This information is based on recent tests, and is believed to be accurate
on the date of the post.

Agora (

Category: web-to-email servers

Posting address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Command: in the message body
Web page: none, but there is an online help file at

Syntax and returned document:
    Returns a text dump of the requested page.
    If you request a binary file (eg: image, PDF), it returns a
    uu-encoded attachment.

    Returns the source HTML of the requested page

    Returns the requested resource as a uu-encoded attachment.

RSEND <return-email-address> <URL>
RSOURCE <return-email-address> <URL>
    Same as SEND and SOURCE, but Agora will return the requested resource
    to <return-email-address>

    Returns the requested resource, and documents to which it is linked,
    each in a separate email. Note that the total number of lines in
    these emails will not be more than 5,000.

Character encoding issues:
    The character set of Agora emails is us-ascii. Web pages which have
    characters with code positions greater than 127 (eg: diacritics,
    Unicode) are corrupted. However, you can use BSOURCE to retrieve such
    files as uu-encoded attachments.

    Use SEND if your target is
        - a text file
        - an English language web page
    Use SOURCE if you need
        - the markup of an English language web page
    Use DEEP only if your target and *all* its links are
        - small text files
        - small English language web pages
    Use BSOURCE if your target is
        - a web page in a language which uses diacritics
        - a web page in a language which does not use the Latin alphabet
        - a binary file

    - The Agora server at is for requests to research and
      academic sites only.
    - Before using Agora, get and read the 'help' file: send an email to
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] with HELP as the message body.
    - Agora attachments always have the name AGORA.BIN. To save the
      attachment, give it a name and filetype appropriate for your system,
      eg: if it is a PDF file, save AGORA.BIN as <something>.pdf
    - The maximum length of an Agora email is 5000 lines. This is long
      enough for most web pages and text files, but excludes large uu-
      encoded binary files. Note that uu-encoded files are significantly
      larger than the original.
    - Use DEEP only if you are *certain* that you will be able to read the
      return pages, and if you *know* that the combined length of the pages
      is less than 5,000 lines.

    Email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Subject: (anything)
    with message body:

If you wish to reply to this post, please remove the word UPDATES: from the
subject line of your reply.

szs `at` szs `dot` net

To contribute to the discussion, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body.
To get the latest version of the ACCMAIL FAQ, send a blank email to
accmail.faq.en `AT` (replacing `AT` with @ to form a proper
email address).

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