Title: RE: [WSG] Table content displayed as a list

I'd say that if it's a list, then format it as a list as using CSS to bastardise your document seems to defeat the object. If it's dynamic, can you not just output the data into a list instead?

-----Original Message-----
From: RMW Web Publishing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 February 2005 01:04
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Table content displayed as a list

I have some tabular content (in the HTML as a table) but what it to display as a list.

This works fine in Firefox by making each TD display as a 'block', but does nothing in IE. Any ideas?

I do not want to do any static positioning as the table content contains dynamic data. Would it be acceptable to change from a table to a definition list ('dl') with multiple descriptions ('dd')?

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