Conversion Actions with 0 conversions not being returned

2022-11-04 Thread
Hi, We are running the following campaign report: select segments.conversion_action_name from campaign where between '20221101' and '20221103' We are noticing that the conversion actions without recent conversions are not being returned from this report. Is this expected

Re: TargetingIdeaService NetworkSetting XML Error

2020-12-10 Thread
e': 'NetworkSearchParameter', networkSetting: { targetGoogleSearch: true } }, ], ideaType: 'KEYWORD', requestType: 'STATS', requestedAttributeTypes: ['SEARCH_VOLUME', 'KEYWORD_TEXT'], paging: { numberResults: 10 }, localeCode: 'en_US' } On Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 4:09:15

TargetingIdeaService NetworkSetting XML Error

2020-12-10 Thread
Hello, We are having trouble making a request to the TargetingIdeaService using the 'NetworkSearchParameter' using the 'networkSetting' option. Here's the error indicating that we have the incorrect value for 'targetGoogleSearch' even though it's specified as a boolean in the reference docs:

Access Google Ads scripts through the API?

2020-10-29 Thread
Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to interact with Google Ads scripts through the Google Ads API. At a minimum, it would be helpful to get a list of all Google Ads scripts accessible by our manager account along with their owner(s). Our team is going through an account transition and