Title: Message
Hello everyone,
I have received around 30 messages related to the "advert" case, a mixture of mails supporting Isobel and of others less
supporting, to say the least.
This posting is my reply to all and should close the case. So please, no reaction to it on the list, but to me.
(I probably should keep this mail as a template because this kind of discussion is happening every 2 years.
Hence, I will repeat myself again I'm afraid.)
Isobel, without doubts, does a great job in providing scientific support to the subscribers, and this since years.
Obviously, I'm very much thankful for that. On the other hand, her contribution does not authorize her not to respect
the rules (it is not the first case it has happened). There are other major contributors to the list who also have written
books, give training courses AND respected the rules (so far).
May I remind everyone that the web site is there for announcements that have a more commercial aspect?
So please, if you have any doubts about the content of your posting, contact me first !
The fact that I did not "detect" the previous advert  (GIS "workshop") in a previous mail does not mean that rules have
changed or will change. I have, so far, left the list unmoderated: people need to be subscribed to send mails, but their
postings go directly to the subscribers of the list, not through me first. The reason is easy to understand: having me
filtering all mails would be too much time consuming and postings would be delayed by 24 hours (or weeks if I'm
on holiday). Thanks to the correct behaviour of the subscribers (around 1100 ...), the list works very well since almost
8 years now and I will certainly not change the rules now.
Messages infringing rules are sometimes posted and I usually give a first warning to the author. Should it happen again,
the author is unsubscribed from the list and his/her email address is put on a black list (it has happened only once so far).

Taking part to this list means to be tolerant towards "mistakes" and "abuses" as well as some self-control to make
sure that postings are really relevant to the topics of the list. That's the price to pay to have such a great mailing list.
I consider the case closed now. Please, do not react on the list.
Thank you all for your understanding.
Best regards,
Gregoire (responsible of ai-geostats)
PS: rules of ai-geostats can be found at http://www.ai-geostats.org/help_ai-geostats.htm

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