On Jul 27, 9:11 am, WindowsNT <windows...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to build my own IDE to write android apps (to get rid of
> eclipse eventually) and I am not sure how to debug.
> OK to build, I got the apk, but what do I do after I have connected to
> port 8700 to DDMS ? Is there a description of the protocol that DDMS
> uses so I can use it programmatically in my IDE ?

Once you're connected to port 8700, your packets are just passed
through to the VM.  You should be using the Java Debug Wire Protocol


If you build the full android sources you can use the "jdwpspy"
utility.  If you put it between the IDE debugger and DDMS you can get
a raw packet dump of the traffic.

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