Hi all.
I have a minor (probably operator error) with the TLM software.
Is there a way to get the audio to feed through to the PC  speakers?   I've 
tried Spectran and Spectraview without problem, but  the ARISSat software 
does not appear to send audio out on my system. I cant  hear the radio as I 
have a jack in the headphone socket which mutes the radio's  speaker.
The software is working. I can decode the CW callsign and locator of a 2m  
beacon and the level is controlled nicely with the windows 'microphone' 
record  level.
It's not muted
It's got the correct input selected and the gain turned up.
But.....no audio out...so I'm just setting the frequency by visually  
putting the signal in the right place.
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