>Off the top of my head, I can't see why developers
>would choose mutexes over rw-semaphores. If you take
>the write-lock then you have exclusive access to the
>resource, exactly as with a mutex. There's nothing
>that says you can't read the resource as well, and so
>I don't really understand your objection.

i dont know enough about the current state of rwlocks. my impression
from a while back is that rw-semaphores don't permit spinning, which
is a performance flaw when used to protect critical sections that are
held for less than about half of an average context switch. thats the
case for quite a lot of ALSA critical sections. rw-spinlocks are
different - i don't know if thats what you meant.

>I suppose you're really recoiling from the prospect of
>auditing the all ALSA code. 

yes, that was the main source of my reaction :)

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