Re: [2/3] kernel32/tests: test CopyFileEx callback and cancellation (resend)

2013-09-30 Thread Juan Lang
On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Daniel Jeliński djelins...@gmail.comwrote:

 2013/9/30 Nikolay Sivov

 On 9/30/2013 00:51, Daniel Jeliński wrote:

  +struct progress_list {
 +const DWORD progress_retval_init;  /* value to return from progress
 routine */
 +const BOOL cancel_init;/* value to set Cancel flag to */
 +const DWORD progress_retval_end;   /* value to return from progress
 routine */
 +const BOOL cancel_end; /* value to set Cancel flag to */
 +const DWORD progress_count;/* number of times progress is
 invoked */
 +const BOOL copy_retval;/* expected CopyFileEx result */
 +const DWORD lastError; /* expected CopyFileEx error
 code */
 +} ;

  I don't see a point making them 'const'.

 I'm matching the formatting of existing code:
 Also, what's the point of not making them const?

It's a little strange, stylewise. More consistent with C++ style would be
to make the entire struct constant. But in a test, we often eschew with
such things if they distract, and here I think they do.

  +static DWORD WINAPI progress(LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize,
 +LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred,
 +LARGE_INTEGER StreamBytesTransferred,
 +DWORD dwStreamNumber,
 +DWORD dwCallbackReason,
 +HANDLE hSourceFile,
 +HANDLE hDestinationFile,
 +LPVOID lpData)

 Please pass all globals as context data with lpData, and please use
 'void*' instead of LPVOID.

 Good point about lpData. Still, does that make the patch invalid? Why
 didn't you mention that on the first review?
 About LPVOID - I'm matching the headers:
 for the third patch:

LPVOID is just an uglier #define of void*. It's easier to read as void*, so
please use that instead.

Re: crypt32: Support HCCE_LOCAL_MACHINE.

2013-09-25 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Ben, thanks for having a whack at this.

Some tests would be nice.

-static HCERTCHAINENGINE CRYPT_defaultChainEngine;
+/* There are two default chain engines which correspond to
+static HCERTCHAINENGINE CRYPT_defaultChainEngine[2] = { NULL, NULL };

C automatically initializes statics to 0, so the initialization here is
unnecessary. I'm also a little uncertain about the use of an array of two
objects, I'm not sure that two distinct objects wouldn't be easier to
follow, but I'm not religious on this point.

+ if (hChainEngine  HCCE_LOCAL_MACHINE
+ InterlockedDecrement(engine-ref) == 0)

I think a function that returns whether an HCERTCHAINENGINE is one of the
special ones would make this easier to read, e.g.:

static int is_special_chain_engine(HCERTCHAINENGINE h)

+ if (is_special_chain_engine(hChainEngine)
+ InterlockedDecrement(engine-ref) == 0)

-if (!CRYPT_defaultChainEngine)
+if (!CRYPT_defaultChainEngine[(int)h])
The constant casting is a little awkward. At least introduce a local
pointer to the one you intend to modify, so we're not constantly having to
re-read that cast.

+if (hChainEngine = HCCE_LOCAL_MACHINE)
+engine = (CertificateChainEngine*)CRYPT_GetDefaultChainEngine(
+ hChainEngine);
 if (TRACE_ON(chain))
 /* FIXME: what about HCCE_LOCAL_MACHINE? */

See my earlier suggestion on is_special_chain_engine. Also, what about that
comment three lines down? Can't it be removed?

-void default_chain_engine_free(void)
+void default_chain_engine_free(HCERTCHAINENGINE h)

The function default_chain_engine_free is a thin wrapper around
CryptFreeCertificateChainEngine; its intended use is to clear memory at
shutdown. Rather than shift the responsibility of knowing which engines to
free to the caller, just have it free the two engines itself.


Re: RFC: HKCR merge implementation

2013-09-10 Thread Juan Lang
Hi George,

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 3:55 PM, George Stephanos

 I'm proposing my HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT implementation patches for review. Feel
 free to comment.
 So far, I've written code for all functions except for the RegEnum family.

 General description:

 HKCR handles are special. All wine handles have the two lowest bits
 zero'd. HKCR handles are masked. 10b specifically.
 They have their own table separate from the generic handle table.
 An HKCR handle has an HKCU handle and an HKLM handle below it. Access mask
 and a string representing the path are also needed
 since the handle has to attempt to reopen previously failed openings at
 certain stages.

 First patch: specially handles HKCR handles WITHOUT affecting the general
 behavior. The end result is still the exact same. Patch provides a
 foundation for the rest.
 Second patch: added path management
 Third patch: added HKCU

 Here's a quick description of each function:

 create_hkcr_struct: allocates the memory needed for the struct, adds it to
 the table and gives back a pointer to it
 get_hkcr_path: given an HKCR handle and a subkey string, prepares a subkey
 string representing the same subkey rooted at HKLM/HKCU.
 create_hkcr: RegCreateKeyEx
 open_hkcr: RegOpenKeyEx
 resolve_hkcr: checks the HKCR handle, tries to reopen previously failed
 internal handles, gives back HKCU first if available then HKLM
 close_hkcr: deallocates path and struct, removes struct from table.

a couple bitwise nits in your first patch:

+#define HKCR_MASK 2
+#define IS_HKCR(hk) ((UINT_PTR)hk  0  ((UINT_PTR)hk  3) == HKCR_MASK)

Typically a mask would define all the bits that could be set, and a flag
would be the particular bit you want to test. Something like:
#define HKCR_FLAG 2

Also, in the following expression:
((UINT_PTR)hk  0  ((UINT_PTR)hk  3)

The second can never be true when the first is false, so you can just drop
the first. These suggestions yield:

Re: Patch for bug 34388

2013-09-07 Thread Juan Lang
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

 On Sep 6, 2013, at 5:01 PM, Juan Lang wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

 Maybe then the real fix is to make Wine accept either a constructor SET
 or the custom tag (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR) it currently accepts, for
 either attribute set. I should come up with a test case first, though, to
 see if that's what Windows does. I'll get back to you on that.

 Yeah, that seems plausible, as either some sort of BER/DER thing or just
 two alternate encodings for the same value. I'm not certain, but tests will
 definitely help.

 So much for that theory.

 I tried twice to replace the CONSTRUCTOR | CONTEXT tag with the generic
 CONSTRUCTOR | SET tag (jobs 2057 and 2058 on newtestbot). Both times,
 Crypto bailed out. I don't think Windows will accept a CONSTRUCTOR | SET
 tag there under any circumstances. I think we're seriously screwing up
 somewhere reading the code signature. Trouble is, I don't know where, or if
 this is even a problem in Wine at all--it might be peculiar to my system.
 (The other Wine users who reported being unable to run the Star Citizen
 Launcher because of this were missing a root CA.)

If you've got the signature that was failing, please keep it handy, and we
can make it into a test case. If not, keep an eye on it to see if it
recurs. What I've done in the past is to modify crypt32 to write a failing
cert, sig, whatever to /tmp, and made a test case out of it.

I don't know why, but strangely, the problem with the Launcher that
 prompted my patch seems to have gone away (at least, on my system) with the
 update they just released. Maybe it's related to the problems a few people
 were having with this on Windows. Maybe the signature really was malformed.

That wouldn't be unheard of. I've forgotten which game it was, but at least
once some game server was sending a malformed signature that happened to
work on some broken Windows systems. IIRC, they ended up fixing it once a
Windows service pack started rejecting it.

Re: Patch for bug 34388

2013-09-06 Thread Juan Lang
Hiya Chip,

I don't have an answer off the top of my head. But let's see if we can
unpack that ASN.1 a bit.

First, with the type, notice that crypt32_private.h defines a few useful
types that Microsoft omitted for some reason from their public header,
Okay, so that's what we're dealing with.

Next, to help sort it out: write each of the blobs to a binary, and
interpret it with openssl asn1parse -dump -i -inform DER. Here's the
output from PKCSSignerWithUnknownItem31:

0:d=0  hl=4 l= 146 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim:  INTEGER   :00
7:d=1  hl=2 l=  25 cons:  SEQUENCE
9:d=2  hl=2 l=  20 cons:   SEQUENCE
   11:d=3  hl=2 l=  18 cons:SET
   13:d=4  hl=2 l=  16 cons: SEQUENCE
   15:d=5  hl=2 l=   3 prim:  OBJECT:commonName
   20:d=5  hl=2 l=   9 prim:  PRINTABLESTRING   :Juan Lang
   31:d=2  hl=2 l=   1 prim:   INTEGER   :01
   34:d=1  hl=2 l=   6 cons:  SEQUENCE
   36:d=2  hl=2 l=   2 prim:   OBJECT:1.2.3
   40:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
   42:d=1  hl=2 l=  96 cons:  SET
   44:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   EOC
(a bunch of these omitted)
  140:d=1  hl=2 l=   6 cons:  SEQUENCE
  142:d=2  hl=2 l=   2 prim:   OBJECT:1.5.6
  146:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
  148:d=1  hl=2 l=   0 prim:  OCTET STRING

And here's the output from PKCSSignerWithAuthAttrAndUnknownItem31:
0:d=0  hl=4 l= 196 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim:  INTEGER   :00
7:d=1  hl=2 l=  25 cons:  SEQUENCE
9:d=2  hl=2 l=  20 cons:   SEQUENCE
   11:d=3  hl=2 l=  18 cons:SET
   13:d=4  hl=2 l=  16 cons: SEQUENCE
   15:d=5  hl=2 l=   3 prim:  OBJECT:commonName
   20:d=5  hl=2 l=   9 prim:  PRINTABLESTRING   :Juan Lang
   31:d=2  hl=2 l=   1 prim:   INTEGER   :01
   34:d=1  hl=2 l=   6 cons:  SEQUENCE
   36:d=2  hl=2 l=   2 prim:   OBJECT:1.2.3
   40:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
   42:d=1  hl=2 l=  32 cons:  cont [ 0 ]
   44:d=2  hl=2 l=  30 cons:   SEQUENCE
   46:d=3  hl=2 l=   3 prim:OBJECT:commonName
   51:d=3  hl=2 l=  23 cons:SET
   53:d=4  hl=2 l=  21 cons: SEQUENCE
   55:d=5  hl=2 l=  19 cons:  SET
   57:d=6  hl=2 l=  17 cons:   SEQUENCE
   59:d=7  hl=2 l=   3 prim:OBJECT:commonName
   64:d=7  hl=2 l=  10 prim:PRINTABLESTRING   :Juan Lang
   76:d=1  hl=2 l=  96 cons:  SET
   78:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   EOC
(again, a bunch of these omitted)
  174:d=1  hl=2 l=   6 cons:  SEQUENCE
  176:d=2  hl=2 l=   2 prim:   OBJECT:1.5.6
  180:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim:   NULL
  182:d=1  hl=2 l=  16 prim:  OCTET STRING
   - 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f

You can see that in the latter case, you've got a context-specific tag of 0
wrapping a sequence containing a non-empty set. That context-specific [0]
looks an awful lot like signedAttrs [0] IMPLICIT SignedAttributes
OPTIONAL, no? And SignedAttributes is defined as SignedAttributes ::= SET
SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute.

Anyway, in the latter case, the signed attributes precede the set, and in
the former case they're missing.

In addition to that, it's not entirely clear from your test results that
it's expected to succeed in Windows in either case:

+ret = pCryptDecodeObjectEx(dwEncoding, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO,
+ PKCSSignerWithAuthAttrAndUnknownItem31,
+ sizeof(PKCSSignerWithAuthAttrAndUnknownItem31),
+if (ret)

You don't have an ok(ret) here. I can't blame you too much for that,
though: it looks like I omitted a bunch of ok(ret)s in my tests too. Sigh.
Sorry about that. Could you add that and see what that turns up?

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:57 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

 Hi Juan,

 I need some advice.

 Attached is a patch to fix bug 34388, where an app that tries to verify
 its code signature fails because Wine, while parsing the certificates
 embedded within the signature, encounters an item in the CMS signer info
 (tag 0x31, i.e. ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x11), right before the
 HashEncryptionAlgorithm sequence item, that it doesn't yet know how to
 decode. This patch (which just skips the item in question) allows that app
 to successfully verify its code signature and run, but...

 My testing on Windows (cf. job 2037 on newtestbot) shows some interesting
 behavior. Windows will indeed accept this item, but only if the AuthAttrs
 item is also present and immediately precedes it in the sequence. (The
 other test bails out with CRYPT_E_ASN_BADTAG.) I don't quite know what to
 make of this. The odd thing is that the certificate in question doesn't
 have this optional AuthAttrs item, and yet (in most cases, at least) most
 people who run this particular app on Windows do not have this problem. I
 can't seem to find anything about this from reading the relevant RFCs

Re: Patch for bug 34388

2013-09-06 Thread Juan Lang
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

 Maybe then the real fix is to make Wine accept either a constructor SET or
 the custom tag (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR) it currently accepts, for
 either attribute set. I should come up with a test case first, though, to
 see if that's what Windows does. I'll get back to you on that.

Yeah, that seems plausible, as either some sort of BER/DER thing or just
two alternate encodings for the same value. I'm not certain, but tests will
definitely help.

Re: crypt32 patch review

2013-09-05 Thread Juan Lang

Hi Jacek,
I've added the list so the discussion can take place in public.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Jacek Caban wrote:

 I have a patch for crypt32. I'd appreciate your review before I submit
 it to Wine. It has high potential to be insecure... This should fix Wine

bug 28004 as well as some websites that don't send full cert chain in
 SSL/TLS handshake, but instead just their own certs. For that we need
 two changes. First, we need to look for issuers in global stores (as in
 those that are not passed to CertGetCertificateChain). When I did that,

I don't really see a security issue here. The global stores are implicitly
trusted, so neglecting to check them was probably an oversight on my part.
Your tests imply something is missing.

