Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-19 Thread Andrew Krespanis
Nothing new for list members, but I've added another post to discuss
some of the issues that this thread has bought to my attention.

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RE: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-19 Thread Ian Fenn
Nick writes:
 I was just reading the article excerpted below and was curious as to
 how many on the list have used this technique of initially setting all
 padding and margins to 0 and if so how successful was it?

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned:

Any preference?

All the best,

Ian Fenn
Chopstix Media Ltd

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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread Andrew Krespanis
Hi all,
I guess I should add my 2 cents as well :)

re: Russ' comments --
 1. Once you have removed all margin and padding, this method relies on you
 specifically styling the margins and padding of each HTML element that you
 intend to use. On smaller sites where you may only need to style specific
 containers and elements this method is very verbose and wasteful.

Perhaps listing troublesome elements instead of the wildcard selector
would be a more favourable option for some, I prefer the clean slate
RE: Verbosity; probably, but not necessarily. I've most recently used
this technique with a 5 page brochure-ware site to accompany my band's
upcoming ep and I honestly don't think it added a noticable amount of
weight. The benefits were immedietly noticable -- this site's design
(url not avail. yet) took a 3 lazy hours to code and wasn't checked
once in IE during the coding. Guess what? IE6 was identical in every
way to Moz/FF+Op the very first time! My jaw dropped and I danced
around the house like an idiot while the singer and bass player just
stared at me as though I had lost the plot. I'm not going to pretend
to be some kind of css-jedi that doesn't need to test in IE -- I was
as surprised as anyone else would be. That declaration and a solid
knowledge of when to throw in a 'position:relative;' were entirely
responsible for slashing potentially up to an hour of debugging
(depending on how many early evening beverages were consumed during ;)
 2. If you were to pass your site on to others who were less aware of CSS,
 this method could cause great confusion. The method relies on an
 understanding that any used HTML elements will have to be specifically
If you were to pass your site to others who are less aware off css AND
told them that they didn't have to worry about cancelling 'empty
space'  because everything was up to them, this method could cause
great liberation. Well, I doubt it; but you get the idea.
In the cases I've seen - mostly on - beginners
develop bad cases of 'class-itis' due to a fear of using tag name
selectors. This encourages/forces them to address the elements
immedietly and individually; hopefully causing a greater focus on
semantics in the process. ie What content does this page have? What
tags will I use? instead of Hmm... better use another div for this
sentance. High hopes, I know :\

We can't on the one hand say Don't rely on browser defaults and on
the other say don't screw with the defaults -- future code monkeys
will be confused.
Each to their own; but you knew I wasn't going to agree from the get go.

Lachlan wrote:
I found out later that a significant portion of the class has now
adopted it for their own stylesheets.
That's fantastic :D I didn't think anyone would even care about such a
simple tactic. Many thanks for sharing!

...and to finally get to Nick's question:
Personally, I don't think I'll ever stop using it; but there's no
prize for guessing I was going to say that. All the client sites I've
done since using this trick (none of which have been added to my
folio...Damn I'm slack!) have had the CSS split up into:
- default.css [page layout only]
- type.css [all global typography, starting with declarations like p,
pre, blockquote, etc...]
- any other site specific stuff (eg. menu.css)
Splitting the css into positioning and typography can be very helpful
in conjunction to the global reset, but you have to have your wits
about you to keep things neat and well ordered.

-- Andrew
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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread Cameron Adams
I think this is a strong argument for introducing this
technique to others. The most oft-cited reason for not
using semantic HTML is the perceived control that can
be achieved by using tables/a lot of divs.

By removing this mystery dimension from the size of
elements, it could help people to become accustomed to
styling semantic HTML.

