[delicious-discuss] internet filter

2005-09-11 Thread Nicole Giambra
I usedel.icio.us for teaching and when I went to post a url that I can normally view it all of the sudden was caught by our Internet filter. 

The Internet filter blocks thesite when I try to post them to delicious.

Any thoughts on why the site gets filtered after I try to post but can view it otherwise?

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[delicious-discuss] about page

2005-09-11 Thread Nicole Giambra
I am not sure if I am looking hard enough but I cannot seem to find doucmentation about some of the features of del.icio.us.

I read the about page and cannot find reading material on bundles or theextended feature.

Can you point me in the right direction?

By the way, thanks for developing a great site. I really appreciate being able to share bookmarks and view bookmarks others have saved on the same topic. Its a time saver.
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