My only real question here is whether the test results are in any way
impacted by some unknown caching happening in Windows. Has this chain been
verified prior to running the test? I'm going to guess that the test bot
machines are clean prior to running the tests, but if they download their
test executables from, that won't be the case.

 it came out that it's not enough for intermediate issuers. Those have to
 be downloaded if we have information about their location stored in
 validated cert. That's easy using cryptnet. Could you please review the
 attached patch?

+ for(i=0; i  info-cAccDescr; i++) {
+ info-rgAccDescr[i].AccessLocation.dwAltNameChoice ==

You explicitly make use of the AIA extension to find the location of
intermediate certs. This is reasonable, and it gets your test case to pass,
but it won't cover end certs that don't make use of the AIA extension. As I
said above, I wonder whether caching is impacting the test results. More:

The thing that would be also nice to have as follow up is to cache
 downloaded URLs. They are already cached in URL cache, but I believe
 that they should be also cached in some place like world collection or
 something like that. I'm not sure what would be appropriate. Do you have
 a suggestion?

Yes. I suspect the most relevant bug is actually 27168. 28004 is probably a
dupe of it, except that I'm not certain that PartyPoker uses chromium. In
brief, Microsoft's crypt32 appears to cache intermediate certs in a
PCCERT_CONTEXT's hCertStore. What I should be doing in crypt32, but am not,
is to have certs ref count the stores they're in, such that the last cert
to be closed causes its store to be freed, if the store is closed prior to
the cert being freed. This, combined with certificate chains being cached
in Microsoft's implementation, would allow intermediate certs to be found
without explicitly checking the AIA.

You can see how the certificate chain engine ought to support caching on

I never implemented chain caching, as I expected it'd be a performance
optimization and could be addressed at a later time, and never got back to

In addition to bug 27168, you can see how Chromium is making use of
crypt32's certificate caching in
net::X509Certificate::CreateOSCertChainForCert, both its comments and

Back to your patch: I'm not entirely opposed to the explicit AIA approach,
but I think it's worth at least thinking about other methods. And, I'd
prefer to see the code block more explicitly separated from the surrounding
code, with either a comment or a clear function name to indicate what's
going on. As it is, one has to read quite a bit of CRYPT_FindIssuer to
realize that it's really looking for an AIA extension to find intermediate

Last thing on the patch, some style nits. (You already remarked that it
needs splitting, and I agree.)

+if(issuer) {

 Elsewhere in crypt32 I indent prior to open parentheses, so I worry this
will make it a little harder to maintain a consistent style. Please observe
the existing style, here and elsewhere.

-issuer = CertFindCertificateInStore(store,
- subject-dwCertEncodingType, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME,
- subject-pCertInfo-Issuer, prevIssuer);
+issuer = CRYPT_FindIssuer(engine, subject, store,
+  subject-pCertInfo-Issuer, flags,

It might not be easy to guess my indenting style for continuation lines,
but I use a single additional space to indicate continuation through
crypt32. I'd appreciate observing the same style.

- hAdditionalStore, chain);
+hAdditionalStore, dwFlags,

Likewise, the indentation change here doesn't seem necessary.

Thanks very much for working on this. Hope my comments are helpful, 

Re: ws2_32/tests: Fix a comment

2013-08-06 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Andre,

-/* this is a io heavy test, do it at the end so the kernel doesn't
start dropping packets */
+/* this is a heavy io test, do it at the end so the kernel doesn't
start dropping packets */

To my eyes, this isn't an improvement. A slight improvement might be this
is a io-heavy test, or this is an io-heavy test, but I'm not sure it's
enough of an improvement to bother.

Re: Possible help or direction to build Win to Linux pass through device - resent

2013-07-02 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Vincent, Pavel,

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Vincent Povirk madewokh...@gmail.comwrote:

 Since you're not prepared to spend a lot of time improving Wine's
 driver support, it sounds like modifying core parts of Wine
 specifically to support your application is the best approach.

An alternative is to modify your application for use with Wine. What others
have suggested in similar situations is to build a Linux application that
speaks to the device driver directly, and provides a socket interface, then
use sockets from the Windows program to talk to the device. This is usually
straightforward enough, and doesn't require learning lots of Wine internals
to get working.

Re: Need help with a rsaenh bug

2013-06-28 Thread Juan Lang
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Qian Hong wrote:

 Dear Juan,

 Thanks for reviewing!

 On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 11:31 PM, Juan Lang wrote:
  It's more in line with most C code to use !memcmp(...) instead of
  memcmp(...)==0. I find it easier to scan, anyway, as I've gotten used to
  comparisons to check equality in memcmp, strcmp, and variants.
 I'm glad to change, but the surrounding code use memcmp(...)==0
 already, should I change that as well?

Ah. Thanks for following the existing style then :-/ No, don't bother
changing the existing code. I leave it up to you whether to follow my
suggestion or ignore it, either is fine in this case.

Re: [PATCH] Tests that prove ntdll has no notion of HKCR.

2013-05-20 Thread Juan Lang
Hi George,

 static void test_classesroot(void)
 +static const WCHAR reg_user[] = {
 '\\','R','E','G','I','S','T','R','Y','\\','U','S','E','R' };
 +static const WCHAR reg_machine[] = {
 '\\','R','E','G','I','S','T','R','Y','\\','M','A','C','H','I','N','E' };

Almost, but these have to be NULL terminated, i.e.

 +static const WCHAR reg_user[] = {
 '\\','R','E','G','I','S','T','R','Y','\\','U','S','E','R',0 };
 +static const WCHAR reg_machine[] = {
 '\\','R','E','G','I','S','T','R','Y','\\','M','A','C','H','I','N','E',0 };


Re: [PATCH] Tests that prove ntdll has no notion of HKCR.

2013-05-18 Thread Juan Lang
Hi George,
(consider subscribing to wine-devel so your emails don't get stuck in

On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 7:43 AM, George Stephanos

 As instructed, I added a few lines to the already written tests that
 confirm my claim.

 Part of the research of the registry merging project was to determine
 where the implementation is going to be written: advapi32, ntdll or
 the server itself. The server choice was dismissed since HKCR isn't
 stored and rather fetched live. These tests prove that advapi32 calls
 that reference HKCR are either pointed there to \REGISTRY\MACHINE or
 \REGISTRY\USER and hence, that the merge is to be done in advapi32.
  dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c | 18 ++
  1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)

 diff --git a/dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c
 index b2483a7..8437e4d 100644
 --- a/dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c
 +++ b/dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c
 @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ static DWORD (WINAPI *pRegDeleteTreeA)(HKEY,LPCSTR);
  static BOOL (WINAPI *pIsWow64Process)(HANDLE,PBOOL);
  static NTSTATUS (WINAPI * pNtDeleteKey)(HANDLE);
  static NTSTATUS (WINAPI * pRtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath)(UNICODE_STRING*);
  static NTSTATUS (WINAPI * pRtlFreeUnicodeString)(PUNICODE_STRING);

 @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ static void InitFunctionPtrs(void)
  pRtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath = (void *)GetProcAddress( hntdll,
 RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath );
  pRtlFreeUnicodeString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll,
  pNtDeleteKey = (void *)GetProcAddress( hntdll, NtDeleteKey );
 +pNtQueryKey = (void *)GetProcAddress( hntdll, NtQueryKey );

  /* delete key and all its subkeys */
 @@ -2104,6 +2106,7 @@ static void test_classesroot(void)
  DWORD type = REG_SZ;
  static CHAR buffer[8];
  LONG res;
 +void *buf = malloc(300*sizeof(wchar_t));

You could just allocate a buffer on the stack. 300 is probably overkill,
100 looks like it would do it. You want to use WCHAR rather than wchar_t.

 /* create a key in the user's classes */
  if (!RegOpenKeyA( HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
 Software\\Classes\\WineTestCls, hkey ))
 @@ -2132,6 +2135,9 @@ static void test_classesroot(void)
  RegCloseKey( hkey );
 +pNtQueryKey( hkcr, 3 /*KeyNameInformation*/, buf,
 500*sizeof(wchar_t), (ULONG*)res );

Not that this will actually overflow, but you specify 500, but only
allocated 300. A straightforward way to accomplish agreement is to use
sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]) as the size, if it's not dynamically allocated.

 +ok( wcsncmp((wchar_t*)buf+2, L\\REGISTRY\\USER, 14) == 0,
 +key not from \\REGISTRY\\USER\n);

Using L constructs isn't portable, you'll need to declare these the
tedious way you'll find in other Wine tests:
static const WCHAR reg_user[] = { '\\','R',''E,'G','I','S','T','R',Y',
etc. Then you can use the sizeof(reg_user) / sizeof(reg_user[0]) trick to
specify the length.
I think Alexandre will object to using msvcrt functions (wcsncmp in this
case), but I don't have a straightforward alternative yet.

Welcome to Wine development :)

Re: [PATCH] Tests that prove ntdll has no notion of HKCR.

2013-05-18 Thread Juan Lang

 (consider subscribing to wine-devel so your emails don't get stuck in

 Hmm but I am already!

Ok, that's strange. Maybe I just got it late.

 I think Alexandre will object to using msvcrt functions (wcsncmp in this
 case), but I don't have a straightforward alternative yet.

 strcmp is already used. What's the difference?

Ah, well, strcmp comes from the C library your compiler uses. wcsncmp can
only come from msvcrt. When compiling for Wine, this can result in mixing C
runtime libraries, and hilarity can result.

Say, do these tests work on Wine? If not, you'll want to mark them with
todo_wine, i.e. todo_wine ok(...).

Re: GSoC 2013 - Registry Merging Project

2013-05-14 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Guo,

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Guo Jian wrote:

 I just found that the REG_OPTION_VOLATILE of create_key in hkcr may
 have some tricks. Not surprisingly found a strange situation when
 testing on windows. See my test here please :
 This happens as following :
 First create hkcu/software/classes/key1, then create the
 hkcr/key1/subkey with REG_OPTION_VOLATILE. RegEnumKey on hkcr  will
 give two 'key1'.

I tried to use RegQueryInfoKeyA to count them, also there are more
 than there should be.
 Why there are two duplicated keys? May it be a bug of windows? If it
 is, should we design our algorithm to avoid or treat it as a normal

That's interesting. Windows might allow both a volatile and non-volatile
key of the same name. Since the volatile one is kept in-memory, any values
that exist in it will be discarded eventually, so any inconsistency that
arises isn't the kernel's problem. That'd be my guess, at any rate: even
though such a behavior has the potential to confuse application developers,
since it's not the kernel's problem, it's probably an overlooked quirk.

As far as what to do with it: this is one of those nuanced, i.e. hard to
decide, things with our tests.

In general, we assume that Windows's behavior is the correct behavior,
unless we have strong reason to assume otherwise. We've encountered many
times that even what appear to be bugs end up being relied upon by
application developers.

In this case, though, I think you might have stumbled across something
that's relatively rare, and unless there's an application that depends on
this behavior, it might be worth ignoring for now.

Hope that helps.

Re: Ask for mentor - Improve Bcrypt

2013-05-09 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Kaiyi Zhang,

(or is Zhang Kaiyi?)

I think there's a little misconception in your proposal. Bcrypt the
algorithm is not the same as the BCrypt functions in crypt32. I believe
that Microsoft redesigned their CryptoAPI and more or less renamed their
functions BCrypt*. I don't believe they have any relationship to the Bcrypt
algorithm by Niels Provos and David Mazieres. I don't know how many
applications depend on the Bcrypt* functions in newer crypt32
implementations, vs. the the Crypt* functions that are present in all
versions of crypt32.

If you want feedback on Wine crypto stuff, I'm probably the best to help
you with that. Sorry if I've been a little absent, I'm pretty busy between
my family and my day job of late.

I have another idea for you that I think is tractable, and perhaps up your
alley. The DH and DSS algorithms are still unimplemented in Wine. We
already have tests for them, so I think it should be possible to contribute
implementations. See the tests in dlls/dssenh/tests.

I hope that helps.

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Kaiyi Zhang wrote:

 Hello everyone:

 I am Kaiyi Zhang,A Computer Science and Engineering student from china, my
 major is information security. My nickname in #winehackers is KaiyiZhang. I
 heard the GSOC and I'm very interested in this, wine is tempting to me.I
 have submitted my wine application before the deadline of GSOC. However,
 There are some exams which takes a lot of time, So lack of communication
 with the wine developers. I know it is late to apply for GSoC, however, I'm
 still interesting to the cryptography work in Wine even if I'm not accept
 as an official GSoC2013 student. Cryptography work is difficult, and Wine
 is difficult, so cryptography in Wine is double difficult for a beginner
 like me, could I ask for a mentor for the cryptography work even if my
 proposal is not accepted? To my dear kindly future mentor: I don't know how
 to thank you, but I'll work hard on contributing to the Wine project as
 more as I can. Sincerely appreciate.

 My idea is bcrypt improvement, I think it's very suitable for me, I
 learned the information security. Cryptography is one of my courses. I
  once development a Elliptic curve cryptography Demonstration system which
 makes the ECC Graphical. And i found there is blank in bcrypt, I want to do
 some improvement in this. I know there it's difficult for me to develop.
 but i can code some test code firstly. I read the
 dlls/rsaendh/tests/rsaenh.c: test_hashes(),test_des(),test_rsa() etc. and
 test the code on ubuntu successfully.

