I'm not really sure where the answer may lie, so I've sent this to both lists.  I have a server running winnt 4.0.  I installed Perl on it.  I installed DBI and DBI::ODBC.  I set up a Data Source in ODBC to my database.  The scripts ran fine for a few days, and then stopped working.  The webserver is Website Pro, which is old and in my mind useless.  However, I figured out the webserver and I had things running fine.  Now, the scripts run for a day and then then next time I try to run them( from a browser using CGI ), they just hang.  I've restarted the webserver, and that doesn't work, but if I reboot the whole system, the scripts work again, leading me to beleive this is a WINNT problem.  Does anybody have any insight, or are their known problems with WINNT and this version of Perl, or known problems with the Data Sources?



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