Erick Otto wrote:

>  And did anyone ever try to set up a .cfg file for use with the

# Full MS-Proxy logformat
# LOGFORMAT : Client, UserName, (Agent), (Authenticate), Date,
#             Time, (Service), (ServerName), (RefServer), DestHost,
#             (DestHostIP), (Port), (ProcTime), BytesSent, BytesRcvd,
#             (Protocol), (Transport), (Operation), (URI), (MIMEtype),
#             (ObjSrc), ResultCode, (CacheInfo)

# All items on one line
#          Cl  UN  Ag  Au  D         T         Sv  SN  R   DH  DI  P PT
BS  BR  Pr  Tr  Op  UR  MT  OS  RC  CI

LOGFORMAT (%S, %u, %j, %j, %d/%m/%y, %h:%n:%j, %j, %j, %j, %f, %j, %j,
%j, %b, %j, %j, %j, %j, %r, %j, %j, %c, %j)

LOGFORMAT (%S, %u, %j, %j, %d/%m/%y, %h:%n:%j, %j, %j, %j, %f, %j, %j,
%j, %b, %j, %j, %j, %j, %r, %j, %j, 0, %j)

But since this was a lot of data, I ended up stripping out all the
unwanted fields from the source log file into something more like CLF.

I had a lot of problem trying to figure out what MS-Proxy meant by data
sent and data received. Try a
test with both the Bytes Sent and Bytes Rcvd fields if you want - I
assume these reflect the data sent to the desktop PC and the data rcvd
from the web server. I couldn't work it out from the log entries though.

The log also reports whether the data has come from the Internet, or
from Cache. You may want to separate these for analysis. I used a UNIX
shell script to do the filtering.

 Wallace Nicoll                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (Internet Services Team)
 City of Edinburgh Council IT Services,
 Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road,                Phone : 0131 469 5343
 Edinburgh, EH11 3YJ, Scotland                    Fax : 0131 469 5335
 [From overseas                  [P]+441314695343  [F]+441314695335 ]

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