Hello accmail people ...

On 8 Sep 2006 at 11:51, Wolfgang Rohloff (WH) wrote:
>       Has anyone else received the following reply from Getweb??????
> Received >>> 550 5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... mail from
> rejected; see
> http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=
> Unable to deliver message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

It means email from the telkom.co.za server was temporarily blocked
because it had been associated with spammers.

Anyone who has an email account with a large ISP in any country is
vulnerable to this problem -- it's almost impossible to avoid
sharing a IP that has recently been used by a spammer. Contact
telkom.co.za if the problem persists.

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accmail.faq.en `AT` szs.net (replacing `AT` with @ to form a proper
email address).
  • [no subject] Wolfgang Rohloff (WH)
    • Re: spamhaus (WAS blank) sun zoom spark

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