The Beauty and Terror of the Old Beliefs (Ourobourose-ate)

2006-08-23 Thread phanero

Blessed is (s)he whose life has not tasted of evil.
When God has shaken a house, the winds of madness
Lash its breed till the breed is done:
 Even so the deep-sea swell
 Raked by wicked Thracian winds
Scours in its running the subaqueous darkness,
Churns the silt black from sea-bottom;
And the windy cliffs roar as they take its shock.

Here on the Labdacid house long we watched it piling,
Trouble on dead (wo)men's trouble: no generation
Frees the next from the stroke of God:
   Deliverance does not come.

from The Antigone of Sophocles, as quoted
in E.R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational.

The City of Roses bids you Peace...

Re: The Beauty and Terror of the Old Beliefs (Ourobourose-ate)

2006-08-23 Thread david divizio
11:50 PST 8/23/06 758 bytes

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