Hello AI-Geostats members
I set this mail to AI-GEOSTATS , But I did not recieve any response, therefore I send 
it again:
I saw Marrons I Statistic in GS+ Software. It is an statistic computed in 
each lags as follow:


This statistics and its plot arise for me two problem:
- Is it the correlation function?
- How can interpret this statistics or its plot?
(Also I think that N(h) needs the power -1, i.e 1/N(h) is the correct not 

I have another question about GS+ method for semi-variogram model fitting:
---  By which method GS+ estimates the parameters of semi-variogram? (By 
Least Square, Wieghted Least Square, Maximum Likelihood,...?)

  Yadollah Waghei
Dep.of Biostatistics
Tarbiat Modarres Univ.(Tehran)Po.Box: 14115-111
Tel:8011001-3872  Fax:8007989

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