Hello everyone,

Wonder if anyone could shed some light/recommend a solution to this

In my app I use a notification type ringtone to notify users. I use
ringtone.play(); to play this. This works fine on my G1 (running 1.6)
but on my T-Mobile Pulse (1.5) the notification ringtone is just
repeated infinitely, even if I close the app.

I have tested it on a 1.5 emulator also and it works fine.

Is there a way I can force it to only play the ringtone once?

I have had a look through the documentation for Ringtone and
RingtoneManager but can't find anything to help me. I'm wondering if
there is a setting somewhere that makes it repeat until it is told to
stop (in the same way that a ringtone will loop for an incoming call)?.

Any help would be great.



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