Re: [X2Go-Dev] Attention Android Developers

2012-03-08 Thread

Am 08.03.2012 02:03, schrieb Mihai Moldovan:

* On 07.03.2012 10:51 PM, Arnold Krille wrote:

Well, forgive my sceptism, but if that astronaut gets his will, X is a thing
of the past.

Like, Wayland? Seriously. lol.

The cleverer give in, that's why the world is run by idiots.

That's why we can't have nice things, why we have KDE4 and Gnome3, and 
why we will have Wayland:
Youngsters trying to reinvent the wheel, when they haven't even grasped 
why it needs to be round.
Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it. Those who fail 
to learn history correctly – why, they are simply doomed. (Quote from 
Andromeda, the SciFi show)
One of my former bosses once claimed -and he was serious about that- 
that the triangular-shaped wheel is an improvement over the 
square-shaped wheel, because it bounces less per revolution. :-/


X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] cups-x2go problem printing multiple copies from windows terminal server. Fix inside ( i guess )

2012-03-08 Thread

Am 08.03.2012 18:07, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:

I do not know much about ghostscript but do we know what this change
does and what the real problem was? Was it the PDFSETTINGS=/printer or
the DoNumCopies? What does the change really do?

A half hour of Internet research didn't turn up much:
-dPDFSETTINGS=/screen   (screen-view-only quality, 72 dpi images)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook(low quality, 150 dpi images)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer  (high quality, 300 dpi images)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress (high quality, color preserving, 300 dpi imgs)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/default  (almost identical to /screen)

I do not know what color preserving means.

It's been a while since I worked in printing support and had to deal 
with PostScript/PDF/ghostscript stuff, but I'd wager a guess that 
/prepress is for professional printing, and color preserving in that 
context probably means that ghostscript should not attempt to apply a 
color profile when processing the file, as professional printing 
equipment usually has its own methods of color calibration.

Does that sound like it makes sense? ;-)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] cups-x2go problem printing multiple copies from windows terminal server. Fix inside ( i guess )

2012-03-08 Thread

Am 08.03.2012 20:25, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:

I'm guessing the magic is removing DoNumCopies but that seems quite 

Uh, no, the patch is to add that option, not to remove it.

Helmer's posting contained the patched version above the original.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] Attention Android Developers

2012-03-07 Thread
News on Slashdot:

Just FYI.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] @Mihai: rebuild x2goclient for Mac OS

2012-02-23 Thread

Am 23.02.2012 19:03, schrieb Mihai Moldovan:

* On 23.02.2012 05:55 PM, wrote:

Is there any chance that my Mac Mini, Model MB138D/A, would help you
in shortening compile time (either because it's faster than your
current machine or because you could offload parts of the job to it)?

Probably not, the hardware specifications don't look too good. :(
My machine has a 3GHz C2D with 8GB RAM, compared to this the 1GB RAM of
your Mac Mini sounds like constant swapping.

Then again, I'm currently using 8GB RAM + 7.9GB swap on my MBP, so who
knows. We could run a qt build on your Mac Mini, if you give me SSH
access and see how it turns out.

The machine is still in the mail (on its way back from Mike to me). 
However, you could send me your SSH public key in advance so all we have 
to do is check the fingerprint and hook it up.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] x2goclient.exe - Saving session settings to registry

2012-02-21 Thread

Hi List,

is there any particular reason why x2goclient.exe will save session 
settings to the registry and will only use a sessions file when called 
with --portable?
Using the sessions file is the default for Linux and AFAIK also for 
Mac OS X, so why the variation in x2goclient.exe?

IMO, using the sessions file by default simplifies handling across 
client operating systems (especially as there is no import/export option 
between the sessions file on Windows and the registry). That's why 
saving to the registry should be dropped if nobody uses it, or made 
optional (--save-to-registry or somehing like that) if there are a few 
users that need it.

So, to the Windows client users out there: Can anyone of you think of a 
reason that speaks against saving the settings in a file?

Until we have a decision on that, my workaround is a link with the 
following destination:

X:\x2goclient.exe --portable --home=%USERPROFILE%
(where X: is a read-only network drive, and %USERPROFILE% is a reserved 
variable on Windows that contains the path to the user's home directory)
BTW, Alex will soon implement a change so that the sessions file can be 
stored on the read-only network drive as well.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] x2goclient.exe - Saving session settings to registry

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 16:38, schrieb Daniel Lindgren:

I haven't tried the
--portable option in Windows, hopefully it allows you to start a
session from the command line (or a shortcut) by specifying the
session file.

That is independent of --portable, as far as I can tell from x2goclient.exe
--help, so it *should* (IOW, I haven't tested it) be possible with settings
saved in the registry as well: The parameter to do that is
--session=session, wheresession  is the ID-string of a session saved
either in a sessions file or in the registry.

Yep, it does work with registry settings but you then specify the
*name* of the session, that becomes impractical if you use files to
store the session, you would have to parse through all session files
to see which one contains the session you want to start. Not a problem
if you have a few files stored locally, probably not ideal if you have
a (slow) network folder with hundres of session files.


