machines
1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 granularity:1
Too many ('s.

Can any body tell me what is the issue here?
There are no issues with the script file as I have been using this for quite
some time


Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3355 - Release Date: 01/02/11

-- next part --
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[Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

2011-01-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 

Thank you very much for the kind reply. 

However, I rewrote the phonon script again in the vi editor and it worked

So the problem is solved..


Another problem came..

This is the output I got ( I am pasting a part of it)




   stop error

Fallback to compatibility mode with old save_lapw

broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
files s

aved under case_16_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

running case_17

forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 8, file


Image  PCRoutineLineSource


lapw0  005159B2  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00514944  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004CBE96  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00495FEF  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004958CC  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AFECE  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AD519  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00432661  MAIN__428  lapw0.F

lapw0  00403782  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6  00362E01D8A4  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004036A9  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown


   stop error

Fallback to compatibility mode with old save_lapw

broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
files s

aved under case_17_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

running case_18

forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 8, file




Can you please tell me what the issue is?

I have optimized this case before a number of times before..i never came
across this problem.



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Peter Blaha
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:25 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script


You are listing a file named machines, it should be  .machines
And I don't think your .machines file is correct (except when the
missing linebreaks are only in the email; each 1:ibnxXX should be in an
extra line!

Change the foreach line to:

foreach ( 1 2 3 4 ..  18 )
 foreach i ( \

 1 \

 2 \

 3 \

 4 \

 5 \

 6 \

 7 \

 8 \

 9 \

 10 \

 11 \

 12 \

 13 \

 14 \

 15 \

 16 \

 17 \

 18 \


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


 # select other options if necessary

 run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -fc 0.1 -p


 # select other save-name if necessary

 save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

 cd ..


 Surprisingly, the same error comes

 I am pasting the script file which was generated

 Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines

 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107
1:ibnx107 1:ib

 nx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx107 1:ibnx63 1:ibnx63 1:ibnx63 1:ibnx20

 ity:1 extrafine:1

 Too many ('s.

 This time as well, it is ( rather than /

 Thanks wand waiting for your suggestions


 *From:*wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] *On Behalf Of *Gerhard
 *Sent:* Monday, January 03, 2011 1:13 PM
 *To:* A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
 *Subject:* Re: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

 The error message is just wrong it is Too many \'s and not Too many ('s.
 The problem is in the run_phonon job file
 for some reason the template creates \\ instead of \

 foreach i ( \\
 1 \\
 2 \\

 foreach i ( \
 1 \
 2 \


 Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
 Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
 Johannes Gutenberg - University
 55099 Mainz
 Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
 Gesendet: Montag, 3. Januar 2011 08:29
 Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
 Betreff: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

 Dear Dr. Blaha,
 I am running k point parallel in Wien2k using the following job script

 #$ -cwd
 #$ -j y
 #$ -S /bin/bash
 #$ -V

 # RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE
 # Use kpoint PE

 #hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`
 #echo -
 #echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :
 #echo $hc
 #echo -
 #echo Hostname: 
 #echo No. of Slots
 #echo $NSLOTS

 echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR

[Wien] Error while running run_phonon

2011-01-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 

I changed the run_phonon job file as per your suggestions which is shown

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=UZr2_phonon


foreach i ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 )

 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

run_lapw -I -i 40 -cc 0.0001 -fc 0.1 -p


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

  cd ..



However, this is the output which I got 

   stop error

Fallback to compatibility mode with old save_lapw

broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
files s

aved under case_17_gga_rkm8.00_12000k

running case_18

forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 8, file


Image  PCRoutineLineSource


lapw0  005159B2  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00514944  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004CBE96  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00495FEF  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004958CC  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AFECE  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004AD519  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  00432661  MAIN__428  lapw0.F

lapw0  00403782  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6  00347EC1D8A4  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

lapw0  004036A9  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown


   stop error

Fallback to compatibility mode with old save_lapw

broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
files s

aved under case_18_gga_rkm8.00_12000k



It possibly suggests a typo error (I am not sure, just guessing) 

