On 29 Dec 2001, Michel [ISO-8859-1] Dänzer wrote:

> On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 05:11, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> > 1) The XFree86 Radeon 7500 driver treats the monitor connected to the DVI
> > port as the primary head.  To me, this makes perfect sense (if you're
> > going to buy a digital flat panel, you're probably going to want to use it
> > as the primary head).  However, this seems to be the reverse of the
> > windows drivers for the card, which treats the CRT port as the primary
> > head.  Does anyone know of a way to switch this in XFree86 (or even
> > Windows)?  I was hoping it'd be a single config change in m XF86Config-4
> > file, but according to the source for the driver, it looks like it was
> > hardwired in.  How hard would it be to "unhardwire" it?
> Option "CrtScreen" seems to be what you want.

Sorry for taking so long to respond...  I've pulled the code from CVS
earlier this week, and recompiled.  I tried:

        Option "CrtScreen"

But it doesn't seem to have any affect what so ever.

I'm not quite sure I made clear what I was aiming for :-)  Let me give a
quick description.

I have two monitors hooked up to the 7500.  On the left, what I'd like to
be my secondary screen, I have a 17" Sony CRT.  On the right (primary), I
have a 17" analog flat panel.

Under Linux, if I have the Flat panel attached to the DVI port (with the
DVI->CRT adapter), it get's treated, properly, as the primary head.  All
Xv applications (xawtv, smpeg, aviplay)  will display properly on this
head.  The CRT then gets treated as the secondary screen.  This is perfect
for what I want under Linux.

If, however, I boot into Windows, the flat panel (still hooked up to the
DVI port) is treated as the secondary screen, with the CRT as the primary.
Ideally, I'd like the screens to operate the same way under both operating

Now, of course I can switch the screens so that the flat panel is on the
CRT port and it'll get treated as the primary head under Windows, but not
under Linux, whether or not I use the CrtScreen option.

Any ideas?


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