Ah, sorry, I got that wrong: there is --session and --sessionid (this 
one gets used when you select the option to create a desktop shortcut 
from the drop-down menu)

IMO, there should be at most one sessions file per user.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] [X2go-User] Usernames with dashes causes errors?

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 16:40, schrieb Mike Gabriel:

I just took a look at this and it is not so trivial to fix...

Debian's adduser (3.110) script checks validity of user names against 
this regexp:


Using a '-' as a field separator in the session ID intereferes with 
the allowed characters in usernames.

The issue has to be addressed in x2goserver, x2goclient and 
python-x2go. I am not sure about the other helper applications (like 
the desktop bindings, desktopsharing, etc.).

Nasty bash hacker approach:
1) # isn't allowed, so it would work as a separator instead of the dash
2) To avoid confusion when server and client aren't using the same 
version, prefix the string with # when it's the new version where all 
dashes are replaced with #
3) in x2goclient, *only* replace the dashes when you detect that the 
username does in fact contain a dash - that way, a new client can talk 
to an old server (unless the username contains a dash, in which case it 
would break - but that's what happens with an old client and old server 
as well, so nothing gained, but also nothing lost)

Variant: Only apply the substitution to the user name field, i.e.:
myusername-remaining-parts-of-string - myusername-remaining-parts-of-string

(Of course, if # causes trouble, too, substitute another character 
that isn't allowed by the above regex.)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] Preferred settings for X2go LAN use

2012-02-21 Thread

Hi everyone,

any recommendations on what settings I should use in X2go-Client when 
the server is on the same LAN as the clients, and I want to watch 
youtube (with Pulseaudio sound) via X2Go? The default settings already 
look (and sound) promising, but it seems there are a few glitches... and 
I'm wondering if they are real bugs or just side effects of a 
less-than-ideal session setting.

I'm currently using a 100MBit switched LAN, with the option to upgrade 
to 1 GBit LAN if that would make a major difference.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Preferred settings for X2go LAN use

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 20:36, schrieb Michael Kromer:

Hello Stefan,

well, in real world I would never use LAN as a setting, even on LAN i would use 
WAN as the primary setting.

That's what I remember from configuring NX Client, too, but I wasn't 
sure if that's still the best way to do it with X2Go.

We've benchmarked it, and without access to the benchmarks right now (you 
should find them in some article by Harald Milz in the german issue of the 
linux magazine some months ago) I can only say: You'd have it better that way.

Indeed, but the client offers two other settings that can be changed, 
aside from the connection speed slider - compression method and image 
And the sheer number of choices there makes a full test run rather 
time-consuming, so I was wondering if anyone had ever experimented with 
that before.

I would recommend you to use jpeg compression in combination with libjpegturbo, 
since this makes a real difference - especially on modern netbooks since their 
processor speed is not the best but in combination with the SSE-instruction 
sets which are used for libjpegturbo this makes a major performance boost (up 
to 3x in my lab tests).

The thing is, I'm using the windows client, I'm not sure if and how I 
could change to libjpegturbo there; and the libjpegturbo stuff is still 
experimental/testing, something I don't want to force upon my clients. 
I'm looking for solutions that work with a stock, stable X2Go install.

But: please tell us: what glitches do you suffer?

Everything works great at first, short clips, like Adobe Flash animated 
advertisements with sound, run rather smooth, but longer videos on 
youtube experience a stuck image effect that only goes away when 
moving the mouse over the area where the video plays (this helps for a 
few seconds, then you have to repeat the procedure), also, the sound 
starts to get choppy.
BUT: This *might* be due to something weird in my LAN config or due to 
the client options I chose. It sure needs further testing and 
verification before it can be considered a bug.

What settings are you using?

WAN/16m-jpeg/9, audio enabled (pulseaudio). Client used for initial 
testing was (Windows).

An upgrade to Gigabit will not help you much IMHO, since one session and 100 
Mbit is far more than enough. The only point where you could have fun with is 
with lower latency times - but a dedicated 100 mbit with not too much traffic 
should be a low latency line anyways ...

Well, 100Mbit and a single user is my test setup, real-world use is more 
like up to 5 users and the average small office LAN traffic (SMB shares, 
database connections,...).

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] x2goclient.exe - Saving session settings to registry

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 22:09, schrieb Heinz-M. Graesing:

Hello Stefan,

Am 21.02.2012 15:51, schrieb

Hi List,

Using the sessions file is the default for Linux and AFAIK also for
Mac OS X, so why the variation in x2goclient.exe?

The registry db is the official recommended place to store application
settings on this platform.

This means that people (and applications) working with this system are
looking for such information inside the registry - not an ini file.

There is no way to preseed a user profile, though, aside from some 
hacks using reg.exe and a login script, as everything gets written to 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER. You cannot set a domain- or machine-specific 
default/template (the User named .Default does not what one might 
think it does ;-)) . Also, once it is written to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, the 
user can change it at will, there is no way to set it to read-only 
(while there is --no-session-edit, there's nothing to stop the user from 
clicking on x2goclient.exe directly).