Can you please help in this regard





Scientific Officer (D)

Pyrochemical Process Studies Section 

Fuel Chemistry Division 

Chemistry Group 

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research 






Phone: 91-44-27480500 (Ext:24283)

Fax: 91-44-27480065



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[Wien] Using the -in1ef switch for phonon calculations

2011-01-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha and Wien2k users, 

The case.in1 file for each structure generated in phonon calculations has a
default linearization energy of 0.30. Can we use the -in1ef switch to avoid
any warning messages 

So , can we put in the run_phonon script 

Run_lapw -I -i 200 -in1ef -cc 0.0001 -fc 0.1 -p 





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[Wien] Using the -in1ef switch for phonon calculations

2011-01-04 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Please see the website by Prof. Parlinski on the phonon software




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of
puday at iitk.ac.in
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:33 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Using the -in1ef switch for phonon calculations


Dear Suddhasattwa and WIEN2K users,
I have also started calculation using phonon with WIEN2K input files.Is
there any user guide manual for PHONON calculation?Because in the WIEN2K
manual the information about the phonon is very less.

Dept.of Physics
IIT Kanpur

 Dear Dr.Blaha and Wien2k users,

 The case.in1 file for each structure generated in phonon calculations has
 default linearization energy of 0.30. Can we use the -in1ef switch to
 any warning messages

 So , can we put in the run_phonon script

 Run_lapw -I -i 200 -in1ef -cc 0.0001 -fc 0.1 -p



 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3357 - Release Date: 01/03/11

-- next part --
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[Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

2011-01-03 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr. Blaha, 

I am running k point parallel in Wien2k using the following job script 




#$ -cwd

#$ -j y

#$ -S /bin/bash

#$ -V


# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE

# Use kpoint PE


#hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`

#echo -

#echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :

#echo $hc

#echo -

#echo Hostname: 


#echo No. of Slots

#echo $NSLOTS


echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines

mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`

echo $mf


cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines


# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run




The script works very well (some 50-80 jobs have been completed) when I use 



#$ -cwd

#$ -j y

#$ -S /bin/bash

#$ -V


# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE

# Use kpoint PE


#hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`

#echo -

#echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :

#echo $hc

#echo -

#echo Hostname: 


#echo No. of Slots

#echo $NSLOTS


echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines

mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`

echo $mf


cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines


# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run

Run_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.0001 -in1ef -p 



The job is submitted by 

qsub -pe kpoint 6 kpoint.sh 

Where kpoint.sh is the job script file 


When I replace wih run_phonon, the job is submitted but suddenly



I checked the script files and noted the following 


Wien2k machine file TMPDIR/machines

1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 granularity:1

Too many ('s.



Can any body tell me what is the issue here?

There are no issues with the script file as I have been using this for quite
some time 







-- next part --
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[Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

2011-01-03 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Gerhard, 

Thanks very much. 


Happy New Year to you 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 1:13 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script


The error message is just wrong it is Too many \'s and not Too many ('s.
The problem is in the run_phonon  job file
for some reason the template creates \\ instead of \

foreach i ( \\
   1   \\
   2   \\

foreach i ( \
   1   \
   2   \


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
Gesendet: Montag, 3. Januar 2011 08:29
Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Betreff: [Wien] Problem in run_phonon script

Dear Dr. Blaha,
I am running k point parallel in Wien2k using the following job script

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V

# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE
# Use kpoint PE

#hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`
#echo -
#echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :
#echo $hc
#echo -
#echo Hostname: 
#echo No. of Slots
#echo $NSLOTS

echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines
mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`
echo $mf

cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines

# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run

The script works very well (some 50-80 jobs have been completed) when I use
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V

# RJ: Script to run Wien2k-kpoint parallel job thru SGE
# Use kpoint PE

#hc=`cat $PE_HOSTFILE`
#echo -
#echo Contents of $PE_HOSTFILE :
#echo $hc
#echo -
#echo Hostname: 
#echo No. of Slots
#echo $NSLOTS

echo Wien2k Machine file TMPDIR/machines
mf=`cat $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint`
echo $mf

cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k-kpoint .machines

# RJ: command for kpoint parallel run
Run_lapw -cc 0.0001 -ec 0.0001 -in1ef -p

The job is submitted by
qsub -pe kpoint 6 kpoint.sh
Where kpoint.sh is the job script file

When I replace wih run_phonon, the job is submitted but suddenly

I checked the script files and noted the following

Wien2k machine file TMPDIR/machines
1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 1:ibnx79 granularity:1
Too many ('s.

