Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax
      Reported on: April 12, 2002
      Last Updated on: November 21, 2002 10:24:24 AM

Symantec Security Response encourages you to ignore any messages regarding
this hoax. It is harmless and is intended only to cause unwarranted concern.

Type: Hoax

This is a hoax that, like the SULFNBK.EXE Warning hoax, tries to persuade
you to delete a legitimate Windows file from your computer. The file that
the hoax refers to, Jdbgmgr.exe, is the Microsoft Debugger Registrar for
Java. It may be installed when you install Windows.

NOTE: Recent version of this hoax take advantage of the recent outbreak of
the W32.bugbear@mm worm, and the fact that the Jdbgmgr.exe file that is
mentioned in the hoax has a bear icon. The actual W32.bugbear@mm worm file
is an .exe file and does not have a bear icon.

The Windows Jdbgmgr.exe file has a teddy bear icon as described in the hoax:

C. David Noziglia
Object Sciences Corporation
6359 Walker Lane, Alexandria, VA
(703) 253-1095

    "What is true and what is not? Only God knows. And, maybe, America."
                                  Dr. Khaled M. Batarfi, Special to Arab

    "Just because something is obvious doesn't mean it's true."
                 ---  Esmerelda Weatherwax, witch of Lancre

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wells Piers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: Virus Hoax

> Disregard any emails regarding the jdbgmgr.exe virus. This is a hoax.
> Sorry for the inconvenience
> http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/jdbgmgr.exe.file.hoax.html

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