The Apache Directory Team is proud to announce the availability of the
1.0.0-M26 version of the Apache Directory LDAP API.

The Apache Directory LDAP client API is an ongoing effort to provide
an enhanced LDAP API, as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP
API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).

This is a schema aware API, with some convenient ways to access a LDAP
server. This API is not only targeting the Apache Directory Server,
but should work pristine with any LDAP server.

It's also an extensible API : new Controls, schema elements and
network layer could be added or used in the near future. It's also
OSGi capable.

This release is just a security fix over the 1.0.0-M25 release : it
forbid the use of SSLV3 when using a secured LDAP connection (either
LDAPS or StartTLS).

Feel free to experiment, we highly appreciate your feedback !

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The Apache Directory Team

Emmanuel Lécharn

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