 Here is my  plan:

 Week 1 - Week 2
 - Get the Winedebug and document more adept
 - Get more information about bcrypt
 - Bcrypt Wiki:
  - A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme:
  - File of Bcrypt:
  - Read the Document of MSDN about Bcrypt and code some examples
  - MSDN about Bcrypt:

 Week 3 - Week 5
 -Read some wine tests code and run some tests like:
  - the basic encryption dll/crypt32/
 - Understand the bcrypt algorithm, there is a lot of code for learning
  - A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme:

 Week 6 - Week 11
 - Code the BCrypt. According to the MSDN The Steps of Bcrypt
 - Open the Algorithm Provider
 - Get or Set Algorithm Properties
 - Create or Import a key
 - Perform Cryptiographic Operations
 - Close the Algorithm Provider
 There is a cross platform Bcrypt at
 if it is possible we can use it and its license compatible with the wine
 lgpl license.
  - add stub functions for Tests functions() and code the Tests
 functions(). The dlls/rsaenh/tests/rsaenh.c is a good reference. encrypt
 the pdData and compare with the right value. stub BCryptCreateHash()
 BCryptHashData() BCryptDuplicateHash() BCryptDuplicateHash
  BCryptDestroyHash() for test_hashes(). stub BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey()
 BCryptKeyDerivation() BCryptDestroyKey() for test_key_derivation(). stub
 BCryptGenRandom() for test_gen_random().

 Week 12 - End
 - There are also some more cryptions need to tests, I can do more
 improvement these

 Thank you.

Re: [PATCH] msvcrt: fix character/byte confusion in buffer overflow branch

2013-05-07 Thread Juan Lang
In general, I think you want to send this to wine-patches, not here.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Max Kellermann wrote:

 The first memcpy() call in puts_clbk_str_w() confuses character count
 and byte count.  It uses the number of characters (out-len) as number
 of bytes.  This leaves half of the buffer undefined.

 Interestingly, the second memcpy() call in the same function is

 This bug potentially makes applications expose internal (secret) data.
 Usually, the destination buffer is on the stack, and the stack often
 contains secrets.  Therefore, one could argue that this bug
 constitutes a security vulnerability.

It'd be hard to make that argument convincingly. That's neither here nor
there, I suppose, but...

  dlls/msvcrt/printf.h |2 +-
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

 diff --git a/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h b/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h
 index cfba4b7..8b749bc 100644
 --- a/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h
 +++ b/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h
 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static int FUNC_NAME(puts_clbk_str)(void *ctx, int len,
 const APICHAR *str)
  return len;

  if(out-len  len) {
 -memcpy(out-buf, str, out-len);
 +memcpy(out-buf, str, out-len*sizeof(APICHAR));
  out-buf += out-len;

If the memcpy was incorrect, the += is also incorrect. I'm not sure which
is the case, but either way, your patch can't be correct as is.

Re: [PATCH] msvcrt: fix character/byte confusion in buffer overflow branch

2013-05-07 Thread Juan Lang
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Piotr Caban wrote:

 On 05/07/13 17:46, Juan Lang wrote:

 In general, I think you want to send this to wine-patches, not here.

 This patch was also sent to wine-patches.

  On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Max Kellermann wrote:

   dlls/msvcrt/printf.h |2 +-
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

 diff --git a/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h b/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h
 index cfba4b7..8b749bc 100644
 --- a/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h
 +++ b/dlls/msvcrt/printf.h
 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static int FUNC_NAME(puts_clbk_str)(void *ctx, int
 len, const APICHAR *str)
   return len;

   if(out-len  len) {
 -memcpy(out-buf, str, out-len);
 +memcpy(out-buf, str, out-len*sizeof(APICHAR));
   out-buf += out-len;

 If the memcpy was incorrect, the += is also incorrect. I'm not sure
 which is the case, but either way, your patch can't be correct as is.

 out-buf is of APICHAR* type, so it's updated correctly. The patch looks
 good for me.

Thanks, Piotr. Max, my apologies for the sloppy review.

Re: GSoC 2013 - Registry Merging Project

2013-05-03 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Guo Jian,
just so you know, there's another application for the same project. This
doesn't mean that yours can't be accepted, but it does impact your chances.
Thank you for your interest.
Good luck,

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 1:05 AM, orzhvs wrote:

 I'm applying for the Google Summer of Code 2013, this is my proposal
 for the registry merging project.
 I'll work on improving Wine's registry in its stability and simulation
 to solve frequently seen non user-friendly problems, which usually caused
 by that application or system settings are not stored and fetched

 Project  My Understand:
 I'm most interested in the project Registry - implement merging
 between HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes.
 Its core task is to implement RegOpenUserClassesRoot, which returns a
 key token of merging view of HKCU  HKLM classes rather than present
 returning HKCR Classes. The difficulity is that as a view of two
 independent registry trees, how to treat conflicts and make changes to two
 seperated entrys when using HKCR as root, and how to achieve the function
 with no or least effect on other part of registry operation such as
 RegOpenKeyExX. I have some seed ideas that maybe not mature but I like
 solving problems initially from a burst port :
 Scheme 1. Registry operations based on hKey ( handle ) under
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT will be degeneration to full path in text, like
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Subdir1, and try the operation after
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT replaced with HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes and
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes in order, only the first success
 operation will be applied. This may satisfy the demand, both for query and
 modify. For details like the correct order, I'll make it out once get
 working on it. In this way, the HKCR key subtree does not exist in fact but
 only exists as a name.
 Scheme 2. After the base registry is initialized, build the HKCR's
 subkey trees with a new pulled in object type (say it 'symbol link') that
 directly point to the correct keys from HKLM or HKCU. Thus operation in
 HKCR tree are redirected to corresponding branch internally. When operating
 the HKCR itself, like creating new subkeys direct under HKCR, the operation
 is redirected to HKCU classes. This scheme seems more fluent but needs some
 tricks in the server part.

 What I'll Do :
 First of all I'll do a lot of tests on pure winows registry to
 definite my questions and guesses, write one or more test reports on
 different version of windows, some of which is already being done now.
 Followed by I will design the algorithms and data structures and make
 a complete development planation.
 Then enjoying coding and debuging Wine. I love the procedure, during
 the longest part of this project, keep writing daily report.
 Got the plan finished, I will applying improvement.
 Finally strict tests will be done to show if I achieved the final goal
 and a conclude paper will be carefully submitted.
 I'd like not only settle down the main project, but also several ideas
 to make Wine better, which are found in my daily use of Wine, such as add
 support for the shell context menu in Wine explorer for many convenient
 shotcuts of some software like the famous 7zip. I'll do this once time

 Why Me :
 I myself is a faithful user of Wine. I know the thought of Wine and
 know not only basic usage but also a little implement of it.
 I understand Windows registry both Windows API pretty well from nearly
 8 years coding. Have done much test and hooks in windows including RegXXX
 in advapi32.dll or lower level NtOpenKey in ntdll.dll. Further more, I used
 to do some kernel debug tests and hacks on registry, like hiding,
 protecting a subkey from regedit, resolving values from hive file rather
 than using API. These things are done under interests. I've been learning
 Windows API and OS theories from books and network like msdn for long.
 Ofcourse there will be no problem in registry knowledge.
 It's usual for me to write codes more than 1000 lines a day, for self
 use or for the competation ACM. I believe that I'm a careful man in codes
 and other things, I like discovering, guessing and proving.
 To prove I've developed a not too bad coding style, please refer to my
 submisions on codeforces (to view
 code click numbers under column #).
 And this may be a little evidence denoting that at least I've used git
 I know what should I do and what should not. I'm sure aware of the
 legal requirements. All of my tests will be done only in the black-box
 ways. No reverse work on Windows files is allowed and needed in Wine
 project, though I'm good at that. All codes will be written creatively and
 nothing will be copied from existing ones like WRK, RcactOS or something
 I love open source. I benefited 

Re: [2/4] include: added transact.idl (resend)

2013-05-01 Thread Juan Lang
Type it yourself. Refer to MSDN, public descriptions, and publicly
available headers, but don't copy/paste from any of them.

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 3:56 AM, Daniel Jeliński djelins...@gmail.comwrote:

 It probably is, I downloaded it somewhere. Had to remove some stuff to get
 it to compile. I think saw some mail saying that headers aren't copyrighted.

 Anyway. What's the correct approach here? I mean, I clearly shouldn't add
 anything, and removing stuff also doesn't look like the right idea. Well I
 could remove comments, but that's hardly innovative. What's the usual way
 to do it?

 2013/5/1 Alexandre Julliard

 Daniel Jeliński writes:

  +import unknwn.idl;
  +interface ITransaction;
  +interface ITransactionDispenser;
  +interface ITransactionOptions;
  +interface ITransactionOutcomeEvents;
  +interface ITransactionCompletionEvents;
  + * Transaction related types
  +interface BasicTransactionTypes
  +typedef struct BOID {
  +byte rgb[16];
  +} BOID;
  +cpp_quote(#define BOID_NULL (*((BOID*)(IID_NULL
  +/* change the following two line together */
  +cpp_quote(#ifndef MAX_TRAN_DESC_DEFINED)/* conflicts
 with uimsg.h. This is temporary work around */
  +cpp_quote(#define MAX_TRAN_DESC_DEFINED)
  +typedef enum TX_MISC_CONSTANTS
  +MAX_TRAN_DESC   = 40
  +/* Unit Of Work. */
  +typedef BOID XACTUOW;
  +/* Data type for isolation level values. */
  +typedef LONG ISOLEVEL;
  +/* Constants that specifiy isolation level of a transaction. */
  +typedef enum ISOLATIONLEVEL {
  +ISOLATIONLEVEL_BROWSE   = 0x0100,   /* Synonym for
  +ISOLATIONLEVEL_READCOMMITTED= 0x1000,   /* Synonym for
  +ISOLATIONLEVEL_ISOLATED = 0x0010,   /* Synonym for
  +/* Transaction information structure, used in ITransaction */
  +typedef struct XACTTRANSINFO {
  +XACTUOW uow;/* The current unit of
 work */
  +ISOLEVELisoLevel;   /* The isolation level
 for the current UOW */
  +ULONG   isoFlags;   /* Values from ISOFLAG
 enumeration */
  +DWORD   grfTCSupported; /* Flags indicating
 capabilities */
  +DWORD   grfRMSupported; /*   ... of this
 transaction wrt */
  +DWORD   grfTCSupportedRetaining;/*   ...
 parameters to Commit */
  +DWORD   grfRMSupportedRetaining;/*   ... */
  +typedef struct XACTSTATS {
  +ULONG   cOpen;  /* The number of currently
 extant transactions. */
  +ULONG   cCommitting;/* The number of transactions
 which are proceding towards committing. */
  +ULONG   cCommitted; /* The number of transactions
 that are have been committed. */
  +ULONG   cAborting;  /* The number of transactions
 which are in the process of aborting. */
  +ULONG   cAborted;   /* The number of transactions
 that are have been aborted. */
  +ULONG   cInDoubt;   /* The number of transactions
 which are presently in doubt. */
  +ULONG   cHeuristicDecision; /* The number of transactions
 that have completed by heuristic decision. */
  +FILETIMEtimeTransactionsUp; /* The amount of time that
 this transaction service has been up. */

 This is clearly a straight copy of the SDK header. You can't do that.

 Alexandre Julliard

Re: GSoC proposal

2013-05-01 Thread Juan Lang
Hi George,

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 8:14 AM, George Stephanos gaf.stepha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello wine-devel!

 This is my proposal as a student for Google Summer of Code 2013.
 I'm George Stephanos from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology
 situated in Egypt. gsteph on #winehackers
 I'm currently about to finish my second semester as a BSc in CS.

 Previous Experience:
 I haven't developed for Wine before though I've always been a big fan of
 the project.
 I'm fairly good with C/C++ and Python and I think I have enough Win32 API
 experience. I've previously developed small WinSock, DirectX and classic
 GUI applications (with and without MFC).
 I'm a freelancer. I've worked (alone) on around 25-30 projects rating 4+/5
 in each.
 I've enrolled in Google Code-In 2010 and 2011 (which is basically GSoC for
 high school students) writing lots of ARM assembly code for VideoLAN
 (#x264dev on freenode). In 2011, I would have ranked 12th if not for an
 issue that occurred between VideoLAN and Google.

 I've read your ideas page and the only registry task [1] has particularly
 caught my attention.
 I'm aware of what I need to do. I've read [2], [3] and [4].
 I haven't yet browsed the Wine tree at all and I'll probably be missing
 implementation strategies but that'll hopefully be worked out with my

This would be nice to see, but I'll warn you, it might be a challenging
one. The coding part of it probably won't end up all that large in the end,
but you'll have to figure out a lot of the Wine architecture before you get
anywhere with it. The registry is implemented in the Wine server (see
server/registry.c), and APIs are implemented in ntdll (see
dlls/ntdll/reg.c), and advapi32 (see dlls/advapi32/registry.c). Making
changes to the server usually requires a lot more convincing of Alexandre
than, say, a shiny new control panel applet.

I usually advise people to get up to speed by first, building the wine
tree, then attempting to add new tests. You might not have enough time to
do that prior to the application deadline, and in this case, Andre already
added some tests for you :)

More things to read up about: these might be implemented using registry
symbolic links.

Anyway, that's enough background to get you started :) Good luck,

Re: secur32: Take schannel backend capabilities into account when configuring enabled protocols.