Then again, the problem should become moot in about three weeks time, 
when selectively publishing applications becomes available. ;-)

As this option is already is introduced I think a second option can only
be introduced as optional.
Or, you could add an autosensing capability: If there's a sessions file 
present, pick that, if not, write to the registry. That way, copying a 
sessions file / touching an empty file in the default location would 
tell x2goclient that it should refrain from storing data in the registry.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] X2Goplugin

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 22:20, schrieb Heinz-M. Graesing:

[Firefox info]

This again is a really good news! Thank you for those links.
No problem, you're welcome. After all, we can't know everything, and if 
we did, we'd be know-it-alls. ;-)

And knowledge shared is knowledge squared.

At least it will still the best to offer tested and recent versions to 
the world... which is challenging. Heinz
Well, nothing keeps you from offering stable builds that are tested 
and nightlies for those willing to live on the edge... ;-)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Preferred settings for X2go LAN use

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 23:10, schrieb John Williams:

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 12:53 PM,
Everything works great at first, short clips, like Adobe Flash

advertisements with sound, run rather smooth, but longer videos on youtube
experience a stuck image effect that only goes away when moving the mouse
over the area where the video plays (this helps for a few seconds, then you
have to repeat the procedure), also, the sound starts to get choppy.
BUT: This *might* be due to something weird in my LAN config or due to the
client options I chose. It sure needs further testing and verification
before it can be considered a bug.

Have you tried disabling (UNchecking) Use SSH port forwarding to
tunnel sound system connections through firewalls?

No I haven't done so, yet, but I will. Thanks for the hint.

Out of curiousity, does disabling that option mean that the sound data 
will go unencrypted and uncompressed over the LAN?

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] x2goclient.exe - Saving session settings to registry

2012-02-21 Thread

Am 21.02.2012 23:26, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:

I'm a Windows ignoramus but is this something that could be set with a 

I'd like to use the Ask the Audience lifeline on that one... ;-)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Fwd: MAC developers wanted

2012-02-19 Thread

Am 19.02.2012 06:59, schrieb Mihai Moldovan:

I'll post my installer (really just a .dmg image with
in it, how all project redistribute on OS X) to the list when it's ready
and I've had some sleep.

Uh, I don't think posting it to the list is a good idea. I'd suggest you 
send it by eMail to Heinz and Alex so they can upload it somewhere on, and if you want to, CC me, since I should have my Mac mini 
back from Mike in a few days and could act as a tester.
(I'm not exactly experienced with Mac OS X and have a reputation for 
crashing Macs just by getting near to them ;-) so I should be the ideal 
tester - if I can get it to work, the average Joe should be able to do 
that, too.)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Fwd: MAC developers wanted

2012-02-19 Thread

Am 19.02.2012 20:45, schrieb Mihai Moldovan:

However, on my system the X server is listening on port 6004 instead of
6000 (thus using displayPort 5?) - for whatever reason.

Does defaults read org.x.X11 say anything regarding the port number?
If so, have you tried setting it to 6000 using the corresponding 
defaults write command (possibly requiring sudo)?

Oh alright, I can wait. But please do me a big favor: fetch - I forgot to add i386
support in the x2goclient binary before, shame on me. r2 is now
featuring both x86 and x86_64 support.

I fetched both and will give them a try once my Mac is back. ;-)
Note that my Mac is x86_64-based, so I will neither be able to confirm 
nor to deny the functionality of the x86 support.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] MAC developers wanted (was: Re: [PATCH] Fix threading on OS X.)

2012-02-18 Thread

Am 18.02.2012 04:57, schrieb Mihai Moldovan:

Raise the stack space to 2MB for secondary threads. It previously used
the 512KB system default.

Signed-off-by: Mihai


Mihai, since you committed an OS X-specific patch: Would you be 
interested in picking up development of the OS X X2Go-Client?
Originally, Mike wanted to take a stab at it, but didn't get around to 
do it, and Alex won't touch the OS X port unless he gets paid for it.

If you have the necessary skills and the time to keep the OS X port 
current, I could provide you with a Mac mini for testing.
for the specs  background info.

I bought this Mac specifically so someone skilled enough can work on the 
X2Go-Client, and it's kind of sad that no one wants to pick up 
development even though hardware is provided for free/in exchange for a 

I don't have enough Mac users among my clients that paying Alex (or 
anyone else) to work on it would be economically viable...


X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Problem with X2Go and VMWare Tools

2012-02-18 Thread

Am 18.02.2012 20:58, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:

[my Anti-VMware rant]

Likewise, if we're not using VServer, we're using KVM - John

This could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship... ;-)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Problem with X2Go and VMWare Tools

2012-02-18 Thread

Am 18.02.2012 21:26, schrieb Daniel Lindgren:
Either way, AFAIK, KVM is not a supported paltform by Microsoft, so 
it's not viable in an enterprise environment were support contracts 
are a must.

That's what I meant with forced to use VMware in my rant.

