[Wien] 'NN' - overlapping spheres during the volume optimization

2011-07-15 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
Dear Wien2k community,

I am working on a Fe-Ge compound with about 17% vacancies on one site. I 
have set this site as a fully occupied and I am currently trying to 
optimize the volume and the atomic coordinates.

For the initial volume optimization run, I have reduced RMTs by 5%, and 
as a result I got an the optimized volume smaller than the original. I 
believe this is expected due to the reduced RMTs. However, in reality, 
it would be expected to get a slightly larger volume for this new 
stochiometric phase.

I have tried to do the volume optimization without reductions of the 
RMTs, and I got the  'NN' - overlapping spheres error. Then I have 
edited the optomize.job file and have left only the trials with the 
positive volumes increase. Calculations started with a dstart and 
stopped, no errors have been produced. Looking forward to you suggestion.

Thanks a lot.

[Wien] 'NN' - overlapping spheres during the volume optimization

2011-07-15 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
Dear Stefaan,

Thank you for the answer.

I am using the PBE-GGA functional. According to the 
http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v79/i8/e085104 paper, it is indeed the 
best choice for Fe. However, LDA seems to be the best for Ge. Well, it 
looks like that the Fe-Ge system is not very convenient for this kind of 

Best regards,

Le 15/07/2011 15:19, Stefaan Cottenier a ?crit :

 I am working on a Fe-Ge compound with about 17% vacancies on one site. I
 have set this site as a fully occupied and I am currently trying to
 optimize the volume and the atomic coordinates.

 For the initial volume optimization run, I have reduced RMTs by 5%, and
 as a result I got an the optimized volume smaller than the original. I
 believe this is expected due to the reduced RMTs.

 No, this is not related to the choice of RMT. RMT is a mathematical 
 construct only. Whatever RMT you choose (within reasonable limits), 
 you should get the same observable properties (e.g. the volume, in 
 your case) if you perform well-converged calculations.

 First estimate what is the minimal volume that you will ever want to 
 calculate for this compound, and then take the RMTs such that they'll 
 not overlap for this minimal volume.

 However, in reality,
 it would be expected to get a slightly larger volume for this new
 stochiometric phase.

 Which functional are you using, and how large is 'slightly'? If you 
 use e.g. LDA, it will usually underestimate the volume by several 
 percent, making the volume for the stochiometric compound perhaps 
 smaller than the experimental volume of the off-stochiometric compound.

 You might have a look at 
 http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v79/i8/e085104 to get an idea about 
 which functional is likely to provide the optimal volume for the 
 elements you are using.

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted

2011-02-22 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
Thank you, Laurence,

actually it started to cycle after I have made the number of spaces in 
my file the same as in the native k-list

Le 22/02/2011 15:01, Laurence Marks a ?crit :
 It is very hard to know exactly what you have done wrong, or it could
 be something special to your problem. Do you have d and f states in
 the valence region? You might need to increase RKMAX.

 2011/2/21 Volodymyr Svitlyksvitlyk at esrf.fr:
 Hi all,

 I have tried to use my custom klist. I have copied my klist into the
 directory, set TEMP as a Fermi-method with eval = 0.002, then I just skipped
 the kgen command during the initialize calc.  At the lapw1 I got the error
 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted.

 I guess something is wrong in the way I feed the klist?
 Thank you.

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] 'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted

2011-02-21 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
Hi all,

I have tried to use my custom klist. I have copied my klist into the 
directory, set TEMP as a Fermi-method with eval = 0.002, then I just 
skipped the kgen command during the initialize calc. 
http://coral33.esrf.fr:7891/exec/initlapw.pl?SID=195473At the lapw1 I 
got the error  'LOPW' - Plane waves exhausted.

I guess something is wrong in the way I feed the klist?
Thank you.

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[Wien] how to read the format of case.energy files

2011-02-16 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
Hi Wien2k users,

was trying to find information on how to read the case.energy format, 
but seems no answers for previous questions.
Could somebody share explanations?

Thank you,

[Wien] wrong site multiplicity in R-3m Fe-Ga-Si

2010-11-09 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
Dear Wien2k users,

I have tried to start calculations of Fe-Ga-Si compound in the R-3m 
space group. I have entered unitcell in hexagonal setting into 
structgen. I have transformed hexagonal coordinates through the 
hex2rhomb to rhombohedral and entered them to structgen and some of the 
atoms were multiplied wrongly. Correct multiplicities are Fe1 - 6, Fe2 - 
6, Ga1 - 6, Ga2 - 6, Si1 - 1, Si2 -1 and structgen generated  Fe1 - 12, 
Fe2 - 12, Ga1 - 12, Ga2 - 6, Si1 - 1, Si2 -1, so positions of Fe1, Fe2 
and Ga2 were generated improperly. When I enter rhombohedral coordinates 
generated by the powdercell software, structgen generates next 
multiplicities: Fe1 - 12, Fe2 - 6, Ga1 - 6, Ga2 - 6, Si1 - 1, Si2 - 1, 
so only Fe1 is wrong now. What could be the reason? I have attached 
corresponding struct files.