Personally, I remove margin-bottom from everything,
because I like to use top margin/padding, as it
prevents extra space at the end of sections. (And also
various overflow problems in Opera)



--- Andrew Krespanis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the cases I've seen - mostly on
 - beginners
 develop bad cases of 'class-itis' due to a fear of
 using tag name
 selectors. This encourages/forces them to address
 the elements
 immedietly and individually; hopefully causing a
 greater focus on
 semantics in the process. ie What content does this
 page have? What
 tags will I use? instead of Hmm... better use
 another div for this
 sentance. High hopes, I know :\

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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread Nick Lo
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for posting the article in the first place, I should've known 
the writer would've been on this list!

Anyway, I like the idea and I have a suspicion it'll work pretty well 
for my needs. I just tried it in a site I'm working on and it actually 
didn't break much and in fact I can immediately think of several places 
I can go to clear margin:0;padding:0; settings, so in that respect it 
may actually reduce verbosity.

I can also think of a particular debugging issue (IE of course) that it 
would have helped with.

Anyway, as Russ said Like anything, I guess it comes down the the 
needs of the site and the developer. I'm just keen to see how it goes 
for my needs now!

RE: Verbosity; probably, but not necessarily. I've most recently used
this technique with a 5 page brochure-ware site to accompany my band's
upcoming ep and I honestly don't think it added a noticable amount of
weight. The benefits were immedietly noticable -- this site's design
(url not avail. yet) took a 3 lazy hours to code and wasn't checked
once in IE during the coding. Guess what? IE6 was identical in every
way to Moz/FF+Op the very first time! 
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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread Mordechai Peller
Nick Lo wrote:
I was just reading the article excerpted below and was curious as to 
how many on the list have used this technique of initially setting all 
padding and margins to 0 and if so how successful was it? 
I remember reading a similar suggestion a while back (I don't remember 
where) which included {border : 0; font-site 100.1%; line-height : 1.6;} 
(actually, other than being there, I don't remember what the line height 
was, but I suppose it doesn't matter for this thread).

IIRC, the 100.1% was to correct for a rounding error in either Opera of 
Safari where 100% was treated as 99%.
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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread russ - maxdesign
I've been thinking on and off all day and I'd like to do an ignominious
about-face on the zeroing margin and padding technique.

My initial concerns were that:
1. could be more verbose
2. could confuse less-savy future developers.

The verbose issue is easy to overcome. You can zero margins and padding in
one rule set and then set all block level items with margins in a second
rule set. For example:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, form, label, ul, ol, dl, fieldset,
address { margin-bottom: 1em; } or whatever margin setting you prefer.

This also overcomes concerns about passing on the css to future developers.
If all block level elements are specified in this second rule set then there
will be no major issues.

So, apologies to Andrew for overly critical comments earlier. Worth
exploring further.


 We can't on the one hand say Don't rely on browser defaults and on
 the other say don't screw with the defaults -- future code monkeys
 will be confused.
 Each to their own; but you knew I wasn't going to agree from the get go.

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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread russ - maxdesign
 I remember reading a similar suggestion a while back (I don't remember
 where) which included {border : 0; font-site 100.1%; line-height : 1.6;}
 (actually, other than being there, I don't remember what the line height
 was, but I suppose it doesn't matter for this thread).

You may have been thinking about CSS-Discuss where it came up recently:

And Webmasterworld:


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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-18 Thread Mordechai Peller
russ - maxdesign wrote:
You may have been thinking about CSS-Discuss where it came up recently:
And Webmasterworld:
Thanks Russ. It must have been the css-d thread since looking back I see 
that I read it and since the Webmasterworld reference was my postI 
guess I got the line height addition from elsewhere.

That still leaves the question of whether or not to include font sizes 
there or just in the body?

Also, the issue of 100.1% vs. 100.01% wasn't resolved.
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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-17 Thread russ - maxdesign
Hi Nick,
I think this is very interesting but I have two problems with it:

1. Once you have removed all margin and padding, this method relies on you
specifically styling the margins and padding of each HTML element that you
intend to use. On smaller sites where you may only need to style specific
containers and elements this method is very verbose and wasteful.

