I see in this message group about doing a query on the sessions/processes and if one 
exists then to reschedule a schedule to check again later. I have been searching the 
ADSM.SYS site with no luck. Could someone point me in the right direction???


Here is what I would like to do:
Server is on Windows 2000


 - Backups are running
 - Check for available drives (make sure there x many drives available)
 - Launch the storage pool to disk schedule (update stg backuppool high=0 low=0).
 - Keep checking this process. After this is complete ( or have been running for a x 
period of time) start the backup storage onsite tapes to offsite tapes (backup stg 
onsite offsite). Keep checking for this to complete. 
 - When done launch the full database backup. 
 - After this is done then checkout the volume to go offsite (move media * stg=offsite 
wherestate=mountableinlib wherestatus=full,filling checkl=no access=readw remove=bulk) 
but I want to make sure that the tapes marked filling in the offsite pool are over 50% 
used, if not I want to keep this tape back to do offsite reclamation with)
 - Start the offsite reclamation (update stg offsite recl=45)

I can do the simple select statement, but if I could get an example to feed 
information from 1 set to another I can take it from there.

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