(Aside from that, no matter if it's officially supported or not, I can 
confirm that it works well with W2K3 and W2K8R2 - both in my own little 
test environment as well as at customer sites of my aforementioned 
partner company, from what they're telling me. I've also created one of 
my Win7 instances that I use for testing on a 64-Bit KVM system, as my 
main dev machine with VMware Workstation doesn't have hardware 
virtualization support and thus won't run 64-Bit Windows 7, and I didn't 
want to spend the $$$ on another license - that, too, works flawlessly)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-16 Thread

Am 16.02.2012 09:28, schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:

I was hoping I could dump the sessions file into a central folder, say,
c:\program files\x2goclient\, but that won't work if cache files will be
stored in the same directory.

I don't think that it's good idea. You can create a file with session
settings and copy it to home folder of each user

That becomes a royal pain in the lower back when you have to change 
something in the session file...

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-16 Thread

Am 16.02.2012 11:40, schrieb Moritz Struebe:

Am 16.02.2012 11:36, schrieb
Sorry, but if I knew enough C/C++ to patch x2goclient I'd do it, 
instead of asking stupid questions on the list. ;-)

I'm sure Alex or someone else can be persuaded by money. ;)

That kind of persuation is currently taking place for another beloved 
feature request of mine, I was just hoping that a centrally-stored 
session file might be possible as an interim solution. ;-)

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-16 Thread

Am 16.02.2012 20:11, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:

I wonder if a hierarchical approach is in order as many of the settings
may be completely the same for all users and it would be desirable to
centrally manage them.  The KDE KIOSK is a good model where settings can
be set centrally, environment variables can be substituted, settings can
be locked, but, if they are not locked, they can be overridden locally
with the most local version taking priority.  Just a thought.  I share
Stefan's pain :) - John
Then you will be happy to learn that Alex will soon start working on a 
paid-for (as in paid-by-me) extension to the X2Go client.
Step one, the short-term goal, will be the release of a client that 
allows for a seperate sessions file location.
Step two will be a published application mode similar to what you may 
or may not know from Citrix MetaFrame/Presentation 
Manager/whatever-their-nom-de-jour-is: A list of applications that will 
be defined on the server and presented to the user in drop-down-box 
style after login (right-click the .

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-16 Thread
Uh, glitch in the matrix? Sorry for the deja-vu, folks, somehow my mail 
client decided to send two copies of that message, only one being 
complete, though.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-16 Thread

Hi Alex,

another question regarding the Windows client and its portable mode:

Is everything in the C:\Program Files\x2goclient directory 
self-contained and not relying on absolute path names by default, or 
does a truly portable install require additional pre- or post-install 
In other words, can I copy/move the entire folder to another 
drive/medium (Network share, USB memory stick, CD-ROM,...) and it should 
still work?

I don't care about the entries in the start menu, these can easily be 
(re)created with a script if needed.
The reason why I'm asking is that this would allow for a central update 
location in a LAN when a new client version gets released:
Either run the client directly from the network share, or have a script 
copy the contents onto the client machines.

I'm aware the installer has the /S option for a silent install, but 
having a single copy on a network share (or simply copying updated files 
over to the clients using robocopy or xcopy) seems easier than a 
scripted update on $BIGNUM client machines.
(where $BIGNUM in my case is currently roughly 30 LANs with 5-15 client 
machines each, with more to come each month).

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-16 Thread

Am 17.02.2012 07:27, schrieb Mike Gabriel:

Hi Stefan,

On Fr 17 Feb 2012 01:27:57 CET wrote:

Hi Alex,

another question regarding the Windows client and its portable mode:

Is everything in the C:Program Filesx2goclient directory 
self-contained and not relying on absolute path names by default, 
or does a truly portable install require additional pre- or 
post-install tweaks?
In other words, can I copy/move the entire folder to another 
drive/medium (Network share, USB memory stick, CD-ROM,...) and it 
should still work?

You could try it out and report here?!? And if your experiments fail, 
you could ask again?!? 

Uh, no. Works for me when it wasn't designed for it isn't a suitable 
base for a commercial deployment. I'm not taking any chances here. 
There's just too much involved that may make it work on my system, yet 
break at the customers' sites.
If Alex says it *should* work, from his knowedge and understanding of 
x2goclients' internal working, then I will test and report back any errors.

Your success stories being documented in the wiki would be an awesome 
thing to occur!!!

I *am* updating the wiki with information gathered re: x2goclient.exe as 
my time permits - but just as in your case, my time is limited and I 
have to prioritize some tasks over others. So before embarking on an 
hours-long testing trip, I'd like to know if it's worth my time or if 
I'm wasting it, because what I'm trying out is not supported anyway.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] ATTN: Alex - Questions regarding x2goclient.exe --portable and session specification

2012-02-15 Thread

Am 15.02.2012 13:54, schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:

if running with --portable option, x2goclient should not save data in
registry. But you should also specify a --home parameter.

Is it possible to specify the location of the session file?

Yes, with --home parameter you can specify a folder, that should be
used as home directory. All X2Go data (ssh files, x2goclient settings,
sessions, etc) will be read from this directory and written into this
directory. On windows, if using this parameter, for x2goclient settings
will be used not registry, but the ini files in home/.x2goclient/
(same way as for x2goclient on linux).
I plan to change many options
and implement some new in next release of x2goclient. The same is for

Thanks for the info, but this brings up a few more questions:

Is there a preferred way to make pre-configured sessions available to 
all users on the client, especially on Windows?
I'm asking because the registry entries are written to 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and the --portable --home=storage-directory-here 
options *probably* require write access to the storage directory beause 
of the cache files - or am I wrong?