This means you are almost replicating aspects of the supposed default
browser style sheet:

2. If you were to pass your site on to others who were less aware of CSS,
this method could cause great confusion. The method relies on an
understanding that any used HTML elements will have to be specifically

You may have styled all elements you needed at the time, but what if a new
element was added by someone else at a later date? They may have no idea why
the element does not operate like it should.

For example, what if you never needed a blockquote (and therefore never
specifically styled this element) but someone needed in the future? They may
be very confused why the blockquote had no margins  - which it normally
would in default behaviour.

A softer option may be to do this on specific troublesome elements (by
troublesome I mean ones that may vary greatly across browsers). For example;
forms, fieldsets, submit buttons etc.

Like anything, I guess it comes down the the needs of the site and the


 I was just reading the article excerpted below and was curious as to
 how many on the list have used this technique of initially setting all
 padding and margins to 0 and if so how successful was it?
 * {

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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-17 Thread Lachlan Hardy
Nick Lo wrote:
I was just reading the article excerpted below and was curious as to how 
many on the list have used this technique of initially setting all 
padding and margins to 0 and if so how successful was it?
Well, I've used it a few times since I read that article and it rocks
In the relatively short time since then I've included in two of my own 
projects and suggested its use to a student. In the former case, I've 
found the added control makes everything so much easier. In the latter 
case it allowed her to centre her inline unordered list (she was 
seriously struggling with her navigation), and a few other things on her 
page all fell into place. I found out later that a significant portion 
of the class has now adopted it for their own stylesheets

I haven't encountered any problems with its use yet. I can't really 
envisage any. Obviously you need to add padding and margins specifically 
to most elements now, but I find that a benefit. After all, I rarely 
rely on default values for lists, paragraphs or headings

So thanks to Andrew (who I believe is a member?). I don't know why I 
never thought of it before, especially after Eric Meyer's article on 
removing default CSS; but I didn't, so kudos to you

In other words, Nick, I say use it all the time. I am
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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-17 Thread James Ellis
Not sure about the * declaration but the 11 browsers intrigues me? What 
joe bloggs user out there looks at a website in 11 browsers? Broken to 
us in Netscape 4 might mean works fine to the Netscape 4 user.

If one browser gives me 2px padding and another gives me 1px then I'm 
not fussed as long as the content is readable and understandable.

Nick Lo wrote:
It doesnt seem like much at first, but wait till you look at your 
mildly styled form in 11 browsers to find the positioning identical in 
all of them; or your button-style lists are perfect the first time, 
every time.

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Re: [WSG] Zeroing default padding/margin

2004-10-17 Thread Nick Lo
Thanks for the reply Russ, I agree that it's really down to the 

Some further thoughts from your points:
Smaller sites would presumably have less people working on them and 
therefore the issue of confusion is possibly less relevant, though the 
problem of verbosity may be. On the other hand presumably in most cases 
you'd be starting from a base stylesheet anyway so verbosity with 
regards to maintenance may not be an issue either. That really leaves 
potentially heavy stylesheets and hence file sizes.

On larger sites I wonder if the verbosity issue balances out ...e.g. 
you don't specifically need to set margins:0; padding: 0; on numerous 
elements just as you do need to set them otherwise on other elements. 
However, the introduction of new, and therefore zero'd elements (e.g. 
an address in an article added by a CMS) is a good point.

So to narrow down my original question:
How do those who use it find the balance between file size/verbosity 
and the debugging benefits/time saving?

1. Once you have removed all margin and padding, this method relies on 
specifically styling the margins and padding of each HTML element that 
intend to use. On smaller sites where you may only need to style 
containers and elements this method is very verbose and wasteful.

2. If you were to pass your site on to others who were less aware of 
this method could cause great confusion. The method relies on an
understanding that any used HTML elements will have to be specifically

You may have styled all elements you needed at the time, but what if a 
element was added by someone else at a later date? They may have no 
idea why
the element does not operate like it should.
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