Hi Dion,

The email address associated with the test site is not a Gmail address but one directly associated with my web host. This used to be required by WordPress as email addresses external to the web host/site itself were not allowed as many hosts added this check as a security measure. The standard format for a site related email address was "wordpr...@domainname.***". (This info was located in the WP docs somewhere but I can't recall exactly where off the top of my head.)

*Note*: Westi once made me a small plugin that circumvented this requirement (requirement came in WP 2.5 I believe?) called "php-no-sender" which worked great back then but does not help the problem in WP 3.0.

I did state that the "Subscribe to Comments" plugin was correctly sending notifications to a couple Gmail addresses I had set up for testing purposes.

Also, I confirmed this problem last night with a couple of friends of mine who are also running WP 3.0-alpha test sites. They're both experiencing the same exact problem of receiving every notification I mentioned previously except the standard comment notifications as described in my original post. All 3 of us are running the PHP5 (5.2.11 in my case).

Deactivating plugins does not change the problem by the way. I wish I could recall when the WP 3.0 nightly builds stopped sending comment notifications but I haven't been able to track it down.

Sorry if this is too much info. I tend to be wordy.

On 03/19/2010 09:27 PM, Dion Hulse (dd32) wrote:
Have you checked your gmail spam?

For quite awhile i wasn't receiving comment notifications, turned out,
it was due to gmail eating comment notifications (While passing through
user notifications)..

On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 07:20:37 +1200, Kirk M <kmb4...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all - I've encountered a rather hair pulling glitch with a WordPress
3.0-alpha test site in that it's not sending out any comment
notifications whatsoever. The email address in both my "User Profile"
(administrator) and under "Settings/General" is the same and associated
with my web host (wordpr...@mysitename.us) just like my other 2 sites
are. My other two sites are running WP 2.9.2 and receive comment
notifications without problem. (web host is Bluehost--never had a
problem with this until WP 3.0-alpha builds).

I seem to recall that comment notifications were working initially and
then just quit between one nightly build and another. Unfortunately, I
was rather busy at the time and I don't remember which builds.

The kicker here is that I'm also running the "Subscribe to Comments"
plugin on the test site and I'm receiving notifications of additional
comments on a post I'm subscribed to with no problem.

In further troubleshooting, I even receive "New User" notifications not
only to the email address associated with my "User Profile" and under
"Settings/General" but also to the email address (a Gmail address) I
used for the "new user" (the new user was myself of course using a
different name.

Bottom line test results are:

-Comment notifications to site owner: -No-

-"Subscribe to Comments" notifications sent to subscriber's email
address: -Yes-

-New user notifications to site owner: -Yes-

-New user username and password sent to their email address: -Yes-

I have "Settings/Discussion" set to email me whenever "Anyone posts a
comment". I've checked everything that's even remotely associated with
the standard comment notifications and I can't find the problem and I
can't figure out for the life of me why all the other email
notifications related to the site are working fine EXCEPT the standard
comment notifications. Nothing in the error logs either.

I'm running out of hair which is dangerous at my age as I have so little
to begin with so any help would be very welcome.

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