Hi Ellen,
I have a version of SGSIM that does that and would gladly share it with you.
Note that the  public-domain/windows software S-GeMS developed at Stanford
(http://ekofisk.stanford.edu/SCRFweb/sgems/) also allows simulation on a grid 
points that you load an an object.  

Pierre Goovaerts

Chief Scientist at Biomedware

516 North State Street

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Voice: (734) 913-1098
Fax: (734) 913-2201 


        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Norm, Ellen, Kathy & Emily [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Tue 7/26/2005 8:32 AM 
        To: ai-geostats@unil.ch 
        Subject: [ai-geostats] SGSIM query
        Hello all,
        does anybody have (or know where I can obtain) a version of the GSLIB 
program SGSIM that simulates directly to a points file? I want to simulate at 
the locations corresponding to my grade control (exhaustive) data locations 
which are not on a regular grid.
        Thanking you all in anticipation of a response,
        Ellen Bandarian (PhD student)
        School of Engineering and Mathematics
        Edith Cowan University
        100 Joondalup Drive 
        Joondalup, WA, 6027

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