I was hoping I could dump the sessions file into a central folder, say, 
c:\program files\x2goclient\, but that won't work if cache files will be 
stored in the same directory.

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] - Dependency for kdialog

2012-02-13 Thread

Am 13.02.2012 11:02, schrieb Sören Plönnigs:
is it possible to remove the dependency for kdialog from x2goserver 

# grep '\bkdialog\b' x2goserver_3.0.99.10
system(kdialog --error \@line[1]\);

It's not nice that a bunch of kde packages is needed in a non kde 

Disclaimer: I am not one of the coders.

While I'm currently using KDE (and Trinity), I'm absolutely with you 
that this shouldn't be hard-coded.
And I do remember seeing a rather clever hack in a bash script once, 
that tried to figure out which dialog frontend to use (I think it tried 
Gnome, KDE, Xdialog and finally an xterm with regular dialog inside, if 
it detected an X Session, and regular dialog on the console, or 
something like that).

That was quite a while ago, though, so I don't exactly remember where 
that was.

It could have been in the Terminate or Suspend dialog on a FreeNX 
system. Or it was one of the system configuration menus in KNOPPIX (like 
where you could change network settings or install the system to disk).

Also, googling turned up

Maybe this helps as a starting point for the coders involved?

X2Go-Dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] @Mike, @Alex: Bug in x2gotrinitybindings Debian package (Stable)

2012-02-06 Thread

Hi guys,

I am unable to uninstall x2gotrinitybindings.

Its prerm script contains

case $1 in
rm -f /opt/trinity/bin/kdesktop_lock
mv /opt/trinity/bin/kdesktop_lock.trinity 



echo postinst called with unknown argument \`$1' 2
exit 1

which always breaks with the catch-all condition as uninstalling it 
passes remove:

apt-get remove x2gotrinitybindings
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
After this operation, 156 kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
(Reading database ... 121281 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing x2gotrinitybindings ...
postinst called with unknown argument `remove'
dpkg: error processing x2gotrinitybindings (--remove):
 subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
configured to not write apport reports
  Errors were encountered while 

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Trying to reinstall it breaks as well:
 apt-get install --reinstall x2gotrinitybindings
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 2 not 

Need to get 0 B/17.1 kB of archives.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Selecting previously deselected package x2gotrinitybindings.
(Reading database ... 121281 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace x2gotrinitybindings 
(using .../x2gotrinitybindings_0.0.0.1+squeeze~main~10~build1_all.deb) ...

postinst called with unknown argument `upgrade'
dpkg: warning: subprocess old pre-removal script returned error exit 
status 1

dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
postinst called with unknown argument `failed-upgrade'
dpkg: error processing 

 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
configured to not write apport reports
  Errors were encountered while 

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

And I believe postinst contains similar code.

Please fix this. And I think we need some kind of check that in future, 
such code doesn't end up in the stable repository (maybe a test box that 
does apt-get install --reinstall packagename and checks for 
errors/warnings in the output before a package goes into stable?).

Kind Regards,
X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Several Typos in X2Go-Client, Windows, German

2012-02-05 Thread

Am 05.02.2012 12:45, schrieb Moritz Strübe:

the translation-file is;a=blob_plain;f=x2goclient_de.ts;hb=HEAD.
It can be edited with a text editor. If you fix that, I'm sure Alex will
add the corrected version at short notice. Developers always find
something more important than fixing typos. ;)

What do I do with the file once I applied the changes? E-mail it to 
Alex? Post it to the list? Commit it to the repository (if so, how)?

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] Several Typos in X2Go-Client, Windows, German

2012-02-05 Thread

Am 05.02.2012 13:15, schrieb Moritz Strübe:

What do I do with the file once I applied the changes? E-mail it to
Alex? Post it to the list? Commit it to the repository (if so, how)?


Post it to the list. Posting a patch would be even better, but in this
case the file should be fine. :)

Okay, I think I fixed all the issues I reported in my original posting, 
save for this one:
The same message notes that you can use a GPG key or a GPG smartcard 
to authenticate when using hidden mode. It does not mention the SSH 
public key/ssh-agent methods, even though they work just as well.  Or 
maybe you meant that while calling it a GPG key in the message (I've 
never used GPG-based authentication, so I'm not sure if it requires a 
smartcard or not)? Anyways - it should be written as GPG-Smartcard 
and GPG-Schlüssel or SSH-Schlüssel (depending on which one you 

It would help if someone could tell me if there is such a thing as GPG 
key authentication in addition to the GPG smartcard authentication, or 
if this should be referring to a SSH public key/private key pair.

Also, can I change the English parts of the file as well, if I notice 
inaccuracies, or will that break the build process?

X2Go-Dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] Several Typos in X2Go-Client, Windows, German

2012-02-03 Thread
Just noticed this in the systray icon's pull-down menu: 
Wiederhestellen should be Wiederhe_r_stellen.

