Re: [WSG] Followup to Tuesday's Brisbane Meeting

2005-06-17 Thread Dean Jackson

On 17/06/2005, at 10:01 PM, Lea de Groot wrote:

August will see us avidly listening to John Bates talking to us about
Internationalisation (geez, no wonder it is routinely abbreviated to

I've been told it's shortened for two reasons:

Firstly, it's much easier to type.

Secondly, it solves the internationalisation problem of
isation vs ization :)


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Re: [WSG] more on flashish stuff: SVG

2005-04-12 Thread Dean Jackson
On 12 Apr 2005, at 04:59, Alan Trick wrote:
Hi, I'll sort of try this again, and hope the gods don't mail-bomb us 
SVG isn't quite flash, because it's not proprietary technology, but 
it's not terribly accesible either, because as far as I know, mozzilla 
is the only browser to have any built-in support for it (adobe has an 
svg plugin for IE). I guess one of the biggest differences here is 
that SVG has a future, where as flash is bound to the world of 
proprietary formats.
Has anyone here actually done any development with SVG?
I have :)
The majority of interest in SVG at the moment comes from the mobile
market. SVG Tiny is a required format for all handsets sold on
Vodafone (and other carriers) in Europe, as well as a bunch of
other places (see for a list of handsets and links).
On the desktop, SVG is supported natively in Mozilla/Firefox (if
you get the right build) and in Opera 8 beta. There's also the Adobe
SVG plugin which was bundled with Acrobat Reader for a period. It's
been a while since it was released, but Adobe have publicly stated
their commitment to SVG, and the next release in particular.
Meanwhile, development on the SVG standard itself is very active.
You can see the list of companies involved by looking at
the author list in the SVG specification.
It was interesting to see that the major use case for SVG is
applications, rather than animations. This probably comes down
to the fact that the most popular animation tool outputs SWF/Flash,
while programmers are more comfortable (or not uncomfortable) in
a more development-oriented environment. Since SVG can be text,
all a generator needs is a print statement. On the client side,
it's the standard Javascript/DOM environment.
Unfortunately, the majority of interesting use cases for SVG are
on company intranets. They choose SVG because they don't want to
be locked in to the whims of a single vendor.
As for accessibility, we put a huge amount of effort into this.
The SVG format was designed to be accessible, and is more accessible
than Flash. The problem is that access tools haven't quite
harnessed the power yet (which is understandable since it's tough
to make money in that area so they concentrate on the most
popular format, HTML).
I'll end the advertisement here.
dean jackson
world wide web consortium (w3c) -
graphics - interaction
svg specification editor
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Re: [WSG] Asterisks in W3C spec

2005-03-27 Thread Dean Jackson
On 15 Mar 2005, at 18:10, Sigurd Magnusson wrote:
I keep seeing asterisks in the W3C spec but cannot see a glossary  
anywhere. As an example, with the img element in xhtml 1.1, the  
attributes 'src' and 'alt' are both marked with an asterisk. Why? 
It means it is a required attribute.
(sorry this response is late)
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Re: [WSG] WSG thoghts on XUL

2005-02-22 Thread Dean Jackson
On 22 Feb 2005, at 15:42, John Allsopp wrote:
I don't think it's beyond the scope of the W3C. We're constantly 
at technologies like XUL. Do people see the need for standardisation
in this area?
I think the real benefit of standardisation and standards bodies is 
not necessarily the standards they develop (in a sense, it's not even 
necessary, and arguably not even advisable they develop those 
standards, at least not from top to bottom) but that by anointing 
technology it becomes a common good.
Agreed. It seems to be a fairly common discussion topic nowadays as to 
whether or not a standards body should be generally creating or 
generally adopting. My take is it depends.

The alternative is industry  standards that is winner takes all 
proprietary technologies, which are the property and strategic asset 
of their creator.

