I had a user report this issue.  The app is designed to have the user
pick an image from the Gallery that gets put on the SD card for later

However, the user reported that the app instead sets the picture as
the wallpaper! Any ideas why this might happen?

The code for calling the gallery is below:

    void galleryCapture(){
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT, null);
        intent.putExtra("crop", "true");

        intent.putExtra("aspectX", 4);
        intent.putExtra("aspectY", 3);

        // We should always get back an image that is no larger than
these dimensions
        intent.putExtra("outputX", 480);
        intent.putExtra("outputY", 360);

        // Scale the image down to 480 x 360
        intent.putExtra("scale", true);

        // Tell the picker to write its output to this URI
        //SD_CARD_FILE_PATH is the full path to a file on the SD card
        intent.putExtra("output", Uri.fromFile(new
        intent.putExtra("outputFormat", "JPEG");

        intent.putExtra("noFaceDetection", true);

        startActivityForResult(intent, RESULT_GALLERY_CAPTURE);

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