Re: A: [WSG] Target Lawsuit - Please Make Yourself Heard

2007-10-04 Thread Genesis One And One

Steve Green wrote:

I suspect that this lawsuit was premature

The WCAG were published 8 years ago. How long should we wait? I don't know
when Section 508 came into law but the UK's DDA was passed in 1995. Seems
like long enough to me.

508 was 1998.
WCAG was 1999
Target came online in 1997?
IE is just now becoming compliant.
Target is just now becoming usable in FF.

How long should we wait?

You're waiting? I thought that WCAG was already coming into it's own. It 
maps very closely to 508.

This group isn't waiting
All e-commerce businesses should take note of this decision and 
immediately take steps to open their doors to the blind, Maurer said.

My only issue is the way they are going about it. They are suing Target. 
Why didn't they sue a small set of companies? Or Sears and Target and 

They are trying to set precedent in the law. I don't think that's the 
right strategy at this point. The web isn't that old and in the 10+ 
years I've been online technology is changing so fast somethings haven't 
caught up or kept up. I think Accessibility is an idea that would have 
become standard without legal strong arming. I think that because it 
makes good business sense as more users with disabilities can use/afford 
technologies to let them experience the web.

Anyway, the wheels are rolling. We'll see.

But if this judge's decision becomes du jour...

It won't. Courts will assess what it is reasonable to expect a company to
do, given the resources at their disposal. They will also take into account
the number of people affected, which is why Target should be expected to
make a much greater effort than a corner store. Courts will use previous
judgements as guidance but will always consider the specifics of the case in
front of them.

Hehehe...okay. If you say so. Personally, I'm skeptical. But I'll hold 
out hope that at best they wont screw up too much.

judges making half informed or emotionally skewed decisions

No, you're confusing them with politicians. I have read the transcripts of
many of the proceedings to date (not just the press coverage) and the judges
seem to have a pretty good handle on it. There will be expert testimony from
both sides, and it won't be difficult to tell who's talking out their

I'm not confusing the two. Politicians lie. Judges are little dictators 
and don't need to lie ;-).

FWIW: I have not read the transcripts.  At this point though, all this 
judge has done is declare the class and moved the suit along. We'll see 
if the class wins.

In fact there won't be much argument about whether the website is accessible
to blind people or not. It isn't. The argument is primarily whether the law
actually applies to the website, and you don't need to know anything about
accessibility to make that judgement.

Then based on what I know I'd say no the law does not apply to a 
website. :-D.

I think a law applied to a building where a person may need to go (use 
the facilities/ get out of the rain/ what ever) and become trapped, 
disoriented, injured etc. does not necessarily *need* to apply to a 
website. If you can not use Target's site, you could chose another at 
the click of a mouse. Literally at the speed of light :-D.

It would be scary enough if Target wins this suit because a judge 
decides based on that logic. It could happen.

And so I come back to my original argument. I think that this lawsuit 
was a bad idea and premature. It could hurt as easily as help for many 

But well see. I'll definitely be watching this and asking questions!

Thanks to whomever posted the blurb to the list!


// Genesis One And One Studios

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Re: A: [WSG] Target Lawsuit - Please Make Yourself Heard

2007-10-03 Thread Genesis One And One

Chris Wilson wrote:

I think my point is being missed entirely. I completely support 
standards and accesability, but not at this cost. Should target improve 
their site? Yes. Should the be required to by a court? No.

No you're point wasn't missed. I agree with you. In fact my first 
thought/viseral reaction was this is a bad thing. Strong arming 
merchants with the legal system only means a bunch of red tape and 
higher prices across the board. It can get even worse if lobbyist get 
involved. Loop holes, delays and stall tactics and even a potential to 
set progress back further.

The legal system isn't the best arena for this battle. Education is the 
key. And when that fails playing to the self serving nature of business 
often works.

I suspect that this lawsuit was premature. As the market demand for 
accessible sites grow so will the supply. That is the nature of 
business. Technology is already catching up with better screen readers 
etc. which will mean more opportunity for the blind/colour 
blind/mobility impaired/hearing impaired to actually *BE ONLINE*. More 
users create more demand creating more supply.

Instead, now we'll have less tech savvy judges making half informed or 
emotionally skewed decisions. For example: If this judge just told 
Target to become accessible to all, Target has the resources to meet 
just about every accessibility issue you can encounter. But if this 
judge's decision becomes du jour, Mom and Pop sites which depend on so 
much open source or free technologies may well find it difficult to meet 
the requirements of law.

You cannot discount Mom and Pops nor the impact the law has on them and 
their bottom lines. And the impact of their success on local economies.


I am new here :-D.

I came here to learn how to implement accessible guidelines so that I 
can in turn get my clients (mostly small budget startups) to buy into 
the need for *some* amount of accessibility in their sites.

I'm hoping greater knowledge on my part leads to efficient coding which 
will equal lowered costs for implementing accessible code for my clients.

I'm glad I found this group!


// Genesis One And One Studios

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