Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Raja Petra Kamarudin

On 7 August 2006, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
flatly denied that his son, Kamaluddin, is beneficiary
to Malaysian government contracts. When the
interviewer asked Abdullah about the talk in town that
his family members have benefited from their
relationship with the highest office in the land,
Abdullah acted perturbed and demonstrated how upset he
was at such blatantly lies and innuendoes.

On 17 August, Malaysia Today revealed that Abdullah
was lying in an article carried in The Corridors of
Power called Read my lips! Kamal DID NOT get any
Malaysian government jobs. Someone picked up the
points in this article and translated it into Bahasa
Malaysia. It was then sent to Abdullah and in that
same letter the writer accused Abdullah of lying to
the nation.

The person who conducted the interview then became the
whipping boy for the 7 August interview disaster. They
had already cut out 20 minutes from the interview. The
part that was aired was damaging enough. One wonders
what was in the part that they snipped. If what they
left in was bad enough, imagine the part that was cut

The blame for this fiasco was shouldered by the
hapless interviewer. They blamed him for it. He should
have known that Abdullah was not that sharp and would
not have been able to handle the interview. Why allow
Abdullah to make a fool of himself? After all, this
was not a live interview but a recorded show. This
means they could control the content and not allow
anything damaging to get onto the air.

But it was not so easy. What they left in was
considered the safe parts. The dangerous parts had
already been censored. If they want to play real safe
then they would have to remove the entire interview
and there would be nothing left.

Was Abdullah not given the questions prior to the
interview? Did he not rehearse what he was going to
say? Did he not conduct a trial run or dress rehearsal
in front of his advisers so that they could coach him
and guide him on what he should and should not say? Or
did they assume that it matters not what Abdullah says
for Abdullah is the Prime Minister and the Prime
Minister can do and say no wrong?

Anyway, that is all water under the bridge now.
Abdullah denied before the nation that his son’s
company, Scomi, is beneficiary to billions of Ringgit
worth of government contracts. Abdullah did not
address Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s allegation against
him. He defended himself of course. But he defended
himself not by telling his side of the story or by
explaining his actions. He just said that he is
answerable to God and is the Prime Minister as the
trustee of God, and as a religious man he would not
violate this trust from God.

Granted, Muslims believe that nothing happens without
God’s will, but you are also answerable to man as much
as you are to God. Yes, sure, man proposes but God
disposes. You must be grateful (syukur) to God for
whatever God gives you. But you must also be thankful
to man. Abdullah talks as a religious man. He talks
about trust from God. He talks about God entrusting
him with the job of Prime Minister. But God did not
vote him in as Prime Minister. Man did. And he is
answerable to man before he is answerable to God. I am
not religious man. But even I in my ignorance know
this. How come Abdullah, a man of the cloth, does not?

Islam teaches us that if one has sinned against God,
then God will forgive you, for God is ever-forgiving.
But if one has sinned against man, then God will not
forgive you, for God will not forgive you for any sins
against man. You have to beg forgiveness from the one
you have sinned against and only if that person
forgives you will God do so as well. Abdullah is a
religious man, I am not. How come Abdullah does not
know this while I do?

Now, back to the 7 August 2006 interview on TV3,
Abdullah either lied or he is ignorant of the facts.
Either way that is bad -- for Malaysia cannot afford
to have a chief executive who is either a liar or an
ignoramus. Abdullah said that his son does not report
to him so he does not know what his son does. But in
the same breath he went into great detail on his son’s
business activities. So which is it? Does he know or
does he not?

When Abdullah received a letter accusing him of lying,
he said he has asked Scomi for a report and if it is
true that he was mistaken then he will apologise. Does
this make sense? Do you ask the fox to tell you what
happened to the chickens? Would the fox admit that it
ate all the chickens?

Anyway, finally the report from Scomi came in though
we were never told when that happened or what was
stated in the report. Then Abdullah announced that
there was nothing untoward as Scomi had won the
contracts in a competitive bid. So that is the end of
the story. Scomi is clean. So Abdullah is clean. He
did not lie.

Hello....brader....come again! You said on 7 August
2006 that Scomi DID NOT get any Malaysian government
contracts. We are saying that you are either stupid or
a liar. That is the issue. We did not say that Scomi
breached any laws by getting contacts without the
benefit of a competitive bid. Did we say that?

Today, you admit that they did get Malaysian
government contracts after denying on 7 August 2006
that they had. Now you too admit that they did. Does
this not make your 7 August 2006 statement in error?
And did you err because you did not know or because
you were lying? That is the issue here. Which is it Mr
Prime Minister? Are you stupid or a liar? That’s what
we want to know.

Okay, let us look at the admission that Scomi DID get
Malaysian government contracts after all -- and we are
not talking about one but many, and we are not talking
about thousands of Ringgit but more than RM1 billion.
You say that they got the contracts through
competitive bidding. How many companies tendered? Who
was the lowest bidder? Was Scomi the best price? Did
the tender board recommend Scomi? Or did the tender
board recommend another company. And was the tender
board recommendation overridden by the Second Finance
Minister? Where are all these details?

Abdullah is talking about the legality of how Scomi
got these contracts. We are not talking about that. We
did not even suggest that anything illegal transpired.
We are talking about the morality issue. It is morally
wrong for the son of the Prime Minister to get
Malaysian government contracts.

A police report was made against Rafidah Aziz because
her ministry awarded some shares to her son-in-law.
The Anti-Corruption Agency investigated the matter and
recommended prosecution. The Attorney-General
concurred and endorsed the recommendation. But Rafidah
did not commit any crime did she? She declared to the
committee that the applicant was her son-in-law and
that she will abstain from voting. So she is ‘clean’.
But the ACA and AG did not think so. Legally she may
be clean. But morally she was wrong and should be
indicted and sent to jail.

What is the difference between Rafidah’s case and
Abdullah’s? Same thing, different situation. Abdullah
admitted that Scomi is beneficiary to Malaysian
government contracts. This he does not deny. He only
denies that they were awarded these contracts without
the benefit of a competitive bid.

Hello....brader....this is Malaysia lah. You do not
need to worry about competitive bidding if you are
well connected. Things can be sorted out in Malaysia.
The lowest bid does not necessarily get the tender.
The most qualified company does not necessarily get
the tender. Those who get it are those the Minister
asks it be given to. You don’t need to break the law
to get by in Malaysia. You can stay clean and still
get your way. All you need to do is bypass the system.
That’s how things work in Malaysia.

Brader, where have you been all this while? We are
Malaysians, not lembu. We know how the system works.
And we feel that Abdullah is not as stupid as he
looks. We feel he is just a crook. He is the fox that
ate the chickens. But he is a fox wearing chicken
feathers as a camouflage. That kind of fox is worse. I
rather have a fox that looks like a fox that one that
looks like a chicken.

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