Also, in Sitzungsvoreinstellungen/Neue Sitzung/Sitzung/Server:
SSH Port should be SSH-Port
RSA/DSA Schlüssel verwenden should be RSA-/DSA-Schlüssel verwenden

In Sitzungsvoreinstellungen/Neue Sitzung/Einstellungen:
Benutze Port Weiterleitung[...] should be Benutze Port-Weiterleitung.
DPI Auflösung festlegen should be DPI-Auflösung festlegen or 
Auflösung festlegen (in DPI)

And in Sitzungsvoreinstellungen/Neue Sitzung/freigegebene Ordner:
Benutze SSH Port Weiterleitung[...] should be Benutze 

Desktopverknüpfung erzeugen shows a message containing the string 
ohne das x2goclient.
I believe this contains two errors, for one, das should be dass, and 
the commonly accepted name for the client isn't written in all 
lowercase, IIRC. You will probably want to call it X2Goclient, 
X2GoClient or X2Go-Client. This seems to be an inconsistency in the 
entire client, though (the title bar says X2Go client, the first item 
in the Help menu says X2GO Client, clicking on it shows a message 
containing the string X2Go Client).

The same message notes that you can use a GPG key or a GPG smartcard to 
authenticate when using hidden mode. It does not mention the SSH 
public key/ssh-agent methods, even though they work just as well.  Or 
maybe you meant that while calling it a GPG key in the message (I've 
never used GPG-based authentication, so I'm not sure if it requires a 
smartcard or not)? Anyways - it should be written as GPG-Smartcard and 
GPG-Schlüssel or SSH-Schlüssel (depending on which one you meant).

Another typo in the same message: Wollen SIe should be Wollen Sie. 
The same SIe-Sie issue is in the Help/About X2GO Client dialog.

Affected client: 
(now renamed to 
by Mike)

Kind Regards,
X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] libjpeg-turbo and NX/X2Go

2012-01-30 Thread

Am 29.01.2012 00:46, schrieb Mike Gabriel:
From my point of view it is indeed not necessary to recompile NX to be 
used with libjpeg-turbo. People may correct me if that is not true.

So for a running X2Go server and client you can drop in

   on squeeze: apt-get install libjpeg-turbo62
   on wheezy, sid: apt-get install libjpeg-turbo8

And your host should then run with libjpeg-turbo instead of libjpeg. 
Please note, that this change affects every application on that 
system. So... no warranty given from our side. Also, if testing 
libjpeg-turbo, please read the documentation of libjpeg-turbo:


it would be really helpful if someone could type up a step-by-step guide 
for testing.  I'd love to try this out, but either I *did* something 
wrong or something *goes* wrong, as the following had no positive effect 

* add heuler repository, apt-get update
* apt-get install libjpeg-turbo62 on my squeeze-based server
* connect from latest Microsoft Windows client to said server
* use Iceweasel in rootless mode, access YouTube and watch a movie

The only effect I saw was a screen hang when leaving YouTube for 
another web site, and no speed increase whatsoever. :-(

Looking at the discussion in this thread and at the libjpeg-turbo 
documentation leaves me even more confused than before.

My questions, in particular, are:
1) Will this currently only work between Linux Clients and Linux Servers?
2) Will it work with rootless sessions? (I remember NoMachine/FreeNX 
once stated that rootless sessions in general - i.e. not related to 
libjpeg-turbo - gain less speed than a fullscreen session - but that was 
years ago and may have changed and may not apply to X2Go at all, I don't 

3) Is the library required on both the server *and* on the client?
4) Should it work out of the box after installing the package, or do I 
have to change some file somewhere to add the library path?

5) Do I have to restart a daemon after changing this file?
6) Why was I able to install the package without apt-get telling me it 
would remove the non-turbo library package? To make this clear, I 
don't complain about a lack of a warning (Mike did provide such a 
warning in his posting), but I'm surprised about the lack of *action* 
i.e. no library package has been removed when I installed the 
libjpeg-turbo62 package.

Kind Regards,
X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] x2goclient entered Debian unstable

2012-01-28 Thread

Am 28.01.2012 09:11, schrieb Mike Gabriel:

The Debian X2Go Packaging Team and the X2Go Project proudly announce that 
x2goclient has entered Debian unstable.

This will pull packages from heuler into Debian unstable, right?
Or is there a separate repository on the x2go-devel side for that?

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-Dev] RPMs for RH6

2012-01-27 Thread

Hi Alex,

if this affects the Microsoft Windows x2goclient as well (where I 
remember seeing similar crashes) - when will that one be fixed? What's 
the version number to look for?

Kind Regards,

Am 27.01.2012 09:58, schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:

Am 27.01.2012 09:25, schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:

Hello Bogdan,

[... ]

Looks like a bug in x2goclient. I'll try to find and fix it

[... ]

fixed. Check out x2goclient source tree from git.


X2go-Dev mailing list

X2go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-Dev] RPMs for RH6

2012-01-27 Thread

Am 27.01.2012 10:12, schrieb Oleksandr Shneyder:

Hi Stefan, I can build windows version immediately.

