WSG's feed page ( gives me this error when
I viewed it (FF 1.0PR, Win XP):

+ + + + + + + + + + + CODE + + + + + + + + + +
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 250, Column 100:

<description><![CDATA[&gt; Is there any way to force word wrap, even on single
+ + + + + + + + + + + /CODE + + + + + + + + + +

don't know what it means.


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! ! b l u e
w e b  d e s i g n e r
website :
weblog :
firefox :
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
----- Forwarded message from Peter Firminger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
    Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 15:36:36 +1000
    From: Peter Firminger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: RE: [WSG] how so I stop all the postings coming to my email box?

Hi Casey,

While answering your question I am also answering some other enquiries I
have had recently so it's of interest to all (otherwise I'd answer off

Joining WSG simply means joining the WSG mailing list. That's all there is
(well, you can also add resources to the website as a member). I don't know
what people expect for nothing. A badge or jacket? A secret handshake?

Yes, digest mode will gather all the emails sent in a day and give them to
you in one email. Probably a good idea to try it and see what it does. Most
people with any list experience know what digest mode is, so I didn't think
it needed explanation.

It's quite clear in the terms of joining that you are joining a mailing list
and the join message from the list server confirms it further. I'll look at
the language and adjust if I think it's unclear.

We don't have "boards" to read, we have a mailing list and given the
complexity of the subject, there is often a lot of list traffic. This means
that it's working as intended and nearly 1100 people around the world get
answers to many questions and read some interesting debates on important
issues like the correct use of elements within HTML and XHTML (semantics)
and the appropriate uses of the languages.

We get private emails from many members thanking us and saying how much the
discussions have helped them, even though they didn't ask the initial

I'm really not sure what you were expecting (boards?) but this is a mailing
list, and seemingly a very effective one.

Having said all that, when I get some time (or when someone offers to pay me
while I do it 'cause I do have to eat and paying work comes first) I am
looking at adding some fields to the member database so that you can be a
member and not be on the mail list.

This however means you won't be able to post to the list.

We will give you some methods to read the list without receiving it in your
mailbox. These include the current methods: The members archive ( ), the public archive ( ) and an RSS feed ( ) you can read in something like
FeedDemon. The date/time order in these is a little off but they seem to
work fine.

No, there will not be a NewsGroup, a forum or a message board. The only
method of getting help will be the mailing list as that is the root of this

Personally, the mail list (with some filters in the email client) works
perfectly for me. Others choose a web-based email account (yahoo, hotmail or
gmail) for reading the list posts. I have been testing the RSS feed and it's
really no different.

For those that have asked about list features, SmarterMail 2.0 has now been
released and I'll be installing it soon so we may get a better Digest mode
and hopefully (I haven't seen whether they implemented our suggestions) see
the end of HTML email on the list altogether.

Finally, let me point out that Russ and I (and the other core members)
cannot watch the list every minute of the day. We have businesses to run and
clients to keep happy. So not getting an answer within an hour is really not
surprising from a group (not club) with no membership fees. Also, we are in
an entirely different time zone to you in Arizona (though our server is
actually in Phoenix), all the core group are in eastern Australia.

Welcome to the group Casey, I hope this clears up your questions.


Peter Firminger

----- End forwarded message -----

Hi Casey,
While answering your question I am also answering some other enquiries I have had recently so it's of interest to all (otherwise I'd answer off list).
Joining WSG simply means joining the WSG mailing list. That's all there is (well, you can also add resources to the website as a member). I don't know what people expect for nothing. A badge or jacket? A secret handshake?
Yes, digest mode will gather all the emails sent in a day and give them to you in one email. Probably a good idea to try it and see what it does. Most people with any list experience know what digest mode is, so I didn't think it needed explanation.
It's quite clear in the terms of joining that you are joining a mailing list and the join message from the list server confirms it further. I'll look at the language and adjust if I think it's unclear.
We don't have "boards" to read, we have a mailing list and given the complexity of the subject, there is often a lot of list traffic. This means that it's working as intended and nearly 1100 people around the world get answers to many questions and read some interesting debates on important issues like the correct use of elements within HTML and XHTML (semantics) and the appropriate uses of the languages.
We get private emails from many members thanking us and saying how much the discussions have helped them, even though they didn't ask the initial question.
I'm really not sure what you were expecting (boards?) but this is a mailing list, and seemingly a very effective one.
Having said all that, when I get some time (or when someone offers to pay me while I do it 'cause I do have to eat and paying work comes first) I am looking at adding some fields to the member database so that you can be a member and not be on the mail list.
This however means you won't be able to post to the list.
We will give you some methods to read the list without receiving it in your mailbox. These include the current methods: The members archive ( ), the public archive ( ) and an RSS feed ( ) you can read in something like FeedDemon. The date/time order in these is a little off but they seem to work fine.
No, there will not be a NewsGroup, a forum or a message board. The only method of getting help will be the mailing list as that is the root of this group.
Personally, the mail list (with some filters in the email client) works perfectly for me. Others choose a web-based email account (yahoo, hotmail or gmail) for reading the list posts. I have been testing the RSS feed and it's really no different.
For those that have asked about list features, SmarterMail 2.0 has now been released and I'll be installing it soon so we may get a better Digest mode and hopefully (I haven't seen whether they implemented our suggestions) see the end of HTML email on the list altogether.
Finally, let me point out that Russ and I (and the other core members) cannot watch the list every minute of the day. We have businesses to run and clients to keep happy. So not getting an answer within an hour is really not surprising from a group (not club) with no membership fees. Also, we are in an entirely different time zone to you in Arizona (though our server is actually in Phoenix), all the core group are in eastern Australia.
Welcome to the group Casey, I hope this clears up your questions.
Peter Firminger

Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:19 AM
Subject: [WSG] how so I stop all the postings coming to my email box?

Hi, I just JOINED your group last night and now find my email box bomb-barred with tooooo many messages / how do I stop them and still remain a member of your group. I  simple want to read the messages from your boards. Is that what the Digest Mode does, because that is not clearly indicated as to its actual function.  

Thanks for your help. Casey

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