To: "Al's Fastball" <fastball(at)
From: Andy Bader <abader(at)
Subject: South Perth Men's Fastball League
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:46:01 -0500

Mitchell, ON

The date and location has been set for the annual meeting of the South 
Perth Men's Fastball

When: Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Where: Smully's Tavern, Tavistock basement

All teams must be represented, and a new executive will be chosen at that time.
Any teams NOT returning need to inform a member of the executive, as well 
as any NEW teams wishing application to join the league for the
2006 season need to make formal pitch at this meeting. Their acceptance 
will be voted on that evening as well.

If there are constitutional changes or amendments required, they also need 
to be brought forward at this meeting.

Teams should also take note that entry fees for 2006 season will be set and 
paid at this meeting, as well as any outstanding fines, so bring
the necessary funds.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact 
either myself or President George Nahrgang (judge(at)

Yours in fastball,

Andy Bader
South Perth Men's Fastball League

From: Andy Bader <abader(at)

  Als Fastball List
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