2013-03-30 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jacek,

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Jacek Caban wrote:

  Most of the argument could be used against enabling TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2,
 because it's not present on older Macs (nor enabled by default on Windows),
 so we'll have different behaviour. That's sadly something we have to live
 with. Anyway, I'm all for trying to avoid using SSL2, but I'd like to be a
 bit less extreme. How about this patch:

 With this patch, SSL2 will be completely disabled in default Wine config,
 but it will be still possible to enable by registries, if someone really
 needs it.

Thanks, this approach looks good to me.

Re: secur32: Take schannel backend capabilities into account when configuring enabled protocols.

2013-03-29 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jacek,

thanks for the detailed reply.

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 3:02 AM, Jacek Caban wrote:

  Each protocol has two kinds of enable/disable flags: enabled and
 disabled by default. Those have different default values for each
 protocol and there are registry setting allowing to change each of them.
 Only enabled protocols are used at all. This patch limits enabled
 protocols to those that we can really support. If an application asks
 schannel to use default set of protocols (which I'd expect them to do
 unless they have a good reason), schannel will use all enabled protocols
 that are not disabled by default. An alternative to default set of
 protocols is listing each allowed separately.

 This means that if protocol is enabled and disabled by default it
 won't be used unless application explicitly asks for it. SSL2 is such a
 protocol by default. Do you think we should do this differently?

Yes, my suggestion here is to explicitly disable SSL2 support altogether.
GnuTLS doesn't support it, and having behavior that differs between Linux
and Mac can be kind of maddening. I can imagine something like, embedded
browser doesn't work for game X, with lots of works for me reports and
the occasional fails here too, only to discover that it works on Mac but
not Linux. The additional cost of a difference in behavior doesn't seem
worth it, especially when the protocol itself really should have died long

Re: secur32: Take schannel backend capabilities into account when configuring enabled protocols.

2013-03-28 Thread Juan Lang
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

 On Mar 28, 2013, at 6:05 AM, Jacek Caban wrote:

  --- a/dlls/secur32/schannel_macosx.c
  +++ b/dlls/secur32/schannel_macosx.c
  @@ -630,6 +630,11 @@ static OSStatus schan_push_adapter(SSLConnectionRef
 transport, const void *buff,
   return ret;
  +DWORD schan_imp_enabled_protocols(void)
  +/* NOTE: No support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 */

Do we really want to continue supporting SSL2? It's got a number of
vulnerabilities, and is disabled pretty much everywhere by now:

Re: ntdll: make NtDelayExecution a bit more efficient

2013-03-08 Thread Juan Lang
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 6:11 AM, Graham Knap wrote:

 Michael Stefaniuc wrote:
  i.e. commit 8099c2b9. JW says ... to more closely resemble Windows
  behavior.  The key is to yield in a Sleep...
  JW is Jeremy White so us old timers chuckle now ;)

 I know the name, but nothing more. Why is this funny?

He's the CEO of Codeweavers, and he's the first one to admit he doesn't
write great code, or at least that Alexandre rejects his code a lot :)

 If the ancient wisdom isn't backed by tests there's a fair chance that
  it might not be applicable today. Or that it was a wrong theory

 Interesting. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to go about writing
 tests for this. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

It's, well, hard to test. MSDN suggests it was true in XP, but subsequently

I no longer recall which app it was Jeremy was working on fixing, but there
was at least one app that depended on this behavior. See Jeremy's posts on
RFC: yield on Waits and Threading issues.

Re: iphlpapi: Let C look like C.

2013-02-06 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Michael, this isn't actually a problem with your patch, just something I

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Michael Stefaniuc mstef...@redhat.comwrote:

 On 02/06/2013 11:16 PM, Austin English wrote:
  On Feb 6, 2013 11:13 PM, Michael Stefaniuc wrote:
   dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c |2 +-
   1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
  diff --git a/dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c b/dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c
  index f8191ba..966d24e 100644
  --- a/dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c
  +++ b/dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c
  @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI GetIcmpStatisticsEx(PMIB_ICMP_EX
  stats, DWORD family)
   ret = GetIcmpStatistics(ipv4stats);
  -if SUCCEEDED(ret)
  +if (SUCCEEDED(ret))

This code is incorrect. All paths that set ret yield a non-negative value
for ret, so SUCCEEDED(ret) is always 1. Using SUCCEEDED/FAILED on something
other than an HRESULT is asking for trouble. The correct thing to do is if

Re: [PATCH] cryptui: use add_oid_to_usage correctly (Coverity)

2013-02-02 Thread Juan Lang
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 5:05 AM, Marcus Meissner mar...@jet.franken.dewrote:

 On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 03:48:27PM -0800, Juan Lang wrote:
  On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Juan Lang wrote:
   Hi Marcus,
   -add_oid_to_usage(usage, ptr);
   +usage = add_oid_to_usage(usage, ptr);
   This looks fine, but would you mind making the same change on line 337?
   Actually, perhaps I hit sent too early. If this memory allocation
  which is the only situation under which add_oid_to_usage doesn't just
  return its first parameter, it'll immediately crash on the next
  with a NULL pointer dereference.
  I'm not sure it's worth all the trouble in an out of memory situation.
  Perhaps just remove the return value and let the caller crash.

 Actually the loop around checks that as a condition and would lead to
 return NULL:

 for (ptr = usageStr, comma = strchr(ptr, ','); usage  ptr 

 For the second one the loop around does not catch it.

 I think the add_oid_to_usage() should not even do it this way  and not
 touch usage
 at all, but instead return a memory allocation error and let the caller
 handle it:/

 Or just let it crash.

Yeah, I think just letting it crash is better than trying to sort it all
out. Thanks, and sorry for the confusing and buggy code :/

Re: [PATCH] cryptui: use add_oid_to_usage correctly (Coverity)

2013-02-01 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Marcus,

-add_oid_to_usage(usage, ptr);
+usage = add_oid_to_usage(usage, ptr);

This looks fine, but would you mind making the same change on line 337?



Re: [PATCH] cryptui: use add_oid_to_usage correctly (Coverity)

2013-02-01 Thread Juan Lang
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Juan Lang wrote:

 Hi Marcus,

 -add_oid_to_usage(usage, ptr);
 +usage = add_oid_to_usage(usage, ptr);

 This looks fine, but would you mind making the same change on line 337?

 Actually, perhaps I hit sent too early. If this memory allocation fails,
which is the only situation under which add_oid_to_usage doesn't just
return its first parameter, it'll immediately crash on the next invocation
with a NULL pointer dereference.

I'm not sure it's worth all the trouble in an out of memory situation.
Perhaps just remove the return value and let the caller crash.

Thanks again,

Re: [PATCH 8/8] wininet: Get rid of WORKREQ* types

2013-01-30 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jacek,
just wanted to say these series of patches make me happy :)
lpfnHungarianNotationDieDieDie ;)

Re: Wine Wiki needs your help!

2013-01-15 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Kyle,

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:10 AM, Kyle Auble wrote:

 The one thing that would probably help a lot is if there was a regularly
 updated tarball of the wiki content either at WineHQ or Lattica's FTP
 again. I
 haven't messed with cron itself much, but my archive.cron script should
 up the files correctly. The main complication is that the user dir probably
 should be shared on a need-to-know basis because it contains weakly-hashed
 password info.

Could the password hashes be excluded from the regular tarball? E.g. using
--exclude in the tar command?

Re: [PATCH] crypt32: free the encoded msg (Coverity)

2013-01-09 Thread Juan Lang
In case this was awaiting an ACK from me, this looks good. Thanks.

Re: [website] Are we doing something wrong with our secure connections?

2013-01-02 Thread Juan Lang
Hi André,

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 8:08 AM, André Hentschel wrote:

 FWIW i have just seen:

 which tells me we have some problems with secure website connection, the
 question is, do we need more security here?

The answer is, no.

More reasoning: in general, I don't think we're relying on any
confidentiality in the patches we submit to testbot: anyone can connect and
see the patches, as well as their test results. So no, I don't think
problems with TLS on testbot are a concern, now or ever.

And in particular: the qualsys scan tells us that the cert we're using is
vulnerable to the BEAST attack, and that the server is vulnerable to the
CRIME attack. The BEAST and CRIME attacks can allow an attacker to learn
the plaintext of a stable piece of ciphertext sent in many connections,
e.g. an authentication cookie, without having learned the server's private
key. In testbot's case, we do use cookie-based authentication after initial
login, but at worst that'd allow an attacker to submit jobs as one of us
developers, or cancel one of our test jobs, change our password, etc. I
don't think this is much of a concern.

Re: wininet: Don't perform revocation checks when verifying a certificate.

2012-12-12 Thread Juan Lang
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 12:32 AM, Hans Leidekker h...@codeweavers.comwrote:

 On Tue, 2012-12-11 at 12:59 -0800, Juan Lang wrote:
  Getting the client to trust the server cert can be as easy as ignoring
  root errors, if you don't think this impacts the revocation results.
  Returning revocation is straightforward enough, assuming you have a
 server under
  your control.

 So self-sign the CRL too. I guess that might work if ignoring untrusted
 errors extends to verification of the CRL.

 Actually, I was thinking a 2-certificate chain, with the root signing the
CRL. I don't think a cert that revokes itself has a lot of meaning.

Re: wininet: Don't perform revocation checks when verifying a certificate.

2012-12-11 Thread Juan Lang
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Hans Leidekker h...@codeweavers.comwrote:

 On Tue, 2012-12-11 at 14:52 +0100, Jacek Caban wrote:
  On 12/11/12 09:45, Hans Leidekker wrote: is a test which
 shows that
   revocation checks fail for the certificate on when passed
   to CertVerifyRevocation. The reason is that a CRL link specified in the
   certificate does not resolve. is a test which
   a secure connection to from wininet and shows that this
   My conclusion is that native wininet doesn't perform revocation checks.
  Your tests prove that we should relax our verification on
  CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION or something similar. To prove that
  revocation checks are not made, a test with truly revoked cert would be

 True, though to perform the revocation check the CRL has to be retrieved
 and my
 tests with wireshark didn't show any signs of that.

Would adding to the tests as part of this patch be a bad thing?

Re: wininet: Don't perform revocation checks when verifying a certificate.

2012-12-11 Thread Juan Lang
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Hans Leidekker h...@codeweavers.comwrote:

 On Tue, 2012-12-11 at 11:52 -0800, Juan Lang wrote:
  On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Hans Leidekker
  On Tue, 2012-12-11 at 14:52 +0100, Jacek Caban wrote:
   On 12/11/12 09:45, Hans Leidekker wrote: is a
 test which shows that
revocation checks fail for the certificate on outlook.comwhen 
  passed straight
to CertVerifyRevocation. The reason is that a CRL link
 specified in the
certificate does not resolve. is a
 test which makes
a secure connection to from wininet and shows
 that this succeeds.
My conclusion is that native wininet doesn't perform
 revocation checks.
   Your tests prove that we should relax our verification on
   CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION or something similar. To
 prove that
   revocation checks are not made, a test with truly revoked cert
 would be
  True, though to perform the revocation check the CRL has to be
 retrieved and my
  tests with wireshark didn't show any signs of that.
  Would adding to the tests as part of this patch be a bad thing?

 I thought about that but I am hesitant to use a random site that's not
 under our

 The alternative is to setup our own site with a certificate that only
 fails the
 revocation check, which I think means that we need to have it signed by a
 root and then revoked. I'm not sure we have the means to do that currently.

 Do you have any suggestions?

I agree with you that this is a little finicky to test, but I think it's
tractable. The desired outcome is a server trusted by the client under
test, presenting a valid server cert, under two conditions: where the
server cert's revocation can't be tested, and where the server's cert is
actually revoked.

First the easy bit: testing what happens when the revocation can't be
checked involves a valid cert with a CRL distribution point that doesn't
respond. Easy, as long as you can create the server cert that the client

Getting the client to trust the server cert can be as easy as ignoring
untrusted root errors, if you don't think this impacts the revocation

Returning revocation is straightforward enough, assuming you have a server
under your control.

Now, the server: is it possible to have another provisioned
that returns an arbitrary cert?

If not, it's possible to run a server locally, but this is a lot more code
overhead, so probably not worth it for this go around.

Re: Bug#566351: libgcrypt11: should not change user id as a side effect

2012-11-07 Thread Juan Lang
On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 3:22 AM, Dan Kegel wrote:

 After gstreamer, gcrypt is also dropping support for alternative
 thread libraries.
 Good thing secur32/schannel_gnutls.c doesn't use it.  (Right?)


If someone were motivated, we could begin to transition winhttp and wininet
to schannel instead of  OpenSSL, and we could eliminate this dependency.
It's a lot to ask, but it seems, subjectively, like schannel has gotten
enough love to be workable for most sites by now.

Re: iphlapi: Fix some leaks (coverity)

2012-11-06 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Frédéric,

thanks for the patch. Allow me to elaborate:

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 6:05 AM, Alexandre Julliard julli...@winehq.orgwrote:

 Frédéric Delanoy writes:

  @@ -1520,8 +1521,8 @@ DWORD WINAPI GetIpAddrTable(PMIB_IPADDRTABLE
 pIpAddrTable, PULONG pdwSize, BOOL
  sizeof(MIB_IPADDRROW), IpAddrTableSorter);
   ret = NO_ERROR;
  -  HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, table);
  +HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, table);

 That's not the correct fix.

The correct place to fix is getIpAddrTable in ifenum.c, so that should it
fail, it frees the memory it allocated. This was obviously an oversight on
my part. See the for loop here:

This loop terminates if something fails, so after the for loop is an ideal
place to add a HeapFree. In this way, the callers (GetIpAddrTable is but
one) never have to cope with freeing memory when getIpAddrTable fails.

Re: [PATCH] iphlpapi: Set DhcpEnabled to TRUE for all interfaces.

