Implementation of the maximum likelihood allocation (pick up the class
with the maximum probability of occurrence) is easy to implement,
starting with any Excel spread sheet.
Soares algorithms is much less straigthforward to code and I should be 
able to exhume a Fortran program I wrote 12 years ago to do so. Note
however that because Soares' classification does not account for spatial
patterns, the less frequent category/class often tends to be allocated to 
pixels  or to the borders of the study are where the probability of occurrence 
of other classes is smaller than average.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: gianni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Wed 4/20/2005 4:54 PM 
        To: ai-geostats@unil.ch 
        Subject: [ai-geostats] gslib postik and cpdf

         I'm italian student from Rome and i would want to give my excuses
        for my poor english in the first place.
         I have a problem with the gslib, i would know how to postprocess the
        cpdf values that the ik3d gives when we use the categorical variables,
        because the postik seems to work only with continuous variables.
        I have 1 categorical variable, with 5 possible outcomes s=1,2,3,4,5.
        I would allocate locations to the category with the  largest p under
        the constraint of reproduction of global proportion. That is the
        Soares algorithm, but i I have chosen this one because this is the
        only i found (Goovaerts97) and you could suggest me another one.
        However I need some fortran libraries about that.
        Let me do another question
        This variable is the transmissivity, and i deduced this 5 outcomes
        from very low to very high.
        How about using this information like a continuous variable in ik3d?
        How to fix the first threshold? If i fix the first zk=1 i have in
        every location the I(u;zk)=1.
        Thanks for your time

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