Can any body tell me what is the issue here?
There are no issues with the script file as I have been using this for quite
some time


Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


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Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3355 - Release Date: 01/02/11

-- next part --
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[Wien] Convergence criteria for phonon calculations

2011-01-03 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

What is the usual convergence criteria accepted in phonon calculations?
Since I have optimized the lattice parameters with energy and charge
convergence (0.1 and 0.001 respectively), is the following ok 

Run phonon with 

Run_lapw -I -i 200 -cc 0.0001 -p 


Run the phonon job second time with 

Run_lapw -I -i 200 -fc 0.1 -p 


Is it acceptable 

I would like to know the suggestions from the experienced users of phonon


Since my calculations are for a 48 atom supercell, I want to be cautious





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[Wien] Modifications in phonon script

2011-01-01 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof. Blaha, 

My phonon script looks like 

#!/bin/csh -f


set file=AB2_phonon


foreach i ( \\

   1   \\

   2   \\

   3   \\

   4   \\

   5   \\

   6   \\

   7   \\

   8   \\

   9   \\

   10   \\

   11   \\

   12   \\

   13   \\

   14   \\

   15   \\

   16   \\

   17   \\

   18   \\


 cd case_$i

 echo running case_$i


# select other options if necessary

  run_lapw -I -i 40 -p -fc 0.1


# select other save-name if necessary

  save_lapw case_${i}_gga_rkm8.00_12000k


I have a querie on the run_lapw command 


As is mentioned in the UG, 

modify the script according to your needs..


My queries are 


1.  Can we include spin orbit coupling  run_lapw -I -i 200 -so -p -fc


2.  Can we modify like run_lapw -I -i 200 -so -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.001 -fc
0.1 -p 


Thank you 






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[Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

2010-12-30 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k users, 

I am trying to initialize a case for phonon calculations in Wien2k with
case.d45 file generated using Phonon software. I had created a 48 atom
supercell with 3 inequivalent atoms. The d45 file had 18 different
displacements, so it created 18 structure files 

I imported case.d45 file in the Wien2k/lapw directory. 

My command options were the following 


It generates 18 different structure files 

It shows 

nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT.

(Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).

 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit (about

I enter 2 

It automatically gives warning and changes the number of equivalent atoms.
The 48 atom supercell changes to 25 atom cell. I also check the
case.outputnn file which shows 25 atoms 

A copy is shown here 


 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  44  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  44  23

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  45  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  45  24

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  46  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  46  25

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  47  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  47  24

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  48  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  48  25

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one


Then it shows 

NN created a new CASE.STRUCT_NN FILE

0.049u 0.111s 0:13.87 1.0%  0+0k 0+0io 11pf+0w

cannot open display:

Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

select RMT radii for atoms with RMT different from 2.0:

Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key


Now I enter 

2.5 1-25 Enter

It still asks for more RMT values to atom numbers. I guess I am making a
mistake here. Can you please suggest what we have to enter here


Thanks again 


Suddhasattwa Ghosh 




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Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3343 - Release Date: 12/27/10

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Name: ATT00057.txt

[Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

2010-12-30 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Gerhard, 



Honestly, I have not picked up the hint you have given. It may be trivial
but I am just not getting it. 

It asks

Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key

I put 

2.50 1-25 Enter 


I use 1-25 as there are 25 atoms in the structure file now 

Then ..

It asks the same question.

I expected the phonon job script will be ready..

But I don't get any such info as it shows during the making of  the
optimize.job script. 

I know sir I am making a great deal of this, but I tried so many times...it
keeps on and on..