That would be cool. I have a rollout coming up and could include the 
new, more stable version if you manage to get it released today or tomorrow.

X2go-Dev mailing list

[X2go-Dev] X2goclient doesn't run Trinity

2012-01-27 Thread


I run Trinity, the KDE3-fork, on one of my servers.
When connecting to it with the NXclient, I set it to run the following 
custom command in fullscreen:

and everything works as expected.

I tried the same with the latest X2goclient, and it doesn't work. I can 
see the screen background with the logo for a few moments, then it 
closes again and returns me to the login window.
I tried both the custom command as well as the other desktop 
environment options and supplied the same path.

Neither works.

This came as a bit of a (negative) surprise as I remember there was an 
X2goclient that came with a preset for Trinity, so there has been a time 
when it worked.

To debug the issue, I decided to launch the console in both NXclient and 
X2goclient, and run the above command there.

Here's what happens in X2go:

[startkde] Starting startkde.
[startkde] KDEHOME is not set.
[startkde] Set KDEHOME to /home/sbaur/.trinity.
[startkde] kdehome: /home/sbaur/.trinity
[startkde] KDEDIR: /opt/trinity/
[startkde] KDEDIRS: /opt/trinity/:/usr/:/opt/trinity/:/usr/
[startkde] kdedirs_first: /opt/trinity/
xset:  bad font path element (#119), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax
[startkde] Starting Trinity...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[startkde] TDE_FULL_SESSION: true
[startkde] KDE_SESSION_UID:
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 31906 result = 0
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 31911 result = 0
kdeinit: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!
[startkde] kdeinit started successfully.
[trinity kinit] Warning: connect() failed: : Connection refused
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[startkde] Shutting down Trinity...
[trinity kinit] Warning: connect() failed: : Connection refused
[trinity kinit] Error: Can't contact kdeinit!
[startkde] Running Trinity shutdown scripts...
[startkde] Trinity shutdown complete.

While this is what NXclient does:

startkde] Starting startkde.
[startkde] KDEHOME is not set.
[startkde] Set KDEHOME to /home/sbaur/.trinity.
[startkde] kdehome: /home/sbaur/.trinity
[startkde] KDEDIR: /opt/trinity/
[startkde] KDEDIRS: /opt/trinity/:/usr/:/opt/trinity/:/usr/
[startkde] kdedirs_first: /opt/trinity/
xset:  bad font path element (#91), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax
[startkde] Starting Trinity...
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 31289 result = 0
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 31294 result = 0
kdeinit: opened connection to :1000.0
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 31295 result = 0
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
kbuildsycoca running...
DCOP Cleaning up dead connections.
kdeinit: PID 31297 terminated.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kconf_update' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 31298 terminated.
kdeinit: PID 31295 terminated.
reading '/home/sbaur/' as kompmgr pidfile

[startkde] TDE_FULL_SESSION: true
[startkde] KDE_SESSION_UID:
kdeinit: Shutting down running client.
kdeinit: Killing kdeinit/klauncher.
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 31307 result = 0
It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
that it is not already running, remove 

and start dcopserver again.

kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 31308 result = 0
kdeinit: opened connection to :1000.0
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 31310 result = 0
KDE Daemon (kded) already running.
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
DCOP Cleaning up dead connections.
kdeinit: PID 31312 terminated.
kdeinit: PID 31310 terminated.
kdeinit: Launched 'kcminit_startup', pid = 31313 result = 0
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'KDE_MULTIHEAD=false' from klauncher.
kdeinit: PID 31313 terminated.
[startkde] kdeinit started successfully.
kdeinit: Got KWRAPPER 'ksmserver' from socket.
kdeinit: PID 31316 terminated.
_IceTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
_IceTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/appserv2:
_IceTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
kdeinit: Got SETENV 
from klauncher.

kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwin' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kdesktop' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 31320 terminated.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kicker' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kicker' from launcher.
Cannot connect socket '/var/run/xdmctl/dmctl-:1000/socket'.
kdeinit detected
^Mkdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.

[X2go-Dev] @Alex: X2Go bugfix release: x2goclient

2012-01-27 Thread

Well, but I can still get it to segfault in a similar situation:

Enter a non-existent IP for the server and try to connect.
It freezes, gives you a pop-up Connect failed: No error, then freezes 
again and segfaults.

Kind Regards,

Am 27.01.2012 13:53, schrieb Bogdan-Andrei Taru:

Hi Alex,

thx a bunch, with the new version I couldn't get the client to segfault!


On 27.01.2012, at 13:11, Oleksandr Shneyder wrote:

Am 27.01.2012 12:49, schrieb Mike Gabriel:

Dear all,

The X2Go Project has found and fixed a bug in X2Go Client and is
releasing a bugfix version:

  - x2goclient (

The release fixes a segmentation fault of X2Go Client after session
login failure.

