[ANNOUNCE] Apache Parquet MR 1.6.0 (Incubating) released

2015-04-17 Thread Ryan Blue
of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF. -- Ryan Blue

[ANNOUNCE] Avro release 1.8.1

2016-05-23 Thread Ryan Blue
to everyone for contributing! -- Ryan Blue

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Parquet MR 1.9.0

2016-10-24 Thread Ryan Blue
-mr/blob/apache-parquet-1.9.0/CHANGES.md This release can be downloaded from: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/parquet/ Convenience Java artifacts are also available from Maven Central. Thanks to everyone for contributing to this release! -- Ryan Blue

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Iceberg release 1.0.0

2022-10-21 Thread Ryan Blue
to everyone that contributed to this release! -- Ryan Blue