From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:53 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options


the program asks you to continue with enter (see below  exit with ENTER-key
so why don't you just do it ?


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010 14:21
Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Betreff: [Wien]  Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k users,
I am trying to initialize a case for phonon calculations in Wien2k with
case.d45 file generated using Phonon software. I had created a 48 atom
supercell with 3 inequivalent atoms. The d45 file had 18 different
displacements, so it created 18 structure files
I imported case.d45 file in the Wien2k/lapw directory.
My command options were the following
It generates 18 different structure files
It shows
nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT.
(Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).
 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit (about
I enter 2
It automatically gives warning and changes the number of equivalent atoms.
The 48 atom supercell changes to 25 atom cell. I also check the
case.outputnn file which shows 25 atoms
A copy is shown here
 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  44  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  44  23
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  45  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  45  24
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  46  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  46  25
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  47  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  47  24
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  48  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  48  25
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

Then it shows
NN created a new CASE.STRUCT_NN FILE
0.049u 0.111s 0:13.87 1.0%  0+0k 0+0io 11pf+0w
cannot open display:
Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.
select RMT radii for atoms with RMT different from 2.0:
Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key

Now I enter
2.5 1-25 Enter
It still asks for more RMT values to atom numbers. I guess I am making a
mistake here. Can you please suggest what we have to enter here

Thanks again

Suddhasattwa Ghosh

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.comhttp://www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3343 - Release Date: 12/27/10

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3347 - Release Date: 12/29/10

-- next part --
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[Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

2010-12-30 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Gerhard, 

I just now checked the script. It shows 

cp case_1.struct $file.struct
echo nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT. 
echo (Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).
x nn
$EDITOR $file.outputnn
echo select RMT radii for atoms with RMT different from 2.0: 
set a
echo 'Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with
ENTER-key only) ' 
set a=($)
if ($#a == 0) goto endloop
#if ($#a != 2) goto loop 
if ($#a  2) goto loop 
#if ($a[1]  1) goto loop
#if ($a[1]  $nat) goto loop
#set rmt2[$a[1]]=$a[2]
# expand  input like atoms 1-4, must be at position 2
set j=2
  set test1=`echo $a[$j] | cut -d- -f 1`
  if( $test1 == $a[$j] ) goto l1
  set test2=`echo $a[$j] | cut -d- -f 2`
#@ nat1 = $test2 - $test1 
#@ nat1 ++

I honestly do not get the lines 

set a=($)
if ($#a == 0) goto endloop
#if ($#a != 2) goto loop 
if ($#a  2) goto loop 
#if ($a[1]  1) goto loop
#if ($a[1]  $nat) goto loop
#set rmt2[$a[1]]=$a[2]
# expand  input like atoms 1-4, must be at position 2


Can anybody help me in this regard




From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Ghosh
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:18 PM
To: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options


Dear Gerhard, 



Honestly, I have not picked up the hint you have given. It may be trivial
but I am just not getting it. 

It asks

Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key

I put 

2.50 1-25 Enter 


I use 1-25 as there are 25 atoms in the structure file now 

Then ..

It asks the same question.

I expected the phonon job script will be ready..

But I don't get any such info as it shows during the making of  the
optimize.job script. 

I know sir I am making a great deal of this, but I tried so many times...it
keeps on and on..







From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:53 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options


the program asks you to continue with enter (see below  exit with ENTER-key
so why don't you just do it ?


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010 14:21
Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Betreff: [Wien]  Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k users,
I am trying to initialize a case for phonon calculations in Wien2k with
case.d45 file generated using Phonon software. I had created a 48 atom
supercell with 3 inequivalent atoms. The d45 file had 18 different
displacements, so it created 18 structure files
I imported case.d45 file in the Wien2k/lapw directory.
My command options were the following
It generates 18 different structure files
It shows
nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT.
(Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).
 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit (about
I enter 2
It automatically gives warning and changes the number of equivalent atoms.
The 48 atom supercell changes to 25 atom cell. I also check the
case.outputnn file which shows 25 atoms
A copy is shown here
 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  44  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  44  23
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  45  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  45  24
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  46  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  46  25
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  47  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  47  24
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

[Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

2010-12-30 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Gerhard, 

Thank you very much. 