XUL/XAML is a very good example of this. XUL was developed at Mozilla, 
whose implementation was a great proof of concept. It's a shame that 
early on in its development Mozilla didn't take it to WC
By this you mean flush it down the toilet? ;)
and say, look here is this really cool technology that works, would 
you guys like to work with us to standardize this?
Or maybe they did and I don't know about it.
As far as I know, XUL was never a submission to W3C. I know a lot of 
W3C Groups have considered work in the general area (including XForms 
and SVG, and obviously CSS has been thinking about UI). In the cases 
I'm aware of we were hesitant to start down the road of defining a UI 
toolkit (we'd heard many horror stories of how much effort it is to 
complete such a task).

However, maybe we were wrong? Maybe XUL is a comfortable sweet spot?
Unfortunately now we have two competing technologies that are similar, 
leading to years if not decades in the delay of the adoption of XUL 
like solutions.
Interesting that you think the appearance of XAML will have an effect 
on XUL adoption, since XUL has been around for so long. I'm not saying 
that I think it won't delay adoption, just that I don't know :)

I'm hoping that the fact that proprietary Web Application technologies 
such as XAML and Flash are getting more attention means that we are 
approaching the point where we could think about standardisation in 
this area. I also think it's so broad a field that we shouldn't think 
that one size will fit all. That's like saying you should only ever use 
C++. However, XUL may be a great start.

Just as an aside why
circle and not solid class=whatever
.whatever {shape: circle}
This is a good question. The reason is that you still have to define
all the properties of the circle (eg. radius). This could certainly be
done via CSS:
.whatever {display: circle; radius: 10cm}  // note I used display 
   // I think it's a better 

This seems ok for circle (CSS x,y could be used to position). However,
what about a general polygon, or an arbitrary shape?
.whatever {display: polygon; points: 10,20 23,23 . }
You'd end up inventing a bunch of properties for the many structural
attributes. As these can be quite complicated, it means your CSS
parser would require a whole set of additional micro-parsers.
In the end I think you'd come to the conclusion that CSS is a pretty
good technology for styling HTML, an acceptable technology for laying-
out HTML, and probably not the right technology for displaying arbitrary
content as graphics or very complex text.
Furthermore, just as a h1 in HTML is always a heading, a circle
in SVG is always a circle. Having just a solid element and using
CSS is similar to having only div in HTML (with display: heading1).
Are we off topic?
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Re: [WSG] WSG thoghts on XUL

2005-02-22 Thread Dean Jackson
On 22 Feb 2005, at 21:07, Patrick Lauke wrote:
Dean Jackson
I don't think it's beyond the scope of the W3C. We're
constantly looking
at technologies like XUL. Do people see the need for standardisation
in this area?
I'd welcome some standardisation, but as John Allsopp already 
MS went the XAML once again, any standardisation work done 
on the
XUL end will only mirror, or run in parallel to, the MS way.
XUL is a much smaller technology than XAML. It's so much smaller
that I doubt it will mirror the MS route. It also isn't really
a competitor to XAML. It's the combination of technologies
(XUL, XBL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, SVG, etc) that provide an
Open alternative. The good news is that enough of this platform
exists today, enabling a bunch of fantastic Web Applications.
It is also an evolutionary approach.
The only saving grace (although I'm not sure of the practicality) would
be that both XUL and XAML are XML based, and could - in theory anyway -
be transformed from one to the other in a hopefully straightforward 
XAML is an XML serialisation of the Windows object hierarchy (which you
could think of as the Win32 or .NET API). This isn't strictly true, but
I think it's close enough to make the point, which is..
Basically, XAML is tied to Windows. It is conceivable that you could
implement XAML on another platform, just as the Mono project is
implementing .NET. However, some pieces of the technology will be
extremely hard to replicate, and some may be covered by patents.
There's also the code embedded in XAML files (e.g. C# or ASP) that
is (typically) Windows specific.
Therefore, I doubt you'll be using the fact that both are XML to
transform between one and the other. I know of people that have
transformed between XAML and other formats, but this is mostly
for static images, not applications. As always though, I certainly
could be wrong!
dean jackson
world wide web consortium (w3c) -
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Re: [WSG] Centre DIV Vertically? Any compliant methods?

