[XFree86] mouse cursor is a big rectangle on sis video card

2003-01-29 Thread Marius Andreiana

On sis 5591/5592 agp video card, mouse cursor is displayed as a big
(30x30 pixels ) rectagle filled with random stuff. There's also a dotted
line (sometimes two) almost in the middle of the screen. For very short
period of times the cursor is displayed properly.
I'm using xfree86 4.2.99 included in second red hat beta release.

Please let me know if other information is needed or how could I help
fixing this.

Thank you!
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XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] mouse cursor is a big rectangle on sis video card

2003-01-29 Thread Marius Andreiana
On Mi, 2003-01-29 at 16:13, John Tapsell wrote:
 Could you try the following please, and let me know if it works.
   Option SWCursor
I will. Should I also try starting X with -nosilk?

The problem is the owner of the system is a complete newbie and lives
quite far from me, it will take several days for me to try this.
In the meantime, if there's anything I should try or gather more info
when I go there, please let me know.

thank you!
Soluţii informatice bazate pe Linux / Linux-based IT solutions

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] bug: euro symbol doesn't work in xfree86 4.2.99

2003-01-27 Thread Marius Andreiana
euro symbol ( defined with EuroSign ) doesn't work anymore in xfree86
4.2.99, I get the old key instead.

This was reported by several people using redhat beta 8.1 here:
how to replicate:
setxkbmap fr
press right alt + e, euro key should be displayed, but 'e' is instead.

This works fine in xfree 4.2.1

Soluţii informatice bazate pe Linux / Linux-based IT solutions

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [I18n]please don't change romanian keyboard symbols

2002-08-21 Thread Marius Andreiana

On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 16:38, Pablo Saratxaga wrote:
 Well, there are people that use the qwertz layout (I have been requested
 to add support for it for Mandrake Linux).
 Keeping both would be the better thing to do imho; naming one
 Romanian keyboard (qwerty) and the other Romanian keyboard (qwertz)
 for example; and keeping ro for the first and ro2 for the second. 
Yes, sounds good to me. Just keep the qwerty the default (ro) as it is
now, until distributions will offer multiple options for the same
language during installing.

I18n mailing list

Re: [I18n]please don't change romanian keyboard symbols

2002-08-20 Thread Marius Andreiana

On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 18:13, Pablo Saratxaga wrote:
  However, there's also a 'ro2' symbols file, I don't know why.
 That one uses the Qwertz layout, which is supposed to be the real
 layout of Romanian keyboards.
That's on type writers, we don't have any romanian keyboards here,
almost all are US. That's why 'ro' is based on US symbols, and just
adds romanian symbols.

Thanks for your explanations, Pablo, and please keep existing 'ro'
as the default. We'll let i18n list know when there will be
romanian keyboards with qwertz layout and people will buy them.


I18n mailing list

[I18n]please don't change romanian keyboard symbols

2002-08-19 Thread Marius Andreiana


I'm Marius Andreiana, coordinator of GNOME romanian translation team
and member of Romanian Translators for Free Software group

I've submitted the 'ro' keyboard symbols, which is now in

I'd like to confirm it's working great and we're very happy to see
romanian language support out-of-the-box on new distributions.

However, there's also a 'ro2' symbols file, I don't know why.

Please don't replace the default 'ro', as it's (finally) working great.


I18n mailing list