hex2rhomb generated struct_i
  23.464550 23.464550 14.620250 90.00 90.00120.00
ATOM  -1: X=0.3420 Y=0.6922 Z=0.6923
   MULT=12  ISPLIT= 8
ATOM  -1:X= 0.65790001 Y=0.3078 Z=0.3077
ATOM  -1:X= 0.6922 Y=0.6923 Z=0.3420
ATOM  -1:X= 0.3078 Y=0.3077 Z=0.65790001
ATOM  -1:X= 0.3420 Y=0.6923 Z=0.6922
ATOM  -1:X= 0.65790001 Y=0.3077 Z=0.3078
ATOM  -1:X= 0.6923 Y=0.3420 Z=0.6922
ATOM  -1:X= 0.3077 Y=0.65790001 Z=0.3078
ATOM  -1:X= 0.6923 Y=0.6922 Z=0.3420
ATOM  -1:X= 0.3077 Y=0.3078 Z=0.65790001
ATOM  -1:X= 0.6922 Y=0.3420 Z=0.6923
ATOM  -1:X= 0.3078 Y=0.65790001 Z=0.3077
Fe1NPT=  781  R0=0.5000 RMT=0.   Z: 26.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 1.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 1.000
ATOM   2: X=0.5001 Y=0.6736 Z=0.67365000
   MULT=12  ISPLIT= 8
ATOM   2:X= 0.4999 Y=0.3264 Z=0.32635000
ATOM   2:X= 0.6736 Y=0.67365000 Z=0.5001
ATOM   2:X= 0.3264 Y=0.32635000 Z=0.4999
ATOM   2:X= 0.5001 Y=0.67365000 Z=0.6736
ATOM   2:X= 0.4999 Y=0.32635000 Z=0.3264
ATOM   2:X= 0.67365000 Y=0.5001 Z=0.6736
ATOM   2:X= 0.32635000 Y=0.4999 Z=0.3264
ATOM   2:X= 0.67365000 Y=0.6736 Z=0.5001
ATOM   2:X= 0.32635000 Y=0.3264 Z=0.4999
ATOM   2:X= 0.6736 Y=0.5001 Z=0.67365000
ATOM   2:X= 0.3264 Y=0.4999 Z=0.32635000
Fe2NPT=  781  R0=0.5000 RMT=0.   Z: 26.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
ATOM   3: X=0.30836999 Y=0.96021000 Z=0.96022000
   MULT=12  ISPLIT= 8
ATOM   3:X= 0.69163001 Y=0.03979000 Z=0.03978000
ATOM   3:X= 0.96021000 Y=0.96022000 Z=0.30836999
ATOM   3:X= 0.03979000 Y=0.03978000 Z=0.69163001
ATOM   3:X= 0.30836999 Y=0.96022000 Z=0.96021000
ATOM   3:X= 0.69163001 Y=0.03978000 Z=0.03979000
ATOM   3:X= 0.96022000 Y=0.30836999 Z=0.96021000
ATOM   3:X= 0.03978000 Y=0.69163001 Z=0.03979000
ATOM   3:X= 0.96022000 Y=0.96021000 Z=0.30836999
ATOM   3:X= 0.03978000 Y=0.03979000 Z=0.69163001
ATOM   3:X= 0.96021000 Y=0.30836999 Z=0.96022000
ATOM   3:X= 0.03979000 Y=0.69163001 Z=0.03978000
Ga1NPT=  781  R0=0.5000 RMT=2.1100   Z: 31.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
ATOM   4: X=0.6162 Y=0.3837 Z=0.
   MULT= 6  ISPLIT= 8
ATOM   4:X= 0.38370001 Y=0.6163 Z=0.
ATOM   4:X= 0.3837 Y=0. Z=0.6162
ATOM   4:X= 0.6163 Y=0. Z=0.38370001
ATOM   4:X= 0. Y=0.6162 Z=0.3837
ATOM   4:X= 0. Y=0.38370001 Z=0.6163
Ga2NPT=  781  R0=0.5000 RMT=2.1100   Z: 31.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
ATOM   5: X=0.5000 Y=0.5000 Z=0.5000
   MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 8
Si1NPT=  781  R0=0.0001 RMT=2.0500   Z: 14.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
ATOM   6: X=0. Y=0. Z=0.
   MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 8
Si2NPT=  781  R0=0.0001 RMT=2.0500   Z: 14.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 0.000

powdercell generated struct_i

[Wien] wrong site multiplicity in R-3m Fe-Ga-Si

2010-11-09 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
OK, please ignore the last message, I have just noticed the inaccuracies 
at the 4th decimal points at the problematic positions, I have made them 
atom have been multiplied properly now.