I got your hint. I am so happy I was struggling with this for days. 

We have to enter like 

2.5 1-25 Enter

And we have to exit by only 



That's so simple 






From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:53 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options


the program asks you to continue with enter (see below  exit with ENTER-key
so why don't you just do it ?


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Ghosh
SUDDHASATTWA [ssghosh at igcar.gov.in]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010 14:21
Bis: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Betreff: [Wien]  Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k users,
I am trying to initialize a case for phonon calculations in Wien2k with
case.d45 file generated using Phonon software. I had created a 48 atom
supercell with 3 inequivalent atoms. The d45 file had 18 different
displacements, so it created 18 structure files
I imported case.d45 file in the Wien2k/lapw directory.
My command options were the following
It generates 18 different structure files
It shows
nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT.
(Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).
 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit (about
I enter 2
It automatically gives warning and changes the number of equivalent atoms.
The 48 atom supercell changes to 25 atom cell. I also check the
case.outputnn file which shows 25 atoms
A copy is shown here
 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  44  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  44  23
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  45  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  45  24
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  46  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  46  25
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  47  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  47  24
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one
 ATOM INDEX:  48  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  48  25
 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one

Then it shows
NN created a new CASE.STRUCT_NN FILE
0.049u 0.111s 0:13.87 1.0%  0+0k 0+0io 11pf+0w
cannot open display:
Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.
select RMT radii for atoms with RMT different from 2.0:
Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key

Now I enter
2.5 1-25 Enter
It still asks for more RMT values to atom numbers. I guess I am making a
mistake here. Can you please suggest what we have to enter here

Thanks again

Suddhasattwa Ghosh

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.comhttp://www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3343 - Release Date: 12/27/10

Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3347 - Release Date: 12/29/10

-- next part --
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[Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

2010-12-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA

Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k users, 

I am trying to initialize a case for phonon calculations in Wien2k with
case.d45 file generated using Phonon software. I had created a 48 atom
supercell with 3 inequivalent atoms. The d45 file had 18 different
displacements, so it created 18 structure files 

I imported case.d45 file in the directory. 

My command options were the following 


It generates 18 different structure files 

It shows 

nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT.

(Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).

 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit (about

I enter 2 

It automatically gives warning and changes the number of equivalent atoms.
The 48 atom supercell changes to 25 atom cell. I also check the
case.outputnn file which shows 25 atoms 

A copy is shown here 


 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  44  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  44  23

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  45  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  45  24

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  46  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  46  25

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  47  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  47  24

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  48  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  48  25

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one


Then it shows 

NN created a new CASE.STRUCT_NN FILE

0.049u 0.111s 0:13.87 1.0%  0+0k 0+0io 11pf+0w

cannot open display:

Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

select RMT radii for atoms with RMT different from 2.0:

Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key


Now I enter 

2.5 1-25 Enter

It still asks for more RMT values to atom numbers. I guess I am making a
mistake here. Can you please suggest what we have to enter here


Thanks again 


Suddhasattwa Ghosh 



-- next part --
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[Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options

2010-12-28 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Dr.Blaha, 

I also tried to enter to the following question 


Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key


2.5 1 Enter

It asks again 

Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key


So  I continued upto 

2.5 2 Enter


2.5 25 Enter

Can you please tell me what mistake I am making. I am just not able to
figure it out?



From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Ghosh
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:12 AM
To: 'A Mailing list for WIEN2k users'
Subject: [Wien] Suggestions on case.d45 file and command line options



Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k users, 

I am trying to initialize a case for phonon calculations in Wien2k with
case.d45 file generated using Phonon software. I had created a 48 atom
supercell with 3 inequivalent atoms. The d45 file had 18 different
displacements, so it created 18 structure files 

I imported case.d45 file in the directory. 

My command options were the following 


It generates 18 different structure files 

It shows 

nn is executed next and you must then select proper RMT.

(Ignore at the moment any error messages about equivalent atoms).