Packages for Debian/Ubuntu/Win32 will be available some time during today.


windows binary:

Oleksandr Shneyder
Dipl. Informatik
X2go Core Developer Team


--  X2go - everywhere@home

X2go-Dev mailing list

X2go-Dev mailing list

X2go-Dev mailing list

[X2go-Dev] Question regarding command line options / portable mode

2012-01-27 Thread

Hi List,

since I can't find anything in the Wiki nor in the man pages of the 
linux x2goclient:

Is there a place where I can find documentation regarding the command 
line options of x2goclient (especially the Microsoft Windows version)?

I noticed there's an option --portable, which seems to store the session 
configuration in a sessions text file, just like the linux version 
does by default (the MS Windows default is to store it in the registry).

Is there any way to influence where this sessions file is stored, or a 
way to import a sessions file into the registry?

Will x2goclient crash if this file is read-only? (I'm thinking of 
storing it on a network share that is read-only)

That would make a mass roll-out so much easier.

Also, does the Windows x2goclient *installer* offer any options that 
allow an automated roll-out, something like
/default (install to default locations with all the default options) and 
/quiet (do not present any pop-ups, just install)?

Kind Regards,
X2go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] [X2go-Dev] X2goclient doesn't run Trinity

2012-01-27 Thread

Am 27.01.2012 22:18, schrieb Mike Gabriel:

Hi Stefan,

On Fr 27 Jan 2012 21:41:04 CET wrote:


I run Trinity, the KDE3-fork, on one of my servers.
When connecting to it with the NXclient, I set it to run the 
following custom command in fullscreen:

and everything works as expected.

I tried the same with the latest X2goclient, and it doesn't work. I 
can see the screen background with the logo for a few moments, then 
it closes again and returns me to the login window.
I tried both the custom command as well as the other desktop 
environment options and supplied the same path.

Neither works.

you cannot run applications with a full path. The path name is always 
stripped off and the application has to be in $PATH.

I tried startkde without a path, but the result is the same 
(/usr/bin/startkde is a symlink pointing to /opt/trinity/bin/startkde, 
and /usr/bin obviously is in $PATH). :-(

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2go-Dev] KDE applications causing session crash with latest builds

2012-01-23 Thread
Dear Mike (and also Alex  Reinhard, as I'm not sure how large your part 
in this is/was, and I don't want to see you go uncredited if you were 


This bug has been a royal pain in the *ahem* for months and was a large 
part (the others being NX4 going closed-source, and the inferior sound 
support) of what drove me away from NX (where nobody seemed to be 
willing/able to fix it) to X2Go.

Glad to see its presence in the X2Go code was very limited in time.

Kind Regards,
X2go-Dev mailing list

[X2go-Dev] KDE applications causing session crash with latest builds

2012-01-21 Thread

Hi list,

after upgrading to the latest Debian packages, I can no longer run KDE 
applications in rootless mode - neither with NX nor with X2Go.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Run Terminal as single application (not in a full-blown desktop - 
everything works fine there)

2. Type: kdialog --yesno Test
3. Session will crash

Affected system is Debian Squeeze (upgraded from Lenny).

Sources.list used:
# Security Updates
deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

# Backports
deb squeeze-backports main 
contrib non-free

# ClamAV etc.
deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze-updates main contrib non-free

# Acrobat Reader
deb squeeze main non-free

# Stable
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free

# NX
deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main

# X2go Repository - leaving this out and using NX only, everything works 

deb squeeze main
# X2go Repository (sources) - leaving this out and using NX only, 
everything works fine

deb-src squeeze main

These are the relevant packages when the machine is in broken state:
box02:~# COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l libnx-x11 libxcomp3 libxcompext3 
libxcompshad3 nxagent nxlibs x2go-keyring x2goagent x2goserver 
x2goserver-extensions x2goserver-printing


|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name 
Version  Description

ii  libnx-x11
2:  nx-X11
ii  libxcomp3
2:  NX X compression library
ii  libxcompext3 
2:  NX X11 protocol compression 
extensions library
ii  libxcompshad3
2:  NX shadowing library
ii  nxagent  
2:  NX agent
un  nxlibs none   (no description 
ii  x2go-keyring 
2011.12.07+squeeze~main~12~build1GnuPG keys of X2go developers
ii  x2goagent
2:  X2Go agent
ii  x2goserver X2go server daemon scripts
ii  x2goserver-extensions X2go server daemon scripts 
ii  x2goserver-printing X2go server daemon scripts 

Working state, though NX-only, has the following packages:
box01:~# COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l libxcomp3 libxcompext3 libxcompshad3 
nxagent nxlibs


|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name 
Version  Description

ii  libxcomp3
3.3.0-4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1   NX X compression library
ii  libxcompext3 
1:3.3.0-4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 NX X11 protocol compression 
extensions library
ii  libxcompshad3
3.3.0-2-0freenxteam1 NoMachine NX - NX 
compression library
ii  nxagent  
1:3.3.0-6-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 X server for remote access
ii  nxlibs   
1:3.3.0-6-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 NX support libraries

Please fix this issue - it was what drove me from NX to X2Go, as the 
FreeNX guys couldn't figure out what caused the crash, and back then, 
X2Go worked just fine for me. Now it seems you've crossported the bug 
to X2Go. :-(

I have