[Wien] Gd5Si4 calculations freeze

2010-10-14 Thread Volodymyr Svitlyk
  Dear Wien2k community,

I have been trying to perform spin-polarized and non-spin-polarized 
calculations for the ferromagnetic Gd5Si4.
No success in either case, calculations freeze. I use WIEN2k_10.1 
(Release 7/6/2010)

For the spin-polarized case I use LDA+U, input values are default:



   7.00   104 (R-MT*K-MAX; MAX L IN WF, V-NMT
  00.30  0.000 CONT 1
  0   -3.43  0.001 STOP 1
  1   -1.67  0.002 CONT 1
  10.30  0.000 CONT 1
  30.30  0.005 CONT 1
  20.30  0.005 CONT 1
  00.30  0.000 CONT 1
  0   -3.43  0.001 STOP 1
  1   -1.67  0.002 CONT 1
  10.30  0.000 CONT 1
  30.30  0.005 CONT 1
  20.30  0.005 CONT 1
  00.30  0.000 CONT 1
  0   -3.43  0.001 STOP 1
  1   -1.67  0.002 CONT 1
  10.30  0.000 CONT 1
  30.30  0.005 CONT 1
  20.30  0.005 CONT 1
  00.30  0.000 CONT 1
  10.30  0.000 CONT 1
  00.30  0.000 CONT 1
  10.30  0.000 CONT 1
  00.30  0.000 CONT 1
  10.30  0.000 CONT 1
K-VECTORS FROM UNIT:4   -9.0   2.5   853   emin/emax/nband




  -12.0 424.0 0.50 0.05EMIN, NE, ESEPERMIN, ESEPER0
   0 0  1 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 1 -2 1  2 2 -2 2  3 0  3 1 -3 1  3 2 -3 2  
3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 1 -4 1  4 2 -4 2  4 3 -4 3  4 4 -4 4  5 0  5 1 -5 1  5 
2 -5 2  5 3 -5 3  5 4 -5 4  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 1 -6 1  6 2 -6 2  6 3 -6 3  
6 4 -6 4  6 5 -6 5  6 6 -6 6
   0 0  1 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 1 -2 1  2 2 -2 2  3 0  3 1 -3 1  3 2 -3 2  
3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 1 -4 1  4 2 -4 2  4 3 -4 3  4 4 -4 4  5 0  5 1 -5 1  5 
2 -5 2  5 3 -5 3  5 4 -5 4  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 1 -6 1  6 2 -6 2  6 3 -6 3  
6 4 -6 4  6 5 -6 5  6 6 -6 6
   0 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 1 -3 1  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 
-4 4  5 1 -5 1  5 3 -5 3  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
   0 0  1 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 1 -2 1  2 2 -2 2  3 0  3 1 -3 1  3 2 -3 2  
3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 1 -4 1  4 2 -4 2  4 3 -4 3  4 4 -4 4  5 0  5 1 -5 1  5 
2 -5 2  5 3 -5 3  5 4 -5 4  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 1 -6 1  6 2 -6 2  6 3 -6 3  
6 4 -6 4  6 5 -6 5  6 6 -6 6
   0 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 1 -3 1  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 
-4 4  5 1 -5 1  5 3 -5 3  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
   0 0  1 1 -1 1  2 0  2 2 -2 2  3 1 -3 1  3 3 -3 3  4 0  4 2 -4 2  4 4 
-4 4  5 1 -5 1  5 3 -5 3  5 5 -5 5  6 0  6 2 -6 2  6 4 -6 4  6 6 -6 6
  12.00  GMAX
NOFILEFILE/NOFILE  write recprlist


and the custom files:



1 3 0 nmod, natorb, ipr
PRATT, 1.0 mixmod, amix
1 1 3 iatom nlorb, lorb
2 1 3 iatom nlorb, lorb
3 1 3 iatom nlorb, lorb
1 nsic
0.44 0.0 U J
0.44 0.0 U J
0.44 0.0 U J




-9.  Emin cutoff energy
  3   number of atoms for which density matrix is 
  1  1  3  index of 1st atom, number of L's, L1
  2  1  3  dtto for 2nd atom, repeat NATOM times
  3  1  3  dtto for 2nd atom, repeat NATOM times
  0 0   r-index, (l,s)index


no spin-orbit coupling was activated. Calculation freeze (stays about 24 
hours) at lapw2,
had to kill the process.



lapw2 -up   (13:39:31)lapw1  -dn   -orb (12:29:19) 
 4080.727u 128.440s 1:10:11.36 99.9%0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
lapw1  -up   -orb (11:19:58) 4017.419u