2012-09-25 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Qian,

 There is a winpcap based network authentication client which check for the 
 DhcpEnabled value, this patch make the app happy and then the app works with 
 André's pcap wrapper [1].

 Please let me know if this is acceptable, or we have to correctly implement 
 DhcpEnabled status?

I think this is fine, but you'd want to remove/fix some outdated
comments I wrote at the same time:

 *  Since GetAdaptersInfo never returns adapters that have DHCP enabled,
 *  this function does nothing.
 *  Stub, returns ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
  TRACE(AdapterInfo %p\n, AdapterInfo);
  /* not a stub, never going to support this (and I never mark an adapter as
 DHCP enabled, see GetAdaptersInfo, so this should never get called) */

The same comments are in IpRenewAddress.

Historical reason: when I wrote iphlpapi's first implementation, I had
recently been working on a Windows app that released and renewed IP
addresses on DHCP-enabled interfaces, because Windows at the time was
pretty poor at doing so in response to changes to wireless connection
state. I figured I wouldn't be the only one to have had to work around
this issue, so I didn't want to have to implement IpReleaseAddress and
IpRenewAddress in Wine.

That was almost 10 years ago now, so these reasons no longer apply.
I'm pretty sure the app I wrote isn't in use any longer, and even if
it is, it isn't in use on Wine (I also wrote a Linux version.)


Re: shell32: Add tests for ShellExecute()'s handling of file URLs.

2012-09-19 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Francois,

pretty sure you didn't mean to leave this hunk in:
@@ -2296,9 +2406,13 @@ START_TEST(shlexec)


+#if 0
+#if 0
@@ -2308,6 +2422,7 @@ START_TEST(shlexec)


Re: [PATCH 21/21] jscript: Pack jsval_t to 64-bit structure on i386

2012-09-17 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jacek,

+ * that NaN value representation has 52 (almost) free bytes.

You mean bits, yes?

While you're at it,
+ * jsval_t structure is used to represent JavaScript dynamicaly-typed values.

dynamically is spelled with two l's.


Re: dssenh: implementing the dssenh cryptographic service provider

2012-09-12 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Marek,

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Marek Chmiel wrote:
 Hello all,
 over the summer I had a chance to complete the regression test suite
 for the DSSENH cryptographic provider; thank you to those that helped
 along the way. I am currently researching how to implement the actual
 provider, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. A question
 I have is: RSAENH AND DSSENH both use the same encryption algorithms
 (I am not 100% sure about that yet), so for example could I use one
 that was written for RSAENH or shall I write those functions on my own
 using Libtomcrypt?

There are some algorithms in common, e.g. MD5 and SHA1. For these, I
think you'd want to copy/paste the existing implementation from rsaenh
into dssenh. There are other algorithms, e.g. DSS aka DSA, e.g. DH,
that are not. For these, I think you'd want to use an existing
implementation, but since none exists in Wine, you'd have to import
new code.  libtomcrypt's license makes it relatively easy to use.

Hope that helps,

Re: Fix the FIXME message to reflect the real problem.

2012-06-04 Thread Juan Lang
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 2:19 AM, Piotr Caban wrote:
 On 06/02/12 13:35, wrote:

 @@ -2735,7 +2735,7 @@ static BOOL CommitUrlCacheEntryInternal(
              goto cleanup;

 -        FIXME(entry already in cache - don't know what to do!\n);
 +        FIXME(collision handler needed - the entry is already in

 This message is not about entry being used. I think the old message is quite
 accurate. The don't know what to do part is quite strange but I don't see
 reason to change it.

I agree.  The reason we get these all the time is that we never
fulfill requests from cache, but we do write to the cache, so for all
potential cache hits, we write duplicate cache entries.  After 4
entries have been written, we begin to see the fixme.

If this message is annoying, it's working: we need to start fulfilling
requests from cache, instead of just filling up users' hard drives.

Re: [3/3] iphlpapi: Check for the right TCP statistics structure name (for DragonFly BSD)

2012-06-02 Thread Juan Lang
Hi André,

+struct tcpstat tcp_stat;
+struct tcp_stats tcp_stat;
 struct tcpstat tcp_stat;

I think you meant to remove the declaration outside of the #if.

crypt32/tests(1/6): Don't shadow a variable with a variable of a different type

2012-05-30 Thread Juan Lang
From 728b013f2ca52de878dc65633a9c6cbcb1a9002c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juan Lang
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 15:55:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] Don't shadow a variable with a variable of a different

 dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c |   36 ++--
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c b/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c
index 9678053..6e46a57 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c
@@ -2098,7 +2098,6 @@ static void testCreateSelfSignCert(void)
 if (context)
 DWORD size = 0;
 /* The context must have a key provider info property */
 ret = CertGetCertificateContextProperty(context,
@@ -2106,24 +2105,25 @@ static void testCreateSelfSignCert(void)
 ok(ret  size, Expected non-zero key provider info\n);
 if (size)
-info = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
-if (info)
+PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO pInfo = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 
+if (pInfo)
 ret = CertGetCertificateContextProperty(context,
- CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, info, size);
 ok(ret, CertGetCertificateContextProperty failed: %08x\n,
 if (ret)
 /* Sanity-check the key provider */
-ok(!lstrcmpW(info-pwszContainerName, cspNameW),
+ok(!lstrcmpW(pInfo-pwszContainerName, cspNameW),
  Unexpected key container\n);
-ok(!lstrcmpW(info-pwszProvName, MS_DEF_PROV_W),
+ok(!lstrcmpW(pInfo-pwszProvName, MS_DEF_PROV_W),
  Unexpected provider\n);
-ok(info-dwKeySpec == AT_SIGNATURE,
- Expected AT_SIGNATURE, got %d\n, info-dwKeySpec);
+ok(pInfo-dwKeySpec == AT_SIGNATURE,
+ Expected AT_SIGNATURE, got %d\n, pInfo-dwKeySpec);
-HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, info);
+HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pInfo);
@@ -2152,7 +2152,6 @@ static void testCreateSelfSignCert(void)
 if (context)
 DWORD size = 0;
 /* The context must have a key provider info property */
 ret = CertGetCertificateContextProperty(context,
@@ -2160,24 +2159,25 @@ static void testCreateSelfSignCert(void)
 ok(ret  size, Expected non-zero key provider info\n);
 if (size)
-info = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
-if (info)
+PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO pInfo = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
+if (pInfo)
 ret = CertGetCertificateContextProperty(context,
 ok(ret, CertGetCertificateContextProperty failed: %08x\n,
 if (ret)
 /* Sanity-check the key provider */
-ok(!lstrcmpW(info-pwszContainerName, cspNameW),
+ok(!lstrcmpW(pInfo-pwszContainerName, cspNameW),
 Unexpected key container\n);
-ok(!lstrcmpW(info-pwszProvName, MS_DEF_PROV_W),
+ok(!lstrcmpW(pInfo-pwszProvName, MS_DEF_PROV_W),
 Unexpected provider\n);
-ok(info-dwKeySpec == AT_KEYEXCHANGE,
-Expected AT_KEYEXCHANGE, got %d\n, info-dwKeySpec);
+ok(pInfo-dwKeySpec == AT_KEYEXCHANGE,
+Expected AT_KEYEXCHANGE, got %d\n, pInfo-dwKeySpec);
-HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, info);
+HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pInfo);

Re: func or pFunc in tests ?

2012-05-27 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Alexandre,

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:22 AM, GOUJON Alexandre wrote:
 Some tests call directly the function by its name (i.e. GetWindowsDirectory,
 CreateFileA, CloseHandle...) while others declare a pointer to the function
 (prefixing its name by 'p' and followed by a capital letter) retrieved via

 I know that tests have been written by lots of different people at different
 times and the general rule is follow the style of the test file to be
 consistent but here, both styles exist in the same file

 Is there any rule concerning using func over pFunc ?
 Is it related to the module it comes from ?

Basically, if the function is available on all versions of Windows
that the test bot runs on, use func.  If it's not available on some
versions, and you need to test whether it's available to avoid a
non-running test, use pFunc instead.

Regarding the history, a lot of the usage of pFunc in the tests is for
Windows 95/98/ME, which we no longer test on, so their continued use
is legacy. That's not true in all cases, e.g. often a function
wasn't available in Windows NT 4.0 either.

Re: kernel32: Correct WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar error codes and conditions (try 4)

2012-05-10 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Alex,
first, thanks for taking the time to respond to feedback.  Showing
responsiveness helps a great deal.

Next, on your patch: I'm trying to help you get this committed, so
this is meant to be constructive feedback.

+static void test_WideCharToMultiByte_error(UINT page, DWORD flags, LPCWSTR src,
+   INT srclen, LPSTR dst, INT dstlen,
+   LPCSTR defchar, BOOL* used,
+   const char* test_description,
+   DWORD expected_error)
+WideCharToMultiByte(page, flags, src, srclen, dst, dstlen, defchar, used);
+ok(GetLastError() == expected_error,
+   codepage %i, %s, expected error %i got error %i\n, page,
+   test_description, expected_error, GetLastError());
+static void test_MultiByteToWideChar_error(UINT page, DWORD flags, LPCSTR src,
+   INT srclen, LPWSTR dst, INT dstlen,
+   const char* test_description,
+   DWORD expected_error)
+MultiByteToWideChar(page, flags, src, srclen, dst, dstlen);
+ok(GetLastError() == expected_error,
+   codepage %i, %s, expected error %i got error %i\n, page,
+   test_description, expected_error, GetLastError());

These helpers don't really gain you anything here, there's really not
enough code to be worth using helpers.  Please just copy/paste the
changes everyplace you're currently using them.  Also, a common
convention we use is to set last error to 0xdeadbeef prior to a test
we expect to set last error on failure.


urlcache: what all are you working on?

2012-04-05 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Morten and Piotr,
I notice both of you are working on wininet's url cache.  That's
great:  it's largely bitrot, and has been for years.  My question is,
what are you planning to fix?  It seems like you're both running into
some of the same issues right now, and it would be nice if you could
coordinate a little.  Ok, I lie:  it'd be nice to get code from both
of you ;)

If I were to guess, it looks like you're both working on eliminating
corruption and deadlocks, both of which can occur right now.

Another thing that'd be nice to see is reducing the amount of disk
space used.  Morten, some of the patches you sent me do some of that,
by removing files once they're no longer in use.  (The patches I have
do that too.)  Piotr, were you planning to address this too?

A question that I have to ask is, would be better to eliminate the url
cache altogether?  Right now its only utility is to pass test cases,
and conveniently fill up your disk.  No requests are ever fulfilled
from the cache.  Either of you have any plans to tackle that?


Re: Programmatically determining arguments to a WinAPI function

2012-04-02 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Roger,

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Roger Cruz wrote:
 I'm looking for a way to determine programmatically what the arguments to a
 Win32 API implemented in Wine are.  I'm trying to implement an API
 redirection stub that I can use to trace calls into all of the
 Wine-implemented DLLs.  My stub needs to know what each argument passed into
 the Win32 API, their types and sizes, and whether they reside on the stack
 or register when calling the routine and finally their return value.

I think you want to look at winapi

 In researching Wine, I have come to find out two tools, winedump and
 winebuild that may be helpful in doing this but I have yet to find out how
 to use them correctly to get the information  I seek.  Maybe they just don't
 have that capability or maybe I just haven't played with them enough to find
 all of its uses.

 For example, I found that each DLL has a *.spec file which looks to have
 some of the info I need:

 @ stdcall GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(ptr)

 Looking at the man pages, this tells me that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime takes
 in an argument as a pointer but I don't see any return value information
 here.  Also, does this file ever represent arguments passed by value on the
 stack, like a structure?  If so, does it capture how big the structure is?
 What about function prototypes with variable arguments (similar to
 printf(...)).. are those capture in the file?  Can I also assume (based on
 the calling convention listed as stdcall) which arguments will be on
 registers and which will be on the stack?

Yes.  stdcall, cdecl, and fastcall are all documented as to their
calling convention.  In particular, stdcall and cdecl both accept all
arguments on the stack and return through EAX.  (They differ in who
pops arguments from the stack.)  This is basic Win32 stuff, any
Windows reference in the last 25+ years ought to tell you it.
fastcall is more recent, but they're all up on Wikipedia:


Re: Would like to get some feedback on GSOC idea

2012-03-29 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Marek,

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:13 AM, M C wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 My name is Marek Chmiel, I am a student a NEIU. I am studying computer
 science and network security related topics. This semester I had spent
 a fair amount of time writing crypt related functions with java, and
 became very interested in Cryptography. After looking over the
 suggested ideas on SOC official wine wiki I was pleasantly surprised
 to see that there was already a crypt related idea suggested. I have a
 great understanding of c++ and java, and though I know c I have not
 worked with it as much as the other languages.

 Implementing a DSS provider sounds like an awesome task to tackle, if
 someone has never written code for Linux, can they take on such a
 task? Are there any significant issues implementing a DSS that you
 guys know about? Any crypt GSOC ideas would you suggest for someone
 who has wrote limited amount of code for Linux?

If you know C, you ought to be able to code in Linux.  I don't see
that being a significant hurdle.

I don't know of any significant issues implementing a DSS provider.
The usual gotchas with coding for Wine apply here:  tests, tests,
tests.  Solid test cases are a prerequisite to adding new code to
Wine, and if a SoC project produces nothing but a solid test suite,
it's still a win.  I expect this is a pretty straightforward project
for someone motivated, so I'm happy to see someone interested in
picking it up.

