> Eugen Leitl Thu, 23 Jun 2005 02:18:14 -0700

> Do any of you here use MPI, and assume 10^3..10^5 node parallelism?

I assume 2^14 node parallelism with only a small fraction computing at
any time. But then my nodes are really smart memory rather than
full-blown processors and not async yet. At this time I use a random
access model for my simulation, but I realise this is not going to
work in the hardware implementation and will need some form of message
passing between nodes  Although looking at MPI, this seems far too
complex an implementation

Numbers of connections between the different units is a tricky
question, although I am thinking that a scale-free network may be a
good compromise between minimising path length and (silicon) resource
usage. Anybody know of any research on this in parallel computing?

 Will Pearson

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