THE POOPDECK The Talk Like A Pirate Day Newsletter
Ol' Chumbucket, ed. Published when the fancy strikes
September 17, 2006 Issue No. 36 or thereabouts

      TWO DAYS Until International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

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* YouTube Videos
* Any Danish Parties?
. No New York For Us
* Pirates vs. Ninjas
. Build a Cubicle Cannon
* Buccaneer Bachelor Down To The Wire

. Pirate Youtube videos

Mad Sally has gone nuts for youtube, the Web site where people post a wide array of videos. It's becoming sort of the new meeting place of the weird and wonderful. Sally has been posting videos of the Pirate Guys, and she's been building a following. Today one of her videos was honored as one of the day's best comedy videos.

You can see them by going to our site - - and scrolling down to the video link.

* Any Danish Parties?

Our friend the Castaway Wench is traveling in Europe and will be in Copenhagen on the 19th. And she wants to know if there are any parties going on in the Danish capitol.

Let us know if you hear of anything and we'll pass the word on to her. Because she's looking for pirates wherever she goes! If you meet her, write to Mad sally at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell her about the encounter, and she'll post the information on the Castaway Wench's blog.

* No New York For Us

Don't bother looking for us in the Big Apple this week. That journey is off. We were going to tape an appearance on the new shrink show - Dr. Keith Ablow. They wanted to do an episode on what it's like to be on a reality TV show, and the episode would have put the Buccaneer Baur family in the Big Apple for Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Sadly, the Ablow show has been unimpressive in its initial episodes (a polite way of saying the show blows chunks), so a new producer decided they needed "more drama, more tension, more Dr. Keith fixing broken families." We decided they needed to go to hell, because we're not broken and don't need fixing. We're pirates. If you have a problem with that it's your problem, not ours.

So, no free trip to New York, no book reading event, no NY media or dropping in at the bar, Otto's Shrunken Head, where they're holding a big TLAPDay party. At least not this year.

But if you're in New York, definitely drop by Otto's Shrunken Head, 538 E.14th St., and give a shout out to our agent, Scott, who plans to be in attendance. And maybe our editor at NAL, Liz, will be there as well. She was recently voted hottest editor in the book biz, so you want to meet her. Remember, the party starts at 10 p.m. and features a couple of pirate bands.

If you're not in NY, visit our calendaarrr page - - to find a party near you!

* Pirates Vs. Ninjas

Don't forget to cast your vote in the online debate to answer that age-old question - Pirates or ninjas? Go to our home page - - and scroll down to the link for the pirates vs. ninjas page. Hurry! As of this writing pirates are ahead, but it's closer than it should be. I think those ninjas are sneakin' up on us!

* Build a cubicle cannon

Our friend hevnsnt has posted the instructions for making a cannon that can be fired from your office cubicle on Talk Like a Pirate Day. The cannon is made of a film cannister, a lighter, Binaca and some other interesting things.

Look for it at

So there's a special shout-out to hevnsnt for the coolest creation we've seen in a while.

* Buccaneer Bachelor Down to the Wire

Just a reminder that our summer-long contest, Buccaneer Bachelor, will conclude Tuesday with the announcing of the wench who has captured the heart, or the hook or some other piece of Cap'n Slappy. Their final entries have been submitted and will be posted online before the end of the day.

Check to see the special, one-of-a-kind medallion created by ship's jeweler Sid Stevens, then click the link to the blog to see what they lasses have written for the last assignment.

~ Ol' Chumbucket

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