>Hi all
>would you please excuse my english.
>I'm from germany.
>My problem by using analog is the MS-Proxy-file format.
>It looks like that: (it's one line and 22 fields)
>, -, -, N, 13/02/99, 05:28:25, 1, -, -,, -,
>80, 45054, 381, 73, http, -, -,, -,
>Cache, 10060
>Is it possible to work with proxy-files?
>I'd try and try it but nothing goes.
>LOGFORMAT (%v, %u, %j, %j, %j, %d.%m.%y, %h:%n:%j, %j, %j, %j, %S, %j, %j,
>%j, %b, %j, %j, %j, %j, %r, %j, %c,)
>has somebody an idea?
Yes, I've used analog to analyse MS-Prcoy logs. I'm not in work today, but
will post my LOGFORMATs and a note of what all the fields are when I do so

I do some massaging of the logs before I analog them though.


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