 What I would also like to do, besides implementing a DSS provider, is
 to fix most if not all of the crypt related bugs that remain in Wine.
 This might seem like more than most people can chew, but viewing the
 Bug Tracking database it appears that there aren't that many crypt
 related bugs and might even be caused by a lack of a DSS provider
 (Hopefully this wouldn't create a entire new series of bugs).

There aren't that many bugs, it's true.  I don't think many of them
relate specifically to DSS, and some may be quite challenging to fix.
But the more you can fix, the better :)

As you dig more into the project, I'm sure you'll have more specific
questions.  By all means ask once you get there.

(Also, I'll try to be a mentor, should your project be accepted.  I
may be on vacation part of the summer, hopefully not enough to impact
your work too much.)

Re: Major mmdevapi and winmm audio bugs

2012-02-28 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Andrew,

one small contribution:

 Winmm's timer functions use poll() with a timeout value, subtracting
 the time elapsed curing the callback. This works quite well in dsound.

 The Win32 API also provides the SetTimer API. But that depends on a
 message queue, which is a hassle I don't know if we want to bother
 with in the drivers (plus, it may be no more reliable than the

Using SetTimer is not the way you want to go.  Its timing is
unpredictable and its interface strange.  I'd stay away from it.

Re: SourceForge forbids download

2012-02-07 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Aidin,

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Aidin Gharibnavaz wrote:
 SourceForge blocked download for some countries by default, such as Iran.
 (More detail can be found here)

 So, if it's not illegal to you to let Iranians download your software,
 please go to the SourceForge's ProjectAdmin, and set the ExportControl
 option, to let us enjoy the great work of yours.

While it may or not be illegal, and I am not a lawyer, I believe it
isn't legal to allow a download from the US without having applied for
a review first:

Wine includes general encryption algorithms, not just authentication,
and doesn't have restrictions on key length.  While many of the
cryptographic primitives were obtained from freely-available source
code, I don't know whether things like certificate verification fall
under the review requirements.

Hence, I don't believe that we can enable downloads from Iran on
SourceForge.  It's entirely possible to get the Wine source via other
means, however.

Sorry for the hassle.

Re: [2/3] msi: Use the return value of IXMLDOMNode_get_text (clang).

2012-02-03 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Hans,

 hr = IXMLDOMNode_get_text( node, s );
 IXMLDOMNode_Release( node );
-if (!strcmpW( s, product_code )) r = ERROR_SUCCESS;
+if (hr == S_OK  !strcmpW( s, product_code )) r = ERROR_SUCCESS;
+SysFreeString( s );

Is it really safe to free s if IXMLDOMNode_get_text failed?

Re: crypt32: Only accept trailing NULLs in a certificate common name.

2012-01-31 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Erich,

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Erich E. Hoover wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Erich E. Hoover wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Juan Lang wrote:
 Sorry I didn't spot this earlier.  Without this, someone who registers
 a certificate common name with an embedded NULL, like\0.badguy, could fool crypt32 into accepting it for a
 domain it isn't registered to, in my example.

 It looks like you've just changed it to allow more than one NULL at
 the end...  It seems to me that the matching code already handles the
 case of an embedded NULL, since it goes through the allowed_len
 characters and manually checks each byte (rather than using a routine
 like strcmp() which stops at NULLs).

Well, sort of.  The byte-by-byte comparison takes place component by
component.  The boundary between each component is defined by the
presence of a '.'.  That's why, in my example, I have an embedded NULL
immediately prior to a '.'.  After the end of each component is found,
it's passed to match_domain_component.  In the current git version,
each component strips a NULL, hence an embedded NULL is accepted.  In
the version I sent, only trailing NULL(s) are removed.

You're right that I allow multiple trailing NULLs rather than just
one, but that difference seems immaterial.  The key one is to prevent
NULLs immediately prior to dots.

Re: crypt32: Only accept trailing NULLs in a certificate common name.

2012-01-31 Thread Juan Lang
 Wow, I clearly didn't read that you moved the code over to
 match_common_name.  Apparently I'm not quite conscious today, my

Clearly I wasn't quite conscious when I reviewed your patch in the
first place :)  No worries, for security fixes lots of checking is
always worthwhile!

Re: [PATCH 1/1] crypt32: Fix domain component length check.

2012-01-27 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Erich,

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Erich E. Hoover wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Austin English wrote:
 Forgot the patch.

 Thanks!  I don't know how I missed that, apparently I'm blind today.

surely this needs a test.  Ping me if you need help creating one.


Re: In-process wineserver

2012-01-23 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Daniel,

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:15 AM, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
 Daniel Santos writes:

 I've updated my in-process wineserver hack, cleaned it up a bit more and
 fixed a few problems.  So, at least in Star Wars Battlefront II, the
 sound and HID problems are fixed (the select server call must be made
 via the pipe).  I presume there are other server calls with similar
 properties.  Also, the wineserver now exits properly and cleans up it's
 instance when the main process terminates.  Changed the enabling
 enviroment variable to WINESPEEDHACK.

 So what would it take for this to be integrated into wine as an optional

 You'll probably have to kill me first ;-)

a more serious reply:  you may not be aware the Transgaming did just
such a thing years ago, and lobbied pretty heavily for it to be
included.  AJ declined at the time.  The reasons for not including it
remain the same:  because of the possibility of a buggy app taking
down the wineserver, we couldn't ever attempt to support such a beast.
 Any bug reported against it would be suspect.  Worse, people might
report bugs neglecting to mention that they'd enabled it.

So no, we really won't ever include such a feature as part of an
official release around here.  We already have enough trouble with
people reporting bugs in unsupported configurations.

You're welcome to maintain your own fork, or maintain your patch for
people to try in their own Wine builds if they like.

Re: richedit: v1.0 richedit uses CR and LF for enter

2012-01-18 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jason,

+  ME_InsertTextFromCursor(editor, 0, endlv10[0], 2, style);

you want to use endlv10 instead, i.e.:

+  ME_InsertTextFromCursor(editor, 0, endlv10, 2, style);

Re: richedit: v1.0 richedit uses CR and LF for enter

2012-01-18 Thread Juan Lang
 This was deliberate - I did that originally and I got a compile warning as
 one is const WCHAR * and one is const WCHAR[2] (Not sure if that error was
 from a MSVC windows or Linux compile, but I was trying to avoid it, and a
 typecast was a bit pointless as the above is accurate as well, isnt it?)

You could declare it non-const.  That's often what we end up doing in
the tests, that or casting away the const.

Re: richedit: v1.0 richedit uses CR and LF for enter

2012-01-18 Thread Juan Lang
 Whats the difference between a typecast and var[0]?

I wasn't advocating for a typecast, merely admitting that we use them
from time to time.

What's the compile warning you're actually seeing on gcc?  I don't
think we care what warnings are produced in MSVC.

Re: Debugging Wine with Lightroom 3.5

2011-12-18 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Roland,

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Roland Baudin wrote:
 Yes, I suspected such a mechanism. Now if I understand well I have to find
 which one is the builtin mechanism and which one is the fallback
 Is there some documentation around about the differences between Vista and

That list would be large, too large to be conveniently listed in one
place.  What one could do, which is unfortunately often equally
tedious, is to compare +relay logs from running the app in Wine under
both modes.  If looking through multi-GB log files is your idea of
fun, you have the makings of a Wine developer ;)

Re: crypt32: Avoid reading unitialized variables (Coverity)

2011-12-15 Thread Juan Lang
 On second thought, coverity would still complain even with the
 TRACEs adapted, so I'll mark these defects as Ignored in Coverity

Does the attached patch address one of the Coverity complaints?
From 13115c8ab68550b38f992eba04c9a05e88696f73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juan Lang
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 19:20:50 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Don't trace an in/out parameter when it's an out parameter

 dlls/crypt32/encode.c |8 
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/encode.c b/dlls/crypt32/encode.c
index 05a3558..7590012 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/encode.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/encode.c
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI CRYPT_AsnEncodeSequence(DWORD dwCertEncodingType,
 DWORD i, dataLen = 0;
 TRACE(%p, %d, %08x, %p, %p, %d\n, items, cItem, dwFlags, pEncodePara,
- pbEncoded, *pcbEncoded);
+ pbEncoded, pbEncoded ? *pcbEncoded : 0);
 for (i = 0, ret = TRUE; ret  i  cItem; i++)
 ret = items[i].encodeFunc(dwCertEncodingType, NULL,
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ static BOOL CRYPT_AsnEncodeCRLEntry(const CRL_ENTRY *entry,
 DWORD cItem = 2;
 BOOL ret;
-TRACE(%p, %p, %p\n, entry, pbEncoded, pcbEncoded);
+TRACE(%p, %p, %d\n, entry, pbEncoded, pbEncoded ? *pcbEncoded : 0);
 if (entry-cExtension)
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ static BOOL CRYPT_AsnEncodeExtension(CERT_EXTENSION *ext, BYTE *pbEncoded,
 DWORD cItem = 1;
-TRACE(%p, %p, %d\n, ext, pbEncoded, *pcbEncoded);
+TRACE(%p, %p, %d\n, ext, pbEncoded, pbEncoded ? *pcbEncoded : 0);
 if (ext-fCritical)
@@ -3194,7 +3194,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI CRYPT_AsnEncodeOctets(DWORD dwCertEncodingType,
 DWORD bytesNeeded, lenBytes;
 TRACE((%d, %p), %08x, %p, %p, %d\n, blob-cbData, blob-pbData,
- dwFlags, pEncodePara, pbEncoded, *pcbEncoded);
+ dwFlags, pEncodePara, pbEncoded, pbEncoded ? *pcbEncoded : 0);
 CRYPT_EncodeLen(blob-cbData, NULL, lenBytes);
 bytesNeeded = 1 + lenBytes + blob-cbData;

Re: crypt32: Avoid reading unitialized variables (Coverity)

2011-12-14 Thread Juan Lang
 Should the TRACE (e.g. on crypt32:2435) be adapted so it conditionally
 prints the value instead? Or be removed altogether?

I'd prefer a conditional print if it's not too ugly.  There haven't
been too many decoding bugs in a while, but the trace can sometimes
help identify them.


Re: Re: added remaining functions, data structures, definitions required by http api to include/http

2011-11-17 Thread Juan Lang
 can you be more specific please?


+#ifndef __HTTP_H__
+#define __HTTP_H__

Don't do that, it's already #ifdef protected.

+/*#if _WIN32_WINNT = 0x0501*/

Dead code, just leave it out.

+typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_V2
+/* TODO : anonymous structure is not supported by C standard */
+/* struct HTTP_REQUEST_V1; */

For one thing, that's what the DUMMYSTRUCTNAME macro is for.  For
another, by omitting it, you've made the structure binary incompatible
with the PSDK one for C code.  Clearly that's wrong.

I stopped reviewing here, you have many examples of the above error.

I'm also concerned whether this was the product of copy/paste, which
isn't allowed.  Was it?

Re: Re: Re: added remaining functions, data structures, definitions required by http api to include/

2011-11-17 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Arash,

 I'm also concerned whether this was the product of copy/paste, which
 isn't allowed.  Was it?

 about that copy/paste stuff,
 well I guess we eventually produce an almost identical header file with one
 in the SDK
 I mean everything in the header file is already exposed to the user and IS
 part of API
 am I not right?

I might agree with you, but lawyers might not.  As a result, we don't
allow copy/paste code in Wine, even in headers.

 just one more question if you don't mind!
 should I use winsock for socket programming or native linux's? and
 for some library I may need (regex for example) is there any restriction or
 convection or something like that or I can use any third party lib?

Native linux sockets are typically used, unless there's good reason
for them not to be.

3rd party libraries are harder to work with.  You typically have to
choose something which you expect will be installed on every common
platform, built appropriate configure checks to determine if the
library is present at compile time, make your code fail gracefully if
not, and dynamically load the library at runtime.  Static linking is
also viable, if you expect the library is commonly available, and if
the license is compatible:  LGPL and BSD are, GPL is not, just to give
a few examples.

It'd help more if we knew precisely what you're working on, and what
you need e.g. regex for.

Re: [PATCH 1/1] ws2_32: Selectively bind UDP sockets to interfaces while still allowing broadcast packets (try 2, resend).

2011-11-16 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Erich,

+ * Bind the given socket exclusively to a specific interface.

I know the style around here is to comment minimally, but I didn't
find it clear what the behavior of this function is.  For one thing,

+static int interface_bind( int fd, struct sockaddr *addr )
+int ret = FALSE;
+ret = TRUE;

You're using #defines used with BOOL, so a BOOL return value would be
a little clearer IMO.  int, in the context of socket functions, often
uses 0 = success, -1 = failure.

Still, even with that change,

+if (in_sock-sin_addr.s_addr == htonl(WS_INADDR_ANY))
+/* Not binding to specific interface, use default route */
+goto cleanup;
+optlen = sizeof(sock_type);
+if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, sock_type, optlen) == -1
+|| sock_type != SOCK_DGRAM)
+/* Not a UDP socket, interface-specific bind is irrelevant. */
+goto cleanup;

These two blocks will use the default return value, FALSE, and it
wasn't clear to me from the function name or comment that it should
return FALSE in this case.  Not that doing so is incorrect:  just that
it isn't obvious that that's the way it should behave.  In this case,
I feel a comment indicating that the function returns TRUE iff the
function bound to a specific device, and that FALSE doesn't
necessarily mean failure, is merited.


+/* Obtain the size of the IPv4 adapter list and allocate
structure memory */
+if (GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, adap_size) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)

Why do all this outside the #ifdef SO_BINDTODEVICE guard?  I'd rather
you just had a different implementation of the function when
SO_BINDTODEVICE isn't present that issues the warning and does nothing

I'll let Alexandre comment on whether the approach itself is appropriate.