 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit (about

I enter 2 

It automatically gives warning and changes the number of equivalent atoms.
The 48 atom supercell changes to 25 atom cell. I also check the
case.outputnn file which shows 25 atoms 

A copy is shown here 


 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  44  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  44  23

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  45  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  45  24

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  46  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  46  25

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  47  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  47  24

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one



 WARNING: MULT not equal. The new multiplicity is different from the old one

 ATOM INDEX:  48  OLD and NEW ATOM KIND:  48  25

 WARNING: ITYP not equal. The new type is different from the old one


Then it shows 

NN created a new CASE.STRUCT_NN FILE

0.049u 0.111s 0:13.87 1.0%  0+0k 0+0io 11pf+0w

cannot open display:

Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

select RMT radii for atoms with RMT different from 2.0:

Enter: RMT and ONE atom-number range (e.g. 2.25 1-6, exit with ENTER-key


Now I enter 

2.5 1-25 Enter

It still asks for more RMT values to atom numbers. I guess I am making a
mistake here. Can you please suggest what we have to enter here


Thanks again 


Suddhasattwa Ghosh 




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Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 1435/3343 - Release Date: 12/27/10

-- next part --
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[Wien] Importing Bandstructure plot in Matlab

2010-12-16 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

Is there any way to import the bandstructure plot data in Matlab? Has
anybody tried such a thing? Any suggestions 




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[Wien] Suggestions on 32 atom Supercell

2010-11-12 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I have created a B type 32 atom supercell (2x2x2) with a structure file
having space group 225 for a compound of the type AO2. Atom A occupies the
corners of the cube and O occupies the tetrahedral sites. 

Now, I want to add an interstitial atom O at the body centre position that
is at (0.5,0.5,0.5) to create AO2+x 

In the supercell, A atoms have 16 diff positions and O also have 16 with

There is no position in the structure file with the atomic positions

Can anybody help me as to how to create this interstitial? 

Thank you 




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[Wien] Overlapping Spheres, Spin Polarized Case

2010-11-09 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Wien2k users, 

I had initialized a case with Fm3m space group with 4 atoms per unit cell. I
started with volume optimization with the command 

runsp_lapw -ec 0.01 -so -i 90 -p 

with 20 different case structures. I had used RMT reduction of 8% during the
structure initialization. 

Even though I created a structure with -24% change of the lattice
parameters, it did not reach the minimum energy. I then tried -25 % change
of the lattice parameters

There was an error in uplapw1.def 

**  Error in Parallel LAPW1

**  LAPW1 STOPPED at Tue Nov 9 12:57:04 IST 2010

**  check ERROR FILES!

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335

 'NN' - overlapping spheres

 'NN' - RMT( 1)=2.16000 AND RMT( 1)=2.16000

 'NN' - SUMS TO 4.32000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.30335


Now my question is that now, how do I get to the minimum?

1st option: Initialize again with around 20 % change in RMT 


Or can I do anything in the present SCF? 

As a lot of time has been spent in getting the energies of several structure
changes (without getting the minimum), is their any other method to get to
the minimum




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2010-11-02 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
Dear Gerhard, 
I would also like to bring to your notice on the  ABBRUCH: DIE EFG-MATRIX
I was running a spin polarized case with Fd-3m space group. The 
Command line was runsp_lapw -cc 0.01 -in1ef -i 90 -p 
I used the w2web in initializing for spin orbit coupling. I went through all
the usual procedures of 
x symmetso 
x kgen etc 

cycle 3 (Tue Nov  2 15:17:22 IST 2010)  (88/97 to go)

   lapw0 -p(15:17:22) starting parallel lapw0 at Tue Nov  2 15:17:35
 .machine0 : processors
running lapw0 in single mode
5.391u 0.131s 0:18.92 29.1% 0+0k 0+0io 17pf+0w
   lapw1  -up -p   (15:17:59) starting parallel lapw1 at Tue Nov  2
9 IST 2010
-  starting parallel LAPW1 jobs at Tue Nov  2 15:18:33 IST 2010
running LAPW1 in parallel mode (using .machines)
4 number_of_parallel_jobs
 ibnx90(265) 68.660u 1.459s 2:40.03 43.81%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 ibnx90(265) 67.580u 1.717s 2:36.84 44.18%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 ibnx78(265) 62.676u 1.277s 2:27.62 43.32%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 ibnx78(265) 61.984u 1.225s 2:02.05 51.79%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 ibnx90(1) 0.378u 0.034s 3.17 12.98%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 ibnx90(1) 0.383u 0.019s 0.81 49.57%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 ibnx90(1) 0.375u 0.022s 11.52 3.45%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