2005-02-22 Thread Dean Jackson
On 23 Feb 2005, at 09:49, John Allsopp wrote:
What I want is the ability to align the content of a DIV, for 
instance, or any block element, vertically, and I'm asking why it 
wasn't included in CSS-1.

I can't think of any policy-type reason why it wasn't, that's all, 
and I don't see vertical alignment as being directly related to 
table-cell display either.
I think you want the 'display-align' property from XSL:FO.
Unfortunately, it's not available in CSS 1, 2, 2.1 or 3 (yet?). It will
be available in SVG 1.2 (we added a new property before realising
that XSL:FO had already done it the right way).
I wouldn't be surprised if Bert gave a reason as to why 'display-align'
will not be in CSS.
I can't speak for Hakon Lie or Bert Bos  but...
The original proposal was taking shape in 95/95, really before the 
abomination of tables for layout had ruined the web :-)

So I'm guessing that it simply wasn't something everyone wanted to do, 
like it is now.

Ditto multi column layout f'rinstance.
Yeah! Wouldn't it have been fantastic to have a real multi-column,
grid-like layout mechanism? (It probably *still* would be fantastic to
have one :).
It would also be nice to bind an HTML element to a particular cell
in the layout, allowing the author to order the source in the most
appropriate manner and not resort to floats and abs positioning to
achieve the layout they desire.
Maybe Bert will have an answer :-)
In my experience Bert always has the answer, and if I notice
I disagree with him then that's usually first step towards
realising I'm wrong :)
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Re: [WSG] WSG thoghts on XUL

2005-02-21 Thread Dean Jackson
On 22 Feb 2005, at 11:34, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Jixor - Stephen I wrote:
I have previously encountered XUL but only just started to look into 
it. I have found it so far (only worked with it for one day) to be 
really interesting. I was wondering what other wsg members thought of 
it and maybe if they could give me some background or forecast 
regarding the tech, will it be superseded, is it still in 
development, etc.
What I found most interesting is the fact that there is a lot of XUL 
markup which is squarely presentational in nature. After a long time 
striving for semantic XHTML markup with separate presentation in CSS, 
it feels like a huge step backwards being expected to mix it around 
like it's 1996 again. I try to make a point of personal discipline to 
apply the same strict sense of separation of content and presentation 
in my XUL, as if it was any other standards-based web site.
I think it is worth considering that not all markup languages are able
to separate presentation from content. Some markup languages are purely
presentational in nature. One example is SVG, which can be styled via 
but that is only manipulating the presentational properties -- CSS can't
turn a circle into a rect. Other examples are XSL:FO and MathML (to
some degree). I think XUL falls mostly into this camp.

I would assume that many people's gut reaction is WTF!?!, especially
after the long, hard battle to get people to use CSS properly with HTML.
This is probably a valid reaction, but I believe presentational markup
languages are unavoidable.
However, it's not all that bad. We're looking at technologies like
XBL to transform a semantically rich markup into a presentational 
In the same way as CSS decorates an HTML tree with presentational 
XBL could decorate an XML tree with presentation and behaviour. This 
the author to use the highest level language available (eg. higher than 
which isn't terribly semantically rich).

However, I fear this topic is beyond the scope of the web standards 
list (as it's, of course, not a W3C standard), so I think I'll leave 
it at that now...
I don't think it's beyond the scope of the W3C. We're constantly looking
at technologies like XUL. Do people see the need for standardisation
in this area?
dean jackson
world wide web consortium (w3c) -
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Re: [WSG] CSS3.0

2005-02-17 Thread Dean Jackson
I realise that many people have already responded.
Sorry for the echo. I'm not in the CSS working group, but
I do work for W3C.
On 17 Feb 2005, at 10:31, David R wrote:
Just out of curiosity...
Is the CSS3.0 Spec finalised, or are they still accepting suggestions 
and comments?
I'm not sure there will ever be a CSS 3.0 spec. Rather, CSS 3 (the 
technology) consists of a number of modules. Some modules are further 
along the standardisation process than others. I'm also not sure that 
the CSS WG have ruled out adding new modules or removing existing ones 
(for a good reason of course :). Maybe once all the modules are W3C 
Recommendations, there will be a proclamation that CSS 3 exists.

