I my main app and tests are organized like this (standard from
"android create project ..."):

  assets/     -- main app asset files
        AndroidManifest.xml -- uses <instrumentation> to point to the
main app
        assets/  -- test-specific asset files

Writing test cases with AndroidTestCase, I'd like to load asset files
from the test-specific assets/ directory, not from the main app
assets/ directory.  How can I accomplish that?

The normal way to load an asset would be getContext().getAssets().open
("foo.txt"), for assets/foo.txt in the main app.  I assume I just have
to somehow change the Context or the AssetManager to point to the test-
specific assets directory, but I don't see any way to do that.

I have looked into the tests/bin/MyApp-debug.apk to confirm that the
test assets are in there.  Now I just need a way to access them.


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