You Have below my formula in MS

See the screen in the file Z-CCI with MS.gif and see the file Z-CCI with AB.gif

With AB for the ThroughBars, I'm obtain an AREA for the ThroughBars

With MS I'm obtain only ONE DAY and it's O.K.

Why I can't obtain that with AB

And all time for the ThroughBars, I'm obtain alway time an AREA(see Z-CCI with 
AB Ex2.gif or Z-CCI with AB Ex3.gif)

I'm used MetaStock(MS) around 10 year

I'm use Amibroker(AM) around 3 month

AB is maybe the best BUT

I can make the same think with AB of MS

Because I don't Know How write THAT ?

      In MS
     In AB
      Indic := CCI(21) ;

      YL:= If(Indic>100,100,

      If(Indic<-100,-100,Indic)) ;


      Zig(YL,200,%) ;}

      TroughBars(1,YL,200)=0 ;

      Indic = CCI(21) ;

      YL = IIf(Indic>100,100, /*{give me the Top } */ 

      IIf(Indic<-100,-100,Indic)); //{give me the Bottom }

      yl; //{my CCI }

      Plot(Zig(YL,200), "", colorBlue); //{my 

      Plot(yl, "", colorRed);

      //Plot(TroughBars(YL,200)==0,"", colorBlack,styleOwnScale);


YLTech ( Yves L. )
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mubashar Virk 
  Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 4:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [amibroker] Problem with the ZIG( 2nd TIME )


  I don't know. 
  Maybe Yves knows something new.

  On 12/26/2009 1:50 PM, Graham wrote: 
    What result do you get from a 200% zig? This makes no sense as you cannot 
get 200% change to create a peak point.

    Graham Kav
    AFL Writing Service

    2009/12/26 Mubashar Virk <>

      I think it is the same. Please see:
      Indic = CCI(21) ;
      YL = IIf(Indic>100,100,IIf(Indic<-100,-100,Indic)) ;
      Top1 = PeakBars(YL,200,1) ;//????
      Top2 = PeakBars(YL,200,2) ;//????
      Plot(yl, "Z-CCI", colorRed);
      Plot(Zig(YL,200), "ZIG", colorBlue);
      Plot(TroughBars(YL,200,1)==0, "", colorWhite, styleOwnScale); 

      On 12/26/2009 10:18 AM, Yves wrote: 
        Indic := CCI(21) ;

        YL:= If(Indic>100,100,

        If(Indic<-100,-100,Indic)) ;

        Top1 := PeakBars(1,YL,200) ;

        Top2 := PeakBars(2,YL,200) ;


        Zig(YL,200,%) ;

        {TroughBars(1,YL,200)=0 ;}



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