
I have a very simple layout, a table with a single row containing two
textviews. The first textview has a short text and the second a long
text which needs to be wrapped around.

Unfortunately the wrap around does not work. In the first line of the
wrapped text the last word is missing a letter and in the second line
another letter is missing and even the word "3" is missing. 
So I get the text:

"Ein ganz langer Text der umgebrochen werde
 muss, der so lange ist, dass er auf mindesten
 zeilen verteilt werden muss"

instead of this text:

"Ein ganz langer Text der umgebrochen 
 werden muss, der so lange ist, dass 
 er auf mindestens 3 zeilen verteilt 
 werden muss"

Any ideas what I need to activate for the correct wrap around?
I tried many layout parameters but none helped.

I know I could get the same layout easier, but this is just a broken
down example. I want to use a table with maybe 5 rows and 2 columns
later on.

Thanks a lot, Fabian

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
                android:text="Ein ganz langer Text der umgebrochen
werden muss, der so lange ist, dass er auf mindestens 3 zeilen verteilt
werden muss"

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