Hi Gregoire,

A TIN offers a number of advantages over grid data; first a TIN minimizes
data storage requirements by allowing the density of triangles to vary over
the surface to reflect its variability. The data structure also allows
surface derivatives such as slope and aspect, or surface normal information
to be calculated and stored for each triangle, edge or node, thereby
improving performance of subsequent surface analysis. However, it requires
that your samples are located appropriately — peaks and troughs are sampled
at an appropriate interval, and triangle edges are forced to follow
breaklines within the surface.

With respect to interpolation of the surface, it largely depends on what
sort of surface you are willing to accept. Both grids and TINs can easily
provide continuous surfaces, but the algorithm used to estimate a surface
value away from a sampled point will determine if the surface is smooth or
not. Most linear interpolation techniques, that I am aware of, result in
discontinuities across triangle or grid edges. To maintain a smooth surface
more complex algorithms such as the Qunitic patch, or the Clough-Tocher
triangle patch, are required for TINS. For a grid surface the bi-cubic
Bézier will produce a smooth surface.

The point I’m trying to get at is that a TIN, or a Grid, is really a data
storage mechanism for a surface within a computer — each have their
advantages. It is the model that you overlay on top of the data that will
allow you to estimate your surface in a manner that is appropriate to your
application, and it is the model that will determine if it is possible to
estimate uncertainty, or what ever else you require. Most exact
interpolators have zero degrees of freedom (dof); hence, estimates of
uncertainty are not possible. If uncertainty of estimation is what you are
interested in, then Kriging will provide you with a solution. If you are not
really concerned with smoothness, a simple linear interpolator will likely
sufice, but to determine uncertainty of your estimates you will need to
increase your dof, which will likely result in the interpolator nolonger
being exact.  


Andrew Hunter

Andrew Hunter
PhD Candidate
Mobile Multi-Sensor Research Group
Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary
2500 University Dr. N.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Tel: (403) 220 8785, Fax: (403) 284 1980

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:55 AM
To: Gregoire Dubois
Cc: ai-geostats@unil.ch
Subject: Re: [ai-geostats] TIN, monitoring netwoks and density

Maybe, in order to have a quick and "safe" interpolation, the natural
neighbor method of Dave Watson could perfom better than TIN. 
Sebastiano Trevisani

Quoting Gregoire Dubois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear list,
> I would appreciate feedback on an issue that is closely related to 
> SIC2004
> Let us consider a variable (air pollutants, radioactivity) that is 
> measured at regular time intervals by an automatic monitoring network 
> that is structured like a regular grid. In the case one needs maps to 
> be generated on a regular basis, I was wondering what arguments would 
> be against the use of Triangulated Irregular Networks (or any simple 
> linear interpolation algorithm)?  As a matter of fact, if TIN cannot 
> be used to assess uncertainties, it can be easily automated and it is 
> an exact interpolator (no risk to smooth out critical values). I thus 
> understand TIN is the most reasonable approach in the case one has a 
> network that is dense enough. Obviously, the "dense enough" obviously 
> needs to be defined properly as I expect it to be the main parameter 
> that will define the need for more advanced interpolation techniques. 
> But with the exception of density, are there any non obvious issues I 
> am missing here?
> Thank you in advance for any feedback.
> Best regards,
> Gregoire

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