Thank you 
Suddhasattwa Ghosh 

-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of Gerhard Fecher
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 1:32 PM
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Subject: Re: [Wien] initso in w2web and ABBRUCH: DIE EFG-MATRIX IST DIE

Dear Peter,
soory it took me a while to test it
the new script works fine and the in2c is not longer changed after kgen.

There was recently a question on ABBRUCH: DIE EFG-MATRIX IST DIE NULLMATRIX
I realised that there are several different cases where it appeared in my
tests with so calculations:

usually it vanishes after the LM list is changed by mixer in the first scf
for not complex cases it hints that so was not switched on.

** case is not complex
1) In the first scf cycle of an SO calculation (only in the very first but
not if one restarts the calculation)
2) In all scf cycles if one forgets to switch on so
3) from the second cycle if one restarts a so calculation without so
in 2) or 3) the message is absent when one puts the LM list from .in2c (or
.in2_so)  into .in2

** case is  complex (usually only in the first cycle)
1) In the first scf cycle of an SO calculation (started after a non-SO
2) In the first scf cycle if one forgets to switch on so (also not if one
continues afterwards with so)
but not if one restarts a so calculation without so

If one has a so calculation it is dangerous to use prepare new input files
form initialize calc. instead of initso
it may help if initso would overwrite the preprepared in2(c)_st files by the
in2(c)_so from initialize calc.

Question: Can anything  go wrong if one does not switch on so in the
so-symmetry ? 
I guess it should only change the symmetry of the wave
functions and take longer due to the reduced symmetry
but no additional SO splitting appears.


Dr. Gerhard H. Fecher
Institut of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg - University
55099 Mainz

Von: wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at]quot; im Auftrag von quot;Peter
Blaha [pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at]
Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010 16:03
Bis: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users
Betreff: Re: [Wien] initso in w2web

Thanks for the report.

You may put the attached initso.pl into  $WIENROOT/SRC_w2web/htdocs/util
and I hope it fixes the problem.

Am 05.10.2010 18:55, schrieb Gerhard Fecher:
 may use the wrong in2c file if using initso_lapw from the w2web
 when the direction is not 0 0 1

 With Prepare new input files the new  in2_so is copied to in2c

 Afterwards if one has an initially non complex case
 the in2c seems to be overwritten by x kgen by a different version.

 It can be easily tested for bcc Fe using 001 and 111 as quantization axes.
The LM in in2c will be the same after
 x kgen -so, but not the ones in the in2_so (I guess for bcc the 111 should
have always the 43, 63 components)

 It does not appear if the initial case was already complex (in2c_so)

 This does also not appear if one uses directly (not from w2web) the
initso_lapw script where the in2c is the same like in2_so.

 (I could not see from the pearlscript in the w2web utils folder where this
comes from)

 Workarround may be to call the Prepare new input files another time
after x kgen -so


 Dr. Gerhard 

[Wien] trouble compiling WIEN2k

2010-09-20 Thread Ghosh SUDDHASATTWA
The attachment could not be opened. Please re-send the error message. 

Suddhasattwa Ghosh 

-Original Message-
From: wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
[mailto:wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at] On Behalf Of
bchandra at barc.gov.in
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 11:08 AM
To: Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: [Wien] trouble compiling WIEN2k

 I am getting an error msg in the SRC_vecpratt folder after compilation in

 I am attaching the compile.msg file. Please let me know where the
 problem might be.

 Thanks and regards
 Chandrani Bhattacharya

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