Re: added remaining functions, data structures, definitions required by http api to include/http.h

2011-11-16 Thread Juan Lang
 That's a lot of stuff.  What needs it?

It's also obviously incorrect in places.

RFH: Solaris users with IPv6

2011-11-15 Thread Juan Lang
Hi all,
in the tidy up I've been doing to iphlpapi, I notice that on Solaris
it's possible to enumerate IPv6 addresses using SIOCGIFCONF.  I've got
a patch written that does that, but I have no way to test it myself.
If anyone here has some version of Solaris with a machine with IPv6
addresses, even autoconfigured ones, and feels like testing a patch,
please let me know.  I'll send the patch and a small test program.


RFC: depending on getifaddrs in iphlpapi

2011-11-10 Thread Juan Lang
Hi folks,
right now iphlpapi uses autoconf to detect if getifaddrs is available,
and only uses it to enumerate IPv6 addresses.

I'm thinking of replacing the current IPv4 enumeration code, which
uses ioctl/SIOCGIFCONF, with getifaddrs.  The reason I'm leaning
toward replacing, rather than adding side-by-side with the current
code, is that getifaddrs is commonly available:  it's available on all
recent versions of Linux, as well as on FreeBSD and MacOS.  There
might be some platform somewhere that's disenfranchised by this, but
I'm not sure it's worth the code complexity to maintain the current

Any strenuous objections?

Reasons to use getifaddrs rather than ioctls:
1. SIOCGIFCONF is actually pretty fiddly, and is the current code is
broken on FreeBSD, or FreeBSD's support is broken (bug 27653.)
2. SIOCGIFFLAGS is apparently broken on current Linux versions.  I
haven't found any bug against Wine or Linux about that, I just noticed
it while testing the existing code.


Re: RFC: depending on getifaddrs in iphlpapi

2011-11-10 Thread Juan Lang
 I'm thinking of replacing the current IPv4 enumeration code, which
 uses ioctl/SIOCGIFCONF, with getifaddrs.  The reason I'm leaning
 toward replacing, rather than adding side-by-side with the current
 code, is that getifaddrs is commonly available:  it's available on all
 recent versions of Linux, as well as on FreeBSD and MacOS.  There
 recent versions of Linux as of which year?

Good question.  When I was writing this code in 2003, the stable
version of Debian didn't support it.  I haven't seen a Linux system
that doesn't support it since then, but I've only checked

 might be some platform somewhere that's disenfranchised by this, but
 I'm not sure it's worth the code complexity to maintain the current
 What about Solaris/OpenSolaris? That's the only other major system where
 Wine can be made to run.

Ah.  Okay, that's an important objection.  I'll go with keeping the
current code, then.


Re: Antw.: RFC: depending on getifaddrs in iphlpapi

2011-11-10 Thread Juan Lang
 Why? AFAIK getifaddr was added to at least openSolaris Last year and you
 still can use the old Code as fallback

Yes, by keeping the current code I meant alongside a
getifaddrs-based implementation.

Re: [PATCH 4/4] kernel32, ntdll: implement most of GetNamedPipeHandleState

2011-10-11 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Bernhard,

-ok(!ret  GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,
+todo_wine ok(!ret  GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER,

This change is a no-op.

Re: todo_wine, broken() and a SW anti-pattern

2011-10-07 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Joerg,

 hr = IAudioClient_GetService(ac, IID_IAudioStreamVolume, (void**)out);
 ok(hr == AUDCLNT_E_NOT_INITIALIZED, ... call returns %08x\n, hr);
 todo_wine ok(broken(out != NULL), GetService %08x out pointer %p\n, hr, 

 1. broken() documents that I consider native's observable behaviour
   broken because I judge it unsafe not to zero the out pointer in case
   of failure.  Furthermore, MSDN documents that it should be zeroed.

I think, philosophically, you're correct.  On the other hand, Wine
isn't meant to be a philosophically correct implementation of the
Win32 API.  And, the whole point of regression tests is that MSDN
isn't to be trusted.

So, while Microsoft says that the out pointer must be NULL on failure,
both in this case and more generally for COM (specifically for
QueryInterface), our guide has always been to trust what Microsoft
does more than what it says.

Our guideline for using broken() is to mark as broken the things that
Microsoft has changed.  Older implementations often had bugs that have
subsequently been fixed, so we mark those as broken and conform to the
newer behavior.

On the other hand, if Windows has always had a specific behavior, than
that behavior is, by definition, correct.  broken() isn't appropriate
in this case.  Again, we must do as Microsoft does, not as it says.

So I believe the correct behavior here is not to use broken(),
irrespective of what MSDN says.  A comment stating that MSDN is
incorrect might be in order.

Re: Governance of Wine with respect to the Software Freedom Conservancy (update October 2011)

2011-10-07 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Michael,

 Not that I have any problems with our benevolent overlords, and not
 that I would likely achieve franchise with a scant 2 patches under my
 belt, but I can't help wondering how such a revolt would succeed
 seeing as the only method to achieve franchise-hood is controlled by
 the same people one would be revolting against.

You are new around here, we bottom-post ;)

Not true, of course.  Alexandre is at the top of the list of
contributors, naturally, but he doesn't constitute a controlling
majority.  (I'm discounting Jeremy's contributions, which is correct
within tolerable error snarky grin.)

Re: Governance of Wine with respect to the Software Freedom Conservancy (update October 2011)

2011-10-07 Thread Juan Lang
 As I said, our overlords are kind and benevolent and I'm sure that the
 mention of evil plans was simply a joke as such wise and noble
 developers could need harbor a malevolent thought. But, unless I've
 been misreading this mailing list, all patches have to go through our
 current enlightened leader before becoming part of the patch count in
 the wine tree. Not that the powers that be are susceptible to
 temptation, but lesser mortals might find that being more selective
 about whose patches are accepted during periods of discontent as an
 easy way to influence such a vote. Likewise, even if such a mortal
 didn't give into temptation, if the usurpers lose the vote they could
 always claim such impropriety did take place.

My point is that the math isn't in your argument's favor.  It would
take a long period of rejection by the current overlords before being
able to squelch any hypothetical usurpers, given that a) the current
overlords' contributions consist of Alexandre's, and b) he does not
constitute a controlling majority of contributions, nor anywhere close
to it.

Re: [1/4] cmd: Avoid checking handle type when already known in WCMD_ReadFile

2011-10-04 Thread Juan Lang
 OK but the purpose is to avoid checking the handle type for every line
 read. Granted, one could use '((DWORD_PTR)h)  3 == 3' instead of
 GetConsoleMode or similar function.
 (there's currently code like BOOL is_console = GetConsoleMode(...);
 ...; while WCMD_fgets(..., is_console) and the handle type shouldn't
 change between lines/iterations, so why bother recomputing it every

You're probably not.  The compiler will probably inline this function,
or at least its return value, since it knows it's guaranteed not to
change.  Please don't do the compiler's work for it:  IMHO, it's more
readable to make an inline function to determine whether the handle is
a console handle.

crypt32(1/2): Test CertCreateCertificateContext, and fix an error code in a failure case

2011-09-22 Thread Juan Lang
From 544fb76b6da191c8e5c665be11357706acae9be0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juan Lang
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 05:20:50 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 17/18] Test CertCreateCertificateContext, and fix an error code in a failure case

 dlls/crypt32/cert.c   |6 +
 dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c |   46 +
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/cert.c b/dlls/crypt32/cert.c
index 75b0e12..0117f27 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/cert.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/cert.c
@@ -141,6 +141,12 @@ PCCERT_CONTEXT WINAPI CertCreateCertificateContext(DWORD dwCertEncodingType,
 TRACE((%08x, %p, %d)\n, dwCertEncodingType, pbCertEncoded,
+if ((dwCertEncodingType  CERT_ENCODING_TYPE_MASK) != X509_ASN_ENCODING)
+return NULL;
 ret = CryptDecodeObjectEx(dwCertEncodingType, X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED,
  pbCertEncoded, cbCertEncoded, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL,
  certInfo, size);
diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c b/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c
index e338740..9e7104a 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c
@@ -634,6 +634,51 @@ static void testCertProperties(void)
+static void testCreateCert(void)
+PCCERT_CONTEXT cert, enumCert;
+DWORD count, size;
+BOOL ret;
+cert = CertCreateCertificateContext(0, NULL, 0);
+ok(!cert  GetLastError() == E_INVALIDARG,
+ expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n, GetLastError());
+cert = CertCreateCertificateContext(0, selfSignedCert,
+ sizeof(selfSignedCert));
+ok(!cert  GetLastError() == E_INVALIDARG,
+ expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n, GetLastError());
+cert = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING, NULL, 0);
+ (GetLastError() == CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD ||
+ broken(GetLastError() == OSS_MORE_INPUT /* NT4 */)),
+ expected CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD, got %08x\n, GetLastError());
+cert = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING,
+ selfSignedCert, sizeof(selfSignedCert));
+ok(cert != NULL, creating cert failed: %08x\n, GetLastError());
+/* Even in-memory certs are expected to have a store associated with them */
+ok(cert-hCertStore != NULL, expected created cert to have a store\n);
+/* The cert doesn't have the archived property set (which would imply it
+ * doesn't show up in enumerations.)
+ */
+size = 0;
+ret = CertGetCertificateContextProperty(cert, CERT_ARCHIVED_PROP_ID,
+ NULL, size);
+ok(!ret  GetLastError() == CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND,
+   expected CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND, got %08x\n, GetLastError());
+/* Strangely, enumerating the certs in the store finds none. */
+enumCert = NULL;
+count = 0;
+while ((enumCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(cert-hCertStore, enumCert)))
+ok(!count, expected 0, got %d\n, count);
 static void testDupCert(void)
@@ -3634,6 +3679,7 @@ START_TEST(cert)

Re: Old imagehlp patches

2011-09-18 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Thomas,
wrong mailing list.  You wanted wine-devel instead (now cc'ed.)

 I don't know about wine development, but are these patches still likely to
 work? What would need to happen for them to be merged in?

To your first question, try them and see!  To your second question, a
lot.  They're much too large to be merged at a single go, they lack
tests, and they should be sent by their original author.  I wouldn't
hold your breath expecting these patches to go in as-is:  if they
weren't good enough in 2004-5, they're not any better now.  You'd want
someone who has an active interest in this area to have a go at them,
I believe, unless you can convince the original author to take them up

crypt32: Test/correct CertGetNameString with NULL pvTypePara

2011-09-08 Thread Juan Lang
Fix for bug 23287.
From 1114085290c2ada360a02bae154b7167a0f2b0ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juan Lang
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 11:10:08 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Test/correct CertGetNameString with NULL pvTypePara

 dlls/crypt32/str.c   |   18 -
 dlls/crypt32/tests/str.c |  162 ++
 2 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/str.c b/dlls/crypt32/str.c
index 7444575..6d406d2 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/str.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/str.c
@@ -1209,8 +1209,11 @@ static DWORD cert_get_name_from_rdn_attr(DWORD 
 if (CryptDecodeObjectEx(encodingType, X509_NAME, name-pbData,
  name-cbData, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, nameInfo, bytes))
-PCERT_RDN_ATTR nameAttr = CertFindRDNAttr(oid, nameInfo);
+if (!oid)
+oid = szOID_RSA_emailAddr;
+nameAttr = CertFindRDNAttr(oid, nameInfo);
 if (nameAttr)
 ret = CertRDNValueToStrW(nameAttr-dwValueType, nameAttr-Value,
  pszNameString, cchNameString);
@@ -1229,6 +1232,9 @@ DWORD WINAPI CertGetNameStringW(PCCERT_CONTEXT 
pCertContext, DWORD dwType,
 TRACE((%p, %d, %08x, %p, %p, %d)\n, pCertContext, dwType,
  dwFlags, pvTypePara, pszNameString, cchNameString);
+if (!pCertContext)
+goto done;
 name = pCertContext-pCertInfo-Issuer;
@@ -1268,9 +1274,12 @@ DWORD WINAPI CertGetNameStringW(PCCERT_CONTEXT 
pCertContext, DWORD dwType,
+DWORD type = pvTypePara ? *(DWORD *)pvTypePara : 0;
 if (name-cbData)
 ret = CertNameToStrW(pCertContext-dwCertEncodingType, name,
- *(DWORD *)pvTypePara, pszNameString, cchNameString);
+ type, pszNameString, cchNameString);
@@ -1279,12 +1288,12 @@ DWORD WINAPI CertGetNameStringW(PCCERT_CONTEXT 
pCertContext, DWORD dwType,
 if (entry)
 ret = CertNameToStrW(pCertContext-dwCertEncodingType,
- entry-u.DirectoryName, *(DWORD *)pvTypePara, pszNameString,
- cchNameString);
+ entry-u.DirectoryName, type, pszNameString, cchNameString);
 if (info)
 ret = cert_get_name_from_rdn_attr(pCertContext-dwCertEncodingType,
  name, pvTypePara, pszNameString, cchNameString);
@@ -1413,6 +1422,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI CertGetNameStringW(PCCERT_CONTEXT 
pCertContext, DWORD dwType,
 FIXME(unimplemented for type %d\n, dwType);
 ret = 0;
 if (!ret)
 if (!pszNameString)
diff --git a/dlls/crypt32/tests/str.c b/dlls/crypt32/tests/str.c
index cbfdf4d..1443597 100644
--- a/dlls/crypt32/tests/str.c
+++ b/dlls/crypt32/tests/str.c
@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CertStrToNameAFunc)(DWORD 
 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CertStrToNameWFunc)(DWORD dwCertEncodingType,
  LPCWSTR pszX500, DWORD dwStrType, void *pvReserved, BYTE *pbEncoded,
  DWORD *pcbEncoded, LPCWSTR *ppszError);
+typedef DWORD (WINAPI *CertGetNameStringAFunc)(PCCERT_CONTEXT cert, DWORD type,
+ DWORD flags, void *typePara, LPSTR str, DWORD cch);
 static HMODULE dll;
 static CertNameToStrAFunc pCertNameToStrA;
@@ -208,6 +210,7 @@ static CertRDNValueToStrAFunc pCertRDNValueToStrA;
 static CertRDNValueToStrWFunc pCertRDNValueToStrW;
 static CertStrToNameAFunc pCertStrToNameA;
 static CertStrToNameWFunc pCertStrToNameW;
+static CertGetNameStringAFunc pCertGetNameStringA;
 static void test_CertRDNValueToStrA(void)
@@ -933,6 +936,162 @@ static void test_CertStrToNameW(void)
+static void test_CertGetNameStringA(void)
+if (!pCertGetNameStringA)
+win_skip(CertGetNameStringA is not available\n);
+context = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING, cert,
+ sizeof(cert));
+ok(context != NULL, CertCreateCertificateContext failed: %08x\n,
+ GetLastError());
+if (context)
+static const char aric[] =;
+static const char localhost[] = localhost;
+DWORD len, type;
+LPSTR str;
+/* Bad string types/types missing from the cert */
+len = pCertGetNameStringA(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ok(len == 1, expected 1, got %d\n, len);
+len = pCertGetNameStringA(context, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ok(len == 1, expected 1, got %d\n, len);
+len = pCertGetNameStringA(context, CERT_NAME_URL_TYPE, 0, NULL, NULL,
+ 0);
+ok(len == 1, expected 1, got %d\n, len);
+len = pCertGetNameStringA(context, CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE, 0, NULL, NULL,
+ 0


