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Dear colleagues,

I don't have much experience with geostatistics, but from now on I will use it in my 
PhD-study on spatial variability in soil physical properties and hydrological 
processes. I've been looking for the "ultimate" software for some time now, and I've 
tried GS+ from Gamma Designs and Genstat5 from the Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. I 
also have access to Arcview spatial analyst (ESRI). My newest data typically show 
significant spatial trends, and some data exhibit very distinct periodicity. I'd be 
very greatful to get some advice on what software to choose (unfortunately I'm not 
very good at programming...), and also some comments on your experiences with the 
already mentioned programs. 


Best regards,

Sigrun H. Kværnø
Centre for Soil and Environmental Research
Frederik A. Dahls vei 20
N-1432 Ås

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