Sorry to bug the list with this one, but I am currently pulling large
bunches of hair out trying to fix it.

I have RIS set up on a fresh install of 2003, and certain clients (well
most of them) are failing to join the domain during the build process.

I have installed any NIC drivers to i386 and to $OEM$\$1\Drivers\NIC,
but during the 'Installing network' phase of XP setup I get this

"An unexpected error has occurred while changing your computer's network
identification.  Would you like to proceed for now and try joining a
domain later?"

If I click yes, it carries on installing, but as a workgroup machine.
If I click no it asks for credentials to join to the domain, but then
fails again, with the same message.

If I try to join it after clicking yes and finishing the installation, I
get an error along the lines "no mapping between account names and
security ids was done", and it won't join.  BUT, if I rename it, restart
it, it will join to the domain.

It is intermittent - some machines will build with certain names, and
not others.  Other machines just won't build at all. I have tried
different drivers, as I thought it might be a drive issue, leaving out
dashes in the computer name, but nothing seems to work.  Please help!

A soon-to-be hairless Dan.
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