There's a new version of BarFly up for downloading.

New in this version:

* Split-screen display rearranged to place the text and index panes
  side by side to make better use of the screen area.

* You now have a choice of default font and size for new windows.

* There's a fix for the problem of bad sound under OS X 10.1.

* A new command "Expand Guitar Chords" takes a single-voice abc
  with guitar chords and converts it to two voices with the chords
  written out in abc in V:2.

* The Q: (Tempo) field can now contain a quoted text string.

People who have a pre-release version of v 1.1 should download this as
there are a few more bugs fixed in the final release.

Users who have registered the previous version need take no special
action, as your registration will be good for all subsequent versions
until futher notice.

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Phil Taylor

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