On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

> >Beacuse it broke all possible Pascal standard in existance.
> Not at all. It was successful for a different reason entirely.

only your opinion: there's a vast literature on the subject.

> >It took ISO Pascal, smashed it to the ground, burnt it, turned it to
> >ashes, spit on it, peed on the remains and the rain swept them away.
> Rubbish. Forgive me for being so abrupt but only in one area was TP not
> compliant with ISO pascal. (GOTOing out of a procedure was legal in ISO
> and has never been implemented to this day in Pascal or Delphi).

- (opinion) I would appreciate it if you tried and be a little more

- (fact) the two of us were wrong when we referred to ISO Pascal; we should
have talked of ANSI Pascal, or more precisely, ANSI/IEEE770X3.97-1983

- (fact) I only have Turbo Pascal 4. Its manual (volume I, Appendix B) 
lists 21 exceptions and 28 extensions to ANSI Pascal. It should be enough
to qualify Turbo Pascal as non-ANSI compliant.

- (fact) there's a vast literature on the impact of Turbo Pascal on the
market and on theoretical computer science. You may be interested to read
what Professor Niklaus Wirth thought about Turbo Pascal. Please consider
visiting the library nearest to you.

- (opinion) in general, attaching a bit of doubt to one's statements is a
good policy.


Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. <guido . gonzato at univr . it> - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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