Hello Ben,

Under separate cover I am sending you a rather explosive file of 
accumulated data for you to evaluate and interpret -- if you 
choose to do so. In the long tradition of spy novels, such as 
"The Quiller Memorandum" and "The Ipcress File," let's call it 
"The Goertzel Memorandum." I need here and now to write up some 
deep background on the Goertzel Memorandum in order that you may 
understand its genesis and appreciate its significance -- if any.

Your remark the other day on the SL4 list to the effect that 
"some of us have concrete AI projects to work on" reminds me 
that I can share "shop talk" with you because you have 
"been there, done that." The only difference is, I started 
my Mentifex AI project before you were born.

Fast-forwarding now to 2007, recently I learned a new HTML 
trick in the human-computer interface (HCI) screen of the 
http://mind.sourceforge.net/Mind.html JavaScript AI Mind. 
Whereas previously I had cluttered up the top of the screen 
with a row of Weblinks that distracted from the AI essence, 
by chance I tried embedding a link in the "legend" of the 
Mind Control Panel, and it worked! Now the current AI Mind 
has links to the most crucially important Mentifex files. 

If your "concrete AI project" (Novamente) is anything like 
my own, a certain amount of "junk DNA" builds up over time 
in the AI source code. Two weeks ago I radically removed 
obsolete, commented-out code that had accumulated over 
two years of zigzag coding towards our True AI goal. 

Finally I rearranged the HCI screen to put the static 
Mind Control Panel at the top and the dynamic deep-thought 
tutorial at the bottom, so that the human user may 
"witness artificial intelligence thinking" and judge 
the veracity of my claim that "AI has been solved."

At the bottom of the screen, the dynamic tutorial shows 
which concepts are being activated at each point in a 
meandering chain of thought. As the AI runs longer and 
longer, the dynamic listing of activated concepts grows 
and grows -- and crashes the JavaScript AI Mind program. 
Making room for more listed concepts should fix the bug. 

What I am trying to tell you and the projectless, Ben, 
is that Mentifex AI has suddenly become "interesting."
It is all out in the open, on the Web at multiple 
meme-insertion points, and it is attracting scrutiny. 
Of course, it always did attract scrutiny, but many 
people gave up on Mentifex AI and went away scoffing. 

Gradually the AI Mind is mutating and evolving into 
a basic, thought-ready "AI Engine" with three tiers 
of mind -- consciousness, subconscious and "noise."
Now I will e-mail to you the Goertzel Memorandum.

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