hi developers

I am working on an android program to control an external hardware
and process camera images in the real time. The hardware interface
is an IOIO (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10585). It controls an
LED array to turn on and off. The software captures images from the
using setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer() and store a few image frames
per LED state. The camera thread and IOIO thread communicate
by wait/notify.

Unfortunately, I found that the saved camera frames are not
with the IOIO pin status; I can only get synchronized images when
I insert a Thread.sleep(delay>250) between toggling the IOIO pins
and signaling camera to start saving data.

At first, I suspected that this was caused by the communication
latency on the IOIO side. But per IOIO's author, Ytai Ben-Tsvi,
this is way too long compared to the expected latency (1~4ms), see


If IOIO is ruled out, I now start questioning if there is
a delay when the onPreviewFrame() is triggered.

Is there a way to quantify the latency of the onPreviewFrame
The surfaceview seems to get updated very quickly, but I don't know
how fast a displayed frame can be passed to onPreviewFrame() for

Any android documents discuss about this?


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