2011-08-30 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Bruno,

 The SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS message on windows takes parameters as
 miliseconds, on some other systems there are the equivalent
 TCP_KEEPIDLE/TCP_KEEPINTVL which takes the parameters as seconds. To
 solve this there is a division by 1000 on wine source code but the
 problem is that values  1000 become 0 making the setsockopt function
 return error.

 Is it reasonable to do a check to see if the result of the division is
 zero and then set the variable to one so we can get closer to the
 windows implementation and not fail the setsockopt function? It will

Yes, it's reasonable.  I think API-level compatibility is generally
more important to appilcations than timing-level compatibility.
I.o.w. function(args) - result should be invariant across Windows and
Wine.  The time required to before function(args) yields result is
oftentimes not guaranteed in Windows, so a little fuzziness here is
often okay.

Re: mshtml: Use the last colon in proxy url as port separator

2011-08-19 Thread Juan Lang
 just sent a patch doing that.

Looks good to me, thanks!

Re: mshtml: Use the last colon in proxy url as port separator

2011-08-18 Thread Juan Lang
 Is the ProxyServer specified as an URL? If yes then use the proper API
 to dissect the URL instead of cobbling something together.

Just to follow up in this idea, you could use InternetCrackUrl.
mshtml delay loads wininet, but it also loads urlmon, which also loads
wininet, so in effect wininet is always loaded and available.

But a larger question is, why load the proxy settings from the
registry only?  If you query wininet for them instead, then the
environment variable http_proxy is also checked.  There was bug 5625
about this, which I set to fixed based on commit
80f02b82d68902f32578a7bcf6cfbaa715b724ce.  I may have been mistaken.
Under what circumstances is the network.proxy.http gecko setting still
being used?  Maybe for embedded content, e.g. IMG tags?  If these were
set by querying wininet instead, then at least we wouldn't have
potentially different proxy settings for some HTTP requests than for

mshtml: Use the last colon in proxy url as port separator

2011-08-17 Thread Juan Lang
Hi André,

 http://domain\ makes it visible that it's 
 intended to get the last colon

What about http://domain\  password isn't the
port number.

Re: Best way to get Program Files/Common Files?

2011-08-09 Thread Juan Lang
 I need to get the user configured path to Program Files/Common Files
 to save the dinput action mapping settings.

 What are the my options for doing this?

 One way I found is the SHGetSpecialFolderPath function, but it
 requires me to link to shell32 and I suspect there's a better way.

I believe this is the preferred way, at least from Microsoft's point of view.

Re: Possible off-by-1 in crypt32/chain.c match_common_names

2011-08-04 Thread Juan Lang
Hi William,

 trace:chain:match_common_name CN = L*\
 warn:chain:match_domain_component domain component Lnet too short for

That CN is coming from the certificate.

 Any thoughts or ideas on whether this is actually a bug and if so, how to
 fix it?

It's partly a bug in the certificate.  x.509 states that strings do
not include a terminating NULL.  Some providers erroneously include
one anyway.  Whether it's a bug in Wine depends on what Microsoft
does.  It's not an off-by-one bug, though:  the code is working as
intended, for the moment.

As a workaround, one might check all names twice:  once without the
terminating NULL (preferred), and once with it.  You wouldn't want to
use strlenW on the names in the certificates.  Actually doing so
throughout the code will be hard, unfortunately.

Re: NtQuerySystemInformation needs a little bit more flesh for SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation

2011-07-28 Thread Juan Lang
 This Reserved1[0] is the DPC Time but I'm wondering what values from
 /proc/stat to use here (remainder[0] is I/O wait). We could always make up
 something of course but being accurate would be nicer.

DPC Time has no equivalent in /proc/stat.  It's an NT thing.  Making
something up is the only appropriate thing, unless we start doing
something special with DPCs someday.

Re: gsoc mentor summit

2011-07-28 Thread Juan Lang
 I'd be interested if there's a space going free. We just get to send 2
 mentors though as I understand it?
 Yes. I'd be interested as well, that's why I started this thread. I've been
 there already in 2009, so if anyone else wants to go I'd be happy to yield.

Whoever does go, I'll be happy to meet.  I'm just down the road at Google.

Re: [PATCH 02/12] wscript: added helper function for tests

2011-07-12 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Michal,

please combine this with patch 3, it doesn't make sense on its own.

Re: [PATCH 2/2] mshtml: Mark some functions as cdecl.

2011-07-07 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jacek,

 These are functions that I missed when revieweing Gecko headers. I will
 probably change their calling convention in the next Gecko release.

In that case, why not change the calling convention now?  The matrix
of possible configurations is much simpler that way.

Right now, we have:
current Wine + current gecko = crash

By changing the calling convention in Wine, we have:
Wine = 1.3.23 + current gecko = crash
Wine 1.3.24-?? + current gecko = no crash
Wine ?? + current gecko = crash
Wine ?? + new gecko = no crash
Wine = 1.3.23 + new gecko = crash

By doing a new gecko release, we have:
any Wine + current gecko = crash
any Wine + new gecko = no crash


Re: [PATCH 2/2] mshtml: Mark some functions as cdecl.

2011-07-07 Thread Juan Lang
 BTW, the current plan is to do the new Gecko release together with Firefox 6
 release, which is about 6 weeks from now. The first beta version should be
 out in a week or two, depending on how Firefox beta will behave.

Then shouldn't the beta have the calling convention change anyway?  In
this case, it doesn't make sense to me to change Wine for just a few

Re: [PATCH 1/6] kernel32: Fix PROFILE_Load (try 4)

2011-07-07 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Christian,
this isn't quite what Alexandre meant.  *What* did you fix?  Saying
you did so isn't enough.

Re: Glitch-free iTunes?

2011-07-04 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Keith,

 WINE in general does many things, and you've got a big team now. Your
 contributor list shows 1250 and you've got 2M lines of code.

Few of these contributors remain active.  Most had small
contributions.  The total number of contributors obviously can only
increase over time, but the number of active contributors has always
remained small.

But really, what are we talking about?  Talk is cheap.  Code isn't.
Your contributions are welcome.

Re: [PATCH 1/4] shell32: Implement erasing and restoring items from the trash

2011-06-30 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Jay,


Nit: the brace should be on its own line.


These two functions are never called in this patch, so you're
introducing dead code.  That's not allowed.  Introduce the functions
in the patch that uses them, please.  If the resulting patch is too
large, you must split it another way.

Re: gcc 4.6 warning report

2011-06-30 Thread Juan Lang
 David is right, the address is not stored as a pointer but as a DWORD in
 place of the chars. Like this:

 wrong: (DWORD) host-h_addr_list[i] = 0x00cbd1c8 =
 right: *(DWORD*) host-h_addr_list[i] = 0x86192ed1 =

Patch welcome ;)

Re: gcc 4.6 warning report

2011-06-28 Thread Juan Lang
../../../dlls/netapi32/nbt.c:580:30: warning: cast from pointer to
integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]

This is a false positive.  h_addr_list is declared as a char **, and
technically it is, but gethostbyname only returns IPv4 addresses, i.e.
ones that can fit in a DWORD.

Re: gcc 4.6 warning report

2011-06-28 Thread Juan Lang
 This is a false positive.  h_addr_list is declared as a char **, and
 technically it is, but gethostbyname only returns IPv4 addresses, i.e.
 ones that can fit in a DWORD.

 That doesn't sound like a problem that would give that warning.

Why not?  A cast of a pointer to a DWORD with 64-bit pointers would
cause truncation, if it were indeed a pointer that were being cast.
It isn't, even though it's declared that way.

Re: [PATCH 1/4] Check for null pointers before strcmp. (LLVM/Clang)

2011-06-10 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Lauri,
 ok(pdst != NULL, inet_ntoa failed %s\n, dst);
-ok(!strcmp(pdst, addr0_Str),Address %s != %s\n, pdst, addr0_Str);
+ok(pdst  !strcmp(pdst, addr0_Str),Address %s != %s\n, pdst, addr0_Str);

This change doesn't accomplish anything.  In the first place, the
previous ok which you did not change already ensures pdst is not NULL.
 While it's true that this ok could fail, leading to a following crash
in the tests, the fact that the tests pass indicates this isn't
happening.  Second, the ok output message also dereferences pdst by
printing it, so in the case that it is NULL, you haven't fixed

Really, I suggest you just ignore this warning, it's not worth the
extra baggage.

Re: [PATCH 1/4] Check for null pointers before strcmp. (LLVM/Clang)

2011-06-10 Thread Juan Lang
 It would be a lot easier to find and fix real things if there weren't a
 thousand false ones hanging around. But if you feel it's better to have a
 lot of warnings and some possible bugs than a lot of checks and no bugs,
 then maybe I'll not waste any more time fixing them.

This is a false dichotomy.  LLVM/Clang uses static analysis, which is
a sound technique, i.e. it produces no false negatives.  The downside
is that it will always produce false positives.  Filtering out false
positives is a necessary component of any bug fixing exercise using
static analysis.  I'd argue that this is one such example, that the
fix isn't worth the noise, as there's no actual bug being fixed.

Re: TaskDialog implementation

2011-06-09 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Patrick,

 As this is quite a big amount of work, I would like to have some
 guidance (what must I do to be sure it is accepted) so that I do not end
 up doing all that for nothing - starting by knowing why my patch from
 yesterday was not accepted (what did I do wrong).

The patch was marked as Pending.  That usually means Alexandre's
waiting for something, e.g. for you to fix something obvious, or to
see what else you're planning to do.  Since you say the patch is
preparatory work, it doesn't make much sense to go in unless the
remaining patches are also to go in, so I'd suggest sending at least
another patch to show where you're going with it.

Regarding splitting, sometimes it's useful to introduce code that will
only be removed later.  I know this isn't the usual advice, but if you
introduce a new implementation of something, sometimes a stub
implementation can appear first.  E.g., if it's an interface you're
implementing, introduce an implementation that does nothing but return
E_NOTIMPL from each method.  Then one by one introduce implementation
for each function.

Hope that helps,

Re: setupapi: Make sure machine name is non-empty before failing

2011-06-09 Thread Juan Lang
 What's wrong with 'if (MachineName  *MachineName)' ?

Nothing, it's my brain that's lacking.  Thanks.

Re: [1/3] kernel32/heap: Emulate Win9x if appropriate in GlobalMemoryStatusEx(). (try 2)

2011-06-06 Thread Juan Lang
Hi Adam,
perhaps I'm just being obtuse, but I don't see how Dmitry's comment
has been addressed for this patch.  I'm confused by the commit comment
(Emulate Win9x if appropriate) and the change itself:

 /* Win98 returns only the swapsize in ullTotalPageFile/ullAvailPageFile,
WinXP returns the size of physical memory + swapsize;
-   mimic the behavior of XP.

You are removing the part of the comment explaining what the code
actually does, which I find confusing.  If you're part of the the
code is the documentation crowd, just remove the entire comment.  If
not, please add a brief explanation.

Note: Project2k refuses to start if it sees less than 1Mb of free swap.
-lpmemex-ullTotalPageFile += lpmemex-ullTotalPhys;
-lpmemex-ullAvailPageFile += lpmemex-ullAvailPhys;
-/* Titan Quest refuses to run if TotalPageFile = ullTotalPhys */
-if(lpmemex-ullTotalPageFile == lpmemex-ullTotalPhys)
+if (osver.dwMajorVersion = 5 || osver.dwPlatformId !=

This change is confusing to me.  dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
for NT4, Win2k, XP, etc.  dwMajorVersion is never greater than 4 on
Windows 9x.  In other words, do you mean to exclude NT4 here, or not?
If so, then the first check should suffice.  If not, then the second
check should.  But in either case, what does this have to do with
being appropriate for Win9x emulation?

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