Use a different Thread that draws on the SurfaceView directly. You can
draw as fast and as immediate as your Thread allows.

- Get the SurfaceHolder of the SurfaceView.
- Every time you want to draw, begin by calling the SurfaceHolder's
-   This will give you a Canvas to draw on directly.
-   End this by calling unlockCanvasAndPost

You should be able to find some examples when you google
SurfaceHolder. Here is one such result:

On Mar 19, 5:31 pm, mcmc <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use java and android's 2D drawing APIs (no openGL) to
> draw to a canvas instantly.
> Right now, I am using the SurfaceView class (surfaceCreated,
> surfaceChanged, and surfaceDestroyed functions) to draw to a canvas,
> but it does not get called at the time I want it to.
> I understand that SurfaceChanged is called "immediately after any
> structural changes (format or size) have been made to the surface." If
> this is the case, how would I explicitly change the size or format of
> the surface to call SurfaceChanged instantly?
> If there is a better method to draw to a canvas instantly, such as not
> using the SurfaceView class (surfaceCreated, surfaceChanged, and
> surfaceDestroyed functions) or View class (onDraw function) entirely,
> that would be ideal.
> Can anyone help? this is urgent... and I've been stuck here for a very
> long time! :(
> Thanks! :)
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