Hi Guys,

I'm reading the source code of Android browser, try to figure out how
WebView render the webpage. In native
(external/webkit/WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp), seems the whole
webpage is stored in WebViewCore.m_content (a PictureSet). In every
onDraw, native just draw the PictureSet on canvas.

But I think the whole page is kind of a logical picture, why here use
a vector to store a bunch of Pictures (defined in PictureSet.h). What
are they for? When drag the webpage, why the rendering time of each
onDraw is different? I think if the webpage (or we can say Pictures)
is the same, rendering time should be same.

What's you guys opinion? Thanks for sharing.

Best Regards,
Blog: http://jiyu.wordpress.com.cn/
ezkeypad: http://ezkeypad.tool100.com/

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