Are we still accepting comments? Yes. We accept comments at any time in 
the process. Some Web Essentials 04 attendees may remember somewhere 
during one of my incomprehensible rants I mentioned that the phases 
Last Call and Candidate Recommendation are very important because 
there is an obligation for the W3C to respond to every comment (no 
matter from where it comes). Most Working Groups try to respond to all 
comments all the time, but that can be very time consuming (especially 
for a popular tech like CSS).

So please, send in your comments. On anything W3C-related.
In my perfect world, you'd all feel as if you are part of W3C. You 
already have a huge influence on the work, even though you may not be 
the ones sitting around a table and fighting.

Because I really want to suggest multiple background images for 
CSS3.0 (provided it isn't suggested already)
Multiple people have pointed at yesterday's draft which has this 

[Aside: My personal opinion, as someone who is more graphics oriented, 
is that this solution still needs work]

Where do I find the Suggestion Box for the W3C? ;)
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Re: [WSG] w3c badges

2004-10-18 Thread Dean Jackson
On 18 Oct 2004, at 12:50, Rick Faaberg wrote:
Hi all,
Who can I send a suggestion to at W3C that they make their web badges 
a lot
more subtle (and smaller) so that I would actually use them on my 
I work for the W3C and I've heard your suggestion.
While I'm not the badges guy, I know they have many people ask
for different badges all the time. I don't think there is
any way to make everyone happy.
My advice is to make your own badge, or use text, or have
nothing. If you do put something there, IMO the most
important thing is the link to the validator, so that
(a) people can check you are not lying :) and (b) that
random web people who have no idea what that means can follow
the link, learn about what it means and hopefully decide
to do it on their own site.
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Re: [WSG] w3c badges

2004-10-18 Thread Dean Jackson
On 18 Oct 2004, at 13:37, Ryan Christie wrote:
You're free to make your own W3C badges to place on your site. Most 
people I see, incl. myself, just use text links in the footer. W3C 
won't hunt you down for infringement or anything.
There are definitely some copyright issues in using the logo without
permission, so I suggest you make your own Validation badges or use
text (which is what at least 90% of the people doing this use).
If you really want to do something graphical, then my advice is
to approach it in the same manner as site design. Make it interesting.
Make it stand out (or not, if that makes more sense).
You're right though, if they had some quality official badges that 
didn't stick out like a sore thumb, I'd probably use them alot more 
often. :)
So would I :)

Rick Faaberg wrote:
Who can I send a suggestion to at W3C that they make their web badges 
a lot
more subtle (and smaller) so that I would actually use them on my 
Or do I just put up text that says W3C Valid? Is that what you do?
Or just forget it entirely, 'cause who beside developers care in the 
Rick Faaberg
Ryan Christie| e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Harrisonburg, VA | w:
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Re: [WSG] should you refuse to support IE?

2004-10-18 Thread Dean Jackson
On 18 Oct 2004, at 21:10, Mark Harwood wrote:
Not commercialy, but personaly on your own blog sites are other little 

I've just redesigned my blog ( and in doing so i 
decided i was
not going
to touch some of the minor issuse that IE has with my site, although 
it would
only take
me a little bit of time to get it 100% in IE aswell why should i?

Ive placed a small disclaimer on my site stateing why im NON-IE but 
my only
worry is that
new clients or outsourcing companies may see this and think The guy 
hates IE, he
could be a
git to work with (which i am :D)

I just wanna know your view on ditching IE on purpose?
Avoiding your question for just a second
Would you intentionally build a car park that stopped Toyotas from
Remember that it is one Web for all people and all browsers. Some
people *have* to use IE.
I'm not defending IE. I know it is a pain to support in some cases and
that the general consensus is that there are better browsers around. But
I wouldn't want to make the Toyota drivers seem unwelcome, just because
there are Ford cars available. This is very different from saying
Ford rocks!.
Now, to answer your question, should I put non-ie on my site?, I'd say
no. I'm in favour of you *not* doing the extra work to avoid bugs, and
I'm in favour of you promoting the browsers you like (rather than
dissing the ones you don't).
But that's just me.
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-07 Thread Dean Jackson
On 7 Oct 2004, at 02:09, Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
Hi Kim,
Ian Hickson is _not_ saying XHTML is harmful, he is saying that 
serving up XHTML with the wrong MIME type is bad.
That's right. It's probably not the best title for the
document, but my feeling is that people using the ... considered
harmful approach are typically looking more for attention than
for examination.
Nevertheless, it's still an interesting read.
Today, the real benefits of XHTML are on the production side. Say your 
CMS has 1000 documents and you need to change the class name of a 
div tag in all 1000 documents. If your content is in XHTML, you can 
use XML related technologies like DOM or XSLT to process all 1000 
documents quickly and accurately because XHTML can be processed by XML 
I agree.
Using XHTML over HTML brings some benefits that are hard to measure.
The way I think of it is that XHTML allows more people to use your
content in ways that you didn't originally expect. For example, at
W3C we extract a lot of semantic info from our XHTML pages: building
calendars, issue lists, relationships between pages, etc. This could
all be done using HTML, but XHTML makes it easier (much wider range
of tools in the XML world). The same goes for modifying pages. I have
a huge range of tools available to do a site wide change with XHTML,
and these tools are interoperable because they conform to the XML
specification. If my Web guy gets hit by a truck, then I can
call up another developer and assume that her XML skills will be
enough to do the job (even though she may not be familiar with the
Then there is the whole Web Applications trend. Again, HTML and
XHTML are pretty much the same in functionality here, but if I'm
using an application on the Web then I want to make sure it is
well-formed and well-structured. I don't want a typo by a web
developer (such as leaving off an end tag) to cause my credit
card to be debited twice. That's an extreme example, but in the
general case, would you really run an application on your desktop
that you were not sure was compiled correctly (or had millions
of compiler warnings)? Allowing sloppy markup in applications
is a security risk IMHO.
On the design front, if you are thumping your head against a
wall trying to wonder why the page is off by three pixels, wouldn't
you like to rule out as much as possible in order to reduce the
number of places you look for the bug? In most cases, this is
easier with XHTML - you can check the document and then focus
on the CSS.
While the existing browsers are parsing and rendering HTML faster
than XHTML, then you can serve XHTML 1.0 as HTML. I'm not sure
exactly why HTML parsing/rendering is faster than XHTML, since in
general it is much easier to right a high-performance parser for
a strict language than a less strict one (and HTML also carries
years and years of quirks to handle). Maybe it is just that the
HTML code has been around for so long that it is highly optimized.
Let's hope the desktop browsers will move into 2001 soon ;)
To ask the question the other way around, what are the real
benefits of using HTML over XHTML? I'm interested to hear the
reasons (and I'm sure they are valid).
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

First of all... I'm sorry if this is off topic.
I've been telling people (the few who asked me and through my website)
to use (valid) xhtml because it a W3C recommendation, it's  device
independent, (valid) xhtml can be processed by an XML parser, better
accessibility, less code, faster processing of code in modern 
forward compatibility etc. I guess that's the standard opinion on 
or am I completely of track here?

After I participated in a discussion over at the Project Seven 
I'm having doubts! The reason is some very well put arguments from 
others, Al Sparber. One of the arguments was less code. Not even close
to html 4.01 (See sample 1 below), html 4.01 is also device 
AFAIK. Xhtml is not being processed faster than html 4. Actually there
should be no real reason to use xhtml unless you're using xml.

_Sample 1 - html:_
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; 
titleUntitled Document/title
pHello World.
pimg src=img.gif width=10 height=10 alt=some description

_Sample 1 -  xhtml:_
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;
html xmlns=;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; 
charset=iso-8859-1 /
titleUntitled Document/title
pHello World./p
pimg src=img.gif width=10 height=10 alt=some description 

Now what really worries me is this article where